The Standard End Plates window ( Fabricator Settings )

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To open Standard End Plates :

A special requirement: Your current Fabricator needs to be the Master Fabricator in order for you to use the following methods to open this window.

Method 1 : Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > Standard End Plates .

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Columns on the Standard End Plates window :

Piecemark: The standard submaterial mark (up to 61 characters) that a full-featured SDS2 program assigns to non-moment end plates whose description matches the entries to this line.

Thickness: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) between the two faces of the plate that have the largest surface area.

t = thickness of end plate.

Setup: The " Minimum thickness " for end plates is set on the End Plate Settings window. If connection design is set to " Use the miscellaneous plates list " when designing end plates, any thickness that is entered here should match a thickness that is in the " Plate Thicknesses " list under the " End Plates " tab on the Plates setup window.

Width: The width of the end plate is automatically calculated from the " Horizontal Edge Distance " and the " Center to Center " hole distance.

Length: The length of the end plate is automatically calculated from the " Vertical Edge Distance ," " Row Spacing " and " No. of Rows ."

No. of Rows: The number of rows of holes in the end plate. Bolt rows run parallel with the flanges of the supported beam.

No. of Rows = ' 3 '.

Tip: Since an end plate has two hole columns, the number of rows on the end plate is equal to one half of the total number of holes.

Vertical Edge Distance: The vertical distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the horizontal edge (top or bottom) of the end plate to the center of the nearest hole.

Lv = vertical edge distance.

Setup: Connection design uses the " Vertical edge distance " that is set in End Plate Settings .

Row Spacing: The vertical distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) between the centers of any two adjacent rows of holes in the plate.

s = row spacing.

Setup: Connection design uses the " Bolt spacing " that is set for the bolt diameter, in Connection Detailing/Fabricator Options .

Horizontal Edge Distance: The horizontal distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the vertical edge of the plate to the center of the nearest hole.

Lh = horizontal edge distance. 

Setup: Connection design uses the " Horizontal edge distance " in End Plate Settings .

Center to Center: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) between the centers of the columns of holes on the plate.

g = center-to-center between columns of holes.

Setup: Connection design uses the " Center to center holes, wide gage " or the " Center to center holes, narrow gage " in End Plate Settings .

Hole Diameter: The diameter of holes (in the appropriate " Units " or other units ) that are in the end plate.

From TABLE J3.3, AISC Thirteenth Edition , p16.1-105
1/2 9/16 5/8 9/16 9/16
5/8 11/16 13/16 11/16 11/16
3/4 13/16 15/16 13/16 13/16
7/8 15/16 1 1/16 15/16 15/16
1 1 1/16 1 1/4 1 1/16 1 1/16
1 1/8 or > d + 1/16 d + 5/16 d + 1/16 d + 1/16

From TABLE J3.3M, AISC Thirteenth Edition , p16.1-105
M16 18 20 18 18
M20 22 24 22 22
M22 24 28 24 24
M24 27 30 27 27
M27 30 35 30 30
M30 33 38 33 33
M36 or > d + 3 d + 8 d + 3 d + 3

Setup: Connection design sets the hole diameters (width for slots) based on the hole type and the bolt diameter (see the above tables). It uses the " Standard hole type " on the End Plates Setup window. For non-moment end plates that are not auto standard, it uses the " NM bolt diameter " on the Beam Edit window. For auto standard end plates, it uses the " NM bolt diameter " on the Auto Standard Connections window.

Slot rotation: A positive or negative value from 90 to -90 degrees. This applies when the " Hole type " is ' Long slot ' or ' Short slot '. Slot rotations can be modeled to a precision of 0.1 degree.

Slot length: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) between the two points farthest from one another on the perimeter of a slot. This applies when the " Hole type " is ' Long slot ' or ' Short slot '.

slot length

Bolt diameter: The diameter (inches or mm) of the shank of the bolt to be used for connecting the end plate to the supporting member.


Hole Type: Standard round or Short slot or Long slot or Oversized round .

Setup: Connection design uses the " Standard hole type " in End Plates Setup for holes in end plates.

Type of Plate: Plate or Flat Bar .

' Plate ' should be selected if no listing on the Preferred Flat Bar Sizes window matches the " Thickness " and " Width " that is entered for this line on this window.

' Flat Bar ' should be selected if the Preferred Flat Bar Sizes window does have a listing that matches the " Thickness " and " Width " that is entered for this line on this window.

Setup: Plate material is used for end plates unless there is a suitable flat bar listed on the Preferred Flat Bar Sizes window.

Material Grade: Any steel grade from Home > Project Settings > Job > Plate Grades . These same steel grades appear in Flat Bar Grades . It does not matter if the " Type of Plate " is a ' Plate ' or a ' Flat Bar '.

Setup: To have as many end plates as possible assigned the " Piecemark " defined on this line, the grade selected here should probably be the " Plate material grade " that is set under the " End Plates " tab on the Plates window. The grade under that tab is used when the " End plate grade " for a connection is set to " Auto ."

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