Detail Selected Connection Cubes

Automatically details the connection cubes that you select from the 3D model.

1. Preselect a Connection Cube to enable the Connection Cubes contextual page and click the Detail Selected Connection Cubes icon found in the Drawings section.

Alternative: Invoke Detail Selected Connection Cubes using the Find Tool by searching the command name and clicking the icon, which is pictured above.

2. The Connection Cube(s) are immediately detailed. A progress bar opens as details are created.

Alternative: If you did not preselect in step 1, the status line prompts, "Select connection cube(s) for detailing". Select one or more Connection Cubes and press Enter or right-click and select OK to detail them.

  • Before invoking Detail Selected Connection Cubes, make sure to turn on the display of Connection Cubes in Display Options.
  • You can also detail Connection Cubes from a selection list using Detail Connection Cubes from List.
  • Detailing Connection Cubes can also take place during Generate Report on the Connection Cube Edit window when Include 2D Detail is checked and the Connection Cube has not already been detailed.