The HSS Cap Plates window

  • Click here for help documentation on the HSS Cap Plates custom component from the SDS2 Detailing help manual.
  • The HSS Cap Plates review window provides custom component settings. You cannot add or modify a custom component in an SDS2 review station. You can review component settings.
  • The HSS Cap Plates component can be added (in a full-featured SDS2 program ) to an beam, column, vertical brace or horizontal brace whose main material is HSS ( rectangular or round ).
To open the HSS Cap Plates window, you can double-click any material that is a part of the custom component . This illustration shows the hovering of a material controlled by a component. User and Site Options > Modeling > " Show balloon description " was turned on (checked), and the selection filter was set to ' Default '.

The HSS Cap Plates custom component can also be reviewed on the review window of whatever member it was added to. For this example and the above example, you could open the Vertical Brace Review window.

page 1 | contents | beam | column | horizontal brace | vertical brace