System Connections ( designed connections)

System connections are designed per the selected " Connection design method ."

Method Design Specifications
' ASD14 ' AISC Steel Construction Manual,
Fourteenth Edition
' ASD13 ' AISC Steel Construction Manual,
Thirteenth Edition
' ASD 9 ' AISC Manual of Steel Construction, Allowable Stress Design, 9th Edition
' LRFD 14 ' AISC Steel Construction Manual,
Fourteenth Edition
' LRFD 13 ' AISC Steel Construction Manual,
Thirteenth Edition
' LRFD 3 ' Manual of Steel Construction, Load and Resistance Factor Design, 3rd Edition
' CISC 10 '
CISC Handbook of Steel Construction,
Tenth Edition
' CISC 9 ' CISC Handbook of Steel Construction,
Ninth Edition
' CISC 8 ' CISC Handbook of Steel Construction,
Eighth Edition

System connections are designed based on the applied loads.

Beam  Loads -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
  Shear load   Tension load
  Story shear   Compression load
 Moment load  

  Column Loads ------------------------------------------------------------------ --
  Load   Splice uplift
  Moment   Horizontal shear

  Horizontal Brace Loads ----------------------------------------------------- --
  Tension load   Compression load

  Vertical Brace Loads   --------------------------------------------------------- --
  Tension load  
  Compression load  

  Joist Loads ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --

System connections can be graphical :


System connections can be forced :


System connections can be reviewed on the Connection Component window:

With the ' Connection Components ' filter or ' Default ' or ' All ' filter selected, double-click a system connection material to open the Connection Component window for that connection.

A failed connection is a system connection that failed the limit-state strength capacity testing that takes place during connection design and, as a result, produced a connection failure message such as the following:

 Beam web shear capacity failed

Design calculations are available for system connections.

Other connection types :

Other ways to get connections (in a full-featured SDS2 program)

job options | user defined | auto std | top