Tool summary :
- Closes Modeling . The same can be accomplished by clicking the "x" button at the corner of the Modeling window.
- All Modeling sessions accessing a particular Job need be closed before a Home > Utilities > Verify and Fix can be run on that Job. Verify and Fix notifies you the login names of users in that Job and will not let you procede until those users have exited the Job. This is to prevent database corruption.
- Various changes that you make in User and Site Options require that you Exit then relaunch Modeling in order for those changes to be applied. For example, if you change the " Lightning Role Configuration ," you need to relaunch Modeling in order for Modeling to load the new role configuration that you entered.
- If files of the type that Modeling reads into memory at startup time are altered or newly added, then you need to relaunch Modeling in order for the program to read those file changes. For example, if you add a new custom member or custom component plugin to the
plugins folder in your current Job or to the
plugins folder in the SDS2 data directory , you need to Exit then relaunch Modeling in order to be able to add to your model an instance of the newly installed custom member or component.
- Any modifications you have made to members or materials in the 3D model while in Modeling are saved on the fly. Those changes will be in the 3D model when you start up Modeling again.
- Best practice is to exit Modeling and exit the Drawing Editor and close Home (
) before shutting down or restarting your computer.
- If you want to leave Modeling but are not shutting down, try minimizing Modeling . Later you can restore the Modeling program, including the exact view you were in. You can even run multiple sessions of Modeling at the same time.
- See the step-by-step instructions .
Also see :
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Step-by-step instructions :
The consequences of exiting Modeling are described in step 2 of this procedure.
1 . In Modeling , invoke Exit using any one (1) of the following methods:
Method 1 : Click the Exit icon, which is pictured above. The icon can be taken from the group named ' File ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).
Method 2 : If " Modeling layout style " for Modeling is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose File > Exit .
Method 3, 4 or 5 : Exit can also be configured to be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the lightning interface, this configuration is done using Customize Interface .
Method 6 : Click the
button at the upper, right corner of the Modeling window. This can be done in both the lightning and classic interface.
2 . Modeling closes and loses its memory of any retained views you have created, of any defaults set for Add Member/Material operations by changing member/material settings, and of the up-to-twenty view changes that can be Undone . Also lost are any view location changes you have made to your current view.
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