Rename Job ( Utility Functions )

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Step-by-step instructions :

1 . Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > Rename > Rename Job . If prompted to do so, enter the " Utility Password " that has been set up for your network.

2 . The Rename Job dialog opens.

Repository : Select on this list box ( ) the repository where the Job you want to rename is stored. The repository for your current Job is the file path that is selected by default.

Original job name: The name of the to-be-renamed Job. The name you enter must exist in the " Repository " selected above. Type in the name of the Job you want to rename, or press the "file cabinet" browse button ( ) to get a selection dialog listing all Jobs that exist in the Job repository selected above. Double-click the name of the Job that you want to rename.

New job name: Type in the name (up to 64 characters) that you want to replace the " Original job name " entered above. Job file names can be made up of letters and/or numbers with "_" or "." used as optional separators. The new Job must be the only Job with that name in the selected repository.

Alternative 1 : Press " OK " to close this window and continue this renaming of the Job. Go to step 3.

Alternative 2 : Press " Cancel " to close the window and end the Rename Job operation without renaming the Job. Do not continue.

3 . One of the following happens:

Alternative 1 : This utility renames the Job as you have specified, and you get a message saying that the Job was " successfully renamed ." Press the " OK " button.

Alternative 2 : The utility does not rename the Job because it has found that a Job with the name entered to " Original job name " already exists in the selected Job repository. You get a message saying " New Job name must be an unique name ." Press the " OK " button and go back to step 2.

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