Arc Add Ellipse ( Drawing Editor )

Tool summary :

  • Adds an ellipse or an elliptical arc. Locate 3 points plus start and end points to define the elliptical shape.
  • The Arc Edit window opens if User and Site Options > Drawings > " Always show Arc Edit window " is turned on (checked).
  • Other tools for adding arcs:
  • After an arc has been added using any tool using any method (if you opened its edit window), that last-added or last-edited arc sets the defaults for subsequently added arcs unless you change the Edit Palette in the meantime.

Also see :

page 1 | contents | objects > arcs > | objects -- arcs | xxx add | arcs | top

   Instructions :


An elliptical arc is added to a drawing. Points 1 & 2 set the major axis. Point 3 sets the minor axis. Point 4 sets the start of the arc. Point 5 sets the end of the arc.

To invoke Arc Add Ellipse :

Method 1 : Click the Arc Add 3 Point icon. The icon can be taken from the group named ' Objects -- Arcs ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).

Method 2 : If " Drawing Editor layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose Objects > Arcs > Add 3 Point .

Method 3, 4 or 5 : Arc Add 3 Point can also be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the ' Lightning ' layout style, configuration of the interface is done using Customize Interface .

Introduction: Arc Add Ellipse lets you create an elliptical arc by creating a temporary ellipse then locating two points on that ellipse.

Stage 1: Adding an elliptical arc begins with the creation of an ellipse.
Stage 2: You then define the start and end points of the elliptical arc.
Result: The result is an elliptical arc with the start and end points that you located. The arc is drawn counterclockwise from the start point to the end point. The Arc Edit window opens if User and Site Options > Drawings > " Always show Arc Edit window " is turned on (checked).

Stage 1 creates a temporary ellipse in a manner that is very similar to the procedure that is used for Ellipse Add Axis End ( ).

Stage 2 lets you locate the start and end points of the arc. The order in which you locate these two points is important, as the following example shows.

Stage 2: Same as the example shown above, except that the two points are located in reverse order.
Result: The result is an elliptical arc with the start and end points that you located. The arc is drawn counterclockwise from the start point to the end point.

After placing one elliptical arc, the tool remains active so that you can optionally add more elliptical arcs. To end the operation, you can right-click ( Return ) or press the Esc key. You can also end the operation by pressing " Cancel " on the Arc Edit window, but that will result in your losing your last-added arc.

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