Restore Backup Drawing ( Drawing Editor )

Tool summary :

  • Gives you options for restoring an auto saved drawing, or informs you that there is no auto saved drawing.
  • Save ( Ctrl + s ) your current drawing before you restore. If you find that the restored version of the drawing is not what you want, you can Revert ( Ctrl + r ) to undo the restore.
  • A backed up drawing (auto saved recovery file) may be created for any Drawing Editor drawing that is open if a change has been made to that open drawing.
  • The auto saved recovery file will only be created if an appropriate entry had been made to User and Site Options > Drawings > " Automatically create recovery files interval ."
  • See the step-by-step instructions .

Also see :

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   Step-by-step instructions :

1 . Invoke Restore Backup Drawing using one (1) of the following methods:

Method 1 : Click the Restore Backup Drawing icon. The icon can be taken from the group named ' File ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).

Method 2 : If " Drawing Editor layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose File > Open Backup Drawing .

Method 3, 4 or 5 : Restore Backup Drawing can also be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the ' Lightning ' layout style, configuration of the interface is done using Customize Interface .

2 . One of the following will take place:

Possibility 1 : Nothing happens to your open drawing. The status line reads, " Auto save is disabled. Enable in User Options ." This indicates that no entry has been made to User and Site Options > Drawings > " Automatically create recovery files interval ."

Possibility 2 : Nothing happens to your open drawing. The status line reads, " No auto save drawing to restore ."

Possibility 3 : Restore Backup Drawing opens a Yes-No dialog.

Restore work from auto saved drawing?

Press " Yes " to restore the auto saved drawing.

Press " No " to keep your currently open drawing unchanged.

Tip: Save ( Ctrl + s ) your current drawing before you restore. If you find that the restored version of the drawing is not what you want, you can Revert ( Ctrl + r ) to undo the restore.

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