Member Add Beam

Default Shortcut: F2 >   Structural Steel > "Beam"
Adds a Beam member.
See on another page: Beam Edit window

1 . Click the Member Add Beam icon, which is pictured above. The icon can be found on the Members page > Steel section.

Alternative: Invoke Member Add Beam using the Find Tool by searching the command name and clicking the icon, which is pictured above.

2 . The status line prompts, "Add: Beam". Various Locators become active along with Locate - Repeat - Return mouse bindings. The Member add options bar also becomes active. Select the appropriate Locate option. After adjusting the Member add options bar settings, left-click (Locate) the first point where the point location target ( ) is at.

Alternative 1: Another way to add a beam is to use Repeat. For a beam whose settings you want to duplicate, double-click the beam and press "OK" on its edit window without changing anything. Then invoke Member Add Beam and middle-click (Repeat) to add a new beam that is exactly like the double-clicked one.

Alternative 2: Right-click (Return) or press the Esc button to end the operation.

3 .The status line prompts, "Locate second point." Note that you can still make adjustments to the Member add options bar settings at this stage. Left-click (Locate) the second point where the point location target ( ) is at to finish adding the beam member.

4 .The status line prompts, "Add: Beam", allowing you to continue adding beam members by repeating steps 2 and 3.

Alternative 1: Middle-click (Repeat) to add another beam member with the exact same attributes as the previously added beam.

Alternative 2: Right-click (Return) or press the Esc button to end the operation.

  • The points you locate define the workline of the beam, which will be drawn along the center of the top flange of the beam.
  • Another way to add a beam is to use Repeat. For a beam whose settings you want to duplicate, double-click its main material and press "OK" on its edit window without changing anything. Then invoke Member Add Beam and middle-click (Repeat) to add a new beam that is exactly like the double-clicked one.