Widgets and Graphics on Windows (topics)

"Browse" and "file" buttons Selection dialogs: "Clear" & "Select All"
Check box Selection dialogs: "Destination"
Connection changed message Selection dialogs: "Find"
Connection design locks Selection dialogs: "Hide" & "Show All"
"Copy" "Paste" "Save" "Load" buttons ( ) Selection dialogs: "Print"
Grayed out fields (disabled or mixed) ( ) Selection dialogs: "Save" & "Load" ( )
Job repository menu Selection dialogs, selection on
Layer selection menu Selection dialogs: "Show unavailable sizes"
Leaf Selection dialogs: " Status Display " ( )
Line type buttons (printing and display) Selection dialogs: "Sub-Members"
Member end connection failure messages Selection dialogs: " Detail Views " ( )
Pen buttons (for printing) Selection dialogs: " Primary, " etc. ( )
Progress bar Selection dialogs: " Show for detailing "
Radio buttons Selection dialogs: " Use as default " ( )
Scroll bars Selection dialogs: " Show site planning "
  Selection files
  Submaterial mark index numbers
  Text insertion bar (cursor)
  VCR buttons

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"Browse" button and "file cabinet" browse buttons

  • The " Browse... " button lets you browse your entire network for a file. For example:

  • The "file cabinet" browse button ( ) can be used to:

  • A special case :

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A check box (any Modeling or Drawing Editor edit window)

  • A check box has basically two distinct settings. It can be checked ( d) or not checked ( ).
  • A check box is filled with a black square ( ) to indicate mixed entries .
  • When a check box for a particular option is checked ( ), then that particular option is selected. In the above example, " Sequence " and " Member type " are selected.
  • Many check boxes can be checked ( ) at a time.
  • Check boxes typically operate independently of one another. Checking one check box in a group will typically not affect the checked-or-not-checked state of the other check boxes in the group. You can find situations, however, where a check box serves as a master control for other check boxes, enabling or disabling those check boxes.
  • For more information, see making entries to windows in SDS2.

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Connection changed messages (some member edit windows in Modeling )

  • A connection changed message can appear on the edit window of any member with a SDS2 connection designed connection. Specifically, such a message can appear on a Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit or Joist Edit window. Such a message can appear on either or both the left- or right-end " Information " leaf on that window.
 Conn changed. Possibly: Angle vs Plate 

  • To get the connection changed message above, the user set the " Seat material " for a beam seat to ' Unstiffened L ' or ' Stiffened L '. But connection design could not find an angle in the Preferred Angle Sizes list that would work. Instead of failing the connection, connection design created a beam seat made of plate material.
  • In general, a connection changed message tells you that connection design or checking framing situation has overridden some setting related to the connection on that particular end of the member.
  • For example, connection design may have overridden a " Connection specifications " setting in order to design a connection that works.
  • You also may get a message like this when the " System designed connection " on a member's edit window is different than the " Input connection type " for that same end of the member.
  • Here's a script for Advanced Selection that selects members whose design has changed:

# Selects all members whose design has changed, either end.
any(m.Ends).DesignHasChange == True

  • Here's a script for Advanced Selection that selects beams set to have wide gage end plates that connection design changed to be narrow gage:

# Selects beams with end plates changed: wide to narrow gage.
m.Type == Beam
and any(m.Ends).Designed.TypeDescription == EndPlate
and any(m.Ends).Input.IsWideGage == True
and any(m.Ends).Designed.IsWideGage == False

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Connection design locks (members in Modeling )

The connection design locks in this example are in leaves named " NS Clip " and " FS Clip " and " Beam Web Doubler ."

What are connection design locks? They are lockable fields that allow users to modify connection design parameters. They appear on edit windows for members. You can also find connection design locks when you create a user defined connection in setup and on Connection Component Edit windows for member end connections. Since member " End preparations " are lockable fields, they should also be considered to be connection design locks. Connection design locks are grouped under leaves with various names.

To change a setting, first set it to locked ( ). When you make your change to a connection design lock field, you trigger connection design to re-design the connection. Related settings that are unlocked ( ) will be updated, and the " Left/Right end limit state " calculations will be updated. Settings that are locked ( ) will not be changed by connection design, even if doing so might prevent a connection failure. For a connection design lock that is unlocked ( ) , connection design employs built-in calculations or looks to Home > Project Settings to determine the setting it needs.

Links to connection design lock documentation:

More links (by connection type):

Connection design locks cannot be changed when the " Connection " is set to graphical on that member's Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit or Horizontal Brace Edit window.

Search Options, Change Options and Status Display:

" Lock All " and " Unlock All " buttons at the top of the " Left end settings " or " Right end settings " sections on member edit windows can be used to lock ( ) or unlock ( ) all connection design locks within those sections.

Button Location
" Lock all " Beam Edit window
" Lock all " Column Edit window
" Lock all " Horizontal Brace Edit window
" Lock all " Vertical Brace Edit window
" Lock all " Joist Edit window

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" Copy " " Paste " " Save " " Load " buttons (form buttons)

VIDEO Shear thru plates can be designed with an axial load. Form buttons are used to " Copy " settings from the right end of one Beam Edit window and " Paste " them to the left end of the Beam Edit window on the opposite end of the shear thru plate connection.

Shown here is a partial representation of the Weld Input window in the Drawing Editor .

General rules:

  • The position of these "form" buttons on a window tells you what settings they apply to. When these buttons are at the top of a window, they apply to all settings on that window. When they are at the top of a section, they apply to only those settings in that section.
  • On some windows, "form" buttons that apply to all settings are placed at the bottom of the window, next to " OK " and other buttons instead of at the top of the window. This is done for cosmetic reasons when the window has a tree widget for opening and closing leaves.
  • You can Copy and Paste (or Save and Load ) only same sections on same-type windows. You can't, for example, copy sections from a beam to a column.
  • You can copy equivalent left sections to right sections on the same window or to different windows. For example, you can copy from the " Arrow side " to the " Other side " on the Weld Input window (pictured above).
  • Copy and Paste use the same clipboard as Ctrl+C (which may be used to copy the contents of an individual field). Copy in the Drawing Editor stores information on a different clipboard.
  • Forms are stored in the data directory that is used by your current version of this program.

The buttons:

  The " Copy " button. Press this button to copy to the clipboard all settings in the section (or window) that this button appears at the top of. If a field is grayed out due to mixed entries , " Copy " treats that field as having no entry.

  The " Paste " button. Press this button to paste the contents of the clipboard to the section (or window) that this button appears at the top of. A paste only takes place if the settings recorded on the clipboard fit perfectly into the section. If the contents of a field are grayed out due to mixed entries , a single entry will be pasted to that field.

  The " Save " button. Press this button to copy to a "form" file all settings in the section (or window) that this button appears at the top of. If the contents of a field are grayed out due to mixed entries , " Save " treats that field as having no entry.

  The " Load " button. Press this button to load any form that has been saved. The contents of that form will overwrite all settings in the section (or window) that this button appears at the top of only if the form was originally saved from an equivalent section. If the contents of a field are grayed out due to mixed entries , a single entry will be entered to that field.

Tip: Right-click a " Load " button to get a list of recently created forms that can be applied to the section which that " Load " button governs. Selecting the name of a form from the list populates the fields in that section with the form settings that were saved under that name.

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Grayed out fields

VIDEO Grayed-out entries are shown on a member multi-edit window. The gray identifies when a field has mixed entries. Newer version member edit windows may look different, but mixed entries ( ) and disabled fields ( ) are still grayed out in similar ways.

In the following example, fields are identified are identified as being disabled ( ) or having mixed entries ( ) or enabled ( ). Be aware that fields with mixed entries are also enabled, though they are not marked as such in this example.

When a field is disabled ( ), you cannot make any changes to it. However, you can usually enable a field by making a different selection to another field on the same window. In the above example from the Beam Edit window, you could enable " Toe direction " and " Long leg " and " Double material " by entering an angle as the " Section size ." Buttons on windows, tools on toolbars and menus -- as well as fields on windows -- may become disabled and enabled.

When a field has mixed entries ( ), you can make an entry to it. The entry will be applied to all of the items being edited, and the contents of the field will no longer be covered with a gray block. The contents of a text-entry field or menu ( ) field are covered with a grey block to indicate mixed entries. A check box is filled with a black square ( ) to indicate mixed entries.

When a field is enabled ( ) , you can edit it. Tools, as well as fields, may be disabled or enabled. For example, Locate tools become enabled only when you perform an operation that requires them.

When mixed fields include disabled entries, those fields are disabled. For example, if you " Lock End " under the left end of a beam's edit window, then multi-edit that beam and other beams, you will find that the left-end fields are all disabled on the Beam Edit - Multiple window.

Also see: To edit multiple objects ( Drawing Editor ). To edit multiple members ( Modeling ). You can also edit multiple materials or multiple bolts or multiple holes or multiple welds in Modeling .

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A Job repository menu is available whenever you have the option to select a Job. It lets you select the file folder (repository) from which you can select the Job.

folder ( ) for storing jobs

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The layer selection menu appears on edit windows for objects in the Drawing Editor . For example, you can find it on the Edit Label window, which opens when you double-click a label.

  • This menu lists the " Name " of each of the drawing layers in your current drawing. Comment layers are disabled (grayed out) on the selection menu to prevent objects from being moved from non-comment layers.
  • Use this menu to select the layer that the object being added or edited will be drawn on. If that layer happens to be hidden (not marked " Show "), the object disappears after the first Redraw .

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A leaf is a collapsible section of a member edit window, a Connection Component Edit window, or of windows for custom components . Leaves hold user-editable settings and read-only information. In this documentation, the term "section" is often used to refer to a leaf.

A collapsed leaf:

An expanded leaf:

To expand a collapsed leaf, simply click on the right-pointing triangle ( ) or its associated label. The triangle will change to a down triangle ( ), and the leaf will expand so that all settings that are stored in that leaf are shown.

To collapse an open leaf, simply click on the down triangle ( ) or its associated label. The triangle will change to a right-facing triangle ( ), and the leaf will collapse, hiding the settings and taking up less space.

You can also collapse and expand leaves by using the navigation tree, which can be found in the left panel on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit windows, as well as other member edit and connection component windows.

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Line type buttons (Drawing Editor)

  • Line type buttons are a type of radio button . They can be found on edit windows in the Drawing Editor as well as some setup windows. For example, they appear on the Circle Edit window when you double-click on a circle or do an Add Circle .
  • The button that is pressed sets the line type (dash pattern) of the object that is being added or edited.
  • The first button (shown selected in this example) is a continuous (not-dashed) line.

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Member end connection failure messages

 Beam web shear capacity failed

Some basics:

  • A connection failure message may appear for the left end and/or right end of a Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit or Horizontal Brace Edit or Joist Edit window. They may also appear on Connection Component Edit windows.
  • The message informs you the reason that connection design has failed a connection on that particular end of the member.
  • The message is displayed on the left half of the edit window if it applies to the " Input connection type " on the left end of the member.
  • The message is displayed on the right half of the edit window if it applies to the " Input connection type " on the right end of the member.

Click any of the following links for a complete listing of the end connection failure messages that can be generated for that type of member:

Why connections fail:

  • Connection design first designs the minimum setup connection and checks it to see if it stands up to loading conditions and meets the design code standards associated with the " Connection design method ."
  • If this first attempt at designing a connection does not work, the connection is run through connection design again, at which time connection design may increase the number of bolt rows or bolt sizes or material dimensions.
  • If connection design reaches the maximum number of bolt rows or maximum bolt size or maximum connection material dimensions and the connection still is not safe, the program "fails" the connection and makes the connection a plain end .

Advanced Selection: The following script selects all members with failed connections on either end. It works like the " Failed Connections " search option.

#Selects members with failed connections on either end:
any (m.Ends).ConnectionHasFailed == True

Parametric module: ConnectionFailError
Status Display: Search > Failed connection . ( )
Search: Search for members with failed connections .( )

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Pen buttons for plotting ( Drawing Editor )

0.25 0.5 0.7 0.35 1 2   3
<= recommended pen widths ( mm ) =>
  • Pen buttons are a type of radio button that can be found on edit windows in the Drawing Editor and on some setup windows. For example, they appear on the Circle Edit window when you double-click a circle or do an Add Circle .
  • The button that is pressed sets the printing pen number (and also the on-screen display color) of the object that is being added or edited.
  • Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Line Weights lets you set up the line thickness and line color per drawing pen. The default Line Weights sets SDS2 details to be printed using black lines.
  • Pen buttons affect the printed stoke weight (thickness) of the ' SDS2 ' font . They do not affect TrueType fonts .

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A progress bar appears during operations such as Process and Create Solids , Detail Members , Detail Submaterial , Detail Member Groups and Verify and Fix .

  • A progress bar window is employed during automated operations that involve the opening and closing of numerous files in your current Job .
  • While the progress bar is active, you should not make any changes within your current Job that might interfere with the changes that SDS2 is performing automatically.
  • For most operations done in multi-user environments, potential conflicts are prevented by simply not opening files that are currently in use. For example, Process and Create Solids will not act on a member whose edit window is open, and Detail Members will not detail a drawing that is currently in use.
  • When the operation is done, the progress bar window will close automatically if the box is checked ( ) for " Close when done ." If the window does not close automatically, you can close it by checking that same box or by pressing the " OK " button. You can then proceed to work within your current Job.

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Radio buttons

Usually radio buttons are circles that are either filled or not filled with a black dot ( = selected; = not selected). Pen buttons for plotting and line type buttons are other types of radio buttons.
  • For a selection field that uses radio buttons, one radio button must be selected (filled in) at a time. Also, only one radio button can be selected at a time.
  • Selecting a different radio button deselects the radio button that is currently selected for that field. Clicking a line selects the radio button for that line.
  • For more information, see making entries to windows in SDS2.

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Scroll bars appear on certain selection dialogs, information windows and entry windows. They let you scroll up or down, thus bringing additional information into view. To scroll, drag the bar, or click an arrow head, or click a blank area you want the bar to move to.

Tip: Your mouse wheel is an excellent alternative to scroll bars, if you mouse is so equipped.

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Selection dialogs : " Clear " & " Select All "

" Clear " and " Select All " buttons can be found on almost any selection dialog that allows selection of multiple items.

" Clear " is useful when User and Site Options > General > " Classic selection lists " is on (checked). " Clear " deselects all items in the list. You may also want to press " Clear " before you " Load " a selection file since currently selected items remain selected after a selection file is loaded. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + k does the same thing as pressing " Clear ."

" Select All " does the same thing as using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + a . It selects all items in the list.

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Selection dialogs : " Destination "

The " Destination " is " Screen "

The " Screen " button shown in this example may read " Directory " or " File " or " Printer " or " Project " depending on the choice made under User and Site Options > Output > " Output configurations ." ' Directory ' indicates output to a file folder. ' Dump ' is output to the screen only. ' Screen ' is output to the report viewer . ' Project ' is output to the ' Project defined output location ' that is specified in Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Project Output . Pressing the button opens the Output Configuration Setup window, on which you can do either of the following:

Alternative 1 : Changing " Send output to " on the Output Configuration Setup window temporarily overrides the output configuration settings. It does not permanently modify the output configuration that is used for the operation being performed. That output configuration is set for various operations at User and Site Options > Output > " Output configurations " > " Reports " or " CNC " or " Drawing Conversion " or etc.

Alternative 2 : Pressing "file" browse button ( ) for " Configuration " and selecting a different configuration resets the choice made under User Options > the " Output " tab > " Reports " or " CNC " or " Drawing Conversion " or etc.

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Selection dialogs : " Find "

A " Find " entry field, a " Match case " check box and a " Next Match " button can be found on selection dialogs on which a great number of items are likely to be displayed.

To find an item:

  1. In the space under " Find ," type in the string of characters that you are looking for.
  2. To do a case-sensitive search, check the box for " Match case ."
  3. Press the " Next Match " button.
  4. The selection dialog finds and highlights the next occurrence of the characters entered to " Find ." Nothing happens when a match is not found.

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Selection dialogs : " Hide ... " & " Show All "

" Hide " and " Show All " are especially useful for selection dialogs that list members. The Hide Items window features numerous options that apply to members.
  • " Hide ..." & " Show All " are for limiting or expanding which classes of items are displayed on the selection list on a selection dialog.
  • The " Hide... " button opens the Hide Items window, which limits the list of piecemarks or drawings to specific classes (when " Show All " is not checked).
  • " Show All " can be used to Open ( Ctrl + o ) a drawing that is marked for detailing because of changes in the 3D model, or to view a detail of a member that has been deleted but not yet been Released . In some cases, you may get undesirable results if you then attempt to perform an operation on a previously hidden item.
  • In the Drawing Editor , when you hide items on the selection dialog for Open , the items remain hidden on that selection dialog every time you Open a drawing or until exit the Drawing Editor . The settings also apply to Open Next Drawing and Open Previous Drawing . For most other selection dialogs, the Hide Items options revert back to their defaults as soon as you exit the dialog.

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Selection dialogs : " Print "

[15] C_12
[35] B_14
[57] VB_53
[69] VB_71
  • Search and Change Options have a " Print " button, which can be pressed to output a list of all of the members that have the particular attribute searched for.
  • For example, doing a Search For Non-Square Cut Ends , then pressing the " Print " button will output a list of members that are framing skewed or sloping into another member.
  • Tip: Select the members found by a Change , then press the " Save " button to save, in a file, a list of the members that have been found. You cannot, however, do this with a Search , since there is no " Save " button because only one member is selectable at a time.

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Selection dialogs : " Save " & " Load "

VIDEO The " Save " and " Load " buttons that are found in selection dialogs can be used to save and load selections of members and submaterials.

You can " Load " selection files that list materials as well as files that list members. Items listed in the file that cannot make a selection on that dialog will be ignored.

To save a selection that has been made on a dialog, just press the " Save " button. You will be prompted to enter a selection file name.

To load a saved selection, press the " Load " button and select a selection file name. When that file is loaded, the selections saved into it will be added to your current selection. For this reason, you may want to " Clear " your selection first, then " Load ."

Selections are appropriate to the type of dialog. On a member selection dialog, you can " Save " selections of members into a selection file . On a material selection dialog, the selections that you " Save " are material selections. When you " Load " a selection file, any material selections that might be in that file will be ignored if you are on a member selection dialog.

Member piecemarks and member numbers: On selection dialogs such as the one for Home > Utilities > Member Edit , you have the option to select " by Piecemark " or " by Number ." Be aware that the same selection file may give you somewhat different selections depending on which of these options is selected -- see the Entries in a Selection File table for more information.

Applications: " Save " and " Load " can be used across different dialogs; in the case of members, for example, to save and load selection files of members for updating of status or editing or report output or detailing or any other operations that can be performed on members. You can also " Save " to keep track of which items have been operated on using whatever operation that dialog is for.

YouTube: Using Selection Lists, v7.3 ( )

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Selection dialogs, selecting items on behaves according to Microsoft standards when User and Site Options > General > " Classic selection lists " is off (not checked). You can also " Save " and " Load " selections.

Click an item to select that item and deselect all other items.   Drag or hold down the Shift key to select multiple items that are next to each other.

Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple items that are not next to each other.   Double-click one item to both select that item and close the dialog.

Ctrl + a can be used to select all items on a selection dialog that allows multiple items to be selected.

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Selection dialogs : " Show unavailable sizes "

"   Show unavailable sizes " is checked in this example. Selection dialogs like this one open when you press the button for selecting a section size.
  • On selection dialogs with lists for selecting section sizes, you can check the box for " Show unavailable sizes " if you want both available and unavailable sizes to be shown. Uncheck ( ) the box if you want only available sizes to be shown.

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Selection dialogs : " Status Display "


" Status Display " lets you color code or mask items in a selection dialog list based on conditions that are defined in the selected status display file. In this example, the status display file is named " Make Columns Red ." That file makes columns in the selection list the color red .

VIDEO Colors that are set in a status display file are used to color code members -- by sequence -- in a selection list.
  • When " Status Display " is checked , you can press the "file cabinet" browse button ( ) and select a status display fie. Items listed on the selection dialog will then be color coded or masked based on the display logic in that file.

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Selection dialogs : " Sub-Members "

" Sub-Members " is an option on selection dialogs for selecting member details or members. Only sub-members are listed when this option is checked.

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Selection dialogs : " Detail Views " ( Drawing Editor )

" Detail Views " is an option on dialogs for selecting various types of drawings in the Drawing Editor . Only detail views are listed when this option is checked.

YouTube video: This video happens to begin in the parent drawing of the detail view. The narrator chooses Open ( Ctrl + o ) and checks the box for " Detail Views " to open the detail view drawing. The drawing could have been opened in this way from any other drawing or even from Home .
  • This applies to Drawing Editor selection dialogs for Open Drawing , Add Standard Detail , Add Standard Detail to Several and Sheet Item Add .
  • When " Detail Views " is checked ( ), the selection dialog lists the detail views associated with ' Details ' or ' Submaterial ' or ' Erection views ', whichever is selected.
  • Detail view drawings can be created on details, submaterials or erection views using Objects > Detail Views > Add . Once the detail view has been created, it remains associated with the parent drawing, but the detail view drawing can be opened independently of that parent drawing. Also, copies of the detail view drawing or sheet items linked to the detail view can be placed on other drawings or sheets.
  • If on the File > Open drawing selection dialog, ' Details ' is selected and " Detail Views " is checked, the selection dialog will show all detail views associated with member details. That is, it will show all detail views that were originally created on member details using Detail View Add . Double-clicking one of the drawings that is listed opens that detail view.
  • Selecting a detail view on the Sheet Item Add drawing selection dialog is done in order to add that detail view as a sheet item to a sheet or other drawing type. To then modify that sheet item once it has been placed, you can Open ( Ctrl + o ) the original detail view file and make your modifications to that file. Your modifications to the detail view file will automatically be seen in all drawings where that detail view was placed as a sheet item. Your modifications will also be seen in the parent drawing.
  • For Add Standard Detail or Add Standard Detail to Several , the detail view is added to the drawing as lines and labels and dimensions, which you can easily delete and modify within the drawing you added the standard detail to.

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Selection dialogs : " Primary " " Secondary , " etc .

YouTube video: Selection filtering for "Primary" "Secondary" etc.
  • Modeling's Select One Erection View dialog opens when you Open View ( Ctrl + o ). The dialog may also open when you click " Modeling " icon at Home . Checkboxes for " Primary " etc. can be found on that dialog.
 AB Plan
" Primary " and " Secondary " and " Dimension only " and
" Placement only " are filter options on selection dialogs for selecting erection views. Only the erection views types that are checked will be listed.

  • When " Primary ," " Secondary ," etc., are checked ( ), the selection dialog lists those erection view types .
  • When " Primary ," " Secondary ," etc., are not checked ( ), the selection dialog does not list those erection view types.
  • An " Erection view type " of ' Primary ' or ' Secondary ' or etc. can be assigned to an erection view at the time that it is created in Modeling . At the time that the erection view is auto detailed, a view that is other than ' Placement only ' can optionally be dimensioned as illustrated in the diagram below:
' Primary ' dimensions appear above ' Secondary ' dimensions. ' Dimension only ' erection views are auto dimensioned, but not with grid markers. ' Placement only ' grid lines cannot be auto dimensioned (" Annotate erection views ").

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Selection dialogs : " Show for detailing " ( Modeling )

YouTube video: Designating an erection view " For detailing " and filtering for that erection view using " Show for detailing " .

 AB Plan
" Show for detailing " is a filter that increases or decreases the number of erection views that are available on an erection view selection dialog. When checked, only erection views that are designated " For detailing " are listed.
  • This filter option is available on the Select One Erection View dialog that opens in Modeling when you Open View ( Ctrl + o ). Home > click the " Modeling " icon can also open the selection dialog.
  • When " Show for detailing " is checked ( ), the selection dialog lists only erection views that are designated " For detailing ."
  • When " Show for detailing " is not checked ( ), the selection dialog lists only erection views that are not designated " For detailing ."

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Selection dialogs : " Show site planning "

 Placement 1
 Placement 2
" Show site planning " is a filter for selecting erection views. Only erection views created from within SDS2 Basic are listed when this option is checked.
  • " Show site planning " can be used on the Select One Erection View dialog when, in Modeling , you Open View ( Ctrl + o ). Home > click the " Modeling " icon can also open the selection dialog.
  • " Show site planning " can also be used on the Select Erection View dialog that opens when you Detail Erection Views .
  • When " Show site planning " is checked ( ), the selection dialog lists only erection views that were created using SDS2 Basic . Such erection views are usually created to depict crane placements.

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Selection dialogs : " Use as default " & " Clear Default "

YouTube video: Use as default .

 AB Plan

" Use as default " sets the erection view named "ISO" to be the default erection view.

The " Clear Default " button clears the default.

YouTube: Default Erection View, v2018 ( )

To set a Modeling erection view to be your default, do the following:

1 . Open the erection view selection dialog. To do this, you can Home > click the " Modeling " icon. If you are already in Modeling , you can Open View ( Ctrl + o ).

2 . Select an erection view and check the box for " Use as default ." Press " OK " to open that erection view.

3 . The next time you Home > click the " Modeling " icon, the default erection view that you selected in step 2 will open directly, without the intervening erection view selection dialog.

To clear the default that you set for yourself:

1 . In Modeling , Open View ( Ctrl + o ).

2 . Press the " Clear Default " button.

3 . The next time you Home > click the " Modeling " icon, the erection view selection dialog will open.

Please note: The default erection view is stored per user per Job. This means that if you are working in a multi-user environment, no other users in that Project will be affected when you select an erection view to be your default.

Also in Modeling , when you create a grid line, you have the option to " Make this my default view ." If you check that box, the new view overrides the selection of any previously set default view. There can be no more than one default view per user per Job.

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Selection files :

 status update needed
 ready for CNC
 reports needed
 ready for detailing
 model is checked
A list of selection files is displayed when you press " Load " on a dialog, or when you Edit > Load Selection or when you Edit > Edit Selection in Modeling .

Entries in a Selection File
(click here for related Modeling help)
Entry Resulting Selection in a Dialog
[94] On a multi-member selection dialog where " by Number " is selected, [94] selects only member number 94. Where " by Piecemark " is selected, [94] selects nothing.
[94] B_77 On a dialog where " by Number " is selected, [94] B_77 selects only member number 94. Where " by Piecemark " is selected, it selects all members under member piecemark B_77.
B_77 On a dialog where " by Number " is selected, B_77 selects nothing. Where " by Piecemark " is selected, it selects all members under member piecemark B_77.
a1 On a submaterial-selection dialog, a1 selects all submaterials under the submaterial mark a1.
GM_83 Where " by Piecemark " is selected on a member selection dialog, GM_83 selects all group members under the member piecemark GM_83. This assumes, of course, that you use the prefix GM_ as the " Piecemark Prefix " for group members.
Exceptions : Of course, if you use unusual naming schemes for piecemarking -- for example, give members and submaterials the same marks -- then submaterial marks maintained in the selection file could select members or member marks could select submaterials. The examples above are based on a common naming scheme employed by SDS2.

A selection file stores selections of members or materials on dialogs, or of members or materials in the model . A selection file is, by default, stored in your current Job , in the lists folder. You can, however, store a selection file at another location. If selection files are stored in the lists folder, any user of your current Job can access them.

Creating a selection file in a dialog: In Modeling or the Drawing Editor or anywhere else that you can open a selection dialog that allows selection of multiple members, select some items (members or materials) on that dialog, then press the " Save " button. You will be prompted to give the selection file a name.

Creating a selection file in the model: In Modeling , select some members, then choose Edit > Save Selection ... , then give the file a name.

Creating a selection file from another selection file: In Modeling , choose Edit > Edit Selection ... . Make the desired changes, then press the " Save As " button and give the new file a name.

Loading a selection on a dialog: " Save " and " Load " buttons can be found on dialogs for selecting multiple members, or on dialogs for selecting multiple submaterials. To load a selection file, press that dialog's " Load " button. Members that are referenced in the selection file will be automatically selected on that dialog.

Loading a selection in the model: In Modeling , choose Edit > Load Selection ... . Select the selection file that you want. The items in that file will be selected in the model . Note that a selection file for materials selects all materials under each submaterial mark that is referenced in that file.

YouTube: Using Selection Lists, v7.3 ( )

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Submaterial mark index numbers are assigned to materials to help you determine which materials with the same submaterial mark have the same settings on their edit windows. You can find these index numbers on the Model Tree , when selecting submaterials on the context menu , or in the balloon description that appears when you hover a submaterial with your mouse pointer ( ).

In this screen shot of the Model Tree , the a58 materials with the index number #215 have ' In ' set as their " Toe direction ." The submaterials with the index number #216 have ' Out ' set as their " Toe direction ."

Basic principle for index number assignment: Some material edit window settings can shift or rotate the material in the model. For example, a rectangular plate's " Thickness reference point " can be changed from ' NS ' to ' FS ', or a channel's " Toe direction " can be switched from ' In ' to ' Out '. These settings do not cause that material to be assigned a different submaterial mark . They do, however, directly influence the index number that is assigned to a material. Left/right end settings also influence the index number. Material's with the same index number have the same material edit window settings.

Some (not all) settings that may cause submaterials with the same marks to have different index numbers
most materials left/right end settings that are equivalent but on opposite ends.
any rolled section  " Centered "
 angle or channel  " Toe direction "
angle " Long leg "
rectangular plate " Thickness reference point "
round plate " Thickness reference point "
bent plate " Centered "
rolled plate " Centered "
round bar " Centered "
round bar " Depth reference point "

Cuts and holes may also generate different submaterial mark index numbers.  In the following example, the placement of holes results in different index numbers on three of the four rectangular plates. The hole in each P47#301 is on the right, bottom end of the plate. On the P47 #302 , the hole is on the left, bottom end. To superimpose P47 #302 on P47 #301 , you could flip it, or you could rotate it 90 degrees.

Materials with cut layouts, copes or clips or hole patterns that can be superimposed on one another are assigned the same submaterial mark . This is true even if the holes or cuts are on different ends (top or bottom; left or right) of the materials. If a material needs to be flipped or rotated in order to superimpose its hole pattern or cut layout on another material, the two materials will have different index numbers.

Materials with the same and hole patterns or copes, clips or cut layouts submaterial mark will also have the same index numbers if those hole patterns or cuts can be superimposed on one another without your having to rotate or flip the material.

Following is an example of four plates with the same submaterial mark. Some of the plates have different index numbers because the corner clip operations on them were entered using equivalent settings at different left/right and/or top/bottom locations on the Rectangular Plate Material window.

If you were to edit one of the two p4 #101 plates illustrated above and, for example, change its steel grade, you would get the "Change all" options shown below. The " Change all identical material " option reads 2 because there are only two #101 plates.

The " Change all identical material " option which you get when you edit a single material will only apply changes to materials with the same index number when the " Change all method " is ' by index '. This is a good thing, not a liability, since it prevents materials from shifting in the model, or cuts from being translated to the opposite end (left/right or top/bottom) of a material.

If you multi-edit materials with the same submaterial mark but different index numbers, certain fields may have mixed entries on the edit window. If you change the mixed entries to a single entry, some of the edited materials may shift to a new location in the model, or cuts may move to the opposite end of the material.

Members that are composed of the same submaterials will be assigned different member piecemarks if the index numbers of those submaterials are different.

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Text insertion bar (cursor)

  • When this cursor ( ) appears in a field, the user can type in text. The new text is inserted at the position of the insertion bar. A double-click selects all text that is entered to the field.
  • The initial behavior of a text entry field depends on the selection made to User and Site Options > General > " When an entry field is clicked ."
  • A number of text entry widgets exist for text insertion.

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VCR buttons ( Drawing Editor )

VCR buttons (first-previous-next-last)
  • These buttons are available on object edit windows in the Drawing Editor when you edit a single object of a particular type. For example, they appear on the Arc Edit window when you double-click an arc. They do not appear on an object edit window when you multi-edit objects of that type or when you add an object of that type.
  • Press these VCR buttons to select for editing a different object of the same type (arc, if you are on the Arc Edit window).
  • When you select a different object using these VCR buttons, the object turns green ( cyan if its actual color is green). The selected object's number is reported above these buttons, and the settings of that object are filled out on the edit window.
  • The total number of objects of the type you are editing is reported above these VCR buttons.
  • You can change the settings of any object that you select using these VCR buttons. The " Cancel " button on an edit window only cancels changes made to the last object selected. To undo changes made to a series of objects, you can Undo .

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