advanced_selection/SDS2 folder

  • Advanced selection files (.sel files) provided in the advanced_selection/SDS2 folder that is used by your current version of SDS2 software are overwritten when a new version of SDS2 software is installed. On the first install, the files in the advanced_selection/SDS2 folder exactly match those in the advanced_selection folder.
  • If you want to modify one of the files in the DesignData folder, you should copy-and-rename it, or you can directly modify the copy that is in the advanced_selection folder -- that way your work will not be overwritten the next time you update SDS2.
  • See (on this page):

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advanced_selection/SDS2 files :

BeamConnectionType.sel selects beams by their connection type (auto standard, clip angle, etc.) and/or material type (wide flange, channel, etc.) in specified sequences and on the specified ends (left and/or right).

ColumnConnectionType.sel selects columns by their connection type (auto standard, auto base/cap, etc.) and/or material type (wide flange, pipe, etc.) in specified sequences and on the specified ends (top and/or bottom).

ConnectionTypeByMemberType.sel selects members by their member type (beam or column or etc.) their connection type (auto standard, etc.) and/or material type (wide flange, etc.) in specified sequences and on the specified ends (left and/or right).

DefaultDialog.sel is a copy of the SelectMembersBySection.sel file, but with a different file name.

HBraceConnectionType.sel selects horizontal braces by their connection type (plain end and/or hbrc plate, etc.) and/or material type (wide flange and/or angle, etc.) in specified sequences and on the specified ends (left and/or right).

SelectMembersBySection.sel selects members by their member type (beam and/or column and/or etc.) and/or material type (wide flange and/or etc.) and/or range of section size depths and/or range of section size pounds per feet (Ppf) and/or range of section size lengths.

SelectMembersBySectionFailed.sel does the same as the SelectMembersBySection.sel file, but limits selection to those members that also have an end connection failure message .

VBraceConnectionType.sel selects vertical braces by their connection type (plain end and/or vbrc plate, etc.) and/or material type (wide flange and/or angle, etc.) in specified sequences and on the specified ends (left and/or right).

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advanced_selection/SDS2/Checker folder :

7.2_detailBackCheckDate_Zone_Sequence.sel selects visible model members in the selected zone and sequence that have the " Detail checked " and " Back checked date " set on the member Custom Properties window that you get when the " Flavor " set at Job creation time was ' DDLegacy '.

7.2_detailBackCheckDateByExpression.sel is basically the same as the 7.2_detailBackCheckDate_Zone_Sequence.sel file, but without the zone and sequence options. It was designed for use with the ' By Expression ' filter.

7.2_ModelCheckedByExample.sel selects members whose " Model checked by " entry is a specific name. This may be used when the " Flavor " set at Job creation time was ' DDLegacy '.

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advanced_selection/SDS2/Common folder :

7.2_BoltDiameter.sel selects members within an minimum and maximum bolt diameter range, with an option to print a list of the members that are found.

7.2_CamberSearch.sel selects beams with camber whose " Mid-ordinate " value matches the searched-for value. You can optionally print a list of the members that are selected.

7.2_CategorySelectionAndList.sel selects members by the specified category, with an option to print a list of the members that are found. For this .sel file to be useful, you need to have Fabircator Setup > Category Settings applied to members, for example, using the " Member category " option in Member Status Review .

7.2_MemberWithUserLoad.sel is similar to the SelectMembersBySection.sel file, but -- in addition -- lets you specify a range of user loads.

7.2_PartialDesignationSelection.sel selects members by type and by the beginning characters of their " Section size ." For example, this can be used to search for beams with W sections or with W14 sections.

7.2_ReadyForApproval_Zone_Sequence.sel selects visible members in the selected zone and sequence that have their " Detail checked date " and " Back checked date " set on the member Custom Properties window that you get when the " Flavor " set at Job creation time was ' DDLegacy '. You need to enter a range of dates that the " Final Check date " lies within. This can be used in conjunction with Update Attributes for setting the " Submitted for approval " status on the selected members.

7.2_ReadyForApprovalByExpression.sel is basically the same as the 7.2_ReadyForApproval_Zone_Sequence.sel file, but without the zone and sequence options. It can be used with the ' By Expression ' filter.

7.2_RFI_Find.sel selects members by the " Engineer ref number " or " Fabricator ref number " or " Detailer ref number " set on the member Custom Properties window that you get when the " Flavor " set at Job creation time was ' DDLegacy '.

7.2_Sketch_Find.sel selects members by the " Sketch Left End " or " Sketch Right End " value that is entered on the member Custom Properties window that you get when the " Flavor " set at Job creation time was ' DesignData '.

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advanced_selection/SDS2/Engineer folder :

7.2_AllMembersOnSheet.sel selects members whose piecemarks begin with the designation that you enter. For example, if your sheets are called 1 , and the members on the sheet are called 1B1 , 1B2 , etc., typing 1B would select those members.

7.2_SearchColumns_Doublers_Stiffeners.sel selects beams that cause columns to have stiffeners due to moment.

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advanced_selection/SDS2/Fabricator PM folder :

7.2_LoadNumber_CustomProperty.sel selects members whose " Load number " on the member Custom Properties window that you get when the " Flavor " set at Job creation time was ' DDLegacy ' matches the value that you enter. You can optionally print a list of the members that are selected.

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