File Locations ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > File Locations )
This utility provides the file path to specific items that are stored in your current Job .
1 . Make sure that your current Job is the Job that you want to find file paths for.
1a : Click the Utility Functions option " File Locations ."
2 . A selection window appears with a listing of the types of items that you can select for finding the restore path for. These items are:
details (member details)
job standard details
detail sheets
gather sheets
erection sheets
erection views
sheet outlines
global standard details
user defined connections
output configurations
CNC configurations
submaterial details
reference drawiings
local shape file
global symbols2a : Double-click the category that the items you want file paths for falls under.
3 . A selection window opens. On it is a listing of all files of the type you selected in step 2 that are in your current Job (or, in the case of global standard details and global symbols, in the data directory used by your current version of Site Planning).
3a : Select the names of the files that you want the restore path for, then press the " OK " button.
4 . The report viewer opens. The names of each of the items you selected in step 3 are listed along with the file path to those items.
4a ( optional ): Press " OK " if you want to save text file of the report to disk. You will then have to choose where you want the file placed.
4b ( optional ): Press " Print " if you want a print-out of the report.
4c : Press " OK " to exit the report viewer when you are done reviewing the report on screen (or printing/saving it).
5 . The same selection window that appeared in step 2 becomes active again.
Alternative 1 : Follow these instructions beginning with step 2 to find additional file paths.
Alternative 2 : Press " Cancel " to end the File Locations operation.
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