Rename Project Items ( Utility Functions )

  • The Rename Project Items utility can be used to change the names of members (piecemarks), erection views, assemblies and any type of drawing in your current Job .
  • The utility can also be used to change the file names of CNC setup configurations, output configurations, and global standard details, which are all global files for your current version of this program.
  • The file names of most items can be up to 61 characters in length.
  • When you change a file name using this utility, all references to that file name within your current Job are changed. For example, when you rename a member detail, you change the piecemark of that member. When you rename a submaterial, you change the submaterial mark of that material.
  • For output configurations and global standard details, all references to that file name are changed in all Jobs in the data directory used by the version of whatever SDS2 program you are currently using.
  • Step-by-step instructions

Also see :

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Step-by-step instructions :

1 . Start the Rename Project Items utility:

1a : Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > Rename > Rename Project Items . If prompted to do so, enter the " Utility Password " that has been set up for your network.

  Job Standard Details
  Detail Sheets
  Gather Sheets
  Erection Sheets
  Erection Views
  Sheet Outlines
  Global Standards
  Output Configs
  User Defined Connections
  Reference Drawings
  Global Symbols
     see below for rebar and concrete items.

2a . Select the the type of item whose name you want to change. Click a link in the panel at left for information on items of that type. For ' Details ' or ' Submaterial ', also see below.

2b . Select one or more files whose names you want to change, then press Enter (or the " OK " button) and go to step 3.

For ' Details ' : You can change the member piecemark (detail name) even if the member has never been detailed. If the setup option " Use member mark for member main material in model " is turned on (checked), then changing the member piecemark (detail name) will also change the submaterial mark of the member main material.

For ' Submaterial ' : If the setup option " Use member mark for member main material in model " is turned on (checked), submaterial marks of member main materials will not be listed as ' Submaterial ' since that setup option ties the main material mark to the member mark. To change the mark of a main material when setup requires it to have the same mark as the member piecemark, you need to change the member piecemark.

Event logging: An event log entry is recorded for the renaming of an erection view when the box for " Erection view operations " is checked in Event Logging setup. For the renaming of a member piecemark (' Details '), an event log entry is recorded when the box for " Piecemark " is checked.

3 . A Rename Project Items ok-cancel dialog appears for each of the files you selected in step 2b. The " Original name " identifies one of the items that you selected in step 2. The " New name " is whatever you type in to rename that item.

Original name:  xxxx
New name:
Press " OK " ( Alternative 1 ) or " Cancel " ( Alternative 2 ) for each instance of this dialog, until you have renamed (or declined to rename) each item selected in step 2b.

Alternative 1 : Type in the " New name " (up to 61 characters) that you want, then press Enter (or the " OK " button).

Alternative 2 : If you don't want to change the name of that particular file, press Esc (or the " Cancel " button) to not change that item's name.

4 . All references to the items you renamed in step 3 are changed within your current Job . For output configurations and global standard details, all references to a changed file name are changed in all Jobs in your current version of this program. Both the 3D model and Drawing Editor drawings are updated. For example, if you changed the piecemarks of members, the piecemarks of those members are automatically updated in 2D erection view drawings as well as in 3D Modeling erection views. The selection dialog that first appeared in step 2 opens again.

Alternative 1 : Repeat this procedure beginning to rename additional items.

Alternative 2 : Press the " Cancel " button on the selection dialog if you are done renaming items.

Note: The category ' Erection views ' includes more than just 2D erection drawings . It also includes curved grid lines , which do not have drawings associated with them, and it includes 3D erection views, which may or may not have drawings associated with them. When you use this utility to rename an erection view, you rename more than just its 3D view in Modeling ; you also rename its 2D drawing and all links to that drawing (sheet items) on, for example, erection sheets.

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See step 1a . The Rename Project Items utility can be used to change the names of rebar and concrete templates in the current Job , just as it can rename other items. However, you should be aware of possible issues.

 Standard Rebar Bends
 Global Standard Rebar Bends
 CMU Templates
 Global CMU Templates
 Thickened Slab Templates
 Global Thickened Slab Templates
 Concrete Column Templates
 Global Concrete Column Templates
 Concrete Beam Templates
 Global Concrete Beam Templates
 Grade Beam Templates
 Global Grade Beam Templates
 Continuous Footing Templates
 Global Continuous Footing Templates
 Pilaster Templates
 Global Pilaster Templates
 Footing Step Templates
 Global Footing Step Templates

Warning 1: When a rebar shape template is renamed using the Rename Project Items utility, that template is inaccessible to any rebar shape that has been defined by it throughout your current Job (no other Jobs are affected). Then, if you attempt to change members to solid form (for example, by invoking Change All to Solid Opaque ) while in Modeling , you may be unable to proceed. In that case, you could delete the member or material as well as the submaterial mark used by the rebar shape to successfully run Verify and Fix . For this reason, do not use Rename Project Items to rename a rebar shape template that has already been used to provide a template for reinforcing bar that you have already modeled.

Warning 2: When a concrete member template is renamed using the Rename Project Items utility, that template is inaccessible to any member whose profiles have been defined by it throughout your current Job (no other Jobs are affected). If the member is later marked for processing (for example, by Mark for Processing ) and then undergoes Process and Create Solids , the concrete member will not display in solid form. You will need to edit the member and select another template, or it will only display in stick form. For this reason, do not use Rename Project Items to rename a concrete member template that has already been used to provide a template for members that you have already modeled.

Global templates: Since global templates cannot be used directly to define a rebar shape or a concrete member profile, there is no danger that renaming such global templates will have negative repercussions for the model. Only job rebar shape templates can be accessed by rebar shape edit screens, and only job concrete member templates can be accessed by concrete member edit screens. Global templates cannot be accessed by rebar or concrete edit screens.

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