Change All to Solid Transparent Main

Displays all members shown in your current view in solid transparent main.
Solid transparent main features transparent member main material and opaque connection material.

1 . Click the Change All to Solid Transparent Main icon, which is pictured above. The icon can be found on the Display page > Members section.

Alternative: Invoke Change All to Solid Transparent Main using the Find Tool by searching the command name and clicking the icon, which is pictured above.

2 . All members in your current view are displayed in solid transparent main member style.

  • Before invoking Change All to Solid Transparent Main, you can turn Depth Checking off if you want to change more members, or on if you want to change fewer members.
  • Solid transparent main is a member display style that features transparent member main material and opaque connection material.
  • Members which have not undergone Create Solids will continue to be shown in stick form.
  • Members that have been marked for processing are automatically displayed in stick form as a result of their being marked.