Revert ( Modeling > Ctrl + r )
Tool summary :
Also see:
- Undo View Change (incrementally undoes transformations)
page 1 | contents | file > views/grids | file -- vews/grids | erection views
Step-by-step instructions :
1 . In Modeling , invoke the Revert View using any one (1) one of the following methods:
Method 1 : Click the Revert icon, which is pictured above. The icon can be taken from the group named ' File -- Views/Grids ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).
Method 2 : If " Modeling layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose File > Views/Grids > Revert .
Method 3, 4 or 5 : Revert can also be configured to be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the lightning interface, this configuration is done using Customize Interface . The default keyboard shortcut for Revert is Ctrl + r .
Method 6 : With Navigation Mode or Nav Once mouse bindings active, hold down the Shift key and middle-click ( Revert ).
2 . The program opens the saved-to-disk version of your current view. This undoes all view location transformations made to that view since you first Open ed it.
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