" Top Extension Plates " & " Bottom Extension Plates " connection design locks

" Top Extension Plates " locks are for a column with a base plate to the top flange of a beam. " Bottom Extension Plates " locks are for a column with a cap plate to a beam's bottom flange. Extension plates are designed for erection purposes, for when a column plate extends beyond a beam flange.

(column with column plate to a W beam's top or bottom flange with flange extension plates)
(beam " Section size " = W or welded plate W or other material type with flanges)
(" Input conn type " = ' User base/cap plate ' or ' Auto base/cap ' or ' Auto standard ' or ' User defined ')
" Use extended stiffeners " (auto base/cap plate)
or " Use extended stiffeners " (user base/cap plate)
" Top Extension Plates "
( the column must frame to a beam )

" Bottom Extension Plates " (not shown) is the name of the leaf that contains connection design locks for a column with a cap plate to the bottom flange of a beam. To visualize that framing situation, mentally rotate the picture shown at left 180 degrees.

Related locks :
Stiffener Plate (not shown at left)
Column Plate (user base/cap - beam)
Column Plate (auto base/cap - beam)

user defined | column review | top

Connection design locks :

  Top Extension Plates / Bottom Extension Plates

Plate dimensions

Plate length ( length ):

Plate width ( width ):

Plate thickness ( thick ):

Top of plate:


Weld to beam flange type ( weld ):

' Single bevel groove ' was selected as the " Weld to beam flange type " in order to generate this example from a detail showing extension plates welded to the top of a beam flange. .

Weld to beam flange size ( weld ):

This example is from a beam detail. To generate this example, ' 1/2 ' was entered as the " Weld to beam flange size ."

user defined | column review | top