Fit Mitre Command

Cuts two or more clashing materials at an angle so that they no longer clash.

1 . Preselect two or more materials you want mitred. This enables the Materials contextual page. Click the Material Fit Mitre icon found in the Operations section. Skip step 2

Alternative: Invoke Material Fit Mitre using the Find Tool by searching the command name and clicking the Material Fit Mitre icon, which is pictured above. Proceed to step 2.

2 . Select two or more materials you want mitred, then press Enter .

3 . Set the clearance distance (the distance you want the materials to be separated from one another by the cut), then press " OK " . Selecting " Cancel " cancels the operation.

4 . Left-click to confirm that the cut shown is the one you want. Right-click if you want to be shown different cuts.

1 . Open the mitred material's edit window (e.g. double-click the material, or hover the material and choose " Edit Other " on the context menu ).

2 . Press the " OK " button at the bottom of the material edit window.

3 . A yes-no dialog opens. On it is the question, "Do you want to regenerate this material to clear user modified material operations? "

3a : Press the " Yes " button.

4 . The Change All Options window opens. On it is a " Warnings " list and " Options ."

4a : Optionally select the " Options " you want, then press the " OK " button.

5 . The material is regenerated per the settings on its edit window and the cut disappears.

  • To preselect the material(s) for step 1, you may want to set the selection filter to 'Material '.
  • Mitre can only be used on straight, unbent material. Use Cut on Plane on material that is bent.
  • Member(s) and materials on which the cuts are performed are marked for detailing.
  • Doing a Mitre on HSS round (pipe) or HSS rectangular (tube) material results in Detail Submaterial generating an unrolled surface template in the submaterial detail.