C beam, left end, toe out

Click a point label ( A or B or etc.) to get an expression defining that point.

point   position on left end plane  mem.left.location + mem.trans_to_global(X,Y,Z)
  X   Y  Z
A   top corner of heel mem.left.minus_dim 0 0
B  heel, half depth mem.left.minus_dim  - mem.depth*.5 0
C bottom corner of heel mem.left.minus_dim - mem.depth 0
D top flange gage line mem.left.minus_dim 0 - mem.gage
E top flange, corner of toe mem.left.minus_dim 0 - mem.bf 
F web, toe of upper fillet mem.left.minus_dim - mem.k - mem.tw
G web, half depth mem.left.minus_dim - mem.depth *.5 - mem.tw
H web, toe of lower fillet mem.left.minus_dim - mem.depth +mem.k - mem.tw
I  bottom flange, corner of toe  mem.left.minus_dim - mem.depth - mem.bf
J half depth, aligned with channel toes mem.left.minus_dim - mem.depth *.5 - mem.bf

Columns on the above table :

point - the points ( A , B , etc.) in the above parametric point map are a few examples of reference points.

position on left end - entries to this column on the table describe (in words) the position where a particular point (A or B or etc.) is placed on the left end surface of a "toe out" channel beam.

mem.left.location + mem.trans_to_global(X,Y,Z) - an expression similar to this one is automatically entered to the " Point 1 " and " Point 2 " fields of the parametric material window that appears when you Add Material operation. The expression "mem.left.location" is the left end work point of the member. The operation "+ mem.trans_to_global(X,Y,Z)" defines individual X, Y and Z member coordinate distances and adds those distances to the member's left end work point in order to define a new point in global coordinates .

X is the X member coordinate distance from the left end member work point (mem.left.location) where the new point generated by the parametric will be placed. As illustrated above , a positive X distance translates the point away from the left end work point of the beam (the beam's 0,0,0 point ) and toward the right end, whereas a negative X distance translates the point in the opposite direction.

Y is the Y member coordinate distance from the left end member work point (mem.left.location) where the new point generated by the parametric will be placed. As illustrated above , a positive Y distance places the point above the top flange of the beam, whereas a negative Y distance places the point below the top flange.

Z is the Z member coordinate distance from the left end member work point (mem.left.location) where the new point generated by the parametric will be placed. As illustrated above , for a "toe out" channel beam a positive Z distance translates the point away from the heel of the channel toward the near side of the channel (off of the material), whereas a negative Z distance translates the point in the direction that the channel toes point. Note that all entries to the Z column above are either negative or 0.