Advanced Selection from File ( Modeling )

Tool summary :

  • Runs an advanced selection script that you select. Such a script can automatically select items in the model.
  • Items that may be selected with a .sel script are members, member ends, components, materials, bolts, holes and/or welds.
  • To create a selection script, use Edit > Advanced Selection in Modeling . You can then save that script as an .sel file by pressing " Save... " on the Advanced Selection window.
  • It is important to Open ( Ctrl + o ) a view that shows the items you want to select before you run the .sel file. Members that are outside the depth checking limits of your current view cannot be selected.
  • If you have selected items in Select Items prior to running the .sel file, the selection script may ' Add ' items to your selection, ' Remove ' items from your selection, or ' Toggle ' the selection state of items. If the script performs a ' Set ' operation, any pre-selection made prior to running the script will be cleared.
  • The .sel file you select will override any selection filter you have set. You do not have to set a selection filter first.

In Modeling :

1 . Invoke Advanced Selection from File using any one (1) of the following methods:

Method 1 : Click the Advanced Selection from File icon. The icon can be taken from the group named ' Selection ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).

Method 2 : If " Modeling layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose Edit > Advanced Selection Run .

Method 3, 4 or 5 : Advanced Selection from File can also be configured to be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the lightning interface, this configuration is done using Customize Interface .

Tip: Alternative ways to run an Advanced Selection script are to use a custom launcher , or use a Selection Filter by Expression , or press the " OK " button on the Advanced Selection window after creating a new script or after pressing " Open " to load an existing script.

2 . A selection dialog opens. The dialog lists folders or .sel files in the advanced_selection folder that is used by your current version of this program. Step 2b only applies if " Prompt " was set to ' Dialog ' when the script was created.


2a : Double-click the .sel file that you want to run.

2b (if applicable) : If the .sel file launches a dialog, make appropriate entries on that dialog.

Tip: The SDS2 folder should have all updated versions of .sel files that SDS2 supplies, since it is updated with each new installation of SDS2. This means that, if you want to modify one of the advanced_selection/SDS2 .sel files, you should copy-and-rename the file into the advanced_selection folder, or you should modify the version that is already found in the advanced_selection folder.

3 . Items are selected in the model per the .sel file that you just ran. Please note the following.

The selection count decoration tells you how many items are selected.

Items that are selected are displayed in the User and Site Options > Modeling > " Primary selection surface color ."

You may now wish to perform an operation on the selected items. For example, you may want to edit multiple members of the same type or edit multiple materials or edit multiple bolts or edit multiple holes or edit multiple welds .

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