Intersection Cons Line/Real Line (INCR) ( Modeling & Drawing Editor )

Tool summary :

Also see :

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   Examples :

For second point location with INCR , a temporary construction line may be generated at 45° increments through the noticed point that is closest to the real line ( line or polygon side ).

The green pointers in this illustration show intersections of construction lines with polygon sides . INCR could be used to locate a point at any one of these intersections. It can also be used to locate a point where a construction line intersects a line .

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   Locating a point using INCR :

1 . Invoke Construction Line Add or Add Bevel Symbol or Add Line or any other tool that permits the use of INCR as a Locate option.

2 . Various Locate options become active, and the status line prompts you to locate a point.

2a : Select the INCR icon , or choose Locate > Intersection Cons Line/Real Line .

2b : Place the mouse pointer ( ) so that the point location target ( ) snaps to the point of intersection of a construction line or construction circle with a line or a polygon side or an arc or a circle that is nearest to the mouse pointer. The X-Y-Z display shows the coordinates of the point. Left-click ( Locate ) to locate (place) a point at the center of the target.

2c : Continue to perform the operation you began in step 1.

Tip: For second point location in the operation you began in step 1, you can optionally type in a distance and/or angle to constrain the second point to the typed-in distance/angle from the first point. The distance/angle you type will be shown in brackets [ ] in the status line .

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