v2015 Enhancements
SDS/2 Detailing v2015
v7.4.00 to v2015.25
--- enhancements ---
On this page :
- System-wide enhancements
- Connection design
- Connection failure messages
- New and enhanced tools and capabilities:
- Improvements to member, material and other Modeling edit windows:
- Improvements to Job, Fabricator and User Options
- Automatic Detailing
- Status
- Custom Properties
- Help videos
- Input/Output (including reports)
- Parametrics
- Utilities
One or more Fabricators may be stored inside a Job. This simplifies the transfer of Jobs to different sites. When a new Job is created (
), a new Fabricator is created and stored inside that Job. That new Fabricator is called the Master Fabricator (
). The Master Fabricator needs to be your current Fabricator in order for you to be able to edit standard piecemarks such as End Plates Standard Piecemarks , Shear Plates Standard Piecemarks , the Plate Definition Schedule and Clip Angle Piecemark tables for the various clip angle configurations . During Process and Create Solids , if a secondary Fabricator is selected as your current Fabricator, the program will continue to use the Master Fabricator setup for assigning these standard piecemarks. Due to Fabricators now being stored inside of a Job, a new procedure has been developed for changing your Fabricator or creating a new one (
). Fabricators are changed on the Job and Fabricator Options setup menu (
Connection design locks: To change a setting, first set it to locked (
). Related settings that are unlocked (
) may be updated, and the " Left/Right end limit state " calculations will be updated. Settings that are locked (
) will not be changed by connection design , even if doing so might prevent a connection failure. Connection design locks are stored under leaves on member edit windows, Connection Component Edit windows, and on the User Defined Connections window -- previously they were stored under buttons.
To help you track when connection design locks have been set, " Connection design locks set " is a new Search , " Connection design locks set " is a new Status Display setting, and a Connection Design Lock Summary (a count) is output to the Connection Design Calculations Report and the Expanded Connection Design Calculations Report . On a Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit or Joist Edit window, a banner under " Information " notifies you when a user has set at least one connection design lock (
User defined: Settings that are locked (
) in the user defined connection file will automatically be locked on the member edit window. The user defined connection will undergo the same capacity checks, bolt validations and other failure checks that it would undergo if it had been specified on a member edit window. You can, if you so choose, manually lock additional settings on the member edit window, and your changes will be retained, through multiple processes, so long as you do not change to a different connection then switch back to the original user defined connection. You are not required to set up a user defined connection on the User Defined Connections setup window anymore, though you can still do so if you prefer to. The alternative is to save a user defined connection from a member edit window, using the " Save User Defined Connection " button (
) which can be found embedded in the " Left end settings " and " Right end settings " banners of the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit , Vertical Brace Edit and Joist Edit windows. When you save a user defined connection from a member edit window or from the Connection Component Edit window (
), the " End Preparation " settings are saved along with that connection.
Two new connection design methods: ' CSA10 ' and ' EUROCODE 3 ' can be selected as the " Connection design method ." Connection design for ' CSA10 ' is based on the CISC Handbook of Steel Construction, Tenth Edition and employs the resistance factors entered to the CSA10 Phi Factors window. ' EUROCODE 3 ' employs the resistance factors entered to the Gamma Factors window.
Entering loads for column splices : Connection design attempts to synchronize the " Load " (compression) on each of the two columns being spliced so that they are the same values. If one column has an ' Auto ' load and the other column has a user-entered load, the " Load " on both columns are set equal to the user-entered " Load ." If both columns have user-entered loads and those loads are not the same, the connection fails. If both columns have ' Auto ' loads, connection design uses the smaller of the two calculated loads. Synchronization of loads between the two spliced columns is done in a similar fashion when a " Moment " load or " Splice uplift " load or a " Horizontal shear " has been entered.
" Use alternate eccentricity " (' Automatic ' or ' Yes ' or ' No ') is a new option for design of extend-past-flange shear plate connections. ' Automatic ' applies the choice made to " Use alternate eccentricity for extended shear tabs " in Design Criteria . ' Yes ' instructs connection design to use an alternate method for calculating eccentricity. ' No ' applies the standard method for calculating eccentricity.
The following " Connection specifications " have been added to member edit windows and, where applicable, for user defined and auto standard connections." Extend stabilizer plates to " (extend-past-flange shear plate connections on a beam to a column web), " Check supporting member for axial load " (clip angle, beam) " Check supporting member for axial load " (single-plate shear connection, beam), " Use alternate eccentricity " (extend-past-flange shear connections, beam), " Extend stabilizer plates to " (extend-past-flange shear connections) (
), Check supporting member for axial load " (end plate, beam), " Check supporting member for web stress " (vertical brace), " Check supporting member for web crippling " (vertical brace), " Check supporting member for flange bending " (vertical brace), " Check supporting member web stress " (horizontal brace).
Connection design locks and end prep settings can now be edited outside of their member edit windows. Collectively, these settings are called connection components . Editing connection component settings automatically updates the member edit window, which features the same connection component settings.
Field welds in the model: SDS/2 automatically creates 3D field welds ("
Field weld ") during Process and Create Solids for HSS braces field welded to gusset plates , for welded column splices , for welded moment connections (
) and for shear plates set to be " Attached to " the ' Supported .' Field welds and shop welds can be displayed in different colors based on the Default Modeling Colors setup window.
Back-up bars for welded moment connections: A back-up bar may optionally be included as part of a welded plate moment connection, per the setup instructions entered to the " Back-up Bars on Welded Connections " tab in Moment Plate Design Criteria . To get a back-up bar, the option to " Create solids for back-up bars in modeling " (
) needs to be turned on. The back-up bar will be sized according to the Back-Up Bar Schedule . " Bill of Material and Detailing Options " are for including (or not including) the back-up bars in the member bill of material. Back-up bars are never drawn on the member detail itself.
Auto base/cap plates now have two new bolt groups, exterior to the face of each flange, if the flanges of the column are perpendicular to the workline of the beam. This applies to wide flange, S shape and welded plate wide flange columns since those shapes have flanges. It does not apply to, for example, HSS columns or to a column whose " Column rotation " is set so that the flanges of the column are not perpendicular to the beam. Documentation for the " Column Plate " connection design locks provides more information. Also, be aware that if a vertical brace combines with the column and base or cap plate, the controls for the bolts exterior to the flange that are on the brace side of the column plate are controlled by the " Cap Plate " connection design locks on the Vertical Brace Edit window.
Default production standard information is filled out automatically for ' ASD/LRFD 14 ' and ' CISC10 ': So long as your current project uses the appropriate setup information and an appropriate local shape file , you can assign a section size (pipe or HSS/TS) a specific HSS round (pipe) or HSS rectangular steel grade that will instruct connection design to, for example, use a " Design Thickness " that is equal the section size's " Wall thickness ." The default setup for the " Design method " ' ASD14 ' or ' LRFD14 ' gives you a ' ASTM 1085 ' steel grade for the production standard of the same name. The default setup for ' CISC10 ' gives you a ' 350W-C ' and a ' 350W-H ' steel grade for the CSA G40.20 production standard.
To create a project that has production standard setup information filled out , press " Change Project ," then " New ... ," then select ' ASD14 ' or ' LRFD14 ' or ' CISC10 ' as the " Design method ," while leaving other settings on the Create New Project window at their defaults. The Production Standard Available window, the Steel Grades - Pipe window, and the Steel Grade - HSS/TS window will all be filled out with appropriate default settings. The local shape file will be populated with pertinent " Structural Properties " information for production standards such as ASTM A1085 ( 'ASD/LRFD 14 ') or CSA G40.20 (' CISC10 '). " Structural Properties " in shape files: Pre-2015 versions of SDS/2 calculated values such as the " Design thickness " of an HSS wall or moment of inertia (Ix) and reported those values in the Design Calculations Report . Now those values have been tabulated and stored as " Structural Properties " in the following shape files: usa_mtrl , can_mtrl , all_mtrl , AISC_14thEd_1stPrint , AISC_ASTM_A1085 , CISC_10thEd_4thPrint . Connection design uses the tabulated values (book values) whenever they are available. If a tabulated value is not available for a particular structural property, connection design calculates the value based on shape file section size specifications. These calculated structural property values are also reported as " Structural Properties " in Shapes Properties , in a column with the heading " Formula ." Even in v2015 shape files that do not have tabulated " Structural Properties ," you can get a list of the " Formula " values. For example, if you were to open the euro_mtrl file in Shapes Properties and view the " Structural Properties " for a particular section size, only " Formula " values will be reported since no tabulated structural properties exist in that shape file.
Forced rotated connections can be generated on beams for a clip angle, bent plate, beam splice or shear connection using the " Relative rotaton " connection design lock.
lock leaf " Relative rotation " NS Clip / FS Clip " Relative rotation " Bent Plate " Relative rotation " Web Plate (for a beam splice) " Relative rotation " Shear Tab (on supported, to no supporting member) A " Thru shear plate " can now be designed with an axial load.
Auto base/cap plates now have two new bolt groups, exterior to the face of each flange, if the flanges of the column are perpendicular to the workline of the beam. This applies to wide flange, S shape and welded plate wide flange columns since those shapes have flanges. It does not apply to, for example, HSS columns or to a column whose " Column rotation " is set so that the flanges of the column are not perpendicular to the beam. Documentation for the " Column Plate " connection design locks provides more information. Also, be aware that if a vertical brace combines with the column and base or cap plate, the controls for the bolts exterior to the flange that are on the brace side of the column plate are controlled by the " Cap Plate " connection design locks on the Vertical Brace Edit window.
Locked connection has too many constraints ( beam ) ( column ) ( horizontal brace ) ( joist ) ( vertical brace )
Load interaction failed (beam)2pt or 3pt Brace to beam angle less than 20 degrees (horizontal brace)
Column web panel failed in shear (beam, Eurocode)
Column flange effective width is not satisfied (beam, Eurocode)
Column flange failed in transverse bending (beam, Eurocode)
Design valid only for class 8.8 bolts (beam, Eurocode)
Standard round holes required for shear plate conn (beam, Eurocode)
Distance between extreme bolts exceeded 530 mm (beam, Eurocode)
Shear plate grade must be S275 or S355 (beam, Eurocode)
Shear and bending interaction fails at the notch (beam, Eurocode)
Tying resistance of beam web fails (beam, Eurocode)
Gage less than minimum required by AISC (column)
Required bolt columns greater than maximum allowed (beam)
Stiffener opposite and other connection interfere (beam)
Locked OSL bolts and opposite connection interfere (beam)
Minimum weld metal tensile strength is 490 MPa (beam, CSA8, CSA9 or CSA10)
Locked beam stiffener interferes with opposite stiff (column)
Stagger interference cannot be changed due to locks (beam)
User entered setbacks are not valid (beam)
User base/cap plate too narrow for gusset weld (vertical brace)
Locked dimension is less than minimum allowed ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Calculated minus dim larger than member length ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Invalid bolt edge distance ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Column flange stiffener is too narrow (beam)
User entered loads at splice must match (column)
Base/Cap plate bolts interfere with brace connection (vertical brace)
FEMA weld access hole geometry failure
Shared intersection brace has failed connection ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Shear/Tension/Comp load less than minimum required by ASD9 ( beam ) ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Shear/Tension/Comp load less than minimum required by AS4100 ( beam ) ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Design of rotated connections is not supported (beam)
Invalid connection specifications for splice connection (column)
Beam flange and web fails in compression (beam, Eurocode)
Column Flange Stiffener too far away to contribute (beam with moment connection)
User plate does not exist (column)
Locked bolt spacing not within required min/max values ( beam ) ( column ) ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace ) ( joist )
Locked bolt edge distance not within required min/max values ( beam ) ( column ) ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace ) ( joist )
Invalid weld configuration
Locked top of plate should be a negative value
Invalid bolt row-column combination
Base metal failure of flange weld
Vertical edge distance less than required minimum
Locked top of plate less than required minimum
NS/FS connection gage less than required minimum
Locked NS/FS horizontal edge distance less than required minimum
OSL bolt tension capacity exceeded (beam)
End plate bending /prying strength exceeded (beam)
End plate tying resistance/bolt prying strength exceeded (beam)
Bolt shear strength exceeded ( beam ) ( column ) ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Weld strength to supporting member exceeded ( beam ) ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Combined bolt shear and tension strength exceeded ( beam ) ( vertical brace )
End plate in-plane bending strength exceeded ( beam ) ( vertical brace )
Plate/supporting member bearing strength exceeded (beam, moment end plate)
Bolt tension capacity exceeded for moment end plate connection (beam)
Moment end plate thicknesss less than required for bending stress (beam)
Beam web fails in compression at top/bottom haunch (beam, Eurocode)
Plate to flange weld strength exceeded (beam)
Cannot have a moment web setback without a cope weld end operation ( beam ) ( column ) ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Cannot have a moment web setback with both flanges coped ( beam ) ( column ) ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Invalid end operation for this type of material ( beam ) ( column ) ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
End operation will not work with this situation ( beam ) ( column ) ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Cope depth is less than minimum allowed ( beam ) ( column ) ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Bolt bearing strength on conn./supported member exceeded ( beam ) ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Beam web doubler strength exceeded in bending (beam)
Bearing strength exceeded for comb. shear and axial load (beam)
Bolt shear strength exceeded for comb. shear and axial load (beam)
OSL bolt shear strength exceeded for comb. shear and axial load (beam, clip angle)
Bolt bearing strength on OSL/supporting member exceeded ( beam ) ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Beam web doubler shear strength exceeded (beam)
Beam web doubler bearing strength exceeded (beam)
Beam web doubler weld strength exceeded (beam)
Connection net shear strength exceeded ( beam ) ( vertical brace )
Connection gross shear strength exceeded ( beam ) ( vertical brace )
Connection web leg/OSL bending strength exceeded (beam)
Shear plate flexure strength exceeded (beam)
Shear plate buckling strength exceeded (beam)
Flange plate weld strength exceeded (beam)
Flange plate bolt shear strength exceeded (beam)
Bearing strength on flg-pl/bm-flg exceeded (beam)
Block shear strength on flg-pl/bm-flg exceeded (beam)
Pull through strength on flg-pl/bm-flg exceeded (beam)
Eurocode web shear and bending interaction failure (beam, Eurocode) (?)
Stem plate net/gross tension strength exceeded ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Stem plate block shear strength exceeded ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
HSS brace to cap plate weld strength exceeded ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
HSS brace cap plate shear failure ( vertical brace ) ( horizontal brace )
Stem plate to cap plate weld strength exceeded ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Stem plate buckling strength exceeded ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Paddle plate tension strength exceeded ( vertical brace )
Stem plate bearing strength exceeded ( vertical brace )
Gusset buckling strength exceeded ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Vertical brace to gusset/conn. plate weld strength exceeded ( vertical brace )
Combined gusset stress limit exceeded ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Bolt bearing strength on gusset/connection exceeded ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Clip angle/plate weld strength to gusset exceeded ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Gusset gross/net shear strength exceeded ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Gusset interactive stress limit exceeded ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Base/cap plate net shear strength exceeded (vertical brace)
Gusset to base/cap plate weld strength exceeded (vertical brace)
Gusset/clip angle tension strength exceeded ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Bolt shear strength at OSL connection exceeded (horizontal brace)
Bolt shear strength at gusset connection exceeded (horizontal brace)
Gusset stress at cope location exceeds limit (horizontal brace)
Gusset strength Whitmore section exceeded ( horizontal brace ) ( vertical brace )
Combined gusset weld stress exceeds limit (vertical brace)
Gusset to col/beam weld strength exceeded limit (vertical brace)
Net gusset strength at beam interface exceeded (vertical brace)
Net gusset strength at column interface exceeded (vertical brace)
Column web yield/crippling strength fails (vertical brace)
New or improved tools in Modeling :
Curved grid lines and finite grid lines (
) are two new types of grid line. Add Curved Grid, 3 Points (
) and Add Curved Grid, Radius (
) are tools for adding curved grid lines. New View has been renamed to Add Grid Line (
) and continues to be for adding straight grid lines ( finite or infinite ) and their erection views. A curved grid line does not have an erection view associated with it. An infinite grid line can be made finite by checking the box for " Finite " (
). Unchecking the box makes the grid line infinite again. A new ' Grid Lines ' (
) selection filter lets you double-click a grid line to open the Edit Erection View window and edit that grid line's appearance. " Center of curved grid lines " (
) in Display Options can be used to turn on/off the display of the center (
) of a curved grid line . " Scale erection view bubbles "(
) in Display Options applies to both curved grid lines and finite grid lines. The center of the circle that a curved grid line is an arc of is an exact point in Modeling . Selecting ' Erection views ' for the Delete Job Items or Rename Job Items or Copy Job Items utilities now lets you delete, rename or copy curved grid lines as well as straight grid lines . " Show grid bubbles on finite erection views " (
) in Display Options can turn on/off the display of grid bubbles on erection views.
Another view enhancement is the ability to set a " Relative view depth " (
) range of elevations within which a finite grid line is visible in a plan view. When a finite view is opened (using Open View ) or auto detailed (using Detail Erection Views ), the members that are visible in that view or drawing depend, in part, on the " Relative view depth ."
In the model, with ' Default ' (
) or ' Legacy Default ' (
) or ' All ' the active selection filter , double-click the name of a straight grid line to open the view associated with that grid line. When the ' All ' selection filter is active, then double-clicking the grid line opens the Edit Erection View window, whereas double-clicking the name of the grid line opens the view.
To switch views when ' Default ' or ' Legacy Default ' or 'All' is the selection filter:
selection filter
Double-click the grid bubble (or name) of the straight grid line whose view you want to open. The program will open that erection view (e.g., evu X). This is a direct alternative to Open View .Model > Reference Model (
) lets you import DGN, DWF, DWG and IFC reference model s. The Reference Models window, which opens with this tool, lets you manage multiple reference models. You can change the model's color, turn it's display off or on, or refresh its link to its importing file. The file paths to the importing files are also displayed on the window.
The ' Default ' selection filter now opens the Connection Component Edit window (
) for that end of the member instead of the material edit window when you double-click a connection material . The same is true when you double-click a connection bolt or connection weld. Select operates on similar principles. A ' Connection Components ' selection filter is also available.
Double-click a connection material to edit its connection .
selection filter
With ' Default ' the selection filter , double-click a connection material to open the Connection Component Edit window for that end of the member. A ' Legacy Default ' selection filter (
) has been added for users who want to be able to select system-generated connection materials, connection bolts and connection welds without having to right-click and choose " Select Other ."
The quantity of members under a particular piecemark in the model, as well as their quantity in your current view, is now reported in the Model Tree (
" View By " = ' Member Piecemark ' ![]()
One number in parentheses ( qty ) is the quantity in your current view .
Two numbers in parentheses ( qty / qty ) are the " quantity in your current view " and the " quantity in the model ."
Material Copy (
) is a new tool in Modeling ( Model > Material > Copy ) for generating multiple copies of materials, bolts or welds in a repeated grid pattern for which you designate X spacing and Y spacing, with options for rotation and mirroring. The old Copy Material tool was much less versatile.
Model > Member > Move/Stretch Include Material is a superior tool to Move/Stretch Members if you are stretching a member end that has graphical connection. For other purposes, you may or may not prefer the legacy Move/Stretch Members tool. Here is a table comparing the two tools:
Move/Stretch Include Material Move/Stretch Graphical connection material, bolts, welds Graphical connections move when the member end ( ) which that connection is associated with is stretched. See example 1 .
Graphical connections do not move when a member end is stretched. See example 1 . User-created materials User-added materials move when the member's left end is stretched. See example 3 . User-added materials do not move when a member's left end (or right end) is stretched. See example 3 . Custom components Both tools produce the same result. That "same result" depends on the type of component, the component's settings and, for some components, which end is stretched. See example 4 . System connections Both tools give the same result. The result is that, after Process and Create Solids , the system connection associated with the end that is stretched moves with the end that is stretched. See example 2 . Member main material Main material stretches when either end ( ) of a member is stretched. Submaterials, bolts and welds attached to that main material move as described above.
Main material stretches when either end ( ) of a member is stretched. System-generated connection materials and components move with the stretched main material (after Process and Create Solids ).
Various custom component tools are available on the Model > Component menu. The custom components that ship with SDS/2 are Base Plate Shear Key , Beam Stiffeners at Column (
), Beam Stiffeners (
), Reduced Beam Section , Safety Holes (
), Safety Tabs (
), HSS Cap Plates (
), Outrigger (
), Safety Tabs - Column (
Tool Functionality Model > Component > Add ( )
to add a custom component to a member. Model > Component > Copy ( )
to copy a custom component on one member to another member. Model > Component > Move ( )
to move a custom component from one member to another member. Model > Component > Explode ( )
to erase the custom component but keep its constituent parts (materials, welds, bolts) as subparts of the member the component added them to. You may want to Explode Components instead of making a component " Graphical ."
Related tools for components: The Delete key or Edit > Delete can be used to delete a custom component (including all of its materials, etc.). To edit a custom component, with the selection filter set to ' Default ' or ' Custom Components ', just double-click any material that was added as a part of that custom component. Custom components that do not have material can be edited using the Model Tree . You can also delete a custom component on its member edit window (e.g., Beam Edit ), by doing a right-click on its listing in the Member Tree , then choosing " Delete " on the shortcut menu.
Custom components can also be copied when you Member Copy or middle-click ( Repeat ) to add new members. " Custom components " under the heading " Member component items to copy/repeat " in User Options sets whether or not components are copied when you middle-click ( Repeat ). " Copy custom components " on the window that opens for Copy Members controls whether or not components are copied for a Copy Members operation.
Construction Line Add Finite (
) is new to Modeling , but is not available in the Drawing Editor . It lets you add a construction line that terminates at the points you locate. Also in Modeling , a " Finite line " option (
) (
) has been added to the Construction Line Edit window, allowing you to change the infinite construction lines into finite construction lines or vise-versa.
The Display Options window in Modeling has new options for " Member end elevations " and " Custom properties " and " Custom member section sizes " and " Show grid bubbles on finite erection views "(
) and " Center of curved grid lines " (
) and " Scale erection view bubbles "(
A Component Selection Tool can be added to your toolbar in Modeling .
" Select Other " on the shortcut menu in Modeling previously could select all members with a particular piecemark. Now it also lets you select all submaterials with a particular submaterial mark. If a member or material under a mark is not selectable, due a member's " Model complete date " or a locked member end, "' Select Other " will -- instead of providing options for ' All mem_pcmk ' or ' All sub_mark ' -- provide selection options such as ' 3/4 B_31 ' and ' 3/4 a12 ,' which indicate that 3 out of the 4 total members or submaterials under the mark will be selected.
" Edit Other " on the shortcut menu in Modeling now has an option for ' All submaterial mark' (e.g., ' All 10 a3 ') which allows multi-editing all submaterials with that mark. With respect to a member's " Model complete date " or a locked member end, it behaves in a manner similar to " Select Other " as described above.
New cranes can be modeled. Add Truck Crane lets you model lifts for truck cranes. Add/Edit Truck Crane Specification lets you add a manufacturer's specification for a truck crane.
New icons have been added for Construction Line Add , Construction Line Add Finite , Add Construction Grid , Construction Line Add Material , Edit Construction Line , Construction Line Erase , Construction Line Erase All , Load Construction Lines , Save Construction Lines , Edit Group Member by Piecemark , Ungroup Group Member , Add Weld , Add Weld Layout , Edit Weld , Erase Weld , Autoload Details for Selected Members . Add Grid Line , Add Curved Grid, 3 Points , Add Curved Grid, Radius , Detail Sheet Autoloading , Gather Sheet Autoloading , Process Selected Members , Create Solids for Selected Members , Process and Create Solids , User Options , Shortcut Menu Configuration , Keyboard Configuration , Toolbar Configuration , Mode Configuration , Load Configuration , Save Configuration , Steel Projects Export , FabSuite Export , EJE Export , SPN Download , CNC , ModelLINK , BIF , Drawing Conversion , KISS Export , Plotting , FabTrol Export , DesignLINK , Unzoom , Zoom In to Center , Zoom Out to Center , Seek to Face , Seek to Point , Plumb View , Pan Up , Pan Down , Pan Right , Pan Left , Rotate , Rotate X , Rotate Y , Report Writer , Run Report Writer Report , Shop Bolts to Field Bolts , Field Bolts to Shop Bolts , Set Vertical Brace Workpoints to 1/2 Nominal Depth of Supporting Beams , Increment Sheet Revisions , Create Base Drawings , Lock/Unlock Sheet Revisions , Mark/Unmark for MRP export , Mark/Unmark submaterial CNC downloaded , Mark/Unmark member CNC downloaded , Scribe/Do Not scribe submaterial in CNC .
Edit > Delete (or the Delete key) can now be used to delete grid lines (
) in Modeling .
In member isolation, ' BOTTOM FLANGE VIEW ' is a new preset view that you can choose for beams. It is a worm's eye view and an alternative to the downward looking cross-sectional bottom flange view that has traditionally been available. Isolate Member by Piecemark can now be used to isolate group members.
The following " Connection specifications " have been added to member edit windows and, where applicable, for user defined and auto standard connections." Extend stabilizer plates to " (extend-past-flange shear plate connections on a beam to a column web) " Check supporting member for axial load " (clip angle, beam) " Check supporting member for axial load " (single-plate shear connection, beam), " Use alternate eccentricity " (extend-past-flange shear connections, beam), " Extend stabilizer plates to " (extend-past-flange shear connections), Check supporting member for axial load " (end plate, beam), " Check supporting member for web stress " (vertical brace), " Check supporting member for web crippling " (vertical brace), " Check supporting member for flange bending " (vertical brace), " Check supporting member web stress " (horizontal brace).
A member's exact point , when snapped to, identifies with annotation text the [member number] and piecemark of the member.
A new Copy Crane tool lets you copy a crane and its current placement. ( v7015.21 )
The set point " Location " for a crane lift is now calculated as the top of the load at the center of mass. The center of mass is used to determine the X, Y global coordinates of the set point. The Z coordinate is the highest point on the load. In previous SDS/2 versions, the set point was calculated to the center of mass, not to the highest point on the load. The entry that the user makes to " Vertical distance from hook to top of load " on the Lift Information window is an important setting for ensuring set point accuracy. ( v7015.21 )
New tools and capabilities in the Drawing Editor :
Place Bill (
) can be used to place a bill on any Drawing Editor drawing type . The first bill placed is bill 1. The second one placed is bill 2. Hovering a bill of material with your mouse pointer (
) displays the number of the bill (1 or 2 or 3, etc.) in its lower, right corner. When you perform an operation that compiles data to a bill of material (e.g., Sheet Item Add ), bill 1 is filled out first, then bill 2, and so on.
Drawing Type Data Compilation all drawing types except submaterial You can manually type data into the bill editor , which is opened using Objects > Bill of Material > Edit Bill . If you have placed a bill onto a drawing or sheet using Objects > Bill of Material > Place Bill , data entered into the bill editor will also be entered to the placed bill.
member details A member detail automatically has bill data placed into it when that member is detailed. If you Objects > Bill of Material > Place Bill on a member detail, the bill data from auto detailing will be compiled into the placed bill .
detail sheet A bill can be placed directly onto the sheet or, as has traditionally been done, onto its sheet outline (before the sheet is created using that sheet outline). Data typed to the bill editor of the detail sheet will be at the top of the placed bill. Additional bill data will compile into the bill when member details are added using Sheet Item Add or when you Add Standard Detail with " Add to bill of material (on Locate) ." A new bill of material layout override window (
), which can be opened by double-clicking a physical bill of material, lets you edit the layout of that double-clicked bill of material. Also editable for an individual bill of material is the " Maximum number of rows ," which allows the bill height to expand dynamically to accommodate new data as sheet items are added. Material data is separated in the member bill of material by a maximum of five rows or the " Maximum spacing between items ." A new option lets you " Wrap fields to next line " when a cell in a bill contains too much data to fit into the available space. " Header Justify " and " Column Justify " let you set the justification of text within the bill of material. " Outside pen color " and " Inside pen color " let you edit the thickness of the lines that make up the bill of material. A " Title text " field lets you change a bill of material's title. " Rotation " lets you rotate a bill of material. Setup for the defaults applied when a new bill of material is placed using Place Bill can be found on the " Bill of Material " tab in Drawing Cosmetics and in Bill of Material Layout .
Double-clicking a revision chart opens a window called Sheet Revisions , which lets you edit the layout of that double-clicked revision chart. This ability to edit individual revision charts lets you apply multiple revision chart layouts within a project, or even on the same sheet. The " Number of lines " in a revision chart may be automatically increased, as needed, in order to expand the chart to accommodate new revision information. Multiple revision charts can be placed onto a sheet or sheet outline. Since the size of a revision chart is based on the number of characters of text permitted the cells that make up the chart, increasing or decreasing the text size by changing the font " Character height " or " Character width/height ratio " results in the revision chart being resized. A new " Revision Chart " tab in Drawing Cosmetics lets you set up default settings such as fonts, rotation, number of lines, etc. for newly placed revision charts.
Table Add lets you add a generic table similar to a bill of material. To edit a table, just double-click one of its lines. Double-click on a table's label to edit that label. Settings for tables can be found on the Table Edit window.
A table, revision chart and bill of material each has an exact point at each of its four corners. This makes it easy to move them using Edit > Move/Stretch .
" Attached to view " has been added to the following windows: Arc Edit , Pointer Edit , Bolt Edit , Hole Edit , Hole Symbol Input , Line Edit , Bevel Symbol , Circle Edit , Cloud Edit , Construction Line Edit , Construction Circle Edit , Weld Input . The field assigns the object a view number. On a member detail or submaterial detail, if an object is assigned to a wrong view number you may get bad results when you Unshorten the drawing. Entering the correct number to " Attached to view " can prevent such results.
A custom property label on a member on an erection view drawing can be edited using the Erection View Cleanup window. " Break lines " and " Auto position " are also new to that window for piecemarks, section sizes, member custom property labels, etc.
A miscellaneous member will now display the " Description " of its " Main member material " when "
Section sizes " are shown in a Modeling view or, in the Drawing Editor , when its "
Section size " is shown on an erection view drawing.
Intersection Construction Line / Real Line ( INCR ) now snaps to the closest point of intersection of a construction line or construction circle with an arc or a circle (as well as with a line or a polygon side , as it could snap to previously).
Intersection Real Line / Member Line ( INRM ) can be used in a erection view drawing to find intersections of member lines with lines or circles or arcs.
A new coordinates feedback indicator called the X-Y Dual Show/True Display can be added to your toolbar in the Drawing Editor . It can be found in the " Command group " called " Decorations " in Toolbar Configuration .
Enhancements on member edit windows :
A member edit window is now divided into collapsible sections called leaves .
A new widget called the Member Tree (
) lets you open or collapse or scroll to the various leaves that make up a member edit window.
When checked, "
Show images " (
) under the Member Tree widget shows pictures useful for evaluating how to adjust connection design locks.
Left/Right end limit state feedback is provided when connection design locks are modified.
Custom components (
) added to a member (using Model > Component > Add ) are editable on that member's edit window. When the member is processed, the custom component may automatically be deleted then added again so that it adapts to changes in that member. Changes made to custom component settings result in the member being marked for processing.
Member Type Potential Custom Components Beam Beam Stiffeners ( ), Safety Holes (
), Safety Tabs (
), Outrigger (
), HSS Cap Plates (
), Reduced Beam Section , Beam Nailer Holes , WWF Beam Lifeline Holes
Column Beam Stiffeners at Column ( ), Safety Tabs - Column (
), HSS Cap Plates (
), Base Plate Shear Key , Safety Holes - Column
Vertical Brace HSS Cap Plates ( ), VB Reinforcement Plates
Horizontal Brace HSS Cap Plates ( )
" End-cut type " is a new End Preparation option on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit , Girt Edit and Purlin Edit windows. By changing the " End-cut type " on the member, the " Main material " stays set to '
" Lift assignment " is a new read-only information field found under " General Settings " on member edit windows.
" Provide minimum cope depth " is a new option under the " Connection type " leaf on the Beam Edit window.
The " Connection type " under the " Moment " section of the Beam Edit window is now automatically set to ' Eurocode ' when ' End plate ' is the " Input connection type " and ' Bolted ' is the " Moment type ." Eurocode moment end plates have connection design locks for " Top/Bottom Moment Haunch Stiffener ." These locks will, by default, all have null values (e.g., distances of zero) when the " Haunch location " under " Connection specifications " is set to ' None .'
" Move material " (column) and " Move material " (vertical brace) options have been added under the left end elevation of their respective member edit windows. Checking the option causes user-added materials and graphical connection materials to be moved in synchronization with a change to the left-end elevation (bottom end for a perfectly vertical column). This also affects user-added main material holes. ( v2015.20 )
To open the Assembly Editor from Modeling :
Method 1 : Choose Model > Assembly > Edit . (to edit assemblies) (
Method 2 : Choose Model > Assembly > New . (for special situations) ()
Assembly file management:
File > New (for special situations since usually it is better to Save Assembly in Modeling )
Open ( Ctrl + o ) (to edit an assembly. This is functionally equivalent to Assembly Edit in Modeling )
File > Save As (to give an assembly you are editing a new name) ()
File > Save (similar to Save As , but may not require selection of materials or renaming) ()
File > Exit (to close the Assembly Editor )
Operations you can perform on assemblies in the Assembly Editor :
Add material
Add holes, bolts, welds
Editing material, holes, bolts, welds
Delete material, holes, bolts, welds
Perform cut and fit operations on material
Special features:
Add Material operations automatically add material to the assembly member . This special member is created when you open an assembly, then ceases to exist when the assembly is closed. All materials, bolts and welds that attach to the assembly member are a part of the assembly. Anything that attaches to other members will be lost, along with those other members, when the assembly closes.
Other members besides the assembly member can reside in an assembly, but only temporarily. Those other members will cease to exist as soon as the assembly closes. You can add these other temporary members by preselecting members in Modeling before you do a Model > Assembly > New . You can also add members in the Assembly Editor by choosing Model > Member > Add . Usually, however, it is better to reserve the adding of members for special situations such as when your current Job is new. Usually it is easiest to create an assembly in Modeling the traditional way, using Model > Assembly > Save .
Modifying an assembly that, for example, has a file name sm34 will not affect instances of sm34 assemblies that have already been added in the model. It only affects subsequently added sm34 assemblies.
On the Event Logging Setup window, the following new options give you greater control over which events will or will not be logged:
" Job ": " Operations " " Erection view operations " " Member operations " |
" Member ": " Operations " " Piecemark " " Process " " Status " " 2D override " " Type changes " " Connection changes " " Main material operations " |
" Material ": " Operations " " Piecemark " " Manual operations ." |
The steel grade setup windows now have the options " Cut " " Copy " or " Paste " available on the shortcut menu that opens when you right-click a cell. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcuts Cut ( Ctrl+x ), copy ( Ctrl+c ) and paste ( Ctrl+v ). The " ASD/LRFD/CISC " tab for Steel Grades - HSS/TS (and Steel Grades - Pipe ) have new columns for " Production Standard " and " n ." A " Eurocode " tab is new for all steel grades.
The Plate Definition Schedule now has a column for " Weld Size ." When '0' (zero) is entered to the column, the weld size applied will -- it has traditionally been -- be greater than or equal to the " Minimum for job " and less than or equal to the " Maximum for non-strength connections ." If you enter a particular value, such as '5/16,' the weld size will be that value.
Developers of plugins can specify that a setup window be made available within SDS/2 for a particular plugin. A plugin's setup window can be opened in Job Options , wherein you will find new options for " Member ," " Component " and " Command ."
A back-up bar may optionally be included as part of a welded plate moment connection, per the setup instructions entered to the " Back-up Bars on Welded Connections " tab, which is new to Moment Plate Design Criteria .
The tab that corresponds to your current " Connection design method " is selected by default when you first open the Bolt Schedule window.
Field welds and shop welds can be displayed in different colors based on the Default Modeling Colors setup window.
Available Production Standard is a new setup window that lists available production standards. These production standards can be applied to specific steel grades on the Steel Grades - HSS/TS and Steel Grades - Pipe windows.
Use horizontal brace gusset to beam and end plate " is a new option in Plate Design Criteria (job setup).which applies when the " Connection design method " is ' Eurocode 3 ' or ' Eurocode 3 UK .'
The Master Fabricator (
) now controls the setup for the following Fabricator Options : End Plates Standard Piecemarks , Shear Plates Standard Piecemarks , the Plate Definition Schedule and Clip Angle Piecemark tables for the various clip angle configurations .
" Unit Surface Area " and " Total Surface Area " are new to Bill of Material Layout , which sets the columns that will appear on a newly placed bill of material and in the bill editor. " Unit Surface Area " and " Total Surface Area " also are available on the Bill of Material Layout setup override window that opens in the Drawing Editor when you double-click on a placed bill of material.
A line for designating a column for a " Custom Property " (
) will be enabled on the Bill of Material Layout setup window if "
Add to BOM " has been checked on the Add/Edit Schema Entry window for a member or material custom property. A " Custom Property " (
) is also made available on the Bill of Material Layout setup override window that opens in the Drawing Editor when you double-click on a placed bill of material. By default, the line in Bill of Material Layout is named after the custom property " Prompt " string, though users can change the name.
" Provide minimum cope depth " and " Minimum clearance for cope " are new to the " Beams " settings in Member Detailing/Fabrication Options .
" Preferred bottom flange view style " is also new to the " Beams " settings in Member Detailing/Fabrication Options . It lets you set whether Process and Create Solids gives you a ' Cross section ' or a ' Worm's eye view ' when it determines that the bottom flange of a beam needs to be pictured on the beam's detail in order to show something that cannot be seen in another view.
On the Sheet Revisions setup window, the options " Disable automatic creation of BASE drawings " and " Disable automatic creation of ARCHIVED drawings " now apply to submaterial details and erection view drawings as well as to member details.
In Member and Material Piecemarking , under the " Submaterial " tab, " Show non-std grade notation with piecemarks on member details " instructs Detail Members to, if applicable, denote non-standard steel grades in callouts for submaterial piecemark quantities on member details. " Force flat bar description to use smaller of length & width is also new to the " Submaterial " tab.
" Hole type for HSS erection bolts " and " Total notch width clearance " are new to the " Vertical Braces " section in Member Detailing/Fabrication Options. The first option sets the hole type for the erection bolt(s) on a HSS vertical brace that is field welded to a gusset. The second option applies to the slots that gussets are inserted into for various types of vertical brace connections.
The Detailing Annotations/Dimensioning Defaults window lets you apply the default choices you want to be made on the Annotations and Dimensioning windows for Detail Members and Detail Group Members and Detail Submaterial .
Under the " Bill of Material " tab in Drawing Cosmetics , new options for " Show grid " " Wrap fields to next line " " Outside pen color " " Inside pen color " " Maximum spacing between items " " Minimum number of rows " (
) " Maximum number of rows " (
) " Title text " " Title character width/height ratio " " Title font " and " Title font style " are now available. These set the defaults for bills of material that are subsequently added using Objects > Bill of Material > Place Bill .
A new " Revision Chart " tab in Drawing Cosmetics lets you set up default settings that will apply to newly placed revision charts. New options include " Show grid " " Number of lines " " Rotation " " Character height " " Character width/height ratio " " Column title font " " Column title font style " " Outside pen color " " Inside pen color ."
" Grid line/bubble pen color " is new to the " Pens " tab in Drawing Cosmetics . It lets you set the default display color applied to newly added grid lines in Modeling .
Cut ( Ctrl+x ), copy ( Ctrl+c ) and paste ( Ctrl+v ) are available as keyboard shortcuts for operating on the contents of cells on tables in Material Descriptions , General Detailing/Fabricator Options , Category Definitions , User Routing Definitions and Member Revisions . You can also right-click a cell to get a menu with the options " Cut " " Copy " and " Paste ."
Under the " Configuration Files " tab, you can now enter a toolbar configuration file for the " Assembly editor " for SDS/2 Detailing and for the " Assembly editor " for the Modeling Station. The configuration file that is entered sets the toolbars, modes and keyboard shortcuts that are automatically loaded when the assembly editor is opened within the respective module.
" Access control block password " (
) sets a password to prevent users on your network who do not know the password from opening the Access Control window.
The language that SDS/2 uses for prompting, windows and menus can be set to ' English ' or ' Japanese ' or ' Spanish ' on a per-user basis and a per-site basis in User Options . The per-user option is " Language to use (per user) " under the " System " tab. The per-site option is " Language to use " under the " Site " tab
The colors for tower cranes, crawler cranes and truck cranes can be specified under the Crane options that are new to the " Colors " tab in User Options . The colors apply to all cranes of the specified type (tower or crawler or truck) that reside in your model.
" Custom components " under the heading " Member component items to copy/repeat " in the " Site " tab of User Options sets whether or not components are copied when you middle-click ( Repeat ). The option also sets the default choice made to " Copy custom components " on the window that opens for Copy Members .
When a column or vertical brace edit window first opens, the box for " Move Material " is checked (
) or not checked (
) based on the choice made to " Maintain user material and holes relation to vertical column/vertical brace member left end " in User Options . ( 2015.20 )
A new option has been added to the Member Annotations and Dimensioning window to give you the ability to detail members using templates: " Detail using templates " (
). Related options control how the templates will be applied: " Remove snaplines ," " Verbose progress updates ," " Show applied templates ."
For detailing of submaterial using templates, the options are " Detail using templates " and " Remove snaplines ," " Verbose progress updates ," " Show applied templates ."
For detailing of group members using templates, the options are " Detail using templates " and " Remove snaplines ," " Verbose progress updates ," " Show applied templates ."
Setup overrides are available for detailing member and submaterial details with templates. They can be applied to individual drawings using override windows which have the same names as the setup windows that they override. The commands used to open these windows can be found on the Settings > Drawing Settings menu (
) in the Drawing Editor .
Three reports can help you with the set up of these overrides: List Setup Attributes , List Drawing Attributes , List All Overrides . The commands used to open these windows are found on the Settings > Drawing Settings menu (
) in the Drawing Editor .
Templates can be created, evaluated or modified using the following development tools, which can be launched from the Process > Template Detailing menu in the Drawing Editor .
A detail_lib.py file is included with the distributed templates, giving you a number of predefined Python functions for developing templates. The critical window that is used for template development is Edit Detailing Rule (
The " Template file source " (
) specified when you " Change Project " on the Main Menu then press " New... " to create a new Job sets the preliminary set of templates that are copied into the
fabs\default_templates folder in that current Job. Copy Templates can be used to copy templates into that same folder (or other folders) after the Job has been created.
Detail Erection Views provides new " Member orientation indicators " options (' All ' ' None ' or ' Conditional ') for turning on/off the indicators. If the " Member style " is ' Manually ,' erection view detailing applies the choice made to " Member orientation indicators " in the version of the Display Options window that opens when you choose View > Display Options in Manual Erection View Detailing .
" Allow member marks to break lines and wire member edges " can be checked (
) in Detail Erection Views setup to permit piecemarks, section size, camber, left end elevation, right end elevation and page-line numbers to break lines and wire member edges like labels have traditionally done.
Detail Erection Views provides new options for " Show 3D field welds " and " Show 3D shop welds ."
" Detail with revisions " on the Detail Erection Views window and " Detail with revisions " on the Submaterial Annotations and Dimensioning window give you sheet revision tracking capabilities that are similar to those that are available for member details on sheets. These capabilities include, for example, the automatic clouding of changes onto a revision layer and the automatic incrementing of the revision chart.
" Relocate piecemarks and other member labels to default locations " replaces a similarly named option on the Detail Erection Views window. It lets you reset the locations of piecemarks, section sizes, custom properties, left end elevations, etc. to the location specified in Member Label Configuration (
" Show non-std grade notation with piecemarks on member details " instructs Detail Members to, if applicable, denote non-standard steel grades in callouts for submaterial piecemark quantities on member details.
Generate named locations " (member details) and "
Generate named locations " (group member details) and "
Generate named locations " (submaterial details) are auto detailing options that, when not checked, can significantly reduce the time that auto detailing takes when you are using templates. ( v2015.22 )
Status and advanced selection :
A new " Status " option in Event Logging Setup turns on the logging of status changes made to members. The log data is output to the "
Log " tab (
). that is found on the Edit Properties window that opens when you press the " Properties " button at the bottom of any of the following windows: Beam Edit , Column Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Joist Edit , Girt Edit , Purlin Edit , Miscellaneous Member Edit , Stair Edit . The log data can also be viewed using the utility View Event Log (
Member status > Has field weld is new to Status Display Settings . Also new is Search > Connection design locks set .
Import/Export of CNC configurations: You can now exchange CNC setup configuration information with users running SDS/2 on different networks. This is done by exporting and importing .cnc files. If you have received an " Export ... " of a .cnc file, you can import that file by pressing the " File " browse button (
) on the Computer Numerically Controlled window, then pressing the " Import Config ... " button.
" Scribe marks on " lets you restrict the material types that are scribed on for CNC DSTV output.
" Abutting materials " and " Flush materials " show settings for configuring how various material types can be scribed. For example, you can configure whether or not you want to " Scribe angles " (abutting) or " Scribe angles " (flush) or " Scribe other flush materials " or " Scribe plates ." " Scribe channels " or " Scribe pipes " or " Scribe round bars and shear studs " or " Scribe standard parts " or " Scribe HSS and tubes " or " Scribe wide flange " or " Scribe W tee ."
A " Scribe shape " of ' X ' or ' L ' can be used to scribe shear studs or round bars.
The " Text origin " for scribed text using DSTV can be set to ' Lower left ' or ' Left center .' " Include filename in comment " lets you add a comment to the header for the DSTV download file which identifies the name of the file.
CNC downloading in Modeling has been split into two separate tools. Model > Material > CNC - Download by Location lets you select materials for downloading. Model > Member > CNC - Download by Location lets you select members for downloading.
Member custom property labels can be displayed on stick members in erection view drawings in the Drawing Editor :
To show a custom property value on an erection view drawing :
1 ( optional ). On the Edit Schema Entry window (this window), check the box for "
Add to Member Label Configuration " for the applicable member schema entry.
2 . Select the appropriate " Property name " on the Member Label Configuration setup window and set the location on member stick lines and/or stick cross sections at which you want the custom property label to be applied. If you did not do step 1, you need to type in the " Property name " (instead of selecting it).
3 . For one or multiple members, enter a value for the appropriate custom property on the MEMBER Edit Properties window (in Modeling ).
4 . When you Detail Erection Views or Detail Erection Views Manually , press " Settings " and make sure that "Show custom properties on member " is checked (
) for the erection view(s) that you want the custom property to appear on.
Result: The value you entered in step 3 is printed as a label on members on the erection view drawings auto detailed in step 4.
Member custom property labels can also be displayed on stick members in 3D erection views in Modeling :
To show a custom property value on a member displayed in a 3D erection view in Modeling :
1 . Check the box for "
Custom properties " in Display Options .
2 ( optional ). Check this box ("
Add to Member Label Configuration ") for the applicable member schema entry. You can bypass this step and simply type in the " Property name " (instead of selecting it) in step 3.
3 . Select the appropriate " Property name " on the Member Label Configuration setup window and set the location on member stick lines and/or stick cross sections at which you want the custom property label to be applied.
4 . For one or multiple members, enter a value for the appropriate custom property on the MEMBER Edit Properties window (in Modeling ).
Result: The value you entered in step 4 is, in your current view in Modeling , displayed as a label on those members shown in stick form to which you applied that value.
if "
Add to BOM " has been checked on the Add/Edit Schema Entry window for a member or material custom property, a line for that " Custom Property " (
) will appear on the Bill of Material Layout setup window, allowing the user to set up a bill of material column for the custom property, or to merge the custom property data to the bill of material's " Remarks " column. By default, the line in Bill of Material Layout is named after the custom property " Prompt " string, though users can change the name.
" Copy custom property schemas " is a new option at Job creation time which allows you to copy custom properties from the same source Job that you can copy user defined connections and other items from.
SDS/2 help now features excerpts of videos from SDS/2's YouTube Channel . These are not the full YouTube videos, but brief, on-topic excerpts from those videos.
next to a link, on any help page, indicates that the link, when clicked, will take you to a section in help where you will find a link to a video clip. Links to SDS/2 help video clips look like this:
VIDEO ![]()
this example takes you to a help page -- not to a video. On a help page other than this one, a link like this would launch the video. Your must have web access to view these videos.
You can find examples of the
marker on the Index page.
Input/Output (including reports):
' DGN ' and ' DWG ' are new " File formats " in DesignLINK for importing a reference model into SDS/2. Be aware that there are differences when you import these file types using DesignLINK as opposed to Model > Reference Model .
DGN, DWF, DWG and IFC files can be imported as reference model s in Modeling using Model > Reference Model (
The Kiss Export Setup and FabTrol Setup windows in Job Options now let you specify DWG, DXF, DXB, DGN or PDF as drawing export formats. Previously these formats were specified on the setup window for Drawing Configuration. See " File format " ( Kiss Export Setup ) and " File format " ( FabTrol Setup ). The PDF format is an entirely new export format option.
A reference model member is a new member type for the single member that dummy materials attach to when a reference model is imported in the DGN, DWF, DWG or IFC file formats. The piecemark of a member of the reference model member type is named after the importing file.
The Member Revisions by Member and Members in Member Revisions reports can now include group members.
" Use only selected items for drawing list " is a new option in Fabtrol Setup that, when checked, limits the items that are output to the fabtrol_drawing_list.XSR file to only those items that are related to the selection made in step 4c of the export procedure.
Project Transfer (
) no longer requires that you select a Fabricator. The required Fabricator(s) are included automatically when you select the Job.
In previous SDS/2 versions, StruMIS Transfer had to be run from the Main Manu . Now it can be run in Modeling , by clicking an icon. The StruMIS Transfer icon can be found in the " Command group " called ' Model - Parametric ' in Toolbar Configuration . It is also available as a Keyboard Shortcut .
New icons have been added for: BIF , CNC , DesignLINK , Drawing Conversion , EJE Export , Tekla EPM Export , KISS Export , Model Link , Plotting , SPN Download , Steel Projects , P2 Export .
" Export zipped file " is a new option for IFC file export on the IFC Properties window for ModelLINK . Such a zipped file can be imported directly into SDS/2 using DesignLINK , or by pressing " Link to New File " (
) on the Reference Models window in Modeling .
The SDS/2 EM11 (IFC2x3) export format is now in compliance with the AISC EM11 specification, phase 2, which is part of the AISC BIM Standard initiative. Beta testing of EM11 has been completed, and ModelLINK's EM11(IFC2x3) file export is ready for production use.
New distance functions have been added to the model module. Use python's built in help function to learn more about PolygonFaceType, ShortestSegmentBetweenModelObjects, ShortestSegmentBetweenModelObjectFaces, MinimumDistanceBetweenModelObjects, MinimumDistanceBetweenModelObjectFaces.
The RunTool() can now run Status Configuration .
A new Component module is available for creating code for custom components .
NonBlockingWarning("string" ) has been added to the param module to provide a warning dialog that does not block a process.
SelectionDialog is a new parametric module that lets you add a selection dialog to a parametric.
A new Designable package contains the following modules: Existing, Processable, ProcessableComponent, ProcessableMember, Proxies. See the DesignableExamples plugin package for sample code using Designable.
Two new functions functions have been added to the Hash module for computing member hashes. See help(Hash.ComputeMemberHash) and help(Hash.PiecemarkHashWOZoneSequence) for more information.
The sds2 package contains iterators , lists , obj and sub_mtrl modules with functions that can help you access information that you might otherwise query in the model module.
Rename External Fabricator and Delete External Fabricators are new utilities in name only. An external fabricator is a pre-v2015.xx Fabricator that is maintained in the fabs folder in the data directory used by your current version of SDS/2.
A Replace Fabricator Values utility lets you copy information from a Fabricator of your choosing into your current Fabricator. In pre-v2015.xx versions of SDS/2, this was accomplished using the Copy Job Items utility.
The Change File Sizes utility now detects users that are in your current Job and requires that all of those users first exit that Job before file sizes are permitted to be changed.
Copy Job Items now has several new types of items that you can copy into your current Job from other Jobs: 'Fabricators ,' ' Tower Cranes ,' 'Mobile Cranes ,' ' Access Control Permissions .'
The Delete Job Items utility can remove the items of the following types from your current Job: ' Erection View Base Details ,' ' Erection View Archive Details ,' ' Submaterial Base Details ,' ' Submaterial Archive Details ,' ' Mobile Cranes .' Since Fabricators are now stored within a Job, ' Fabricators ' can now be selected for deletion using Delete Job Items . ' User defined connections ' cannot be deleted if they are in use by any members in the Job.
' Fabricators ' can now be copied from another Job into your current Job using the Copy Job Items utility. ' Mobile Cranes ' and ' Tower Cranes ' and ' Access Control Permissions ' are other types of items that are now also able to be copied using that utility.
The Listings utility can now output a list of the Fabricators that are in your current Job.
The utility Access Control Permissions (
) can be used to apply permissions to your current Job so that when that Job is sent to an outside party, the outside party must enter a login name and password in order to be able to view and modify the Job. The SDS/2 Viewer is not affected by these permissions since the viewer is totally read-only.
The Copy Detailing Templates utility lets you copy detailing templates from a source Job into your current Job. Within a Job, there is a fabs/default_templates folder and, potentially, a set of templates for each Fabricator that is stored in that Job. When you auto detail with templates, SDS/2's template detailing routines look at both the fabs/default_templates folder and the set of templates associated with your current Fabricator (if such templates exist). In the event that two templates with the same name are available (one for the Fabricator, the other from the default folder), auto detailing applies the template for the Fabricator.
Event log data can be viewed using the utility View Event Log (
Delete Event Logging clears recorded event log information that is written to the "
Log " tab (
).on the Edit Properties window for the Job and/or members and/or group members and/or materials and/or bolts and/or welds and/or holes.