The Export Model window
- Export Model can be used in SDS2 Fabricating . Click here for help from the SDS2 Detailing manual. Be aware, when reading this help, that some capabilities that are discussed or linked to may not be available in the SDS2 review station that you are currently using.
- If you have a full Export Model license, the following export formats are included:
Bechtel WALKTHRU output
Steel detailing neutral file (for Intergraph's Framework program)
DXF (3D output for AutoCAD MEP, AutoDesk Revit MEP or AutoCAD)
DWG (3D output for AutoCAD MEP, AutoDesk Revit MEP or AutoCAD)
IFC2x3 (output is in the Industry Foundation Classes file format)
PML code generator (outputs separate files for plates and members)
VRML (3D format for VRML readers)
CIS/2 (outputs a CIS/2-compliant Part 21 file)
U3D (output is in the Universal 3D file format)
home > export > | interface > | interface