Save Model Dimensions ( Modeling )

Tool summary :

Also see :

VIDEO The selection filter toolbar item is set to ' Model Dimensions '. An area box is drawn to select dimensions. Model > Dimension > Save is invoked. On the dialog that opens, a file name is typed and the " Save " button is pressed. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2017.)

page 1 | contents | model > dimensions > | loading dimensions you saved

   Step-by-step instructions :

Preselection method: This is the method that is used in the above video. 1 ) Set the selection filter to ' Model Dimensions '. 2 ) Use Select and Select+ (or draw an area box ) to select the dimensions that you want to save. 3 ) Invoke Save Model Dimensions . 4 ) On the File Explorer window that opens, browse to the location you wish to save the dimension file, then type in a file name and press the " Save " button.

In-tool selection method: 1 ) Invoke Save Model Dimensions . 2 ) Use Select and Select+ (or draw an area box ) to select the dimensions that you want to save. 3 ) Press the Enter key. 4 ) On the File Explorer window that opens, browse to the location you wish to save the dimension file, then type in a file name and press the " Save " button.

Tip: If two different projects have shared elements in the same location, it may be useful to have model dimensions that can be shared in the two projects. However, for a typical project, model dimensions saved from that project will likely only be loaded back into that same project. Consequently, when you Save Dimensions , you may want to browse to your current Job and save your model dimensions there.

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