The SDS2 neutral file

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Required/optional neutral file information :

If insufficient information about members is provided in a neutral file when a structure is created in SDS2, an error/warning message may result. An error means that the member has NOT been added to the 3D model in the Modeling portion of SDS2. A warning message informs you that a member has been added, but the member data was insufficient.

Required / Optional SDS2 Neutral File Information

  Item Status   Comments
member type   required   Each member in an SDS2 neutral file must be identified as a beam, column, vertical brace or horizontal brace or legacy miscellaneous member. If the "class" field in an Intergraph SDNF file is 3 - 9, Import Model will regenerate that member as a legacy miscellaneous member.
  end coordinates required X , Y and Z coordinates for each end of a member must be included. For beams, use top-of-steel for elevation (the Z coordinate). For columns, use splice elevation.
  section shape required
certain shapes
Example: If double angle bracing is to be created, the " Neutral file " must specify LL (long legs back-to-back) or SL (short legs back-to-back) 
section size   required Any section size specified in the " Neutral file " must also exist in the local shape file if you want to create that member into the 3D model. 
required The column rotation in ± degrees must also be included. 0 indicates that the web is parallel to the X global axis. 90 indicates that the web is parallel to the Y global axis. 
beam rotations   optional ' Web normal ', ' Web vertical ', ' Hip and valley ' are the rotation types. If no rotation type is specified, ' Web vertical ' is the default.
steel grade optional If steel grade information is NOT included, members are assigned the steel grade that appears first in the appropriate table at Home > Project Settings > Job
  sequence number optional Members will be assigned a sequence numbers of 1 if a sequence number specified (or not specified) in the neutral file is outside the range specified at Home > Project Settings > Job > Modeling > Zone and Sequence > Maximum sequences .
loads optional Heavier loads will result in stronger connections. If load info is not included in the " Neutral " file, connection design can calculate the loads based on Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings .

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The SDS2 neutral file format :

A record is an individual line that appears in an SDS2 neutral file. Following is a list of each record type along with a description of the information contained in that record type. Most records provide information about particular members. An exception to this generalization are the records that appear in the header, which provide information about the file as a whole.

00 = Header record (sorted first)

01 = Header record (sorted second)

AA = Basic member data, required for all members

BE = Beam data, required for beams and braces

CO = Column data, required for columns

FC = FROM end ( left end ) coordinates, required for all members

FL = FROM end ( left end ) loads, optional for all members

TC = TO end ( right end ) coordinates, required for all members

FL = TO end ( right end ) loads, optional for all members

  "00" records - first header

  column   length   field
12 blank (applies to all records)
13 2 record type: 00
15 1 1 = U.S. units; 2 = metric units
16 6 office directory name
22 19 date & time:
dd-mmm-yy hh-mm-ss
 41 18 building name
59 5 total number of members
64 5 total records except 00 & 01

  "01" records - second header

  column   length   field
 1 12 blank (applies to all records)
13 2 record type: 01
15 6 program name
21 11 program version number
32 8 user's logon ID
40 10 user's address

"AA" records - all member types

  column   length   field
 1 12 member identification
(the member number in the original model that the file was created from)
13 2 record type: AA
15 1 member type: B = beam C = column; V = vertical brace; H = horizontal brace; ? = legacy miscellaneous member
16 5 name of section property table or local shape file (example: AISC )
21 2 section shape:
blank = a shape not listed below; C = channel
CS = composite shape; L = single angle brace LL = double angle brace, long legs back-to-back; SL = double angle brace, short legs back-to-back P = pipe; TS = tube shape;
WB = wide flange, beam; WC = wide flange, column; WT = wide flange tee
23  22 section size
45 8 steel grade
53 12 length of member
(member lengths are calculated from end coordinates; this field is not used)
65 12 camber
77 3 sequence line number from Sequence Names
80 1 1/3 stress increase for braces: A = allow 1/3 stress increase; anything else = Do not allow
Notes: Entries to "member type," "section size" and "material grade" are required for all members; 'SL' and 'LL' are required for "section shape" if they apply; other options for the field "section shape" are derived from "section size."

  "BE" records - beams, braces & miscellaneous members

  column   length   field
 1 12 member identification
(the member number in the original model that the file was created from)
13 2 record type: BE
15 1 rotation type , FROM end ( left end ) of beam: N = normal rotation; V = web vertical;
H = hip and valley; blank = web vertical
16 8 rotation in degrees, FROM end ( left end ) of beam
24 1 rotation type , TO end ( right end ) of beam (if beam is twisted) N = normal rotation; V = web vertical; H = hip and valley; blank = web vertical
25 8 rotation in degrees of TO end ( right end ) of beam (if beam is twisted)
33  1   toe direction of channels and angles (braces only): O or 0 = toes out (up/left);
I or 1 = toes in (down/right)
34 1 Leg to gusset (braces only): S = short leg to gusset plate; L = long leg to gusset plate
Note: For no 'rotation type', SDS2 defaults to 'V' (web vertical) on import.

"CO" records - columns only

  column   length field
 1 12 member identification
(the member number in the original model that the file was created from)
13 2 record type: CO
15 8 column rotation in degrees:
Entry must be between ± 90 degrees. 0 sets web parallel to X global axis. 90 sets web parallel to Y global axis.
23 4 length of base plate (not used when importing to SDS2)
27 4 width of base plate (not used when importing to SDS2)
31 8 thickness of base plate (not used when importing to SDS2)
Note: Column rotation is required to create a column when importing to SDS2.

"FC" records - FROM ( left end ) coordinates
"TC" records - TO ( right end ) coordinates
column   length   field
1 12 member identification
(the member number in the original model that the file was created from)
13 2 record type: FC or TC
15 13 X global coordinate of work point
28 13 Y global coordinate of work point
41 13 Z global coordinate of work point (elevation). For beams, use top-of-steel. For columns, use splice elevation.
Notes: No member can be created from a neutral file in SDS2 without member coordinate information. Coordinate info may be in meters, centimeters, millimeters or inches (see " Length units ").

"FL" records - FROM loads
"TL" records - TO loads

  column   length   field
 1 12 member identification
(the member number in the original model that the file was created from)
13 2 record type: FL or TL
15 7 horizontal shear load
22 7 vertical shear load
29 7 horizontal moment load
36 7 vertical moment load
43 7 tension load
50 7 compression load
Note: These fields will be included in the " Neutral file " if, for example, " Read force loads " is checked.

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