v2016 Enhancements

SDS/2 Detailing
v2016.00 to v2016.16

--- enhancements ---

On this page :

v2021 enhancements | top

System-wide enhancements :

A new Part Library Manager can be opened from the SDS/2 Main Menu . It lets any Job that uses the data directory for your current version of SDS/2 access library parts that you have imported into the library. Library parts can be DWG, DGN, IFC or IGES files. The parts may represent buyout items such as Hilti anchors. Library parts can be added to the model as submaterial ( Material Type Selection , F3 ) or as miscellaneous members ( Member Type Selection , F2 ). In Modeling , a part is selected for adding from the Select One Library Part window. When a library part is added in Modeling , its link to the Part Library is severed, and it is copied into the model as a standard part . Even if you delete the original library part, its copy will remain in the model as a standard part. Like any other material, a library part that has been added to the model can be auto detailed. On member details, the library part's weight, quantity and description may be listed in the bill of material.

" User assigned piecemarks " is new to the " Category & Miscellaneous " tab of the Hide Items window in Modeling and the Drawing Editor . It hides from a member selection list those members that have user piecemarks.

" Unlock Connection Design Locks " and " Unlock/Lock Sheet Tables " are new Change Options . These change options are available from the Main Menu and on the Edit menus in Modeling and the Drawing Editor .

v2021 enhancements | top

Connection design :

Process on the fly replaces design on the fly on member edit windows when " Process within member edit " is set to ' Yes ' or possibly ' Use Site Default ' in User Options . Process on the fly incorporates the node matching , connection design and framing situation checking phases of Process and Create Solids . Since framing situation checking is now done during process on the fly, the connection is completely designed before you press the " OK " button to close the member edit window. Users also have access to connection design locks when members are first added.

An HSS rectangular (tube) beam paddle plate connection is designed for ' Shear ' input type connections when " Use paddle plate " ( ) is checked under " Connection specifications " on the Beam Edit window. Connection design locks for the paddle plate are stored in a leaf named " Paddle Plate for HSS Beam ( ) ." Click here for information from the Connection Guide.

Beam splices can be designed on one side of the beams being spliced. A new " Side " option under " Connection specifications " lets you specify whether you want the plate attached to the ' Near ' or ' Far ' side of the beams. Be aware that if you do not properly designate which beam the plate is to be shop bolted to, the program will default to designing a splice plate connection with two plates.

Column reinforcement plates will be designed, as needed, for shear plates or welded moment connections to a thin-walled HSS rectangular or TS column when " Use HSS column reinforcement plate " ( ) is set to ' Yes ' under " Connection specifications " on the Beam Edit window. They can also be designed as needed for vertical brace gusset plates to HSS columns when " Use HSS column reinforcement plate " ( ) is set to ' Yes ' under " Connection specifications " on the Vertical Brace Edit window. Connection design locks for a reinforcement plate are stored on the Column Edit window in a leaf named " Column Reinf Plate ." In Plate Design Criteria , a setup option named " Use HSS column reinforcement plate " ( ) sets the choice that is applied when ' Automatic ' is selected for the aforementioned options on the vertical brace or beam edit window.

Flange extension plates with tapered stiffeners may be designed for erection purposes for a column with an auto or user base/cap plate framing to a beam with a flange that is narrower than the column plate. The beam can be various material types with flanges, such as wide flange or welded plate wide flange. Setup for this connection can be found in the Extended Flange Plate Setup window in Standard Fabricator Connections . " Use extended stiffeners " (user base/cap plate) and " Use extended stiffeners " (auto base/cap plate) are connection specification options that can be found in Auto Standard Connections and under " Connection specifications " on the Column Edit window. Connection design locks can be found in leaves named " Bottom extension plate " or " Top extension plate " and " Stiffener Plate ." The Connection Guide also discusses beam flange extension plates with tapered stiffeners .

Rod bracing may be designed when round bar material is entered as a vertical brace " Section size ." The " Capacity " (nominal strength) of a clevis and turnbuckle used in a rod brace is stored in the local shape file. The strength of a clevis pin of a particular " Clevis pin grade " is evaluated based on Fu and Fy values in the Steel Grades - Turnbuckle / Clevis / Pin setup window. Connection design chooses which clevis and turnbuckle it needs based on the rod diameter and loading. Setup options for rod bracing can be found in Fabricator Setup > Member Detailing and Fabricator Options t > the " Tension Only Braces " section. An initial rod brace is designed with two clevises, one turnbuckle and two rods. Connection design locks are contained in leaves named " Brace Connection To Gusset " ( ) In the leaf for the top end of a rod brace, you can specify that the brace be designed with three rods, two turnbuckles and two clevises.

Vertical brace gusset plates could, in previous versions, be designed in "square" and "clipped" shapes, which were controlled by a single option in the Gusset Plate Setup window. That single option has now been divided into three new options: " Clip end operation on angle brace gusset plates " and " Clip end operation on W tee brace gusset plates " and " Clip end operation on channel brace gusset plates ." The choices made in setup can be overridden using " Clip end operation " under " Connection specifications " on the Vertical Brace Edit window or for a user defined connection.

Connection Design Locks for Angle, Tee & Channel Vertical Braces
  Clip end ... Clip end ...
to a beam Gusset One Member Gusset One Member Square
to a column Gusset One Member Gusset One Member Square
to a beam & col Gusset Beam Column Gusset Beam Column Square
shared gusset Gusset 2 Point Gusset 2 Point Square
to column & plate Gusset Column Cap Gusset Column Cap Square

Horizontal brace gusset plates for angle, tee and wide flange braces can now be designed in "square" or "clipped" shapes. In previous versions, they were always "square" shapes. The following new options in the Gusset Plate Setup window control which shapes are designed: " Clip end operation on angle brace gusset plates " ( ) and " Clip end operation on W tee brace gusset plates " and " Clip end operation on Wflg brace gusset plate ." The choices made in setup can be overridden using " Clip end operation " ( ) under " Connection specifications " on the Horizontal Brace Edit window or for a user defined connection.

Connection Design Locks for Single Angle Horizontal Braces
  Clip end ... Clip end ...
to bm flange Gusset One Member Gusset One Member Square
to bm web Gusset One Member Gusset One Member Square
bm-bm corner Gusset To Two Beams Gusset To Two Beams Square
bm-col-bm corner Gusset To Two Beams Gusset To Two Beams Square
shared gusset Gusset 2 Point Gusset 2 Point Square

for Tee, Wide Flange and Double Angle
  Clip end ... Clip end ...
to bm flange Gusset One Member Gusset One Member Square
to bm web Gusset One Member Gusset One Member Square
bm-bm corner Gusset To Two Beams Gusset To Two Beams Square
bm-col-bm corner Gusset To Two Beams Gusset To Two Beams Square
shared gusset Gusset 2 Point Gusset 2 Point Square

Horizontal brace paddle plates can now be designed for bolting an HSS, pipe or tube horizontal brace to a gusset plate. Under " Connection specifications ," select ' Paddle plate ' as the " Pipe/tube end fitting ."

  Paddle Plate Connections, HSS Horizontal Braces
to a beam Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle
perpendicular Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle
bm-bm corner Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle
bm-col-bm corner Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle
shared gusset Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle

Stem-vertical W tee vertical braces can now be designed with a coped flange to allow them to be field bolted directly to a gusset plate. On the Vertical Brace Edit window, you can choose between ' Web plates ' and a ' Coped flange ' as the " Connection type " ( ) for such a brace.

Connection Design Locks
( stem-vertical W tee vertical brace )
  Web plates Coped flange
to a beam Brace Conn To Gusset Wtee Brace Conn To Gusset
to a column Brace Conn To Gusset Wtee Brace Conn To Gusset
to a beam & column Brace Conn To Gusset Wtee Brace Conn To Gusset
shared gusset, beam Brace Conn To Gusset Wtee Brace Conn To Gusset
shared gusset, column Brace Conn To Gusset Wtee Brace Conn To Gusset
column base/cap Brace Conn To Gusset Wtee Brace Conn To Gusset

Web vertical wide flange vertical braces can now field bolt directly to a gusset plate. To get such a connection, the brace's " Side of gusset " ( ) needs to be set to ' Near side ' or ' Far side .'

Connection Design Locks
( web-vertical wide flange vertical brace web field bolted to gusset )
 to a beam Brace Connection To Gusset
 to a column Brace Connection To Gusset
 to a beam & column Brace Connection To Gusset
 shared gusset, to a beam Brace Connection To Gusset
 shared gusset, to a column Brace Connection To Gusset
 to a column and base/cap plate Brace Connection To Gusset

HSS vertical brace connections to gusset plates feature a new " Pipe/tube end-fitting " called ' Paddle plate (double shear) ' ( ), which can be specified under " Connection specifications " on the Vertical Brace Edit window or for a user defined connection. A paddle plate inserts in the HSS brace, and connection plates shop bolt to each side of the paddle plate and field bolt to both sides of the gusset plate. Connection design locks for this end fitting are named " Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle With Web Plates ."

Connection Design Locks
( HSS, pipe or tube vertical brace )
to a beam Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle With Web Plates
to a column Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle With Web Plates
to a beam & column Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle With Web Plates
shared gusset, beam documentation in progress
shared gusset, column documentation in progress
column base/cap Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle With Web Plates

HSS vertical brace reinforcement plates are created automatically when " Seismic brace " ( ) is set to ' Yes. ' To reinforce non-seismic HSS braces, " Reinforcement " locks are available in the " Brace Connection Gusset HSS Welded " and " Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle " and " Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle With Web Plates " leaves.

Connection Design Locks
( HSS rectangular vertical brace or tube vertical brace )
  Welded Paddle plate Paddle plate
(double shear)
to a beam Brace Conn ... Brace Conn ... Brace Conn ...
to a column Brace Conn ... Brace Conn ... Brace Conn ...
to a beam & column Brace Conn ... Brace Conn ... Brace Conn ...
shared gusset, beam Brace Conn ... Brace Conn ... undocumented
shared gusset, column Brace Conn ... Brace Conn ... undocumented
column base/cap undocumented Brace Conn ... Brace Conn ...

The " Moment type " for a bent plate connection can be ' Non-moment ' or ' Bolted ' or ' Welded ' . Supported framing conditions for bent plate moment connections are essentially the same as those framing conditions that are supported for moment clip angles. Skewed framing conditions for bent plate moment connections are not supported.

1) Wide flange beam to wide flange column web or flange with bolted moment plates, bent plate connection (beam perpendicular to column);

2) Wide flange beam to wide flange column flange with welded moment plates, bent plate connection (beam perpendicular to column);

3) Wide flange beam to wide flange column web or flange with bolted moment plates, bent plate connection (beam perpendicular to column, and beam and column have the same elevation);

4) Wide flange beam to wide flange column flange with welded moment plates, bent plate connection (beam perpendicular to column, and beam and column have the same elevation);

5) Wide flange beam to wide flange beam with the third wide flange beam on the opposite, with bolted moment plates, bent plate connection;

6) Wide flange beam to wide flange column flange with bolted moment angles, bent plate connection (beam perpendicular to column);

7) Wide flange beam to wide flange column web or flange with bolted moment plates, bent plate connection (beam to column with slope).

Alternative flange gages for channel and wide flange beams can be specified (by flange width) on the Joist Setup window in Standard Fabricator Connections . These flange gages will be used for joist top chord to beam flange connections when related " Alternative gage ... " options are turned on (checked). When the " Alternative gage ... " options are turned off (not checked), connection design uses the beam's flange gage from the local shape file.

' Plain end ' input type connections on beams are now set back from the beam or column that they frame to based on the new " Plain end " ( ) entry field in Job Setup > Field Clearance Information .

User base/cap plate extensions: Leaves named " Left Base Plate Extension " ( ) and " Right Base Plate Extension " and " Top Base Plate Extension " and " Bottom Base Plate Extension " are available on the Column Edit window or Connection Component window whenever the " Input connection type " for a column is a ' User base/cap plate .' Connection design locks in these leaves will have null values (e.g. distances of zero) unless corresponding sections have been filled out on the window that opens using the " More " button in Job Setup > Base / Cap Plate Schedule . Making changes to these locks does not affect the Base / Cap Plate Schedule .

User base/cap plate hole design locks are now available in the leaves named " Column Plate " (column to nothing) and " Column Plate " (column to a beam or joist) and " Additional Holes ." Changing these connection design locks in Modeling does not affect the Base / Cap Plate Schedule (which populates these locks when they are unlocked)..

Auto base/cap plate and User base/cap plate weld design locks are now available in a leaf named " Column Plate Welds ( )." Within this leaf, you can turn on/off welds for each face of a column that can potentially be welded to the base/cap plate. The " Section size " of the column can be wide flange, welded plate wide flange, S shape, welded plate box, HSS rectangular (tube) or HSS round (pipe). For HSS round (pipe), around is the only option. Making changes to " Column Plate Welds " does not affect base/cap plate piecemarks.

Variable hole spacing can be typed in to locked " Vertical hole spacing " fields for beams found in leaves named " Shear Tab " ( ) " Bent Plate " ( ) " End Plate " ( ) and " NS/FS Clip ." For the " NS/FS Clip " leaf, variable spacing can be typed to " Vertical hole spacing " (supported) ( ) and " Vertical hole spacing " (supporting) ( ). For a vertical brace to a beam & column, variable spacing can be typed to " Vertical hole spacing " in the " Shear Tab " leaf, or to " Row spacing " in leaves named " End Plate " or " NS/FS Clip Conn1 ."

For a vertical brace gusset-to-column web connections, a new option has been added for " UFM special case design " ( ). This option -- ' Special case 3 ' -- instructs connection design to connect the vertical brace to the beam, but not to the column. Also see " UFM special case design " ( ) in Job Setup > Design Criteria .

Alternative clip angle section sizes for welded-to-supporting clip angles can be input by users to tables found in the setup windows for the   Single Clip Angles Welded OSL ( ) and   Double, Welded to Supporting ( ) clip angle configurations.

Welds at skewed single-plate shear connections are applied per Table 10-14C on pages 10-176 and 10-177 of the AISC 14th Edition . " Welds " ( ) in the " Shear Tab " leaf now include " NS primary weld type " and " FS primary weld type " and " NS primary weld size " and " FS primary weld size ."

Shear thru plates that are shared by two beams have " Shear Thru Plate On [mem num] [end] " a set of locks for both beams on each of their edit windows and on the Connection Component Edit window. In the name of the leaf for these locks, [ mem num ] is the member number of the beam and [ end ] is 0 (left end) or 1 (right end).

New calls for additional engineering review have been added to the Connection Design Calculations Report and Expanded Connection Design Calculations Report . These include a note ( ) for a horizontal brace connecting to two beams that gives the force that is transferred into these beams. Also added, when applicable, is the following cautionary warning: USER MAIN MATERIAL -- User modifications could interfere with connection .

v2021 enhancements | top

Connection failure messages :

User entered loads at splice must match in v2015 applied to column splices only. Now it also applies to beam splices.

Variable row spacing specifies too many rows ( beam ) ( vertical brace )

HSS Reinforcement Plate design failure (vertical brace, HSS/TS)

HSS Reinforcement Plate Fy less than brace Fy (vertical brace, HSS/TS)

Bolts must be on beam flange with valid edge dist (column, base/cap plate)

Clevis/turnbuckle/clevis pin capacity failure (vertical brace)

Clevis/turnbuckle/clevis pin size failure (vertical brace)

HSS reinf plate thickness greater than maximum allowed (beam) (vertical brace) (262)

HSS reinf plate weld size greater than maximum allowed ( beam ) ( vertical brace )

HSS reinf plate projects beyond the top of column (beam)

Invalid weld configuration (beam, shear plate)

Locked top of plate should be a negative value (beam, bolted moment connection)

Invalid bolt row-column combination (beam)

Base metal failure of flange weld (beam, bolted moment connection)

Locked plate/angle length results in less than minimum bolt rows (beam)

Locked top of plate less than reqd minimum (beam)

Extension plate geometry fails due to locked length/width (beam, extended clip angle)

Connection geometry fails due to locked plate/angle length ( beam ) ( column )

Supporting member bearing strength exceeded ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace ) (276) N/A

Supporting member flange/web bending strength exceeded (vertical brace) (324) N/A

Locked HSS reinf plate width doesn't fit ( beam ) ( vertical brace )

Locked HSS reinf plate length is less than required ( beam ) ( vertical brace )

Locked HSS reinf plate top of plate interferes ( beam ) ( vertical brace )

Weld length is greater than maximum permissible on face (column)

Column cap plate locks interfere with combined moment cap plate (beam)

Connection geometry fails due to locked plate/angle width (column)

Locked rows result in connection geometry failure (beam)

Shear/Tension/Comp load less than minimum required by LRFD3 (beam, splice plate)

Braces must have same HSS column reinforcement type (vertical brace)

Locked rows is less than required for extension clip angle (beam)

Locked plate thickness less than required for shear punching (beam) (vertical brace) (350)

Locked flange plate thickness less than required for carrying moment (beam)

Locked vertical to 1st hole less than minimum required or minimum setup value (beam)

Shear/Tension/Comp load less than minimum required by IS800:2007 (353) (v2017).

Shared brace Clip end-operation settings must match ( vertical brace ) ( horizontal brace ).

v2021 enhancements | top

New or improved tools in Modeling :

If " Automatically process after modeling operation " in User Options is set to ' Process and create solids ,' the following tools automatically Process And Create Solids the affected members at the time the operation is complete. For Add Member and Edit Member operations, Process and Create Solids takes place in two stages, stage 1 being process on the fly , stage 2 being Create Solids . If that user option is turned off, the members will not undergo the Create Solids phases of Process and Create Solids .

Model > Member > Add > ...
Model > Member > Edit and related tools
Model > Member > Copy
Model > Member > Move/Stretch
(and Move/Stretch Include Material )
Model > Member > Erase (and Delete )
Model > Member > Change Type
Component Tools ( Add , Copy , Explode , Move )
Group Member Tools ( Create , Ungroup , Add To , Remove From )
Undelete Tools ( Member Undelete , Visual Undelete , Quick Undelete )

A Stair Quick Add Tool icon ( ) can be added to your toolbar in Modeling to provide you with an alternative way to add stairs.

" Voids " is new to Display Options in Modeling . Also new, for drawing overlay, is " Include weld symbols ."

Model > Hole > Add ( ) no longer requires that you be on the surface of the material you add a hole to. You nevertheless still have to be in a plane that is parallel to that surface.

Model > Hole > Move ( ) and Model > Hole > Move Group ( ) are two new tools in Modeling that can be used to move holes to different locations on the same surface of a material.

A " Matchable " ( ) option is now available on the Hole Edit window. It allows a user to make a hole matchable or not. " Matchable " can also be set on the Hole Add window.

A blind hole can be created by selecting ' Blind ' (as opposed to ' Thru ') for " Hole depth " ( ) on the Hole Edit window, then entering a " Depth " that is less than the ply of the material that the hole goes partially through. " Hole depth " can also be set on the Hole Add window.

A countersink or counterbore hole can be created by selecting ' Countersink ' or ' Counterbore ' for " Head type " ( ) on the Hole Edit window. These hole types allow the head of a bolt or screw to be seated below the surface of a material. " Head type " can also be set on the Hole Add window.

Model > Material > Chamfer Edge ( ) is a new tool that chamfers the entirety of an edge that you select. You enter an angle and a root face to specify the chamfer. The old Chamfer tool has been renamed to Chamfer Point to Point and gives you the capability of chamfering part of an edge.

The Chamfer tool has been renamed Chamfer Point to Point ( Model > Material > Chamfer Point to Point ).

The Edit Weld(s) and Add Weld(s) windows ( ) have a new layout that more closely matches the layout of the Weld Input window in the Drawing Editor . The Weld Add Path Options window ( ) is entirely new, but has some options that were formerly found on the Add Weld(s) window.

All weld types can now be stitched . In pre-2016 versions of SDS/2, only fillet welds could be stitched.

You can " Cut " " Paste " " Save " and " Load " entire symbols, weld sides and tail text found on the Edit Weld(s) or Add Weld(s) windows in Modeling to and from incidences of the Weld Input window in the Drawing Editor .

A " 2D symbol " on the Edit Weld(s) or Add Weld(s) windows updates as changes are made to the window. It shows how the weld symbol will appear on the member detail in Modeling . On the Edit Weld(s) window, if you are editing multiple welds and those welds have different weld symbols, no weld symbol will be shown. On the Add Weld(s) window, the weld symbol that is shown is for the weld that is selected in the " Weld num of x welds " widget.

In Member Isolation , you can now alter the MAIN VIEW of a beam, column or brace. In pre-v2016 SDS/2, you were limited to altering the MAIN VIEW of a miscellaneous member or group member. [0] [-90] [180] [+90] buttons can be used to rotate a beam, column or brace's MAIN VIEW .

You can add a roof frame custom member by pressing F2 or choosing Model > Member > Prompt for Member Type , then double-clicking " Roof Frame " on the Member Type Selection window. Settings for a roof frame are specified on the Roof Frame Edit window ( ) . A Roof Frame Setup window ( ) is also available ( Job Setup > Plugin Options > Member > Roof Frame ). Work point layout ( ) is accomplished by locating two points. The points can, for example, be to the top flanges to two different beams or to the top chord of a joist, or to no member at all.

Other custom member types that are new to v2016 are the Engineered Column and Engineered Rafter . You can add these custom members by pressing F2 or choosing Model > Member > Prompt for Member Type , then double-clicking " Roof Frame " on the Member Type Selection window.

You can add library parts as submaterial of members by pressing F3 then selecting a member, then double-clicking " Library Part " on the Material Type Selection windows. To add a library part as a miscellaneous member, press F2 and select " Library Part " on the Member Type Selection window. Storage and data management of library parts is maintained using the new Part Library Manager on the Main Menu .

Model > Bolt > Add now prevents users from selecting material on " Existing " members as the " material to bolt " since that material (the first material selected) sets the member that field bolts are associated with. You may still, however, field bolt to existing members. All you have to do is select the existing member's material AFTER first selecting a " material to bolt " material that is a part of a non-existing member.

A crane placement now has an exact point that matches its " Placement location ."

An outrigger can now be added to a welded plate wide flange beam. Previous to v2016.18, the custom component could only be added to a wide flange beam.

v2021 enhancements | top

New tools and capabilities in the Drawing Editor :

The Drawing Data window now has a " Settings " button ( ) that opens auto detailing settings that are saved with the member detail, group member detail, submaterial detail or erection view drawing.

Objects > Angle Dimensions > Add lets you add an angle dimension between two lines, two polygon lines or a line and a polygon line. The lines cannot be parallel, but they do not have to touch one another. Settings for an angle dimension are maintained on the Edit Angle Dimension window. The measured angle can be expressed in radians or degrees.

Objects > Hatch > Add Select Polygon ( ) and Objects > Hatch > Add Define Polygon ( ) are two ways to add hatches and fills .

Objects > Circles > Add requires the location of two points. The first point locates the center of the circle. The second point sets the circle's diameter.

Objects > Dimensions > Add ( ) has been procedurally changed. The new procedure gives you the same results as did the old procedure, but using the same number of clicks or fewer. The program now previews a dimension as it is added. Ctrl+Shift can optionally be used immediately after invoking Objects > Dimensions > Add in order to bring up Actual-Horz-Vert mouse bindings.

Previews have been added to almost all Drawing Editor tools. For tools such as Objects > Pointers > Add , the previews are drawn based on the distance from the first point located to the current snap point. For some tools, such as Objects > Circles > Add , a second point is now required to be located so that you can get a preview. For tools such as Objects > Weld Symbol > Add , which draws the item based on default or user-entered settings rather than just located points, the preview shows you the symbol that you will get when you middle-click ( Repeat ).

File > Restore Backup Drawing can be used to restore the state of your current drawing back to the state it was in when the last auto saved recovery file was created. An auto saved recovery file can be created at the interval specified for " Automatically create recovery files interval " ( ) in User Options . Open ( Ctrl + o ) can be used to restore Drawing Editor work that was lost due to a crash.

" M / T Operations " are now available on the Hole Edit window and the Hole Symbol Input window. Before you can add a machine hole to a drawing. please be aware that a machine hole or any other type of hole must be modeled in Modeling before it can be downloaded to CNC. The " Hole Symbol Input " window also has new options for " Symbol location " and note text " Origin " and note text " Justification " and " Note location " and " Add crank ."

Objects > Hole Symbols > Hole Sym Combo can add a machine hole callout that is based on information that you enter on the Hole Symbol Input window. The hole itself is not read from or written to.

Process > Detailing Template Tolls > Disable Creating Rule ( ) and Process > Detailing Template Rules > Edit Creating Rule ( ) are two of the most useful new tools for templates that are available in the Drawing Editor .

Objects > Weld Symbols > Weld Combo automatically sets a weld's " Symbol rotation " to'0' when the weld symbol attaches to a pointer that points to the left. It sets the rotation to '180' when the pointer points to the right.

New options on the Tables Edit window include " Lock table " " Anchor location " " Show grid " " Merge header cells " " Header rows " " CSV Report " and " Report Writer Report " ( ). The " CSV Report " option can auto-populate a table based on data maintained in a comma-delimited plain text file. The " Report Writer Report " option can auto-populate a table based on report data. All font information relevant to a table is now included on the Tables Edit window, and you can no longer edit the labels for a table outside of the Tables Edit window.

Ctrl-drag a label rotates that label and updates its " Rotation " on the Label Edit window. Ctrl-Shift-drag does the same, but at 45 degree increments. Ctrl-drag and Ctrl-Shift-drag work in a similar way on an erection view for a member's piecemark or section size or left elevation or right elevation or camber or ABM page-line .

" Label text " ( ) on the Edit Label window and " Label text " ( ) on the Edit Dimension window now have a more what-you-see-is-what-you-get appearance. Furthermore, you can apply different fonts and font attributes to different lines or letters or words within a " Label text " block.

Also new to the Edit Label window are " Underline " and " Strikethrough " text. Different " Justification " can be applied to separate lines within a multiline text block.

" Underline " and " Strikethrough " are also new to the Edit Dimension window. Different " Justification " can be applied to separate lines within a dimension label multi-line text block.

" Wrap fields to next line " (' ' or ' ') and " Header position " (' Top ' or ' Bottom ') and " Order of revision lines " (' Top to bottom ' or ' Bottom to top ') are new to the Sheet Revisions edit window, which is opened by double-clicking on a revision chart.

The location of the insertion point that is used for Objects > Revision Chart > Place is set using " Anchor location " in Drawing Cosmetics .

To move a weld symbol or hole symbol or label without stretching a pointer that is attached to it, just drag the pointer. Formerly this broke off the pointer. If you want to break off the pointer, hold down the Shift key and drag the symbol.

Dragging a weld symbol to the opposite side of its pointer flips its " Symbol rotation " 180 degrees.

v2021 enhancements | top

Enhancements on member edit windows :

Process on the fly replaces design on the fly on member edit windows when " Process within member edit " is set to ' Yes ' or possibly ' Use Site Default ' in User Options .

When you add a new member, v2016 gives you immediate access to connection design locks . In v2015, you needed to Process a newly added member before you could gain access to that member's connection design locks.

If you are in a multi-user environment, it is possible that you may find yourself on a member edit window at the same time that somebody else in your current Job is adding a member that connects to the member whose edit window you are on. As a result, process on the fly will be locked from accessing information about that other member, and the following message will be generated:

 On-the-fly process failed

Create solids on " OK ": Process on the fly causes the Process phases of Process and Create Solids to be performed on a member edit window as the user makes entries to that window. The " OK " button at the bottom of a member edit window can now, optionally, bring Process and Create Solids to completion by causing the member to undergo Create Solids . The option that adds this solids creation capability to the " OK " button is " Automatically process after modeling operation " in User Options .

Button Location
" OK " Beam Edit window
" OK " Column Edit window
" OK " Horizontal Brace Edit window
" OK " Vertical Brace Edit window
" OK " Joist Edit window
" OK " Stair Edit window
" OK " Connection Component Edit
Note : The User Option also affects solids creation for processable custom members and for Copy Members and other tools .

The " Lock end " widget has been changed to a check box. = end locked = end unlocked. In other respects, " Lock end " functionality is the same.

Button Location
" Lock end " Beam Edit window
" Lock end " Column Edit window
" Lock end " Horizontal Brace Edit window
" Lock end " Vertical Brace Edit window
" Lock end " Joist Edit window

" Lock All " and " Unlock All " buttons at the top of the " Left end settings " or " Right end settings " sections on member edit windows now lock ( ) or unlock ( ) all lockable fields within those sections.

Button Location
" Lock all " Beam Edit window
" Lock all " Column Edit window
" Lock all " Horizontal Brace Edit window
" Lock all " Vertical Brace Edit window
" Lock all " Joist Edit window

An " Overlay " checkbox is available on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Joist Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit , Vertical Brace Edit and other windows. When checked, it causes the window to display one section at a time, just like selecting a tab on a window with tabs displays only the section for that one tab.

Stair Edit window:

--- The ability to use a different stair tread definitions for the top and bottom tread is available when the choice made to " Intermediate tread schedule " ( ) is a definition for grating treads or plate treads or continuous treads . The names of these selection fields are " Top tread schedule " and " Bottom tread schedule ."

--- NS and FS stair stringers no longer need to be the same material. Different materials can now be entered as the stair's " NS material " and the " FS material ."

--- The positioning and length of a single support or dual supports can be adjusted under " Tread support settings " on any Stair Edit window. .The support material itself is specified on the Stair Treads and may be an angle, plate or flat bar. This applies to continuous and pan tread types.

--- Pressing " OK " on the Stair Edit window automatically does a Process and Create Solids when the appropriate choice is made to " Automatically process after modeling operation " under the " Modeling " tab in User Options .

--- " Attach supports to tread " ( or ) is now an option when the stair is field assembled (" Shop assembled "). The option applies to pan treads, continuous treads and plate treads with supports.

--- A " Bolt to floor clearance " ( ) can be entered when the " End condition " is set to ' Bolt to floor .'

--- " Bottom riser setback " ( ) and " Bottom riser return length " ( ) are additional controls for continuous or pan tread bottom risers.

--- " Connection type " ( ) lets you add connections to a stair. These are not designed connections. They are more like connection components.

--- " Number of risers " has an ' Auto ' check box that, when checked, causes the riser count to be recalculated automatically when a stair's end elevation is changed.

Beam Edit window:

--- " Use HSS column reinforcement plate " (' Automatic ' or ' Yes ' or ' No ') ( ) is a new option under " Connection specifications " for single-plate shear connections or welded moment connections to a thin-walled HSS rectangular column.

Column Edit window:

--- " Use extended stiffeners " (user base/cap plate) and " Use extended stiffeners " (auto base/cap plate) ( ) are two " Connection specification " options that can become available on the Column Edit window.

Horizontal Brace Edit window:

--- " Allow material workline offset " gives connection design permission to offset the main material of a brace that frames to the bottom of a beam's flange.

Vertical Brace Edit window:

--- The " Connection type " ( ) for a stem-vertical W tee vertical brace can be set to ' Web plates ' or ' Coped flange .' In pre-2016 versions of SDS/2, only web plate connections could be designed on such braces.

--- Round bar material may be entered as the vertical brace " Section size " if you want SDS/2 to design rod bracing.

--- " Connection specifications " features a new ' Paddle (double shear)' option for " Pipe/tube end-fitting ." An HSS end fitting is applicable when the " Input connection type " is ' Vbrc plate ' and the " Section size " is an an HSS, pipe or tube.

--- HSS column reinforcement plates can be designed as needed for vertical brace gusset plates to thin-walled HSS rectangular (or tube) columns when " Use HSS column reinforcement plate " ( ) is set to ' Yes ' under " Connection specifications " on the Vertical Brace Edit window. When that same field is set to 'Automatic ,' connection design uses the choice made to " Use HSS column reinforcement plate " ( ) in Plate Design Criteria .

--- " UFM special case design " ( ) in " Connection specifications " adds a new ' Special case 3 ' option and replaces " Gusset-bm force to gusset-col ," which used to appear in the " Loads " leaf.

--- " Clip end operation " under " Connection specifications " lets you set the style of non-seismic gusset plates.

--- ' Near side ' and ' Far side ' are two new " Configuration " ( ) options for a double-angle vertical brace.

v2021 enhancements | top

Material Edit windows :

New to the Clevis Material window are " Pin diameter " and " Pin length " and " Pin type " and " Pin head side " and " Pin head thickness " and " Pin head diameter " and " Pin grade " and " Clevis grade ."

A round bar's diameter is now specified when you enter its " Section size " on the Round Bar Material window.

The " Steel grade " of a turnbuckle can be specified on the Turnbuckle Material window.

A " Clevis grade " and " Pin grade " can be specified on the Clevis Material window.

A " Grating grade " can be specified on the Grating Material window.

A " Grating grade " can be specified on the Grating Tread Material window.

Model > Material > Stretch now opens the Change All Options window, which includes an option to " Keep existing piecemark ."

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New Job Options :

On the Setup Job or Fabricator Options window, which opens from the Main Menu , Job Options are now found under a tab named " Job Setup ."

The Field Clearance Information window now has a new " Plain end " distance entry field that sets the field clearance for beams which have their " Input connection type " set to ' Plain end .'

The Steel Grades - Wide Flange and Plate Gradess and Steel Grades - Flat Bars and Steel Grades - Round and Square Bars and
Steel Grades - Tees and Steel Grades - Channel Steel and Steel Grades - Angle Steel and Steel Grades - Pipe and Steel Grades - HSS/TS and Shear and Threaded Stud Gradess setup windows now show only the tab that is relevant to the " Connection design method " that you have selected.

Steel Grades - Turnbuckle / Clevis / Pin is a new setup window. The Fy and Fu values on this window are used by connection design for designing clevis pins in rod bracing.

Steel Grades - Grating is a new setup window for steel grades that are to be used for grating treads in stairs or grating treads that are added as miscellaneous members or submaterials.

" UFM special case design " ( ) in Job Setup > Design Criteria replaces " Redistribute the gusset-beam interface force Vb to the gusset-column connection " and adds a new ' Special case 3 ' option.

Plate Design Criteria has a new option for " Use HSS column reinforcement plate " ( ).

Copy member revisions is a new option available at Job creation time that lets you copy member revisions to the to-be-created Job's Member Revisions window in Job Setup .

The Plate Definition Schedule is now named . Base / Cap Plate Schedule . On that schedule, an (i) icon is printed on each " More ... " button that has "more" settings already defined.

The Field Clearance Information window now lets you specify a " Clip angle on supporting " for clip angles that shop weld to the supporting member (beam or column) and field bolt to the supported member (the beam). The clearance is the distance from the face of the supporting member to the web of the beam that the clip angles field bolts to. The " Field clearance " for an auto standard clip angle shop welded to the supporting member is measured in the same way.

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Concrete setup :

A Concrete license from Design Data is required to enable the use of these setup windows.

Steel to Concrete Connection Schedule (new window, Job Setup )

Steel Grades - Rebar (new window, Job Setup )

Concrete Strength (new window, Job Setup )

Concrete Finish (new window, Job Setup )

CMU Templates (new window, Job Setup )

Trough Footing Templates (new window, Job Setup )

Rebar Definitions (new window, Job Setup )

Rebar Shape Templates (new window, Job Setup )

Rebar Coatings (new window, Job Setup)

Rebar Specifications (new window, Job Setup)

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New Fabricator Options :

The Detail Erection View Defaults window sets the defaults that are used when you detail an erection view. These defaults will populate the Detail Erection Views window when it is opened for the first time. Once a change is made to the Detail Erection Views window, the settings on that window are saved with the erection view drawing.

The Project Output window ( ) can be used to, for example, to route output of CNC files or drawing conversion files to folders in your current Job. Configuration files with ' Project defined output location ' ( ) selected as the " Send output to " choice need to be entered to appropriate " Output " tab fields in User Options .

On the Setup Job or Fabricator Options window, which opens from the Main Menu , Fabricator Options are now found under a tab named " Fabricator Setup ."

Member and Material Piecemarking has three new options under the " Submaterial " tab. These are " Prefix imperial material callouts that are less than 12 inches with '0- '" and " Show member marks and quantities on submaterial details " and " Show piecemarks in all views on member details ."

Also new to Member and Material Piecemarking has five new options under the " Main Member " tab. These are " Show submaterial mark for main material on beam member details " and " Show submaterial mark for main material on column member details " and " Show submaterial mark for main material on vertical brace member details " and " Show submaterial mark for main material on horizontal brace member details " and " Use member mark for member main material in shop bill of stair member details ."

Under the " Group " tab in Member and Material Piecemarking is a new option called " Use member mark for member main material in shop bill of group member details ." The option is similar to " Use member mark for member main material in shop bill of stair member details " and " Use member mark for member main material in shop bill ," which provide similar functionality, but for different types of members.

" Include unit quantities and weights for field bolts in bill of material " is a new option in Bolt Detailing/Fabrication Options which permits the weights of field bolts to be listed when field bolts are listed in member bills of material.

Member Detailing/Fabrication Options now has a new tab named " Tension Only Braces ," which contains setup for rod braces. Under the " Miscellaneous " tab are new options for " Add bearing bar thickness to description in BOM for grating material " and " Add bearing bar thickness to description in BOM for grating tread material ."

Member Detailing/Fabrication Options had, in earlier versions, an option to note the names of the intersecting grid lines that are closest to columns under a column detail's piecemark. Similar options have now been introduced for braces and beams.

" Show grid notes on details " (" Beams " tab > )
" Show grid notes on details " (" Horizontal Braces " tab)
" Show grid notes on details " (" Vertical Braces " tab > )

" Allow material workline offset " is new to the " Horizontal Braces " section in Member Detailing/Fabrication Options . It applies when 'Automatic' is selected for a similarly named option on the Horizontal Brace Edit window.

" Show end elevations at workpoints on details " is new to the " Vertical Braces " section in Member Detailing/Fabrication Options .

" Preferred stringer auxiliary view orientation from " is new to the " Stair " section in Member Detailing/Fabrication Options .

" Edge distance " ( ) is new to the Cap Plate Setup window in Standard Fabricator Connections .

A new Extended Flange Plate Setup window can be found in Standard Fabricator Connections .

" Alternative gage is the default gage " ( ) (for wide flange beams) and " Alternative gage is the default gage " (for channel beams) are new to the Joist Setup window in Standard Fabricator Connections . These let you choose to apply alternative beam gages to be used for bolting a joist top chord to the top flange of a beam. The alternative beam gages are specified in tables (by flange widths) on that same setup window.

The Gusset Plate Setup window in Standard Fabricator Connections now has " Clip end operation on angle brace gusset plates " and " Clip end operation on W tee brace gusset plates " and " Clip end operation on channel brace gusset plates " options for the design of vertical brace gusset plates. In previous SDS/2 versions, these three options were a single option which applied to all angle, tee and channel vertical braces.

The Gusset Plate Setup window in Standard Fabricator Connections now has three entirely new options for horizontal braces. These are " Clip end operation on angle brace gusset plates " and " Clip end operation on W tee brace gusset plates " and " Clip end operation on Wflg brace gusset plate ." In previous SDS/2 versions, all angle, tee and wide flange horizontal brace gusset plates were of the "square" (non-clipped) variety.

The " Pens " tab in Drawing Cosmetics now has options for " Filled hole pen color " and " Hatch pen color ."

" Wrap fields to next line " and " Header position " and " Order of revision lines " and " Anchor location " are new to the " Revision Chart " tab in Drawing Cosmetics . These options set the initial appearance of the revision chart that is placed when you do an Objects > Revision Chart > Place in the Drawing Editor .

A new " Tables " tab has been added to Drawing Cosmetics. Options under the tab set the default choices made to the Table Edit window that opens when a user adds a new table.

The " Single-quantity designation in main callout " for member details and submaterial details can be set to 'ONE' or to '1' in General Detailing & Fabrication Options . On the same setup window, there is also a new option for " Face A/C holes shown on face C/A view on member detail ."

" Cloud and note Vent/Drain holes on member details " ( ) in Galvanizing Options instructs automatic detailing to call out vent/drain holes on galvanized members.

" Display measurement unit for angle dimensions " and " Angle dimension precision " are new setup options that control the adding of angle dimensions. They are found under the " General " tab in Dimension Settings .

Under the " Miscellaneous " tab in Dimension Settings is a new " Bent plate lengths calculated " option that instructs the program to calculate BOM lengths for bent plates ' At centerline for all plate thickness ' (as SDS/2 has traditionally done), or to use ' Custom K factors ' from a table that can be filled out by users.

" Cloud and note holes having slip-critical bolts on member details " ( ) is a new option in Detailing Symbol Options which lets you specify up to three notes for slip-critical bolts. Also new to Detailing Symbol Options are " Add weld-leader cranks " and " Combine weld symbols " and " Show non-quad boundary slot-rotations with symbol-note on detail drawings ."

Material Isolation Presets is a new setup window that lets you specify the depth checking limits for views of materials.

Detail Erection View Defaults for Site Planning

Stair Treads:

--- Users can now define up to 16 distinct tread definitions in a Fabricator.

--- ' Plate ' ( ) and ' Continuous ' ( ) can now be selected as the " Type of tread ."

--- ' Plate ' shapes can be ' C-shaped ' or ' Cold formed channel ' or ' Other ' or ' Rolled channel ' or ' Rolled cold formed channel .'

--- " Checkered " plate is an option for ' C-shaped ' or ' Cold formed channel ' or ' Other ' or ' Continuous ' stair tread.

--- An " Abrasive setback " can now be applied to ' Pan ' type stair tread to accommodate abrasive nosing material.

--- ' Bent plate ' can now be selected as the tread support " Type " for a pan type stair tread. The " Material description " for the bent plate may be a plate or a flat bar. " Dimension tread face " and " Dimension riser face " set the leg lengths of the bent plate.

--- The " Material description " for a plate stair tread support can be an angle, plate or square bar.

--- The " Material description " for a continuous stair tread support can be an angle, plate or square bar.

--- For plate type treads, the length and placement of the supports is not auto calculated, but is specified as the " Length " and " Setback " on the Stair Treads window.

--- The angle supports for plate stair treads can have " Holes " in the leg to the stringer for bolting the angle to the stringer. Bolts will be shop bolts if the stair is " Shop assembled ." They will be field bolts if the stair is field assembled (" Shop assembled .") and " Attach supports to tread " is turned off.

--- A " Grade " can now be assigned to grating treads in stairs.

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New User Options :

Automatic solids creation: Member end connections are automatically re-designed whenever changes are made to those connections on a member edit window. Creation of solids when a user presses " OK " on the member edit window is optional. The per-user option is " Automatically process after modeling operation " under the " Modeling " tab. The per-site option is " Automatically process after modeling operation " under the " Site " tab. The choice that you make to " Automatically process after modeling operation " affects the following tools:

Model > Member > Add > ...
Model > Member > Edit and related tools
Model > Member > Copy
Model > Member > Move/Stretch
(and Move/Stretch Include Material )
Model > Member > Erase (and Delete )
Model > Member > Change Type
Component Tools ( Add , Copy , Explode , Move )
Group Member Tools ( Create , Ungroup , Add To , Remove From )
Undelete Tools ( Member Undelete , Visual Undelete , Quick Undelete )

An on/off switch for process on the fly is now available. The per-user option " Process within member edit " can be found under the " Modeling " tab. The per-site option is " Process within member edit " under the " Site " tab. On-the-fly processing is a feature of member edit windows.

An " Automatically create recovery files interval " ( ) can be entered in User Options under the " Interface " tab to provide drawing file recovery protection in the event of a crash. When you Open ( Ctrl + o ) a drawing after a crash, you will be able to restore any changes that were saved to the auto saved recovery file.

" Member component items to copy/repeat " under the " Site " tab now controls whether or not locked values stored in connection design locks are copied using Repeat . Formerly this option only applied to custom components. Now it applies to both custom components and connection components.

" Export type (per user) " under the " System " tab in User Options sets the default selection that is made to " Export type " on the Main Menu .

The default set of status display files that are loaded on the Status Display window and the Status Configuration toolbar item can be selected by pressing the " Define Statuses " button ( ) found under the " Configuration Files " tab in User Options .

" Always show Annotations and Dimensioning window " under the " Interface " tab can instruct SDS/2 to always open the appropriate versions of that window for Detailing Members , Detail Submaterial , and Detail Member Groups .

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Automatic detailing :

Multi-core detailing: SDS/2 uses multiple cores when auto detailing members and submaterials.

Detail Members now reads the settings that are stored with each member detail. On the selection dialog for Detail Members , you can select a detail, then press the " Settings " button ( ) to review/change the settings that belong to that detail. The " Members " ( ) section of the Annotation and Dimensioning Defaults setup window stores the settings that you will get, by default, when a member undergoes Detail Members for the first time.

Detail Member Groups auto details based on settings that are stored with each group member detail. To review/change these settings from the selection dialog for Detail Member Groups , select a group member then press the " Settings " button. The " Group Members " section of the Annotation and Dimensioning Defaults setup window stores the settings that you will get, by default, when a member undergoes Detail Member Groups for the first time.

Detail Submaterial reads auto detailing settings that are stored with each submaterial. On the Detail Submaterial selection dialog, you can select a submaterial, then press the " Settings " button to review/change the settings that belong to that submaterial. The " Submaterials " section on the Annotation and Dimensioning Defaults window (in Fabricator setup) stores the default settings for when you Detail Submaterial the first time.

Detail Erection Views now reads the settings that are stored with each erection view. When auto detailing, you can select an erection view and press the " Settings " button to review/change those settings that belong to that erection view. The Detail Erection View Defaults (in Fabricator setup) are the default settings for an erection view that is detailed for the first time.

Manual Erection View Detailing: . Detail Erection Views Manually ( ) has replaced selecting ' Manually ' for " Member style " as the means for launching the Manual Erection View Detailing program.

The Detail Erection Views window now includes the following options that were previously maintained in setup: " Show shear tab location " " Dimension grids above/left of structure " " Dimension grids below/right of structure " " Show bottom of base plate elevation as " " Bottom of base plate prefix " " Show elevation on member " " Camber on member " " Custom properties on member " " Section size on custom members " " Denote non-standard material " " Show number of studs on member " " Member numbers on erection views ." ' As is ' is a new option for " Member orientation indicators " that allows users to preserve evu-cleanup changes made to MOI visibility and scaling.

The Detail Erection Views window also includes the following entirely new options: " Annotate finite grid lines in place " ( ) and " Generate named locations ."

The Group Member Annotation and Dimensioning window has a new " Detail BOM only " option.

For Detail Members , the " Preserve system-set detail flags " option can now be found on the selection dialog whereon you select the members you want to detail.

For detailing with templates, Settings > Drawing Settings > Position/Match Marking has been added to the Drawing Editor .

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Status and advanced selection :

Multiple status display files can be loaded on the Status Display window ( ). Only one of those files can be the active status display file .

The Status Configuration toolbar item now is a list box from whose menu can be selected any one of the same status display files that are listed in the Status Display window. When you select a file on this toolbar item, that file becomes the active status display file.

The default set of status display files that are loaded on the Status Display window and the Status Configuration toolbar item can be selected by pressing the " Define Statuses " button ( )

A Status Display Legend icon ( ) can be added to a toolbar in Modeling to give you the same functionality as pressing the " Legend " button on the Status Display window.

New Status Display conditions are as follows:

Member status > Member description
Member status > HSS long side orientation
Member status > Has input setback

Material status > Material steel grade
Material status > Material plate thickness
Material status > Channel toe direction
Material status > Angle long leg orientation
Material status > Material description
Material status > Material usage description
Material status > Material detail complete date

Search > CNC downloaded

Connection type > Auto standard

Connection auto loads > Auto beam shear
Connection auto loads > Auto beam moment
Connection auto loads > Auto column load
Connection auto loads > Auto column moment
Connection auto loads > Auto column splice uplift
Connection auto loads > Auto column horizontal shear
Connection auto loads > Auto vertical brace tension
Connection auto loads > Auto vertical brace compression
Connection auto loads > Auto horizontal brace tension
Connection auto loads > Auto horizontal brace compression

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For outputting CNC, a new option to " Always prompt for configurations " has been added to the FabTrol Setup and KISS Export Setup windows.

" Add hole center tick for aligning with hole match mark " and " Scribe style " and " Tick length " and " Ticks per material " and " Orient hole match marks/ticks to " are new to DSTV Options , but were also available in some of the later versions of SDS/2 v2015 that were released in 2016.

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Custom Properties :

The choices for " Flavor " that you can select when creating a new project have been redefined. The original ' Default ' flavor is now 'DDLegacy .' The previous ElectronicApproval is now the ' DesignData ' and ' Default ' flavors.

Selection Effect on the New Job
' Default '
is a set of custom property schema which can be used with the Attachment Tool and Open Sheet and Approval Sheet Sorting and Status Transfer and Full Transfer . SDS/2 does not overwrite the ' Default ' flavor when you update your current version of SDS/2. Consequently, any changes you make to schema using setup options will be maintained across each fresh installation.
' DDLegacy '
is a set of custom property schema that was originally developed for SDS/2 v7.2, v7.3 and v2015.
' DesignData ' is the same as ' Default ,' except that SDS/2 overwrites the ' DesignData ' flavor when you install a new version of SDS/2. A new install does not affect schema currently in use -- even if the schema were originally copied from the ' DesignData ' flavor.
' Collaborative Properties '
gives you the same capabilities and compatibilities as ' Default ,' but adds additional predefined properties for intercommunications with the connection engineer.

When importing an IFC file using DesignLink , you can elect to " Import custom property sets ."

When exporting an IFC file using Model Link , SDS/2 users can turn off or turn on the export of custom properties using an option called " Export custom properties ." If that Model Link export option is turned on (checked), then only those custom properties that have " Export to IFC " turned on in their schema will be exported in the IFC file.

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Input/Output (including reports):

The Project Output ( ) window can be used to, for example, to route output of CNC files or drawing conversion files to folders in your current Job. Configuration files with ' Project defined output location ' ( ) selected as the " Send output to " choice need to be entered to appropriate " Output " tab fields in User Options .

" Transmittal " from the Main Menu can output files of various types from your current project to a single folder ( ).

Project Transfer now packs the project in a .jft file (Job Transfer File). Double-clicking a .jtf file opens the Unpack Project window. " Extraction method " is a new packing option. " Start SDS/2 with unpacked job " is a new unpacking option that is only available when you double-click a .jft file.

" Set plotted flags " is a new option for PDF Export from the SDS/2 Main Menu .

The DesignLINK window has been made more intuitive.

Units for " X translation " and " Y translation " and " Z translation " can be specified in mm or in (inches) for all translatable DesignLink import types.

A " Postprocess script " can be entered to the DesignLINK window. The script will automatically be run when the import process is done.

When importing an IFC file using DesignLink , you can elect to " Import custom property sets ."

When exporting an IFC file using Model Link , SDS/2 users can turn off or turn on the export of custom properties using an option called " Export custom properties ." If that Model Link export option is turned on (checked), then only those custom properties that have " Export to IFC " turned on in their schema will be exported in the IFC file.

The IFC Properties window for Model Link has a new " Export zipped file " option. Such a zipped file can be imported directly into SDS/2 using DesignLINK without first extracting the .ifc file. You can also directly import such a zipped file by pressing " Link to New File " ( ) on the Reference Models window in Modeling .

Also new to the IFC Properties window for Model Link is an option to " Export grids ."

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Parametrics :

PR 2714 The parametric weld_add module no longer supports the WeldTypeSingleOrDouble, length, and GrooveRadus attributes. To do a two sided weld set other_weld_type, other_size, etc. as desired.

PR 29641 " NM bolt type to supporting" and its corresponding auto flag are now accessible via the model module as bolt_type2 and user_nm_bolt_type2, respectively.

PR 11170 Any submaterial in the job can now be added parametrically using the sds2.sub_mtrl .SubMaterialReference.BuiltinMaterial conversion and the MemberBase .AddMaterial API. For example:

from sds2.sub_mtrl import SubMaterialReference
from MemberBase import GetMemberLink
from Transform3D import Transform3D
member_number = 1
sub_mtrl_idx = 1
mem = GetMemberLink(member_number, False, True)
mtrl = SubMaterialReference(sub_mtrl_idx).BuiltinMaterial()

PR 17097 Added sds2.piecemark to the Python API as a way to automate the 'Edit Piecemarks' functionality. See help(sds2.piecemark) for more information.

PR 31341 In parametrics added the Designable package to aid developing processable plugins. See python's built-in help for that package. See the example source code in the DesignableExamples plugin package for sample code using Designable.

PR 34546 In parametrics, added the ability to break apart arbitrary materials. See help(sds2.breakapart) for more details.

PR 34579 In parametrics added the ability to export expanded design calcs. See help( DesignCalcs ) for more information.

PR 34580 All Sheet Revisions are readable through the Drawing module and the Increment Sheet Revisions tool can now be automated. See help(Drawing.IncrementSheetRevisionNumerically), help(Drawing.IncrementSheetRevisionAlphabetically) and help(Drawing.IncrementSheetRevisionManually) for more information.

PR 34582 In parametrics, added Designable .Proxies.BreakApartMaterialsProxy for the corresponding function sds2.breakapart.BreakApartMaterials. See DesignableExamples.EndSplice for an example component that can explicitly break materials off a member.

PR 34729 In parametrics, added the ability to remove parametrics without user interaction. See help( param .EraseParametric) for more details.

PR 34746 In parametrics added access to the job's member revision table via the job module. See

Gain access to the member's revision history through a model.object member's `rev_level`, `revision_cnt`, and `revision_history` attributes.

PR 35188 Python API for Status Display. See help(sds2.status_display) for more information.

PR 36072 A new lockable module has been implemented for 2016. The following are some of it's key features:

The LockableValue class:
1. Intelligent enough to interpret values as section sizes, dimensions, variable spacings, 'combobox' alternatives or simple numbers and strings.

2. Variable spacings can be input as strings (eg. '3@3,4') or as a list like [3,3,3,4].

3. Serializable (picklable).

When interacting with a connection component:
1. Users are restricted to interacting with only those connection design locks that are visible on the member edit screen.

2. LockableValues obtained from a connection and visible via python will validate against the same rules as those on the member edit screen (such as maximums, minimums, available section sizes, etc.)

3. If a connection's locks affect those on a neighboring component (like the thickness of a butt plate on a column splice connection), the affected locks will be updated, similar to the way member/component edit works.

For more information, see help(sds2.lockable).

PR 36276 The Tying Load for ends has been exposed to the python api. This is useful when the "Connection design method' is 'Eurocode 3.'

import model
m = model.member(1)
left_end = m.ends[0]
right_end = m.ends[1]

print left_end.tying_load
print left_end.TyingLoad

PR 36307 Added two higher level python APIs for creating Gadget screens. See help(sds2.utility.gadget_protocol) and help(sds2.utility.gadget_protocol_member) for more information.

PR 36400 SDS/2 installs will now include pip and XlsxWriter Python module installs. There are also items on the Start Menu for these installers.

PR 36428 Plugins inheriting from Designable .Processable.Processable and not StateAccessor will no longer format the pickle in a way that StateAccessor can read, which makes pickling of these objects slightly faster. Existing pickles using the old format will still be read and will be converted the next time the plugin is saved. Once the new pickle format is saved, older binaries will no longer be able to read the new pickle format. (v2016)

PR 36524 Component.Erase now erases all of the components in a list.

PR 36568 Improved the performance of python dialog screens. Large screens, such as HandRail, will open up in less time. This impacts any custom member screen or custom component leaf.

PR 36826 Exposed via the python model module the new options for eurocode design method "non_bearing" and "col_splice_gap" for column splice connections.

PR 36940 When creating parametric miscellaneous round bar members, the diameter given for the bar must have a corresponding entry in Shapes Properties or an exception will be raised during the evaluation of the parametric script.

PR 37073 In the custom member API, the default behavior for BoundingBoxContains now includes each point in GetAlternateMembLinePoints.

PR 36074 In the python Component module, fixed ReplaceLiveComponentsWithCopy to work with multiple components.

PR 37118 In the python shr_stud module, fixed the grade attribute to read from the shear stud grade table in setup.

PR 37405 Material grade and finish are now available to the python interface through the MaterialBase class with the SetGrade/GetGrade and SetFinish/GetFinish methods.

MaterialFinishCombobox and MaterialGradeCombobox are now available in the MaterialBaseWidgets parametrics module.

PR 37524. The parametric member module is updated to return 'Plate' for stairs with a plate tread type and 'Continuous' for stairs with a continuous tread type. The tread type of a stair can be accessed from the member module by the following snippet of parametric code:

import member
member.Member(1).tread_sched. tread_type

assuming member 1 is a stair.

PR 38196   Custom command developers that specify job setup options can customize the user facing string displayed in the Options > Job Options > Plugin Options > Command by adding a class attribute 'UserStr' to the command class, e.g.,

class MyCommand(Command.Command):
UserStr = 'My command'

PR 39319 Parametrically added material can now be added as dummy material and will not show up in the bill of material but will still be detailed. Set mtrl.dummy = "Yes"

v2021 enhancements | top

Utilities :

A repository is selected on the Job repository menu by its " Description ." In pre-2016 versions of SDS/2, it was selected by its file path. The " Job Repository Management " utility assigns a description to each file path.

v2021 enhancements | top