Hanger Clip Angle Connections (" Connection specifications " and more)

On this page :

Also see :

user defined | auto standard | column | system

To get a hanger clip angle connection :

When ' Clip angle ' is selected as a column's " Input connection type " in a full -featured SDS2 program , the connection fails with the " Hangar connections not supported " message. ' Force ' is required to get a solids model.

user defined | auto standard | column | system | top

Clip angle configurations :

" Connection specifications " can be used to designate the following clip angle configurations from Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Standard Fab Connections .

Clip Angle Configuration
  " Connection specifications"
Heavy Gage OSL All-Bolted Clip Angles   Heavy , Bolted , Supported / Supporting
Wide Gage OSL All-Bolted Clip Angles Wide Gage , Bolted , Both , Supported / Supporting
Narrow Gage OSL All-Bolted Clip Angles Narrow Gage , Bolted , Both
Single Clip Angles All-Bolted Narrow Gage / Wide Gage , Bolted , Near Side / Far Side , Supported / Supporting  
Bolted/Welded: Double Angle: Welded OSL   Narrow Gage / Wide Gage , Both , Supporting
Single Clip Angles Welded OSL   Narrow Gage / Wide Gage , Welded , Near Side / Far Side , Supporting
Heavy Gage OSL Bolted/Welded Clip Angles Heavy , Welded
Wide Gage OSL Bolted/Welded Clip Angles Wide Gage , Welded , Both , Supported
Narrow Gage OSL Bolted/Welded Clip Angles Narrow Gage , Welded , Both , Supported  
Single Clip Angles Bolted OSL   Narrow Gage / Wide Gage , Welded , Near Side / Far Side , Supported

user defined | auto standard | column | system | top

------ " Connection specifications " for column hanger ' Clip angle ' connections ------

A column's " Connection specifications " change with the selected connection type. To get this set of conn specs to show up on the Column Edit window, select ' Clip angle ' is the " Input connection type ." For auto standard or user defined connections, conn specs are not on the Column Edit window, but can be found at Home > Project Settings > Job > Auto Standard Connections or User Defined Connections

Gage: Narrow gage or Wide gage or Heavy gage .

Heavy gage clip angles can have two columns of bolts. This example shows hanger clip angles used as column splices.

In a full-featured SDS2 program . . .

' Narrow ' specifies that a narrow gage clip angle connection be designed per the distance entered to Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > Clip Angle Settings > " Center to center distance, Narrow gage ." A narrow gage clip angle has a single column of bolts.

' Wide ' instructs connection design to create a wide gage clip angle per the distance entered to Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > Clip Angle Settings > " Center to center distance, Wide gage ." A wide gage clip angle has a single column of bolts.

' Heavy ' specifies double clip angles that may be shop welded or shop bolted. Heavy gage clip angles may have two columns of bolts per leg. The inside and outside center-to-center hole spacing of a heavy gage double clip angle is defined under Standard Fabricator Connections > Clip Angle Settings .

Attachment: Bolted or Welded .

' Welded '
(to supported)
' Bolted '
(to supported)

In a full-featured SDS2 program . . .

' Bolted ' specifies that connection design create a clip angle connection that bolts in the shop to the member. If " Attached to " is ' Supported ', the clip angle shop bolts to the supported column and fields to the supporting beam. If " Attached to " is ' Supporting ', the clip angle shop bolts to the supporting member beam and field bolts to the supported column.

' Welded ' instructs connection design to create a clip angle that shop welds to the member. If " Attached to " is ' Supported ', the clip angle shop welds to the supported column and field bolts to the supporting beam. If " Attached to " is ' Supporting ', the clip angle shop welds to the supported column and field bolts to the supporting beam.

Side: Near side or Far side or Both .

' Near side '
' Far side '
' Both '

In a full-featured SDS2 program . . .

' Near side ' or ' Far side ' specifies a single clip angle that fastens to whichever side of the web of the supported beam is selected.

' Both ' specifies double clip angles: one fastened to the near side web of the supported beam, the other to the far side web.

Near side versus far side: The near side is the side of the web that faces you when the left end of the supported beam is to your left and the right end of the beam is to your right. The far side of the web is the side that is opposite to the near side.

Attached to: Supported or Supporting .

' Supported '
(shop attached to the column)
' Supporting '
(shop attached to the beam)

In a full-featured SDS2 program . . .

' Supported ' specifies a hanger clip angle connection that is shop fastens (bolts or welds) to the supported column. The connection will be considered to be a submaterial of the column and will appear on details of the column.

' Supporting ' specifies that the hanger clip angle connection be shop fasten (bolt or weld) to the supporting beam.

Stagger on: Neither or Supporting or Supported . For more information, see the help for " Stagger on "in the " Connection specifications " for beam clip angle connections.

Use expanded vertical bolt spacing: Automatic or Yes or No . For more information, see the help for " Use expanded vertical bolt spacing " in the " Connection specifications " for beam clip angle connections.

Use paddle plate: or . For more information, see the help for " Use paddle plate " in the " Connection specifications " for beam clip angle connections.

Skew holes in angle: Automatic or Yes or No . For more information, see the help for " Skew holes in angle " in the " Connection specifications " for beam clip angle connections.

user defined | auto standard | column | system | top