Rotate ( Modeling > Shift -drag with middle mouse button)

Tool summary :

  • Hover a point in your 3D model and drag in any direction to rotate around the hovered point.
  • As you Rotate , you snap to planar positions that are perfectly horizontal or perfectly vertical.
  • You can drag horizontally, vertically or diagonally around the rotational pivot point. The operation stops when you release the mouse button.
  • Members can be in stick or solids form. The limits of your current view sets the number of members that will be shown in that view after you are done with Rotate .
  • To make a permanent copy of your changes, you can Save View As .
  • The most convenient way to rotate is to, in Select Items Mode , hover the desired pivot point while holding down the Shift key and your middle mouse button, then drag your mouse pointer.
  • See the step-by-step instructions .

Also see :

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   Step-by-step instructions :

Rotate can be used in Modeling . The following instructions assume that you are using a 3-button mouse.

1 . Invoke Rotate using one (1) of the following methods. You can skip step 2 if you invoke the command from a mode.

Method 1 : Click the Rotate icon, which is pictured above. Click the Revert icon. The icon can be taken from the group named ' Navigate -- Navigation Mode ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).

Method 2 : If " Modeling layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose Navigate > Rotate .

Method 3, 4 or 5 : Rotate can also be configured to be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the lightning interface, this configuration is done using Customize Interface .

Method 6 : In Select Items Mode , hold down the Shift key and the middle mouse button while hovering the point that you want to rotate around. Continue to step 3, still holding down the Shift key.

Method 7 : In Navigation Mode or Navigate Once Mode hold down the Ctrl key and the middle mouse button ( Rotate ) while dragging your mouse pointer across the computer screen. Go to step 3.

2 . Skip this step if you invoked this tool from a mode. If you invoked the tool using a keyboard shortcut or by clicking an icon, your mouse pointer ( ) changes its appearance ( ). Hold down any mouse button and drag the mouse pointer across the screen in any direction (horizontally or vertically or diagonally).

In this example of Rotate , the mouse pointer is dragged horizontally, thus rotating the view around the column.

3 . Release the mouse button that you are holding down when the display is rotated to the perspective that you want.

Tips: If you don't like the change Rotate just made to your current view, Undo View Change can undo that change. If you have made a series of changes and want to go back to your original view, use Revert . To save a permanent copy of your view, use Save View As . To save the view for later use in your current session of Modeling (or your current drawing in the Drawing Editor ) use Retain View .

Warning: It sometimes happens that a user rotates back to a perspective that looks just like the beginning perspective, but actually is not. For example, a person might start rotating in a view at a certain elevation, then rotate back to a different elevation. If you are unsure that you are back at your original view (and you want to go back to that view), use Revert .

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