v2018 Enhancements
SDS/2 Detailing
v2018.00 to v2018.20
v2018 Enhancements :
- Help
- Connection design
- End connection failure messages
- New and enhanced tools and capabilities:
- Improvements to Modeling edit windows:
- Improvements to Job, Fabricator and User Options
- Shape files
- Automatic detailing
- Input/Output (including reports)
- Utilities
- Custom Properties
- Parametrics (v2017 & v2018)
An extensive effort has been made to make the Index page more comprehensive, more easy to scan, and easier to search. To search for key words in the index, you can use your browser's Find tool (probably Ctrl+f ).
' ASD15 ' ' LRFD15 ' and ' CSA11 ' can be selected as the " Connection design method ."
Sloping bolted moment end plate connections (
) are now supported. They can be designed on sloping beams and to sloping columns.
A gusset plate can now be designed for a vertical brace framing to a beam-column when the beam has a fully welded moment connection (
). Also, sloped fully welded moment connections can be designed, and an axial load can be applied to such a connection.
When ' Standard connection ' is selected as the " Connection arrangement " for a wide flange vertical brace whose " Web orientation " is ' Vertical ', four different configurations are supported: 1) Web plates only. 2) Web channels only. 3) Web plates with flange angles. 4) Flange angles only. These are controlled by the "
Connection specification " options " Web connection type " (
) and " Flange connection type " (
). Setup for ' Automatic ' connections is done using the Design Criteria options " Wide flange vertical brace gusset web connection " and " Wide flange vertical brace gusset flange connection ."
' Built-up plates ' can be selected as the " Material type " (
) when the " Input connection type " is ' Shear '. Non-auto standard connections of this type can be made into moment connections. A built-up plates shear connection cannot be designed for skewed framing situations.
' Double paddle plate ' is a new connection type for HSS braces (pipe or tube). See " Pipe/tube end-fitting " (vertical brace) and " Pipe/tube end fitting " (horizontal brace). The two paddles fit into notches in the HSS brace and field bolt to the two sides of the gusset plate. Spacers that are the thickness of the gusset plate are inserted in the notches between the two paddle plates. You can find double-paddle " Spacers " locks in the "
Brace Connection to Gusset HSS Paddle " leaf for to top flange or web and perpendicular and 2- or 3-point and intersection and corner .
A single-plate shear connection framing skewed to the supporting member can now be beveled per the AISC 14th Edition, pages 10-176 and 10-177. See " Bevel shear plate as required " (
) in Fabricator Setup > Standard Fabricator Connections > Shear Plate Setup and " Bevel shear plate as required " (
) in "
Connection specifications ."
Non-moment beam-to-beam splice plates can now be applied as auto standard.
Maximum bolt diameter limitations have been removed for many connection types. The following end connection failure messages no longer apply.
• Maximum bolt diameter is 1 1/4 in; 31 mm (beam seat, clip angle)
• Bolt diameter is greater than 1 inch; 25.4 mm (bent plate, shear tee, shear thru plates, non-moment end plates)
• Bolt diameter is greater than 1 inch; 25.4 mm (horizontal brace gusset plate).
• Maximum bolt diameter is 1 1/4 in; 31 mm (vertical brace gusset plate).
For other connection types, bolt diameter restrictions still apply. The following end connection failure messages still apply:
• Bolt diameter is greater than 1.5 inches (moment end plate)
• Bolt diameter is greater than 24 mm (moment end plate)
• Maximum bolt diameter is 1 1/4 in; 31 mm (auto base/cap plates)
Connection design can now create 2-point seismic vertical brace gusset plates. The option " AISC seismic 1st ed. 2pt gussets " -- which can be found under "
Connection specifications " on the Vertical Brace Edit window -- sets whether the design is based on the 1st or 2nd edition of the AISC seismic design manual. Setup for when ' Automatic ' is selected follows the choice made to " Use AISC seismic design 1st edition for 2 point gusset design " in Job Setup > Design Criteria .
You can "
Force " a hanger connection to be designed on a column by selecting ' Clip angle ' or ' Shear ' as the column's " Input connection type ." Forced user defined hanger connections and auto standard hanger connections can also be created. Hanger connections fail with the message " Hanger connections not supported . " Forcing the connection does not clear that message.
When 1st edition seismic 2-point vertical brace gussets are designed, the user has additional "
Gusset 2 Point " locks for adding stiffeners.
For single, 2-point, or 3-point horizontal braces welded to a beam web, one or two stiffeners may be added when " Check supporting member web stress " is set to ' If required ' in a horizontal brace's "
Connection specifications ."
For single, 2-point, or 3-point vertical braces welded to the web of the supporting member, one or two stiffeners may be added when " Check supporting member web stress " is set to ' If required ' in a vertical brace's "
Connection specifications."
For 2-poiint " Seismic brace ," a "
Web Doublers " leaf becomes available on the Vertical Brace Edit window so that users can add web doublers. The leaf is populated automatically when required. For 2-point non-seismic braces, that same design check that is used for seismic braces can be applied -- thus resulting in web doublers -- when " Check supporting member web shear " is set to ' If required ' in a vertical brace's "
Connection specifications."
For a vertical brace or 2-point bracing to a column web, a "
Stiffener Plate " leaf becomes available. The leaf may be populated automatically when the column web is sufficiently thin and the brace or braces are " Seismic " or the option to " Check supporting for web stress " is set to ' If required ' in "
Connection specifications."
End connection failure messages :
Joist bearing shoe slot edge distance less than setup minimum
Joist bearing shoe length is not sufficient to accomodate bolts to support
Joist bearing shoe diameter is too small to accomodate bolts to support
Joist shoe depth is less than required minimum
Joist shoe extends beyond top chord
Joist bearing shoe bolt edge distance less than minimum slot edge distance
Steel to steel connections cannot be designed in a concrete station
Column web doubler width does not fit column
Column web doubler thickness less than minimum required
Column web doubler weld size less than minimum required
Column flange stiffener weld size less than minimum required
Column flange stiffener length less than minimum required
Column flange stiffener length not fit the column
Hangar connections not supported ( beams ) ( columns )
Steel to steel connections cannot be designed in a concrete station
Connection depth is less than required minimum
Connection will not fit in beam
Valid schedule entry required for steel to concrete wall connection
Distance to first row less than minimum required
End plate interferes with beam bottom flange or cope
Locked beam web doubler length less than angle length
Extended clip and web doubler not used together
Weld size is less than minimum required
Bolt edge distance on flange angle not within reqd min/max values
Welded tee to supporting weld strength exceeded
Welded tee flange-web weld strength exceeded
Locked dimension is less than iminimum allowed
Moment bolt row in 4/8-bolt pattern end plate should not be modified
Seated connection weld fails in shear ( beams , joists )
Seated connection stiffener fails in buckling ( beams , joists )
Plate seats:
Seat length less than minimum required ( beams , joists )
Seat width less than minimum required ( beams , joists )
Bolt gage not within required min/max values ( beams , joists )
Bolt edge distance on flange plate not within read min/max values
Bolt column on flange splice should be 1 only
Beam stiffener strength exceeded
Member moment strength exceeded
Web splice plate fails in gross shear
Bolts on web splice fail in shear
Connection will not fit column
Vertical braces:
Seismic brace web doubler failure
Seismic brace not allowed with 3 point braces
Gusset to supporting clip angle connection not allowed for seismic
2nd Edition Seismic (2012) 2 point gusset geometry fails
Paddle plate won't fit inside HSS brace
Invalid bolt spacing ( vertical brace , horizontal brace )
Clip is not bolted to HSS beam with paddle plate (beam)
Paddle plate weld strength exceeded (beam)
Incompatible web and flange connection types
Input minus dimension is bigger than allowable field bolt gap in setup
Member must frame into a concrete member
Inadequate col/bm web strength under gusset
Web doubler thickness exceeds 2 * tw
New or improved tools in Modeling :
In Status Display , you can select ' Member ' or ' Ends ' or ' Left ' or ' Right ' as the item to be color coded . This allows you to, for example, color code only the ends of members that have failed connections.
The Drawing Editor can be launched from within Modeling with a toolbar button named " Drawing Editor ." It can be found in the " Command group " called ' Interface ' in Toolbar Configuration for Modeling .
" Change base/cap plate weld pattern " is a new Change Option .
A Dictionary for Custom Components is new to Advanced Selection .
Custom components:
- Beam Ridge Plate (
Custom members
- BentPL
- Sag Rod (
May be added as miscellaneous members or material:
- Reference Member (a way to model a concrete slab for reference, without connectability)
- Reference Profile Layout (a way to model a concrete wall for reference, without connectability)
" Steel Weight " and " Reinforcing Weight " can be placed as toolbar items to report the tonnage of steel and concrete reinforcement in your model. They can be found in the " Command group " called ' Decorations ' in Toolbar Configuration in Modeling .
Under the " Command group " called ' Model ' in Toolbar Configuration , you can find the following:
In the " Command group " called ' Model-Parametric ' in Toolbar Configuration in Modeling , you can find the following tools for adding or modifying handrail:
Whole HandRail Post Spacing (
Handrail Tools (a drawer of tools)
You can now instruct Main Menu > Modeling to directly open a default erection view, without your having to select an erection view on a selection dialog. See " Use as default ."
Model > Material > Mark/Unmark submaterial CNC downloaded gives you another way to invoke the Chang e option that has this same name.
New tools and capabilities in the Drawing Editor :
" Save As " (
) " Rename " (
) and " Delete " (
) buttons let you rename drawings in the Drawing Editor 's drawing selection dialog. For erection views, these buttons are also available in Modeling . The " Save As " button is disabled ( grayed out ) for erection views.
A "
Color " (
) can be applied to a drawing layer. If "
Show layer colors in Drawing Editor " is turned on in User Options > the " Highlighting " tab, objects that are on that particular layer are automatically shown in that color, making it easy for you to identify which objects are on the particular layer.
Arcs can be added using five new tools, each of which corresponds to an unique input method:
The Arc Edit window now has an option called " Relocate center of arc " (
In versions of SDS/2 software prior to v2018, ellipses were rotated circles. Now circles and ellipses can be added using several new tools, each of which corresponds to an unique input method: The Ellipse Setup window is a new edit window for ellipses.
- Radius (
- Diameter
- 2 Point
- Tan Tan Radius (
- Ellipse Add Center (
- Ellipse Add Axis End (
- Offset (for adding concentric circles or ellipses)
A new set of tools are also available for adding construction circles to drawings :in the Drawing Editor . The Construction Ellipse Edit window is a new edit window for construction ellipses.
" Included angle " and " Relocate center of arc " are new options on the Arc Edit window.
Shield , Trim (
) and Extend (
) now work with lines, arcs, circles and ellipses. Ellipses and circles become arcs when operated on with these tools.
In pre-2018 versions of SDS/2 software, all workpoint symbols, pointer arrowheads and dimension terminals were a predefined size, and users could not change the size. Now users can set the predefined size in Fabricator Setup and change that size on object edit windows:
- Size of arrowhead ( Pointer Edit window)
- Size of dimension terminals ( Edit Dimension window) (
- Symbol size ( Workpoint Edit window
On the Weld Input window, " Stud settings " for " Size " " Count " and " Pitch " add information to the weld symbol that is drawn when ' Stud ' is selected as the arrow side " Weld type ."
The Display Options window can now hide or display Rebar Runs and Rebar Items .
The Detail Sheet Autoloading window, which can be opened from the Main Menu, Drawing Editor & Modeling , has a new option for " Include detail's submaterial " (
). When turned on (checked), the option adds to the sheet a detail's submaterials along with the member detail.
Edit > Edit Piecemarks > Change User Piecemarks to System now automatically triggers the Assigning Piecemarks phase of Process and Create Solids so that members previously assigned the user piecemark can potentially be assigned different system piecemarks.
New returns can be defined for cold formed C and cold formed Z materials. The new section size properties that can be defined in Shapes Properties govern the bends, angles and lengths for these new returns.
![]() |
d = depth
t = material thickness r = inside radius wg1 = web gage 1 wg2 = web gage 2 wg3 = web gage 3 |
bfa = bttm flange angle
bfw = bttm flange width bla = bttm lip angle bll = bottom lip length blra = bttm lip return angle blrl = bttm lip return length bf1 = bottom flg gage 1 bf2 = bottom flg gage 2 |
tfa = top flange angle
tfw = top flange width tla = top lip angle tll = top lip length tlra = top lip return angle tlrl = top lip return length tg1 = top flange gage 1 tg2 = top flange gage 2 |
![]() |
d = depth
bfw = bttm flange width
tfw = top flange width
tla = top lip angle tll = top lip length tlra = top lip return angle top = top lip return length tg = top flange gage |
Enhancements on member edit windows :
Beam Edit window: An " Embed schedule entry " (
) can be when the " Input connection type " is ' Clip angle ' or ' Shear ' or ' Bearing ' or ' Seated ' or ' Bent plate ' or ' Plain end '. In earlier SDS/2 versions, such an entry could only be made for ' Clip angle ' and ' Shear ' connections.
Beam Edit window: A bearing plate or angle or channel embed can be created by selecting ' Bearing ' as the " Input connection type " and making an " Embed schedule entry " (
). You are permitted to make an " Embed schedule entry " only if that beam's end frames to a concrete wall or, if you have a concrete license , to a tilt-up panel. A "
Beam End Pocket " leaf contains locks that control the construction of the beam pocket in the concrete wall. The connection is not a designed connection. The bearing plate or bearing angle embed is a custom member, not a part of the beam, even though it can be changed on the Beam Edit window by changing the " Embed schedule entry ."
Beam Edit window: The " Bolt diameter " and " Bolt type " in the "
Moment " leaf now apply to moment end plates.
Beam Edit window: Under "
Connection specifications ," the option to " Bevel shear plate as required " (
) is new. The option can also be can also be set, in Job Setup , for auto standard and user defined connections.
Beam Edit window: Under "
Connection specifications ," the option " Embed plate location " sets whether the embed is in the wall or flat to the wall's surface. The option can also be set, in Job Setup , for auto standard and user defined connections.
Column Edit window: "
Connection specifications " are available for both hanger clip angles and hanger shear connections . "
Leafs" containing connection design locks are also available for both hanger clip angles and hanger shear connections .
Column Edit window: Under "
Connection specifications ," " Weld pattern " (auto base/cap plates" is entirely new in name and also has some new functionality. The original name was " Weld all around plate ."
Embed Plate Edit window: " Support offset " (
) lets you move an embed up or down with respect to the beam or joist that the embed plate is associated with.
Hand Rail window: " Grab bar only " (
) is new.
Horizontal Brace Edit window: Under "
Connection specifications ," ' Double paddle plate ' is a new option for " Pipe/tube end fitting ." When " Check supporting member for web stress " (
) is set to 'As required ', beam web stiffeners may be designed.
Joist Edit window: In pre-v2018 SDS/2 software, under the "
Connection type " leaf, ' Plain end ' could be selected as a joist's " Input connection type " (
) in order to instruct connection design to attempt to create a bearing connection. Now, instead, ' Bearing ' needs to be selected to create a bearing connection. Selecting " Bearing " when a joist top chord frames to a concrete wall creates a joist pocket in the concrete. A "
Joist End Pocket " leaf contains locks that control the construction of the joist pocket.
Joist Edit window: A joist seat can weld to an embed plate when the joist " Input connection type " is ' Seated ' and the joist frames to a concrete wall and a top chord embed " Schedule entry " (
) has been selected under "
Connection specifications " . In that same leaf, the top chord embed " Location " sets whether the embed is in or outside the wall.
Joist Edit window: A joist bottom chord stabilizer plate or stabilizer angle can weld to an embed plate when the bottom chord has been extended and the joist frames to a concrete wall. In "
Connection specifications ," the bottom chord embed " Schedule entry " (
) and " Location " control this functionality.
Joist Edit window: Under "
Connection specifications ," a new option for " Vertical stabilizer angle " (checked or not checked) lets you specify whether a stabilizer angle is to be oriented horizontally or vertically. Under the same leaf, " Use erection hole " lets you eliminate the erection hole from a joist bottom chord stabilizer plate. Eliminating the hole also eliminates the " Erection hole diameter " lock that would otherwise be found in the "
Joist Stabilizer Plate " leaf.
Vertical Brace Edit window: Under "
Connection specifications ," ' Double paddle plate ' is a new option for " Pipe/tube end-fitting ." When " Check supporting member for web stress " is set to 'As required ', web stiffeners may be designed.
Vertical Brace Edit window: Under "
Connection specifications ," the following options are new: " Web connection type " (
) (for wide flange), " Flange connection type " (
) (" Angle end fitting ") " Check supporting member for web shear " " AISC seismic 1st ed. 2pt gussets ."
New Vertical Brace Edit window leaves for connection design locks include "
Web Doublers " and "
Stiffener Plate ."
Under Auto Standard Connections setup, ' Splice plate ' can be entered as the " Input connection type " for any of the following framing conditions: " Chan Beam to Chan Beam (splc) ," " Tube Beam to Tube Beam (splc) ," " WFlg Beam to WFlg Beam (splc) ," " WFlg Beam to PGrd Beam (splc) ," " PGrd Beam to PGrd Beam (splc) ," " SFlg Beam to SFlg Beam (splc) ."
New options in Design Criteria include " Use alternate weld pattern for single sided clip angle " (
), " Wide flange vertical brace gusset web connection " (' None ' or ' Web plates ' or ' Channels ') (
), " Wide flange vertical brace gusset flange connection " (' None ' or ' Flange claw angles ') (
) and " Use AISC seismic design 1st edition for 2 point gusset design " (
" Weld seal size " is new to Weld Design Criteria .
" Hole allowances based on " (' Job units ' or ' Bolt units ') is a new option in Bolt Design Criteria . This option was also available in v2017 SDS/2 software.
The Field Clearance Information window has two new options for steel to concrete connections: " End and pocket clearance " and " Pocket grout thickness ."
The Job Option " Degrees for job north " can be set on the Create New Project window that opens when you Main Menu > Change Project > " New ..."
In Connection Detailing/Fabrication Options , under " Bolt detailing options ," you can set the bolt clearance for tightening based off of bolt diameter for a " Small tension controlled tool " or a " Large tension controlled tool " or a " Non-tension controlled tool ." You can also set the " Tension controlled tool type " (
Shear Plate Setup has a new option called " Bevel shear plate as required ." When checked, shear tabs framing skewed to the supporting member are, by default, beveled per the AISC 14th Edition, pages 10-176 and 10-177. " Bevel precision " is a related option.
Also new to Shear Plate Setup is an option to " Cope dissimilar thru plate sides (
)." A related option is " Cope radius ." Another option for shear plates is " Free edge thru plate projection (
Cap Plate Setup now lets you set the " Width rounding precision " for transverse beam stiffeners.
Gusset Plate Setup lets you enter a " Corner clip size ."
A " Use erection hole " column on the " Joist type specific settings " table in Fabricator Setup > Standard Fabricator Connections > Joist Setup controls whether or not an erection hole is used for joist stabilizer plates when ' Automatic " is selected for the same-named option in a joist's "
Connection specifications ." The setup table configures whether or not the hole is used on a per-joist-type basis.
In Member detail/Fabricator Options , under the " Columns " section, new options for thru shear plate notches have been added. These are " HSS notch radius " and " Total notch width clearance ."
Also under the " Columns " tab, a new option named " Preferred baseplate view orientation " gives you the choice of a ' Bird's eye view ' or a ' Worm's eye view '.
Under the " Vertical Braces " section in Member Detailing/Fabricator Options , " Intersection gusset notch preparation " and " HSS double paddle clearance " and " Maximum web stiffener thickness " are new. " HSS notch radius " now has an '
Auto ' check box.
Under the " Horizontal Braces " section in Member Detailing/Fabricator Options , " Maximum web stiffener thickness " and " HSS double paddle clearance " are new.
A new " Colors " tab (
) has been added to Drawing Cosmetics . On it are options for applying colors to layers during auto detailing or when a new comment layer or new non-comment layer is created.
In Drawing Cosmetics under the " Sizes " tab, " Size of pointer arrowheads " sets the size of arrowheads for all subsequently added pointers, including auto detailed pointers. Similar options are available for " Size of dimension terminals " (
) and " Size of workpoint symbols ."
" Member piecemark labels font " and " Member piecemark labels font style " and " Member section size labels font " and " Member section size labels font style " are new to Drawing Cosmetics > the " Fonts " tab.
" Bolt callout " and " Nut callout " are new to the Bolt Detailing/Fabricator Options window.
" Lightning Rail compatible " is new to Drawing Export Configuration .
Fabricator Setup > Sheet Loading Settings > " Include detail's submaterial " sets the default choice (
) that is made for Detail Sheet Autolaoding .
Fabricator Setup > Material Isolation Presets > " Generate unrolled view when applicable " lets you set whether or not ' SURFACE TEMPLATE ' is listed in member isolation's view list for a particular material type. When ' SURFACE TEMPLATE ' is in that view list, Detail Submaterial will generate a view showing an unrolled surface template when applicable.
User Options > the " Modeling " tab now has an option called " Show member add options bar " (' Disabled ' or ' Top ' or ' Bottom ') (
). When ' Top ' or ' Bottom ' is selected, extra space is allocated on your top or bottom toolbar to provide feedback and options related to the adding of beams , (
), columns (
), vertical braces (
) and horizontal braces .
" Always show Circle Edit window " (
) and " Always show Arc Edit window " (
) are new to User Options > the " Interface " tab. When turned off (not checked), circles and arcs can be added without their edit windows opening.
" Show layer colors in Drawing Editor " and " Show layer colors on PDFs " are new to the " Highlighting " tab.
" Preserved color " (
) and " Unpreserved color " (
) are new to the " Colors " tab. They pertain to the new option for member detailing to " Preserve user modified BOM " (
The number of " Processors to use for detaling " can be specified under the " System " and " Site " tabs in User Options . The choice made under the " System " tab overrides -- for that individual user -- the choice that is made to the " Site " tab.
" Preserve user modified BOM " (
) is a new option on the Member Annotations and Dimensioning window for detailing of members.
' All (update drawing piecemarks) ' is a new option for " Preserve existing drawing annotations ."
" Field welds " (
) (
) is a new option for detailing erection views. When it is checked (
), you also have the option to " Show field weld lengths " (
" Add overall dimension with above/left grid dimensions " instructs erection view detailing to automatically add an overall dimension when two or more left/right dimensions have been added. A similar option is " Add overall dimensions with below/left grid dimensions " Another related option is " Add overall dimension to section view grids "
New options on the Detail Erection Views window that are related to concrete and rebar include: " Concrete member style " " Line styles " (for concrete members) " Rebar member style " " Show concrete hatching " " Scale " (for hatching) " Where applicable, generate individual rebars instead of Rebar Run objects when the associated number of runs is less than or equal to "
Auto detailing of members, submaterials and erection views now creates a new layer named " User Adjusted ." When a Drawing Editor user edits a hole symbol, dimension, weld symbol, or bevel symbol that is on a " System Annotation " layer, that object is automatically moved to that drawing's " User Adjusted " layer. In Fabricator Setup > Drawing Cosmetics > the " Colors " tab, you can specify a color for the " User Adjusted " layer, so that you can more easily track changes that have been made to drawings. The " Colors " tab in Drawing Cosmetics also has options for assigning a color to the " Reference Dimension " and " User Annotation " and " System Annotation " and " Outline " layers, which also affect auto detailing.
When detailing erection views, the elevations of concrete pad footings, when different from the view elevation, are now marked when the " Show elevation on member " option on the Detail Erection Views window is set to ' Absolute ' or ' Reference '. Options under " Left Elevation " on the Erection View Cleanup window let you change these elevation marks.
AP203 and AP214 STEP and IGES models can now be imported to Modeling via DesignLINK . They are imported as reference models and can also be imported using Model > Reference Model in Modeling . STEP and IGES part files can also be imported via the Part Library Manager . The import formats were also available in later v2017 SDS/2 software.
ModelLINK can export AP203 and AP214 STEP and IGES files. The export formats were also available in later v2017 SDS/2 software.
A part library fastener (" Part Type " = ' Fastener ') can be added as a miscellaneous member by pressing F2 and selecting " Miscellaneous - Library Part Fastener " on the Member Type Selection window.
A part library fastener (" Part Type " = ' Fastener ') can be added as a submaterial of a member by pressing F3 then selecting the member to add the part to, then selecting " Part Library Fastener " on the Material Type Selection window.
" Trust material weight in file " is new to DesignLINK for importing an ' IFC2x3 ' file.
New " Export options " appear on the Drawing Conversion window for " Export coordinate measure " and " Export format " and " AutoCAD version " and " Stack fractions " and " Fill holes " and/or " Lightning Rail compatible ." These let you temparily override same-named options found in Fabricator Setup > Drawing Export Configuration .
Concrete and shaped rebar custom material attributes are now available to Report Writer .
" Part Type " (' Material ' or ' Fastener ') is a new option in the Part Library Manager utility. The two types are handled differently in the bill of material and also have different tools for input to the model.
The Copy Job utility (v2017) is now named Copy Jobs (plural). It lets you select multiple Jobs from different repositories and copy them into a single repository. The new Jobs (copies) can be given different names than the original Jobs that they are copies of.
A new " Flavor " called ' Modular ' can be selected on the Create New Project window that opens when you Home > " Change Project " > " New ..." Also, the ' Default ' flavor is a modular flavor. The old legacy flavors are still available, but they will likely be phased out over time. The modular flavors (
) and legacy flavors are incompatible with one another. You cannot change flavor types in the middle of a project. Modular flavors are more user friendly.
A new option named " Manage Plugins " is available in Job Setup when your current Job's flavor is a modular flavor. Manage Plugins (
) can be used to activate those sets of SDS/2 properties that you want to be used in your current Job.
If your current Job's flavor is a modular flavor, a new window that is named Edit Properties (
) opens when you press the " Properties " button for members (
), materials , bolts , holes or welds . An Edit Properties window also opens your current job -- not with a " Properties " button -- but when you press the " Job Contents / Properties " button on the Main Menu or make the appropriate choice in Modeling .
New toolbar items, menu options and keyboard shortcuts have been added in Modeling that you directly access member, material, hole, bolt and weld custom properties without first having to access the member, material, hole, bolt or weld edit window. These are Model > Member > Properties and Model > Material > Properties and Model > Hole > Properties and Model > Bolt > Properties and Model > Weld > Properties . The member properties of a group member can be accessed directly by using Model > Group Member > Properties .
The Add/Edit Schema Entry window (
) is a new window that is a composite of pre-v2018 windows named Add Schema Entry and Edit Schema Entry . When you press the " Add " button (
) on the Edit Schema window, a new window named New Schema Entry opens. Entering the new schema entry's name and type on that window then pressing " Next " opens the Add/Edit Schema Entry window.
A new schema entry can be added to a " User Namespace " set of schema entries (
). If your current Job uses a modular flavor (entered at Project-creation time), any new schema entry that you add to the " User Namespace " automatically generates custom property entry fields at appropriate locations -- for example, on member edit windows -- throughout your current Project without your having to mess with a Python script.
Modular custom property plugins can be created by users. To assist in the creation of such plugins, developers can use files contained in the plugins/SDS2/examples/ModularCustomPropertyExamples folder (
) that is found in the v2018 SDS/2 data directory.
In pre-v2018 SDS/2 software, turning on certain member schema entry options would automatically mark all members in your current Job for piecemarking or detailing. Now checking the box for "
Use to split piecemarks " (
) or "
Add to member detail " (
) does not necessarily mark all members for piecemarking or detailing. When you press the " OK " button on the Edit Schema window, v2018 opens a yes-no dialog that gives you the option to do the marking or not. If you want to forego the marking without getting the yes-no dialog, you can press " Cancel ."
Multiline " is a new option on the Add/Edit Schema Entry window. It applies when the " Type " of schema entry is ' String '. If checked, it creates -- on the Edit Properties window -- a large entry field that permits line-return formatting using the Enter key. More than a thousand characters are permitted to a ' String ' custom property field, regardless of whether or not that field is multi-line.
The Delete Project Items utility can be used to delete modular as well as legacy Custom Properties (" Job Schema " and/or " Member Schema " and/or etc.).
Parametrics (PRs are from v2017 & v2018):
New attributes have been added to the help pages for the model and job modules. Since many of these "new" attributes were actually introduced to these modules in pre-v2018 versions of the software, they are not marked as new. Also, some obsolete attributes have been removed.
PR 22429 A new attribute "custom_member_type" is defined on member objects in advanced selection. The value of this attribute is a string that represents the type of the member; it can either be one of the strings defined for built-in member types (such as 'Vertical brace') or the string defined by a custom member type (such as 'AnchorRod'). To find out the string value for a specific custom member, refer to that custom member's documentation. (v2018)
PR 39319 Parametrically added material can now be added as dummy material and will not show up in the bill of material but will still be detailed. Set mtrl.dummy = "Yes" (v2017)
PR 39376 An error is now generated if the @Plugins.HiddenBytecodeCallable decorator for encrypting Python code (parametric/plugin development) is applied to a class rather than a function. (v2017)
PR 39423 In parametrics, improved performance computing model .ShortestSegmentBetweenModelObjects for objects with many small triangles. (v2017)
PR 39427 A new toolbar widget has been added to the Python Commands module called Flyout. The new toolbar widget can be used to create a drawer of multiple tools in the same plugin. (v2017)
PR 39645 Additional items have been exposed to the Drawing module for python. From Drawing import RenameDrawing, CreateDrawing, SaveAs, SearchAndReplace, SheetAutoload. See python help for documentation help( SearchAndReplace ) (v2017)
PR 39708 Joists cannot be assigned a non-joist section size from member edit or parametrics. (v2017)
PR 39777 When ' member .MultiMemberLocate' is canceled by the user, Python will now receive a dialog.ResponseNotOK exception. In previous versions, the result was "SystemError: error return without exception set". (v2018)
PR 39802 In parametrics, bars can be added with a "depth/thickness reference point" via the rolled_mtrl_ref_pt attribute. The accepted string values are the same as a plate's `origin` attribute., e.g. FlatBar().rolled_mtrl_ref_pt = 'NS'. The attribute was already available in the model module, but beware the int value of the enumerated type only matches the int value of `origin` value for 'NS'. The int value for 'Center' and 'FS' are switched. (v2017)
PR 40018 In parametrics, 'S Shape' now works as a parameter to job .Job().steel_grades. Base Plate Shear Key component now works with S Shape section sizes.(v2017)
PR 40162 Caged Ladder will now work with Euro jobs. Previously the European grades were not available to the python API (v2017)
PR 40313 Parametric developers may now make use of job .Job().steel_grades_dsgn("...") to get steel grades appropriate to the current job's design method (Euro, AS4100, etc.) without having to make that determination for themselves. (v2017)
PR 40840 In the Python API, sds2.sub_mtrl .SubMaterialReference returns an instance of CustomSubMaterialReference for custom material. (v2017)
PR 40843 From the Python API, after adding a clevis and turnbuckle the guids will be available from the added objects. (v2017)
PR 40969 Updated the default bolt diameter for connections to be PIP compliant. The model module now offers exp_vert_bolt_spa on shear tab connections. The valid values are model.Auto, model.Yes, model.No. The integer representations for these values are 0, 1, 2, respectively. Clip angle and end plate connection types, which have had this attribute exposed are now updated to accept the new range of values: model.Auto, model.Yes, model.No. (v2017)
PR 41046 The SDS2 Python module sds2.utility .gadget_protocol defines model controllers (SyncSubDialogController and SyncModelCompleteSubdialogController) that can synchronize names from one gadget leaf (or banner) to another. SubDialogController instances can create dialog.pusher.Pusher instances and dialog.sync_pusher.SynchronizingSource instances to help create entries and rules across different gadget_protocol controllers. See methods SubDialogController.SourcedPusher and SubDialogController.SynchronizingSourceForName. (v2017)
PR 41458 All parametric material add features, e.g. rect_plate .RectPlate, rolled_section .RolledSection, etc., can be converted to a MaterialBase.BuiltinMaterial instance via a new method BuiltinMaterialAddFeature(). From there, all the normal MaterialBase and BuiltinMaterial APIs, like polygon generation, apply. For example:
import Polygon
import rect_plate
from sds2.obj import vis_ptrp = rect_plate.RectPlate()
rp.Width = 6.
rp.Thickness = .25
rp.color = 'Medium_material'
rp.WorkpointSlopeDistance = 12.
builtin = rp.BuiltinMaterialAddFeature()
poly = builtin.CreatePolygons()
with Polygon.Preview(poly) as preview:
(v2017)PR 41727 Read access to Job Options -> Default Modeling Colors is exposed to Python via job .Job() object with methods default_color_beam, default_color_column, default_color_vbrace, default_color_hbrace, default_color_other, default_color_conn, default_color_field_bolt, default_color_shop_bolt, default_color_field_weld, default_color_shop_weld. (v2017)
PR 41768 Added ability for the Python API to provide custom annotations during point location via overloading OnBestAnnotatePoint3D and OnBestUnAnnotatePoint3D on derived classes of Locator .Locator3DBase. (v2017)
PR 41843 In the Python model module, updated the internal accuracy for determining if two polygons touch to .0001" from .01". This change impacts ShortestSegmentsBetweenModelObjects, MinimumDistanceBetweenModelObjects, and DoPolygonsIntersect. (v2017)
PR 41875 The SDS/2 python prompt now has an auto complete feature. When a user starts to type something in the prompt, a list of possible completions will be displayed. Users may select completions from this list. (v2018)
PR 41998 Previously through the python API, running SheetAutoLoad() and SearchAndReplace() in the same modeling session would error with a RunTimeError. This problem has been fixed and will now allow for Search and replace on a sheet that was created by SheetAutoLoad(). See the Drawing module. (v2017)
PR 42171 For component developers, previously components could opt out of being copyable by overriding Component .CanBeCopiededToOtherMembers and that would apply to component copy, component move, and member copy. Now components can be more fine grained when they will permit copy/move. CanBeMovedToOtherMembers applies to component move and will default. CanBeMovedWithMember applies to member copy. For backward compatibility both are defaulted to CanBeCopiedToOtherMembers. (v2017)
PR 42181 For comboboxes on Python screens, the number pad/key pad enter key now behaves like the return key. (v2017)
PR 42193 Parametric developers can now specify a custom polygon line snap mode for Locator3D via Locator3D.SetCurrentSnapONPL(polylist). For example:
import Locator
from Point3D import Point3D
import Polygon
from sds2.iterators import all_mtsdef get_poly():
return Polygon.PolyList(next(all_mts()).poly)def acquire(locator, poly):
locator.SetAnchorGlobal(poly.snapshotSide(0, 0).location)
pt = Point3D()
with Polygon.Preview(poly):
return locator.AcquireShowPoint(pt), ptdef main():
l = Locator.Locator3D()
acquire(l, get_poly())if __name__ == '__main__':
(v2017)PR 42372 In the Python API a material's custom_material_type can be read from the model module and sds2.sub_mtrl modules. (v2017)
PR 42421 Updated the lockable module to correctly interpret the top/bottom flange operation type on a connection component. The "groove angle" end preparation field will now be reported as an angle in degrees instead of radians. (v2017)
PR 42693 Fixed a bug in python dialogs with Modified rules running before every widget had been given a value, and even before some widgets were ready to start receiving new values (so user code couldn't reliably call Set() in a Modified callback). (v2018)
PR 42701 Parametrics job module will now recognize design method CSA11, LRFD15 and ASD15. (v2017)
PR 42775 Fixed a bug in the Python component API where MissingComponentsForMember() was not being called when adding custom members in the member add tool. (v2017)
PR 42842 The shear tab connection specification "Bevel shear plate as required" has been added to member edit, auto standard and exposed via the model and member parametric modules. (v2018)
PR 42852 Fixed an assertion error in the Python API when creating polygons for a plate_layout .PlateLayoutBuiltinMaterialAddFeature. (v2017)
PR 43185 The Python API job .Job().steel_grades(...) now returns correct grade information for EUROCODE 3 UK. (v2017)
PR 43250 In the Python API sds2.obj .aabb_pt and aabb_m are no longer recursive and as such no longer are prone to maximum recursion errors. (v2017)
PR 43358 In the Python API's, Proxies defined in Designable .Proxies now have an OnSolidsException method which allows subclasses to have custom exception handling when the underlying solids operation is called and generates an exception. (v2018)
PR 45463 The Python API Intersect3D can be used to create SimpleShapes for a member's local bounding box.
sds2.iterators and sds2.lists introduces functions for finding members and materials based on the Intersect3D module.
model.DoPolygonsIntersect leverages the speed optimizations in Intersect3D.
sds2.obj introduces convenience functions for visualizing bounding boxes.
PR 43628 The Python API view .ViewFactory will now throw a RuntimeError when passed in an 'up' vector that isn't perpendicular to the 'looking' vector. If the two vectors are perpendicular then the resulting view will have a valid and clean view matrix. (v2017)
PR 43832 Cold form section bends have been exposed via the shape parametric module. (v2018)
PR 43703 In the Python API, a component 's member number is now set during the EditBeforeAddingToMember call back. (v2017)
PR 44622 In the Python API ( sds2.utility ), Components can now be edited during GadgetMember multi-edit. GadgetComponents can opt out by overriding MultiCreateUIFoldID() and return None. Otherwise, GadgetMember will group all the components of the same class and MultiCreateUIFoldID() together during multiedit. The default GadgetComponent.MultiCreateFoldID implementation is to return the fully qualified class name of the component. (v2018)
PR 44764 Fixed a bug in the Python API where the Designable package failed to find material created by a Processable that was broken apart into a linked miscellaneous member. (v2018.09)
PR 44871 In the Python API fixed a bug in Component .ReplaceLiveComponentsWithCopy that prevented components from being saved. (v2018.09)
PR 44894 In the Python API, users can browse a subset of the shape file. See help( SelectionDialog .RunMaterialFileSelectionDialog) for more information. The dialog .choose_file.ChooseMtrl can support similar functionality via attributes for a list of shapes and browser title. (v2018)
PR 45100 Calling GetPolygons() on a MaterialBase material that is not yet in the database now returns None if the material does not yet have polygons. (v2018)
PR 45178 In the Python API, non-navigation tools will be disabled during Layout3D .get_Layout3D and the default Component .Component.SetReferencePointForMemberUI() implementation. (v2018)
PR 45284 Fixed a regression in the Python Designable .Proxies API where field bolts were incorrectly being added as shop bolts. (v2018.09)
PR45397 Detail sheet auto loading through Drawing .SheetAutoLoad has been fixed. Previously a python warning would occur stating no sheet outline specified. (v2018)
PR 45463 The Python API Intersect3D can be used to create SimpleShapes for a member's local bounding box. sds2.iterators and sds2.lists introduce functions for finding members and materials based on the Intersect3D module. model .DoPolygonsIntersect leverages the speed optimizations in Intersect3D. sds2.obj introduces convenience functions for visualizing bounding boxes. (v2018)
PR 45883 Custom material surface area is now customizable by overriding the CalculateSurfaceArea() method of MaterialBase . (v2018)
PR 46240 It is now possible to set routings above 40 via model .ChangeOneMaterial. (v2018)
PR 46318 During process, plugins can add views to the misc. members that they create via the BreakApartMaterials API. (v2018)
PR 46769 The Python MaterialBase API allows custom materials to be set to dummy material via the 'is_dummy' attribute. (v2018)
PR 46959 The following Member Detailing/Fabrication Options have been exposed via the parametric API fab modlule:
Vertical braces:
1. HSS notch width clearance: vb_hss_notch_width_clear
2. HSS notch radius: vb_hss_notch_radius
3. Automatic HSS notch radius: auto_vb_hss_notch_radius
4. Intersection gusset notch preparation: vb_hss_notch_prepColumns/ Shear thru plates:
1. HSS notch width clearance: shear_hss_notch_width_clear
2. HSS notch radius: shear_hss_notch_radius
3. Automatic HSS notch radius: auto_shear_hss_notch_radius (v2018)