Model Summary ( Modeling )

Tool summary :

  • Tells you how many of a particular item has been used in either your current Job or in your current erection view.
  • Counts of construction lines/circles and grid lines are for your current erection view. Member counts are for your current Job.
  • The Model Summary icon can be found in the group called ' Model ' (lighting or classic). The command can also be configured to be invoked using a keyboard shortcut, the context menu, or a mode. If " Modeling layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose Model > Model Summary .
  • The Model Summary window shows you the following information:

Erection view (read-only) : The file name of your current erection view.

Scale (read-only) : The " Display scale " at which your current view will be regenerated when you Detail Erection Views for the first time.

  Object   Allocated Used   Available  
This is the type of item (grid line, member, etc.). Numbers reported automatically update as you add items (except for " Total members .") How many of a particular " Object " exists in your current erection view or in your current Job.  The number " Allocated " minus the number " Used " for a particular " Object ." Note this for members.
To increase "Allocated" members: The number of " Allocated " is first set on a " New ... " Job when you estimate the total number of members. This number can be increased using the " Change File Sizes " utility.

Custom members are Hand Rail or Anchor Rod or Caged Ladder or various other custom members .

Group members are members that have been combined into a single member using Create Group Member . Creating or ungrouping group members has no effect on the " Total members " count or on individual counts such as " Total Beams " or " Total Vertical Braces " or etc.

The effect of deleted members: " Available " takes into account the number of deleted members in your current Job. " Used " is only those member that exist in the model. This means: "Available" member count + "Used" member count + deleted member count = total "Allocated" members .

Total deleted members: The total count of members that have been deleted using tools such as Delete or Erase Member . You can bring members back into the model by using Undelete , Visual Undelete , and Quick Undelete . You can permanently remove deleted members from your current Job by using the Release Deleted Members utility.

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