Girt (Secondary)
Tool summary :
- Adds a secondary girts vertically between horizontal girt supports, from a support girt to the floor, or with no supporting members.
- The secondary girt can generate a connection to a supporting girt that it frames to. Choices that you make on the Secondary Girt window define the connection.
- Two work points are required to lay out a secondary girt. The points need to be in vertical alignment. If you try to locate two points that are in non vertical alignment, the second point is automatically translated to be in vertical alignment with the first located point. Secondary girts are perfectly vertical girts.
- To add a secondary girt in a plan view, you can locate the same point twice then adjust the [Bottom End] and/or [Top End] " Elevation " on the Secondary Girt window.
- To add a secondary girt in an elevation view, you can enter the points in any order. The point that you locate with the lowest elevation becomes the [Bottom End] " Elevation ." If you want the secondary girt to frame to supporting girts, be sure that the supporting girt's worklines are within the work plane of your view.
- If the secondary girt frames to a supporting girt , the secondary girt will be automatically rotated to a 90 degree angle to the supporting girt.
- Connection material will be provided to the secondary girt when the " Connection type " is ' Angle ;' however, holes are not matched nor bolts added unless it frames to a girt.
- The bottom end of the secondary girt is always the left end, regardless of the order in which you place its points.
To invoke Add Secondary Girt :
In Modeling ,
Method 1 : Press F2 > check the box for "
Miscellaneous steel " > double-click " Girt (Secondary) ."
Methods 2, 3 & 4 : A Secondary Girt icon can be added to your toolbar (classic) or ribbon (lightning). The icon, keyboard shortcut or context menu command can be found in the group named ' Model -- Member '. For lightning, Customize Interface is used to configure ribbons, keyboards, the context menu and modes.
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