Delete View

Deletes selected view(s) from a list of saved erection views.

1 . Click the Delete View icon, which is pictured above. The icon can be found on the Layout page > Navigate section.

Alternative: Invoke Delete View using the Find Tool by searching the command name and clicking the icon, which is pictured above.

2 . The Select Erection Views dialog opens. On it is a list of all erection views in your current Job . Select the names of the erection views that you want to delete, then press the " OK " button.

3 . The erection views that you selected are now erased. Your current view redraws so that any grid lines that correspond to the erection views that you selected disappear. If you selected your current view for deletion, you will be notified that you " Cannot delete current view ." If any of the erection views that you deleted have been detailed, the drawings of those views will also be deleted.

  • Deleting an erection view does not remove steel from the structural model. It deletes the view of the 3D model at that location within the global coordinate system .
  • When the selection filter is ' Grid Lines ' or ' All ', you can delete grid lines by selecting them and hitting the Delete key.
  • Delete View can also be used to delete curved grid lines .
  • Delete View not only removes the view in Modeling , it also removes the detail of that view (if one has been created) in the Drawing Editor and removes it from any sheet it was on.
  • If " Erection view operations " is turned on (checked) in Event Logging setup, the deletion of an erection view using this tool (or the Delete Project Items utility) will be logged to the " Log " that is found on the Edit Properties window that opens at Home > Project Settings > Job > Job Property Settings. The log entry can also be viewed using the View Event Log utility.