Column Splice Connections ("
Connection specifications " and more)
On this page :
- Information:
- Connection specifications:
Setup of column splices :
- Channel splice section size selection (channel splices)
- Connection material specs for channels (channel splices)
- Plates (setup window sets default grade by connection type)
- Bolt spacing (bolt spacing on flange plates, per bolt diameter)
- Max weld size for non strength connections (butt plates)
- Flange splice plate clearances (for columns with unequal depths)
Also see :
- Status Display ( Connection type > Splice )
user defined | auto std | column | system | top
user defined | auto std | column | system | top
------ " Connection specifications " for column ' Splice plate ' ------
" ![]() |
Column attachment: All-Bolted plates or Welded or Bolted/Welded plates .
In a full-featured SDS2 program . . .
' All-Bolted plates ' instructs connection design to create flange splice plates that shop bolt to the lower column. The columns being spliced can be a flanged shape such as wide flange, S shape or welded plate W. A " Butt plate " can optionally be shop welded to the top of the column shaft being spliced.
' Welded ' specifies that the two columns be field welded. The columns can be wide flange, S shape, welded plate W, welded plate box, pipe or tube. A " Butt plate " can optionally be added. For shapes that have flanges, an "
End preparations "' > " Top/bottom flange operation " > ' Cope field weld ' operation is automatically applied, and a " Channel web connection " can optionally be added. Field welds are generated in the 3D model for flanged shapes, but do not appear on the shop drawings ( member details ). The field welds may optionally be detailed on erection view drawings. Shop welds are generated for shop attachment of a butt plate as designated on the bottom column's detail and may optionally be shown on erection view drawings.
' Bolted/Welded plates ' instructs connection design to create flange splice plates that shop weld to the lower column and field bolt to the top column. The columns being spliced can be wide flange, S shape or welded plate W. A " Butt plate " can optionally be shop welded to the top of the column shaft being spliced.
In a full-featured SDS2 program . . .
If this box is checked (
), connection design creates a butt plate that shop welds to the top of the column being spliced.
If the box is not checked (
), a butt plate is not designed and, if ' Welded ' is selected for splicing columns with flanges, a " Channel web connection " can optionally be designed. Exception: For flanged columns of unequal depths with bolted splice plates, connection design creates a butt plate even when this box is not checked.
In a full-featured SDS2 program . . .
If this box is checked (
), connection design creates web connection plates for columns that are spliced together with ' Bolted ' flange splice plates. The plates are designed on both the near and far sides of the column web. Note: Increasing the " Horizontal shear " on both columns increases the plate thickness and number of rows of bolts in the web plates.
If the box is not checked (
), no web plates are designed. Exception: You may get web plates if a " Horizontal shear " load has been entered.
Channel web connection: or
. This option applies to flanged columns that are field ' Welded '. Flanged columns are, for example, wide flange, S shape and welded plate W columns.
In a full-featured SDS2 program . . .
If this box is checked (
), connection design splices together the webs of the two columns with NS and/or FS channel sections. The channel section size is selected based on column nominal depth and weight per Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > Column splice setup > the " Channel splice section size selection " table. The channel(s) shop bolt to the bottom column (when " Channel lower connection " is ' Bolted ') and field bolt to the top column.
If the box is not checked (
), the two columns continue to be field ' Welded ', but without a channel web connection.
Channel lower connection: Bolted or Welded . This applies to flanged columns when the option " Channel web connection " is turned on (checked).
In a full-featured SDS2 program . . .
' Bolted ' instructs connection design to shop bolt the channel web connection to the lower column and field bolt to the upper column. The connection is auto detailed with the lower column.
' Welded ' specifies that the lower part of the channel web splice be shop welded to and detailed on the lower column. The upper part of the channel web connection is field bolted.
Channel connection side: Near side or Far side or Both . This " Connection specifications " option sets the side(s) of the column web on which the channel is to be attached. The near side of a column with zero rotation is the web that faces the bottom of your computer screen in a plan view. For column shafts over 30 feet long or over 100 lbs per foot, channels are designed on both sides of the web regardless of the choice made here.
In a full-featured SDS2 program . . .
' Near side ' fastens the channel connection to the near side web of the column.
' Far side ' fastens the channel connection to the far side web of the column.
' Both ' instructs connection design to create a channel connection on both sides of the column web.
Splice plate grade: Auto or user-entered .
In a full-featured SDS2 program . . .
Auto (checked) ' specifies that connection design apply a setup choice ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > Preferred Plate Sizes > the " Splice Plates " section > " Plate material grade ").
Auto (not checked) ' indicates that a user of that full-featured SDS2 program has selected the steel grade that is shown as selected in the list box (
Gap between upper and lower column: Documentation in progress . A distance between the upper and the lower columns being spliced. In a full-featured SDS2 program , this applies to a " Non-bearing splice " only when the Design Settings > " Connection Design Method " is ' EUROCODE 3 ' or ' EUROCODE 3 UK '.
Inner flange plate: This applies to column splice connections with ' All-Bolted plates '. Each column " Section size " must be a flanged shape such as wide flange. Fill plates may be designed if the upper and lower columns are different section sizes.
In a full-featured SDS2 program . . .
' Automatic ' instructs connection design to apply the choice made at Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > Column Splice Settings > " Use inner flange plates ."
' Yes ' specifies that connection design attempt to design inner flange plates and, where necessary, fill plates for column splice connections. The length of such inner flange plates is always equal to that of the outer flange plates.
' No ' turns off the design of inner flange plates for column splice connections.
Connection design locks: "
Inner flange plates "
user defined | auto std | column | system | top