The Output module

Here's an example of a script that generates Connection Design Calculations for all members in your current Job and sends them to the Output-Request Summary .

# creates calcs for all the members in job, sends them to the report viewer.

import DesignCalcs
import Output
import model
DesignCalcs.Export(Output.Destination(), model.members())

To get help on the Output module, you can use the SDS2 Python Prompt and the built-in Python functions dir() and help() :

SDS2 Python Prompt

>>> import Output                                    # import the module
>>> dir(Output)                                          # do a dir() on the module name
['CompressionType', 'Destination', 'DestinationType', 'EndLineType', '__doc__', '__name__', '__package__']

>>> help(Output.Destination)                    # help on Output.Destination
Help on class Destination in module Output:

class Destination(Boost.Python.instance)
| Method resolution order:
| Destination
| Boost.Python.instance
| __builtin__.object

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