The Embed Schedule ( Job Settings )
to open an entry window .
Entry windows accessed from the schedule :
Red-colored highlighting identifies an entry that is invalid. Unless you change that entry, you will not be able to close the entry window using " OK ."
VIDEO Tip 1: You can edit individual embeds in the model. They are stand-alone members that are distinct from the beams or joists on whose windows an " Embed schedule entry " was made. The edit windows for embed members are Embed Plate Edit (plates) and Embed Edit (channels and angles). Editing an embed in this way does not affect the Embed Schedule .
Tip 2 Instead of editing an embed in the model, you can create a new embed here, in the Embed Schedule , then enter that new embed on a member edit window. Embeds from this window can be entered to " Embed schedule entry " on the Beam Edit window. On the Joist Edit window, there are top chord " Schedule entry " and extended bottom chord " Schedule entry " fields. Under " Connection specifications " for beams, you'll also find options for " Embed plate location " (clip angle) or " Embed plate location " (shear plate) or " Embed plate location " (beam seat).
Also see :
- Embed schedule entry ( Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling )
- Embed schedule entry ( Embed Edit window in Modeling )
- Embed schedule entry ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Auto Standard Connections )
- Embed schedule entry ( Beam Edit window in Modeling )
- Schedule entry, top chord ( Joist Edit window in Modeling )
- Schedule entry, bottom chord ( Joist Edit window in Modeling )
- Embed schedule entry ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections )
- Concrete wall (an embed plate applied on a beam must frame to)
- Joist top chord to concrete with pocket & bearing plate (connection guide)
- Top chord joist seat to an embed plate (connection guide)
- Extended joist bottom chord to an embed plate (connection guide)
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Method 1 : Home > Project Settings > Job > Connections > Embed Schedule .
Methods 2, 3 & 4 : In Modeling or the Drawing Editor , choose Settings > Job Settings > Embed Schedule .(classic), or use a keyboard shortcut , or click the icon.
Password protection: If a password has been set using the Change Setup Password utility, you can open this window only if you first enter that exact password.
Access control: Job and fab setup (can be set on a per-project basis).
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Num: 1 or 2 or 3 or ... Each line in the Embed Schedule is numbered and has an unique " Piecemark ." Use the following buttons to add or remove line numbers.
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Add Embed Plate opens an entry window for a new embed plate. "Plate thickness" "Plate length" "Plate width" are plate options that are not available for channels or angles. |
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Add Continuous Embed opens an entry window for an angle or channel embed. Entering a "Section size" is required. |
Edit Selected Line(s) opens an entry window for the one or more lines that you selected. Double-clicking a line also opens the entry window. |
Copy Selected Line(s) adds a duplicate of the line that you selected. The duplicate line is made the last line. Other than " Piecemark " and line number, it is the an exact copy of the line it is a copy of. |
Delete Selected Line(s) removes the one or more lines that you select. |
For angle, channel and plate embeds: On the Embed Edit window in Modeling , an " Embed schedule entry " from this window is required to add an angle or channel embed. For an embed plate, an " Embed schedule entry " is optional.
For embed plates:
Auto Standard Connections: Embed schedule entry
Beam Edit: Embed schedule entry
User Defined Connections: Embed schedule entry
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------ General Settings ------
Piecemark: The standard submaterial mark ( standard mark , up to 61 characters) to be assigned to all instances of this embed member that are duplicated in the model. Embed plates, angles and channels can be added to the model as described here .
For an embed definition to be valid, it must be given an unique " Piecemark ." If the piecemark you enter here has already been assigned to a material on this window or exists in the model or is a standard piecemark stored in your current Job Setup , then when you press " OK " you will get a warning stating that you need to correct the problem.
If you make entries to a line on this schedule but leave the " PIecemark " blank, then when you press " OK " you will get a warning stating that you need to correct the problem. For an embed plate definition to be valid, it must be given an unique " Piecemark " name.
In Modeling , the " Piecemark " that is on the Embed Plate Edit or Embed Edit window will probably not match the " Piecemak " that is shown here. However, a piecemark that is shown here may also be entered at the following locations:
Embed Plate Edit window, Modeling : Embed schedule entry
Embed Edit window, Modeling : Embed schedule entry
Auto Standard Connections: Embed schedule entry
Beam Edit: Embed schedule entry
User Defined Connections: Embed schedule entry
Plate thickness (plate) : The embed plate thickness (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units or a gage ).
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t = plate thickness. |
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , Plate thickness " is this thickness when unlocked (
) if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Plate width (plate) : The embed plate's width (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ).
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An embed plate's " Plate width " is typically measured horizontally, parallel with the " Column spacing " for holes , shear studs or deformed bar attachments . |
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The width of an embed bearing plate is measured perpendicular to the member line of the beam or joist. |
" Plate width " is the embed's length for the following add methods:
• Method 4 , selecting a member's end or the embed plate's midpoint
• Shear connection to an embed in a concrete wall (channel & angle embeds only)
• Clip angle to an embed in a concrete wall (channel & angle embeds only)
• Beam seat to an embed in a concrete wall (channel & angle embeds only)
• Top chord joist seat to an embed (channel & angle embeds only)
• Extended joist bottom chord stabilizer to an embed (channel & angle embeds only)
• Beam to concrete bearing connections
• Joist top chord to concrete with pocket & bearing plateUser-located work points set the embed's length for the following methods:
• Method 4 , locating two points.
• Method 7 : The Embed Plate Multi-Add ToolOn the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , " Plate width " is this width when unlocked (
), editable when locked (
Plate length (plate) : The embed plate's length (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ). Plate length is a vertical dimension when, for example, the plate is embedded in a concrete wall or flat to a concrete wall.. Since embed plates are rectangular, the vertical edges of an embed plate are each this same length.
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An embed plate's " Plate length " is typically measured vertically, parallel with the " Row spacing " for holes , shear studs or deformed bar attachments . |
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Here's an example of a bearing embed plate . The plate length is measured parallel with the joist. . |
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , " Plate length " is this length when unlocked (
) if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Section size (angle & channel) : Angle or channel materials that are listed in the local shape file can be specified here. Angle and channel embeds can be added to the model as described here .
To enter a section size, you can type in the section size that you want, or you can press the "file cabinet" browse button (
) and double-click any section that is on the list of available materials in the local shape file .
On the Embed Edit window in Modeling , " Section size " is this angle or channel when unlocked (
) if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Number of hole patterns: 0 or 1 or 2 or .... This applies to embed plates, angles and channels.
' 0 ' results in there being no leaf for "
Hole Pattern ... " on this window.
' 1 ' results in one hole-pattern leaf on this window. For an embed plate , the leaf is named "
Hole Pattern 1 ." For an embed channel or angle , the leaf is also named "
Hole Pattern 1 ."
' 2 ' results in two hole-pattern leafs on this window. For an embed plate , they are named "
Hole Pattern 1 " and "
Hole Pattern 2 ." For an embed channel or angle , they are also named "
Hole Pattern 1 " and "
Hole Pattern 2 ."
' ... ' and so on ....
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , " Number of hole patterns " is this number when unlocked (
), editable when locked (
) if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .. If the embed is an angle or channel, then this entry sets the unlocked " Number of hole patterns " on the Embed Edit window.
Number of DBA patterns: 0 or 1 or 2 or .... This applies to embed plates, angles and channels.
' 0 ' results in there being no leaf for "
Deformed Bar Pattern ... " on this window.
' 1 ' results in one DBA-pattern leaf on this window. For an embed plate , the leaf is named "
Deformed Bar Pattern 1 ." For an embed channel or angle , the leaf is also named "
Deformed Bar Pattern 1 ."
' 2 ' results in two DBA-pattern leafs on this window. For an embed plate , they are named "
Deformed Bar Pattern 1 " and "
Deformed Bar Pattern 2 ." For an embed channel or angle , they are also named "
Deformed Bar Pattern 1 " and "
Deformed Bar Pattern 2 ."
' ... ' and so on ....
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , " Number of DBA patterns " is this number when unlocked (
), editable when locked (
) if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule . If the embed is an angle or channel, then this entry sets the unlocked " Number of DBA patterns " on the Embed Edit window.
Number of stud patterns: 0 or 1 or 2 or .... This applies to embed plates, angles and channels.
' 0 ' results in there being no leaf for "
Stud Pattern ... " on this window.
' 1 ' results in one stud-pattern leaf on this window. For an embed plate , the leaf is named "
Stud Pattern 1 ." For an embed channel or angle , the leaf is also named "
Stud Pattern 1 ."
' 2 ' results in two stud-pattern leafs on this window. For an embed plate , they are named "
Stud Pattern 1 " and "
Stud Pattern 2 ." For an embed channel or angle , they are also named "
Stud Pattern 1 " and "
Stud Pattern 2 ."
' ... ' and so on ....
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , " Number of stud patterns " is this number when unlocked (
), editable when locked (
) if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule . If the embed is an angle or channel, then this entry sets the unlocked " Number of stud patterns " on the Embed Edit window.
Length (angle & channel) : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from one end of the angle or channel to the material's opposite end. Channel and angle dimensions other than " Length " are controlled by the embed's " Section size ." Although, for certain embed add methods , the actual length of the angle or channel embed in the model is determined by located points and other factors, you still are required to enter a " Length " on this window.
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Angle and channel embeds. |
For an embed plate, " Plate width " is the " Length " dimension.
This length is the embed's length for the following add methods:
• Method 5 , selecting a member's end or the embed's midpoint
• Shear connection to an embed in a concrete wall (channel & angle embeds only)
• Clip angle to an embed in a concrete wall (channel & angle embeds only)
• Beam seat to an embed in a concrete wall (channel & angle embeds only)
• Top chord joist seat to an embed (channel & angle embeds only)
• Extended joist bottom chord stabilizer to an embed (channel & angle embeds only)The embed's length is the width of the pocket for the following methods:
• Beam to concrete bearing connections .
• Joist top chord to concrete with pocket & bearing plate .User-located work points set the embed's length for the following methods:
• Method 5 , locating two points.
• Method 6 : The Embed Layout Add ToolOn the Embed Edit window in Modeling , " WP-WP length: actual " is a read-only field that may record the " Length " that is entered here.
Material grade: A36 or A572 or etc. This applies to embed plates, angles and channels.
For an embed plate, this is the " Steel grade " of the rectangular plate material that is used for fabricating the embed plate.
For a channel or angle embed, this is the " Steel grade " of the rolled section material.
Setup: If the grade of steel you want is not shown on the list box (
), you can use Job Setup > Plate Grades or Channel Grades or Angle Grades to add it to the list.
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , " Material grade " is this grade when unlocked (
), editable when locked (
) if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule . If the embed is an angle or channel, then this entry sets the unlocked " Material grade " on the Embed Edit window.
Stud surface finish (plate) : None or Blued Steel or Gray Oxide or Red Oxide or Yellow Zinc . This sets the surface finish for all of the studs in the stud patterns.
Blued Steel | Gray Oxide |
Red Oxide | Yellow Zinc |
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , " Stud surface finish " is the finish entered for this embed plate when unlocked (
) if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Plate location (plate) : Inside wall or Outside wall . This applies when a beam frames to a concrete wall and " Embed plate location " (clip angle) or " Embed plate location " (shear plate) or " Embed plate location " (beam seat) is set to ' Automatic '. The " Input connection type " can be ' Auto standard ' or ' User defined ' or a choice (' Clip angle ' or ' Shear ' or ' Seated ' or ' Bent plate ' or ' Plain end ') that allows a specific " Embed schedule entry ." This can also apply to a joist framing to a concrete wall when the joist's " Input connection type " is ' Seated ' and a top chord " Schedule entry " has been selected. Also for a joist, the bottom chord stabilizer can weld to an embed plate custom member when a bottom chord " Schedule entry " has been selected.
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The supported member can be a beam or a joist. If you have a concrete license , you can also get an embed connection to a tilt-up panel . |
' Inside wall ' embeds the plate in the concrete wall when " Embed plate location " (clip angle) or " Embed plate location " (shear plate) or " Embed plate location " (beam seat) or " Location " (joist) is set to ' Automatic '.
' Outside wall ' locates the plate flush to the wall when the embed location is set to ' Automatic '.
Material finish (angle & channel) : None or Sandblasted or Red oxide or Yellow zinc or Gray oxide or Blued steel or Galvanized or Duplex Coating .
sand blasted | red oxide | yellow zinc |
gray oxide | blued steel | galvanized |
Note 1: When "
Galvanized " is checked, you must select either ' Galvanized ' or ' Duplex Coating ' as the " Material finish ."
Note 2: ' Duplex Coating ' is a special coating that allows galvanized steel to be painted.
On the Embed Edit window in Modeling , " Material finish " is the choice made for this angle or channel embed when unlocked (
) if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Galvanized (angle & channel) : or
If this box is checked (
), then the angle or channel embed's " Material finish " must be set to ' Galvanized ' or ' Duplex Coating '. For an embed with bolts, the " Bolt finish " must be ' Hot dipped galvanized ' or ' Mechanically galvanized '.
If the box is not checked (
), the embed's " Material finish " and -- if applicable -- " Bolt finish " may be any one of the selectable options.
On the Embed Edit in Modeling , " Galvanized " -- when unlocked (
).-- is populated with the choice made here, for this angle or channel embed.
Long leg direction ( angle ): Vertical or Horizontal . This applies when the " Section size " entered to this line in the schedule is an angle with unequal legs.
' Vertical ' orients the long leg of the angle vertically.
' Horizontal ' orients the long leg of the angle horizontally.
On the Embed Edit window in Modeling , " Long leg direction " is the choice made for this embed angle when unlocked (
), editable when locked (
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------ Nailer Holes ------
( for embed plates )
Number of holes (plate) : 0 or 2 or 4 .
' 0 ' results in no nailer holes.
' 2 ' results in two nailer holes, placed diagonally, at opposite corners of the embed plate.
' 4 ' results in four nailer holes, one at each corner of the embed plate.
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , " Number of holes " when unlocked (
) uses this number as its default value so long as the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Hole edge distance (plate) : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the center of each nailer hole to the horizontal edge of the embed plate. This is also the distance of the nailer hole or vertical edge of the embed plate.
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ed = hole edge distance. As this example shows, the " Hole edge distance " sets both the vertical edge distance and the horizontal edge distance for each of the nailer holes. |
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , " Hole edge distance " is editable when locked (
Hole size (plate) : The diameter of the nailer holes (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ).
dia = hole size
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , " Hole size " is editable when locked (
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------ Hole Pattern ... - -----
( for embed plates )
Hole size (plate) : The diameter of the holes in this hole pattern (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ).
dia = hole size
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , " Hole size " when unlocked (
) uses this diameter as its default value so long as the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Rows (plate) : The number (count) of rows of holes. A single distance or variable spacing can be entered as the " Row spacing " for these rows.
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' 3 ' is the number of rows of holes in this example. |
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , " Rows " when unlocked (
) is this number so long as the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Columns (plate) : The number (count) of columns of holes.
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' 2 ' is the number of columns of holes in this example. |
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , " Columns " when unlocked (
) is this number so long as the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Row spacing (plate) : A center-to-center distance or variable spacing (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ).
" Row spacing " ( center-to-center ) is the distance between adjacent " Rows " of holes. This distance is measured vertically in the typical situation where the embed plate's " Left elevation " and " Right elevation " are the same.
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rsp = row spacing. For a typical embed plate, this is the vertical spacing between rows of holes. |
" Row spacing " ( variable ) can be entered n a number of different ways, as the examples in the following table show. The left-to-right spacing that you enter here equates to top-to-bottom row spacing on the actual embed plate.
Variable Hole Row Spacing | ||
Rows | Spacing | Result |
5 | 3,5,3,3 | 4 spaces at 3", 5", 3" and 3" |
5 | 3,5,2@3 | 4 spaces at 3", 5", 3" and 3" |
5 | 3,5,3 |
4 spaces at 3", 5", 3" and 3"
(Three spacings are entered, but four are required since the number of rows is 5. The last value -- 3 -- is repeated to fill the fourth space.) |
5 | 3,5,3,3,2,3 | Too many spaces for the number of rows. Five rows have four spaces, but six spaces are specified. Only the first four spaces are used. The last two spaces are ignored. |
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , Row spacing " is editable when locked (
Column spacing (plate) : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) between adjacent columns of holes. This distance is typically measured horizontally, parallel with the " Plate width " dimension.
![]() |
csp = column spacing. |
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , " Column spacing " is editable when locked (
Vertical edge distance (plate) : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the top edge of the embed plate to the first row of holes.
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ved = vertical edge distance. |
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , " Vertical edge distance " is editable when locked (
Horizontal pattern offset (plate) : 0 (zero) or a positive distance or a negative (-) distance entered in the primary dimension " Units " or other units .
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In this example, the " Horizontal pattern offset " is depicted as the dimension between the hole pattern center line and the plate width center line. |
' 0 ' centers the hole pattern at the horizontal center of the embed plate, half way between the plate's vertical edges -- at the plate width center line.
A ' positive distance ' offsets the center of the hole pattern that distance away from the true horizontal center of the embed plate. The hole pattern is moved away from the origin point.
A ' negative distance ' does the opposite of entering a positive offset. The hole pattern is moved toward the origin point..
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , " Horizontal pattern offset " when unlocked (
) is this number so long as the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
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Nailer Holes ------
(for embed plates)
Number of holes (plate) : 0 or 2 or 4 .
' 0 ' results in no nailer holes.
' 2 ' results in two nailer holes, placed diagonally, at opposite corners of the embed plate.
' 4 ' results in four nailer holes, one at each corner of the embed plate.
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , Number of holes " when unlocked (
) is this number so long as the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Hole edge distance (plate) : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the center of each nailer hole to the horizontal edge of the embed plate. This is also the distance of the nailer hole or vertical edge of the embed plate.
![]() |
ed = hole edge distance. As this example shows, the " Hole edge distance " sets both the vertical edge distance and the horizontal edge distance for each of the nailer holes. |
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , the nailer hole " Hole edge distance " when unlocked (
) is this distance so long as the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Hole size (plate) : The diameter of the nailer hole in the primary dimension " Units " or other units .
dia = hole size
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , the nailer hole " Hole size " when unlocked (
) is this distance so long as the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
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------ Hole Pattern - -----
( for angle & channel embeds )
Hole location (angle & channel) : Vertical leg / Web or Horizontal leg / Toe or Both legs / Toe and web . This applies to angle and channel embeds when the " Number of hole patterns " is ' 1 ' or greater.
' Vertical leg / Web ' locates the hole pattern on the vertical leg of an angle embed, the web of a channel embed.
' Horizontal leg / Toe ' locates the hole pattern on the horizontal leg of an angle embed, the top toe of a channel embed.
' Both legs / Toe and web ' locates the hole pattern on both legs of an angle embed. For a channel embed, it locates the pattern at the " Channel toe " location and the web of a channel embed.
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically made to " Hole location " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Channel toe (channel) : Top or Bottom or Both . This applies to channel embeds only. The option is not available for angle embeds. Various types of channel embeds can be added to the model as described here .
![]() |
For web vertical channel embeds, top and bottom are easy to determine in the model. Click here , here , here , here and here to see some situations where a vertical channel embed (plate, channel or angle) can be applied. Click here and here for some examples of bearing embeds, which, if they were channels, would be web horizontal and toe down. |
' Top ' specifies that the " Hole location " and " Gage " apply to the top channel toe.
' Bottom ' specifies that the " Hole location " and " Gage " apply to the bottom channel toe.
' Both ' specifies that the " Hole location " and " Gage " apply to both channel toes.
Hole type (angle & channel) : Standard round or Short slot or Oversized round or Long slot or Cope hole or Erection pin hole or Anchor bolt hole or Plug weld hole or Grout or Vent/Drain . For a more thorough explanation of each of these types, see " Hole type " on the Hole Edit window.
All hole types work together with the " Bolt diameter " to set the " Hole size ."
' Short slot ' sets the " Slot length " to be a particular length.
' Long slot ' sets the " Slot length " to be a length that depends on the " Bolt diameter ."
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically made to " Hole type " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Hole size (angle & channel) : read-only . The hole size that is reported here is calculated automatically based on the " Hole type " and the " Bolt diameter ."
Slot length (angle & channel) : read-only . The slot length that is reported here depends on the " Hole type ." If the hole type is ' Long slot ," the reported slot length also depends on the " Bolt diameter ." For hole types other than ' Long slot ' or ' Short slot ', the reported slot length is always 0.0.
Slot rotation (angle & channel) : read-only .
Column location method (angle & channel) : Left end or Right end or Both ends or Fixed edge distance or Fixed spacing .
' Left end ' puts the " Number of column s " of holes in the embed. The first hole is placed at the " Left end edge distance " from the left end of the embed, and additional holes are placed -- from left to right -- at the " Spacing " distance from that first left-end hole.
' Right end ' puts the " Number of column s " of holes in the embed. The first hole is placed at the " Right end edge distance " from the right end of the embed, and additional holes are placed -- from right to left -- at the " Spacing " distance from that first right-end hole.
' Both ends ' adds twice the " Number of columns " of holes on the embed. The left-end hole group begins at the " Left end edge distance " from the left end of the embed. The right-end hole group begins at the " Right end edge distance " from the right end of the embed. The left-end hole group is spaced -- from left to right, beginning at the left-end hole-- per the " Spacing ," which can be variable. The right-end hole group is spaced per that same spacing, but from right to left beginning with the right-end hole.
' Fixed edge distance ' puts holes the outermost holes at the " Left end edge distance " and " Right end edge distance " from their respective ends. The holes that are interior to those outermost holes are spaced the " Spacing " distance from one another. The number of spaces for the interior holes is determined by dividing the distance between the outermost holes by the " Spacing " distance. The center line of the pattern is half-way between the left edge distance and the right edge distance. If the number of spaces for the interior holes is an even number, a hole is placed at the center line of the pattern. If the number of spaces is an odd number, the center of the middle space aligns with the center line of the pattern. Variable spacing and number of columns do not apply.
' Fixed spacing ' places the first hole at the " Left end edge distance " from the left end of the embed, then spaces each subsequently placed hole the " Spacing " distance from the previously placed hole. The last hole is placed so that it is to the left of (or exactly at) the " Right end edge distance ." Variable spacing and number of columns do not apply.
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically made to " Column location method " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, in the Embed Schedule .
Number of columns (angle & channel) : 1 or 2 or 3 or etc. (a counting number). This applies when the " Column location method " is ' Left end ' or ' Right end ' or ' Both ends '. This option is disabled ( grayed out ) when the " Column location method " is ' Fixed edge distance ' or ' Fixed spacing '.
If the " Column location method " is ' Left end ' or ' Right end ', this is the total number of holes that are placed in the specified " Hole location ."
If the " Column location method " is ' Both ends ', this is half the total number of holes that are placed in the specified " Hole location ."
Num_cols -1 < num_spaces: If variable " Spacing " is entered and the number of columns minus 1 are less than the number of variable spaces that are specified, the extra spaces are ignored.
Example for num_cols -1 < num_spaces: If you enter ' 2 ' for " Number of columns " (2 - 1 = 1 space) and ' 2-0,3-0,2-0 ' as the " Spacing ," you will get 2 holes spaced 2-0 ft apart. If you then change the " Number of columns " to ' 3 ', the 1st & 2nd holes are spaced 2-0, and the 2nd and 3rd holes are spaced 3-0. If you then change the " Number of columns " to ' 4 ', the 1st & 2nd holes are spaced 2-0, and the 2nd and 3rd holes are spaced 3-0, and the 3rd and 4th holes are spaced 2-0.
Num_cols -1 > num_spaces: If variable " Spacing " is entered and the number of columns minus 1 are more than the number of spaces, the last space is used for the extra columns.
Example for num_cols -1 > num_spaces: If you enter ' 5 ' (5-1 = 4 spaces) as the " Number of columns " and ' 2@2-0, 3-0 ' (3 spaces) as the variable " Spacing ," the result you get is the first two spaces at 2-0, the third space at 3-0, and the fourth space at 3-0.
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically made to " Number of columns " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, in the Embed Schedule .
Spacing (angle & channel) : A center-to-center distance or variable spacing (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ).
" Spacing " ( center-to-center ) is the distance between holes in the hole pattern when the " Column location method " is ' Left end ' ' Right end ' or ' Fixed spacing '. When the " Column location method " is ' Fixed edge distance ', a single distance entry specifies the center-to-center distance between interior holes in the pattern. For ' Both ends ', you get two hole patterns, and the distance entry is the center-to-center distance between holes that are in the same pattern.
" Spacing " ( variable ) can apply when the " Column location method " is ' Left end ' or ' Right end ' or ' Both ends '. Variable spacing does not override the " Number of columns ." Variable spacing does not apply to the ' Fixed spacing ' or ' Fixed edge distance ' column location methods.
Variable Spacing Spacing Result 2-0,3-0,2-0 3 spaces at 2 ft, 3 ft, and 2 ft 3@2-0 3 spaces at 2 ft Effect on Modeling : The distance or variable spacing entry made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is automatically entered as a hole pattern's " Spacing " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, in the Embed Schedule .
Left end edge distance (angle & channel) : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the left edge of the embed to the leftmost hole in the hole pattern when the " Column location method " is ' Left end ' or ' Both ends ' or ' Fixed edge distance ' or ' Fixed spacing '. If the " Column location method " is ' Right end ', no hole is placed closer to the left end than this distance.
Effect on Modeling : The distance entered here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the distance that is automatically entered to a hole pattern's " Left end edge distance " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, in the Embed Schedule .
Right end edge distance (angle & channel) : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the right edge of the embed to the rightmost hole in the pattern when the " Column location method " is ' Right end ' or ' Both ends ' or ' Fixed edge distance '. If the " Column location method " is ' Left end ' or ' Fixed spacing ', no hole is placed closer to the right end than this distance.
Effect on Modeling : The distance entered here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the distance that is automatically entered to a hole pattern's " Right end edge distance " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, in the Embed Schedule .
Gage (angle & channel) : A distance in the primary dimension " Units " or other units . This applies when the " Hole location " is ' Vertical leg/ Web ' or ' Horizontal leg / Toe ' or ' Both legs / Toe and web '. It applies to angle or channel embeds.
For a channel embed , the " Gage " is the distance from the top of the channel to the center of the web hole when " Hole location " is set to ' Vertical leg/ Web ." When the " Deformed bar location " is set to ' Horizontal leg / Toe ', this is the distance from the heel of the channel to the center of the hole in the top toe in the channel.
For a angle embed , the " Gage " is the distance from the top of the angle to the center of the hole in the vertical leg when " Hole location " is set to ' Vertical leg/ Web ." When the " Hole location " is ' Horizontal leg / Toe ', this is the distance from the back of the angle to the center of the hole in the horizontal leg.
Effect on Modeling : The distance entered here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the distance that is automatically made to hole " Gage " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Bolt settings
( for angle & channel embeds )
Add bolts (angle & channel) : or
. This applies to angle or channel embeds with a hole pattern (" Number of hole patterns " = 1 or more).
![]() |
An angle embed is shown in this example. " Add bolts " also applies to channel embeds. |
If this box is checked (
), bolts are inserted through the holes in the channel or angle embed. Options such as " Bolt type " " Shop bolts " etc. become available so that you can choose the bolt settings that you want applied to the embed bolts.
If the box is not checked (
), only holes (no bolts) are generated in the channel or angle embed. Options for " Bolt type " " Shop bolts " etc. are not shown since they do not apply. Options for " Bolt type " " Shop bolts " etc. are not shown since they do not apply. The " Bolt diameter " option, however, still does apply since it together with the " Hole type " sets the " Hole size ."
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically made for " Add bolts " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Bolt diameter (angle & channel) : The diameter (inches or mm) of the shank of the bolt. This applies even if you have not elected to " Add bolts " since the diameter that you enter here together with the " Hole type " sets the " Hole size ."
diameter |
![]() |
To make an entry: You can either type in a diameter or select a bolt diameter from the combo box (
). Diameters that are listed come from Job Setup > Bolt Settings > the " Available bolts " list.
Effect on Modeling : The diameter entered here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the diameter that is automatically entered for " Bolt diameter " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Bolt type (angle & channel) : A325NG or A325S or A325SX , etc. T he bolt types that you can choose in the list box ( ) are the bolt types that are listed in Job Setup > Bolt Specifications .
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically made to " Bolt type " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Shop bolts (angle & channel) : or
![]() |
An angle embed is shown in this example. " Shop bolts " also applies to bolts in channel embeds. |
If this box is checked (
), bolts that, in Modeling , are inserted through the holes in the channel or angle embed are considered to be shop bolts . This means that the bolts will be drawn on the detail of the embed member and listed as shop bolts in the member's bill of material.
If the box is not checked (
), the embed bolts are considered to be field bolts . Such bolts are not drawn on the detail of the embed member but may be listed as field bolts in the member's bill of material.
Effect on Modeling : The choice for " Shop bolts " made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically made to " Shop bolts " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Bolt finish (angle & channel) : Black or Zinc/Aluminum ASTM F1136 or Mechanically galvanized or Hot dipped galvanized .
Note: When "
Galvanized " is checked, you must select ' Mechanically galvanized ' or ' Hot dipped galvanized ' as the " Bolt finish ."
Effect on Modeling : The choice for " Shop bolts " made here (in Concrete Setup ) is the choice that is automatically made to " Bolt finish " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Flip direction (angle & channel) : or
![]() |
An angle embed is shown in this example. " Flip direction " also applies to bolts in channel embeds. |
If this box is checked (
), then "
Flip direction " on the Embed Edit window in Modeling is checked when unlocked (
) if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, in Concrete Setup .
If the box is not checked (
), then "
Flip direction " on the Embed Edit window in Modeling is not checked when unlocked (
) if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Bolt length (angle & channel) : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the inside of the bolt head to the end of the bolt shank.
![]() |
Note that the bolt' s head thickness is not included in the measurement of a bolt's length. |
Effect on Modeling : The distance entered here (in the Embed Schedule ) is the distance that is automatically entered to " Bolt length " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Bolt grip (angle & channel) : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) between the face of the embed to the inside of the bolt head (or nut). If the bolt has washers, the bolt grip is measured from the inside of the washers.
![]() |
Note that the bolt grip does not include the thickness of the angle embed. The " Bolt grip " reported on the Bolt Edit window for an embed bolt does include that thickness |
Effect on Modeling : The distance entered here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the distance that is automatically entered to " Bolt grip " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Bolt grip side (angle & channel) : Inside or Outside .
![]() |
An angle embed is shown in this example. " Bolt grip side " also applies to bolts in channel embeds. |
' Inside ' puts the bolt to the inside of the angle or channel embed.
' Outside ' puts the bolt to the outside of the angle or channel embed.
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically selected for " Bolt grip side " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Tension control (TC) (angle & channel) : or
![]() |
An angle embed is shown in this example. " Tension control (TC) " also applies to bolts in channel embeds. |
If this box is checked (
), then the embed bolts are TC bolts. A TC bolt is a bolt with a splined end extending beyond the threaded portion of the bolt. The bolt is installed using a special wrench that removes the splined end when the bolt is tightened to the proper tension.
If the box is not checked (
), then the embed bolts are not TC bolts.
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically selected for " Tension control (TC) " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Nut settings
( for angle & channel embeds )
Add nuts (angle & channel) : or
. This applies to angle or channel embeds with a hole pattern for which "
Add bolts " is turned on.
![]() |
An angle embed is shown in this example. " Add nuts " also applies to bolts in channel embeds. |
If this box is checked (
), nuts are added to the bolts in the channel or angle embed. " Nut type " and " Nut grade " options become available.
If the box is not checked (
), the bolts are generated without any nuts. Options for " Nut type " and " Nut grade " are not available since they do not apply.
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically selected for " Add nuts " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Nut type (angle & channel) : Heavy hex (a hexagon-shaped nut).
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically selected for " Nut type " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Nut grade (angle & channel) : Any grade that has been entered to the " Nuts " tab in Job Setup > Nut and Washer Schedule . If you want other grades to appear in the list box ( ), you need to add them to the Nut and Washer Schedule under the appropriate nut type (' Heavy hex ').
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically selected for " Nut grade " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Washer settings
( for angle & channel embeds )
Add nut washers (angle & channel) : or
. This applies to angle or channel embeds with a hole pattern for which "
Add bolts " is turned on.
![]() |
An angle embed is shown in this example. " Add nut washers " also applies to bolts in channel embeds. |
If this box is checked (
), a washer is added under the nut (if there is a nut) of the bolts in the channel or angle embed. If there is no nut (as shown above), a washer will still be added. " Nut washer type " and " Nut washer thickness " and " Nut washer width " and " Nut washer grade " options become available.
If the box is not checked (
), the bolts are generated without any nut washers. Options for " Nut washer type " and etc. are not available since they do not apply.
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically selected for " Add nut washers " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Nut washer type (angle & channel) : Bevel or Square plate or Round plate or Direct tension indicator or Hillside or Flat or Hardened .
type | shape | BOM | thickness |
bevel |
![]() |
" Bevel washers "
( Home > Project Settings > Job > Washer Settings ) |
plate |
![]() |
PL |
" Nut washer thickness "
(see below) |
plate |
![]() |
" Nut washer thickness "
(see below) |
direct tension indicator |
![]() |
" Direct tension indicator "
( Home > Project Settings > Job > Washer Settings ) |
hillside |
![]() |
HLS | - |
flat |
![]() |
FL |
" Flat washers "
( Home > Project Settings > Job > Washer Settings ) |
hardened |
![]() |
HD |
" Hardened washers "
( Home > Project Settings > Job > Washer Settings ) |
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically selected for " Nut washer type " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Nut washer thickness (angle & channel) : The thickness (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) of the square plate or round plate washer.
t = thickness
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically selected for " Nut washer thickness " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Nut washer width (angle & channel) : The length or width of a square plate washer, or the diameter of a round plate washer. Your entry is interpreted as being in the primary dimensioning " Units ."
w = width
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically selected for " Nut washer width " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Nut washer grade (angle & channel) : Any grade that has been entered to the " Washers " tab in Job Setup > Nut and Washer Schedule for the selected type (' Hardened ' or ' Bevel ' or etc.) can be selected. Note that when you switch to a different " Nut washer type ," different grades are shown on the list box ( ).
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically selected for " Nut washer grade " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Add head washers (angle & channel) : or
. This applies to angle or channel embeds with a hole pattern for which "
Add bolts " is turned on.
![]() |
An angle embed is shown in this example. " Add head washers " also applies to bolts in channel embeds. |
If this box is checked (
), a washer is added under the heads of the bolts in the channel or angle embed. " Head washer type " and " Head washer thickness " and " Head washer width " and " Head washer grade " options become available.
If the box is not checked (
), the bolts are generated without any head washers. Options for " Head washer type " and etc. are not available since they do not apply.
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically selected for " Add head washers " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Head washer type (angle & channel) : Bevel or Square plate or Round plate or Direct tension indicator or Hillside or Flat or Hardened .
type | shape | BOM | thickness |
bevel |
![]() |
" Bevel washers "
( Home > Project Settings > Job > Washer Settings ) |
plate |
![]() |
PL |
" Head washer thickness "
(see below) |
plate |
![]() |
" Head washer thickness "
(see below) |
direct tension indicator |
![]() |
" Direct tension indicator "
( Home > Project Settings > Job > Washer Settings ) |
hillside |
![]() |
HLS | - |
flat |
![]() |
FL |
" Flat washers "
( Home > Project Settings > Job > Washer Settings ) |
hardened |
![]() |
HD |
" Hardened washers "
( Home > Project Settings > Job > Washer Settings ) |
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically selected for " Head washer type " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Head washer thickness (angle & channel) : The thickness (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) of the square plate or round plate washer.
t = thickness
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically selected for " Head washer thickness " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Head washer width (angle & channel) : The length or width of a square plate washer, or the diameter of a round plate washer. Your entry is interpreted as being in the primary dimensioning " Units ."
w = width
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically selected for " Head washer width " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Head washer grade (angle & channel) : Any grade that has been entered to the " Washers " tab in Job Setup > Nut and Washer Schedule for the selected type (' Hardened ' or ' Bevel ' or etc.) can be selected. Note that when you switch to a different " Head washer type ," different grades are shown on the list box ( ).
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically selected for " Head washer grade " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
concrete | concrete setup > embed schedule | concrete job setup | top
------ Deformed Bar Pattern ... ------
( for embed plates and, where noted, also for angles and channels )
Deformed bar material
(for DBAs on embed plates, angles or channels)
Section size: Any round bar " Section size " that is maintained in the local shape file . This applies to DBAs on embed plates, angles or channels.
![]() |
The round bar " Section size " that you enter sets the diameter of the DBA. |
To enter a section size: You can type in the section size that you want, or you can press the "file cabinet" browse button (
) and double-click a section size from the list that opens. The list includes only the section sizes that are in the local shape file . The usual convention for entering a section size is described here . Validation will not let you enter a section size that does not exist in the local shape file.
Effect on Modeling : The entry made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the entry that is automatically made to " Section size " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Plate Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, in setup. If the embed is an angle or channel, then the entry made here (on the Embed Schedule ) sets the unlocked " Section size " on the Embed Edit window.
Grade: Any steel grade that is available in Job Setup > Round and Square Bar Grades can be selected here. This applies to DBAs on embed plates, angles or channels.
Setup: If the steel grade you want is not on the list box (
) for this field, you can use Job Setup > Round and Square Bar Grades to add it to the list.
Effect on Modeling : The selection made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the steel grade that is automatically made to " Grade " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Plate Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, in setup. If the embed is an angle or channel, then the entry made here (on the Embed Schedule ) sets the unlocked " Grade " on the Embed Edit window.
Length: This applies to DBAs on embed plates, angles or channels. It is the actual length when DBA when the " End operation " is ' None '. For DBAs with an " End operation " of ' Hook ', the actual unbent length of the DBA will be substantially larger than this " Length ." For DBAs with an " End operation " of ' Bend ', the actual unbent length of the DBA will be a bit larger than this " Length ."
Effect on Modeling : The entry made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the entry that is automatically made to " Length " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, in setup. If the embed is an angle or channel, then the entry made here (on the Embed Schedule ) sets the unlocked " Length " on the Embed Edit window.
End operation: None or Hook or Bend . This applies to DBAs on embed plates, angles or channels.
' None ' specifies a DBA that is straight (not deformed).
' Hook ' specifies a hooked DBA that is modeled based on the " Hook type " that is specified below.
' Bend ' specifies a bent DBA with a bend that begins at the " Distance to bend ." The angle of the bend is the " Bend angle ."
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically made to " End operation " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, in setup. If the embed is an angle or channel, then the entry made here (on the Embed Schedule ) sets the unlocked " End operation " on the Embed Edit window.
Hook type: 180 or 90 or - 90 or -180 . This applies to DBAs on embed plates, angles or channels.
' 180 ' points the 180° hook down when the DBA is horizontal. The " Length " sets the horizontal distance from the end of the hook to the center of the 180-degree bend.
' 90 ' points the 90° hook down when the DBA is horizontal. " Length " is the horizontal dimension from the end of the hook to the center of the 180-degree bend.
' -90 ' is the same as ' 90 ' except that the hook points up when the DBA is horizontal.
' -180 ' is the same as ' 180 ' except that the hook points up when horizontal.
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically made to " Hook type " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, in setup. If the embed is an angle or channel, then the entry made here (on the Embed Schedule ) sets the unlocked " Hook type " on the Embed Edit window.
Distance to bend: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the surface of the embed to the bend. This applies to DBAs on embed plates, angles or channels.
Effect on Modeling : The distance entered here (in setup) is the distance that is automatically entered to " Distance to bend " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, in setup. If the embed is an angle or channel, then the entry made here (ion the Embed Schedule ) sets the unlocked " Distance to bend " on the Embed Edit window.
Bend angle: A positive or negative number of degrees. A negative sign (-) sets the direction of the bend to be opposite to an equivalent entry with no negative sign. This applies to DBAs on embed plates, angles or channels.
Effect on Modeling : The number of degrees entered here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the number that is automatically entered to " Bend angle " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, in setup. If the embed is an angle or channel, then the entry made here (on the Embed Schedule ) sets the unlocked " Bend angle " on the Embed Edit window.
( for DBAs on embed plates )
Rotation (plate) : A positive or negative (-) number of degrees from -180 to 180 . Each of the DBAs in the pattern are rotated by this amount. The rotation applies to DBAs on embed plates.
Effect on Modeling : The entry made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the entry that is automatically made to " Rotation " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Plate Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Rows (plate) : The number (count) of rows of deformed bars. This applies to embed plates only. A single distance or variable spacing can be entered as the " Row spacing " for these rows.
Effect on Modeling : The number entered here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the number that is automatically entered to DBA " Rows " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Plate Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Columns (plate) : The number (count) of columns of deformed bars. Deformed bar columns run vertically. Deformed bar column spacing runs horizontally.
Effect on Modeling : The number entered here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the number that is automatically entered to DBA " Columns " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Plate Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Row spacing (plate) : A center-to-center distance or variable spacing (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ).
" Row spacing " ( center-to-center ) is the distance between adjacent " Rows " of deformed bars. This distance is measured vertically in the typical situation where the embed plate's " Left elevation " and " Right elevation " are the same.
rsp = row spacing. For a typical embed plate, this is the vertical spacing between rows of deformed bars. " Row spacing " ( variable ) can be entered in a number of different ways, as the examples in the following table show. The left-to-right spacing that you enter here equates to top-to-bottom DBA row spacing on the actual embed plate.
Variable Deformed Bar Row Spacing Rows Spacing Result 5 3,5,3,3 4 spaces at 3", 5", 3" and 3" 5 3,5,2@3 4 spaces at 3", 5", 3" and 3" 5 3,5,3 4 spaces at 3", 5", 3" and 3"
(Three spacings are entered, but four are required since the number of rows is 5. The last value -- 3 -- is repeated to fill the fourth space.)5 3,5,3,3,2,3 Too many spaces for the number of rows. Five rows have four spaces, but six spaces are specified. Only the first four spaces are used. The last two spaces are ignored. Effect on Modeling : The entry made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the entry that is automatically made to an embed plate's DBA pattern " Row spacing " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Plate Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Column spacing (plate) : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) between adjacent columns of deformed bars. Deformed bar columns run vertically, and the spacing between them is measured horizontally, parallel with the " Plate width " dimension.
Effect on Modeling : The entry made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the entry that is automatically made to an embed plate's DBA pattern " Column spacing " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Plate Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Vertical edge distance (plate) : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the top edge of the embed plate to the first row of deformed bars.
Effect on Modeling : The entry made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the entry that is automatically made to an embed plate's DBA pattern " Vertical edge distance " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Plate Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Horizontal pattern offset (plate) : 0 (zero) or a positive distance or a negative (-) distance entered in the primary dimension " Units " or other units .
Effect on Modeling : The entry made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the entry that is automatically made to an embed plate's DBA pattern " Horizontal pattern offset " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Plate Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, in setup.
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------ Deformed Bar Pattern ... ------
( for angle & channel embeds )
Deformed bar material
( for DBAs on angle & channel embeds )
Section size (angle & channel) : See " Section size " for embed plate DBAs.
Grade (angle & channel) : See " Grade " for embed plate DBAs.
Length (angle & channel) : See " Length " for embed plate DBAs.
End operation (angle & channel) : See " End operation " for embed plate DBAs.
( for DBAs on angle & channel embeds )
Rotation (angle & channel) : A positive or negative (-) number of degrees from -180 to 180 . Each of the DBAs in the pattern are rotated by this amount. The rotation applies to DBAs on angle and channel embeds.
Effect on Modeling : The entry made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the entry that is automatically made to a DBA pattern " Rotation " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Deformed bar location (angle & channel) : Vertical leg / Web or Horizontal leg / Toe or Both legs / Toe and web or Corner, 45 degrees . This applies to angle and channel embeds when the " Number of DBA patterns " is ' 1 ' or greater.
' Vertical leg / Web ' locates the DBAs on the vertical leg of an angle embed, the web of a channel embed.
' Horizontal leg / Toe ' locates the DBAs. on the horizontal leg of an angle embed, the top toe of a channel embed.
' Both legs / Toe and web ' locates the DBAs on both legs of an angle embed. For a channel embed, it locates the pattern at the " Channel toe " location and the web of a channel embed.
' Corner, 45 degrees ' locates the DBAs to the interior corner of the angle embed when " Deformed bar orientation " = ' Inside '. It locates them on the outside corner of the angle embed when " Deformed bar orientation " = ' Outside '. On a channel embed, this applies only to the top corner of the channel.
Effect on Modeling : The entry made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the entry that is automatically made to " Deformed bar location " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Deformed bar orientation (angle & channel) : Inside or Outside . This applies to angle and channel embeds.
![]() |
For the channel embed, " Channel toe " is set to ' Top '. |
' Inside ' puts the DBAs to the inside of the angle or channel embed.
' Outside ' puts the DBAs to the outside of the angle or channel embed.
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically made to " Deformed bar orientation " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Channel toe (channel) : Top or Bottom or Both . This applies to channel embeds only. The option is not available for angle embeds. Various types of channel embeds can be added to the model as described here .
![]() |
For web vertical channel embeds, top and bottom are easy to determine in the model. Click here , here , here , here and here to see some situations where a vertical embed (plate, channel or angle) can be applied. Click here and here for some examples of bearing embeds which, if they were channels, would be web horizontal and toe down. |
' Top ' specifies that the " Deformed bar location " and " Deformed bar orientation " and " Gage " apply to the top channel toe.
' Bottom ' specifies that the " Deformed bar location " and " Deformed bar orientation " and " Gage " apply to the bottom channel toe.
' Both ' specifies that the " Deformed bar location " and " Deformed bar orientation " and " Gage " apply to both channel toes.
Column location method (angle & channel) : Left end or Right end or Both ends or Fixed edge distance or Fixed spacing .
' Left end ' puts the " Number of columns " of DBAs on the embed. The first DBA is placed at the " Left end edge distance " from the left end of the embed and each additional DBA is placed -- from left to right -- at the " Spacing " distance from that first DBA until the total number of DBAs is equal to the number of columns.
' Right end ' puts the " Number of columns " of DBAs on the embed. The first DBA is placed -- from right to left -- at the " Right end edge distance " from the right end of the embed and each additional DBA is placed at the " Spacing " distance from that first right-end DBA until the total number of DBAs is equal to the number of columns.
' Both ends ' adds twice the " Number of columns " of DBAs to the embed. The left-end DBA group begins at the " Left end edge distance " from the left end of the embed. The right-end DBA group begins at the " Right end edge distance " from the right end of the embed. The left-end DBA group is spaced per the " Spacing " distance from left to right beginning at the left-end DBA. The right-end DBA group is spaced per that same " Spacing " distance, but in the opposite direction, from the right-end DBA.
' Fixed edge distance ' puts the outermost DBAs at the " Left end edge distance " and " Right end edge distance " from their respective ends. The DBAs that are interior to those outermost DBAs are spaced the " Spacing " distance from one another. The number of spaces for the interior DBAs is determined by dividing the distance between the outermost DBAs by the " Spacing " distance. The center line of the pattern is half-way between the left edge distance and the right edge distance. If the number of spaces for the interior DBAs is an even number, a DBA is placed at the center line of the pattern. If the number of spaces is an odd number, the center of the middle space aligns with the center line of the pattern. Variable spacing and " Number of columns " do not apply.
' Fixed spacing ' places the first DBA at the " Left end edge distance " from the left end of the embed, then spaces each subsequently placed DBA the " Spacing " distance from the previously placed DBA. The last DBA is placed so that it is to the left of (or exactly at) the " Right end edge distance ." Variable spacing and " Number of columns " do not apply.
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically made to a DBA pattern " Column location method " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Number of columns: 1 or 2 or 3 or etc. (a counting number). This applies when the " Column location method " is ' Left end ' or ' Right end ' or ' Both ends '. This option is disabled ( grayed out ) when the " Column location method " is ' Fixed edge distance ' or ' Fixed spacing '.
If the " Column location method " is ' Left end ' or ' Right end ', this is the total number of DBAs that are placed in the specified " Deformed bar location ."
If the " Column location method " is ' Both ends ', this is half the total number of DBAs that are placed in the specified " Deformed bar location ."
Num_cols -1 < num_spaces: If variable " Spacing " is entered and the number of columns minus 1 is less than the number of variable spaces that are specified, the extra spaces are ignored.
Example for num_cols -1 < num_spaces: If you enter ' 2 ' for " Number of columns " (2 - 1 = 1 space) and ' 2-0,3-0,2-0 ' as the " Spacing ," you will get 2 DBAs spaced 2-0 ft apart. If you then change the " Number of columns " to ' 3 ', the 1st & 2nd DBAs are spaced 2-0, and the 2nd and 3rd DBAs are spaced 3-0. If you then change the " Number of columns " to ' 4 ', the 1st & 2nd DBAs are spaced 2-0, and the 2nd and 3rd DBAs are spaced 3-0. and the 3rd and 4th DBAs are spaced 2-0.
Num_cols -1 > num_spaces: If variable " Spacing " is entered and the number of columns minus 1 are more than the number of spaces, the last space is used for the extra columns.
Example for num_cols -1 > num_spaces: If you enter ' 5 ' as the " Number of columns " and ' 2@2-0, 3-0 ' as the " Spacing ," the result will be the first two spaces are 2-0, the third space is 3-0, and the fourth space is also 3-0.
Spacing (angle & channel) : A center-to-center distance or variable spacing (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units )
" Spacing " ( center-to-center ) is the distance between DBAs in the pattern when the " Column location method " is ' Left end ' ' Right end ' or ' Fixed spacing '. When the " Column location method " is ' Fixed edge distance ', a single distance entry specifies the center-to-center distance between interior DBAs in the pattern. For ' Both ends ', there are two DBA patterns, and the distance entry is the center-to-center distance between DBAs that are in the same pattern.
" Spacing " ( variable ) can apply when the " Column location method " is ' Left end ' or ' Right end ' or ' Both ends '. Variable spacing does not override the " Number of columns ." Variable spacing does not apply to the ' Fixed spacing ' or ' Fixed edge distance ' column location methods.
Variable Spacing Spacing Result 2-0,3-0,2-0 3 spaces at 2 ft, 3 ft, and 2 ft 3@2-0 3 spaces at 2 ft Effect on Modeling : The distance or variable spacing entry made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the entry that is automatically made to a DBA pattern " Spacing " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule . .
Left end edge distance (angle & channel) : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the left edge of the embed to the leftmost DBA in the pattern when the " Column location method " is ' Left end ' or ' Both ends ' or ' Fixed edge distance ' or ' Fixed spacing '. If the " Column location method " is ' Right end ', no DBA is placed closer to the left end than this distance.
Effect on Modeling : The entry made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the entry that is automatically made to a DBA pattern " Left end edge distance " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Right end edge distance (angle & channel) : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the right edge of the embed to the rightmost DBA in the pattern when the " Column location method " is ' Right end ' or ' Both ends ' or ' Fixed edge distance '. If the "Column location method" is ' Left end ' or ' Fixed spacing ', no DBA is placed closer to the right end than this distance.
Effect on Modeling : The entry made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the entry that is automatically made to a DBA pattern " Right end edge distance " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Gage (angle & channel) : A distance in the primary dimension " Units " or other units . This applies when the " Deformed bar location " is ' Vertical leg/ Web ' or ' Horizontal leg / Toe ' or ' Both legs / Toe and web '. It applies to angle or channel embeds.
For a channel embed , the " Gage " is the distance from the top of the channel to the center of the DBA when " Deformed bar location " is set to ' Vertical leg/ Web ." When the " Deformed bar location " is set to ' Horizontal leg / Toe ', this is the distance from the heel of the channel to the center of the DBA.
For a angle embed , the " Gage " is the distance from the top of the angle to the center of the DBA when " Deformed bar location " is set to ' Vertical leg/ Web ." When the " Deformed bar location " is ' Horizontal leg / Toe ', this is the distance from the back of the angle to the center of the DBA.
Effect on Modeling : The entry made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the entry that is automatically made to the channel or angle embed's DBA " Gage " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
concrete | concrete setup > embed schedule | concrete job setup | top
------ Stud Pattern ... ------
( for embed plates and, where noted, angles and channels )
Stud material
( for studs on embed plates, angles or channels )
Stud grade: A108 or A493 or etc. This is the grade of steel for all of the shear studs that are a part of this pattern. This applies to embed plates, angles and channels.
Setup: If the grade of steel you want is not shown in the list box (
), you can use Job Setup > Shear and Threaded Stud Grades to add it to this list.
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , " Stud grade " is editable when locked (
). If the embed is an angle or channel, then the entry made here (on the Embed Schedule ) sets the unlocked " Stud grade " on the Embed Edit window.
Stud dimensions
( for studs on embed plates, angles or channels )
Length: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) between the two ends of the shear studs. The head is included in the length of a shear stud. This applies to embed plates, angles and channels.
l = length ![]()
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , the " Length " of studs is this distance when unlocked (
), editable when locked (
). If the embed is an angle or channel, then the entry made here (on the Embed Schedule ) sets the unlocked " Length " on the Embed Edit window.
Diameter: The diameter (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) of the shafts of the shear studs. This applies to embed plates, angles and channels.
d = diameter On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , the " Diameter " of studs is this distance when unlocked (
), editable when locked (
). If the embed is an angle or channel, then the entry made here (on the Embed Schedule ) sets the unlocked " Diameter " on the Embed Edit window.
Stud head dimensions
( for studs on embed plates, angles or channels )
Thickness: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) between the top of the head and the lower edge of the head. This applies to embed plates, angles and channels.
ht = head thickness ![]()
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , the " Thickness " of stud heads is this distance when unlocked (
), editable when locked (
). If the embed is an angle or channel, then the entry made here (on the Embed Schedule ) sets the unlocked " Thickness " on the Embed Edit window.
Diameter: The diameter (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) of the shear stud's head. Making this diameter the same as the stud " Diameter " results in shear studs without heads. This applies to embed plates, angles and channels.
hd = stud head diameter On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , the " Diameter " of stud heads is this distance when unlocked (
), editable when locked (
). If the embed is an angle or channel, then the entry made here (on the Embed Schedule ) sets the unlocked " Diameter " on the Embed Edit window.
( for studs on embed plates )
Rows (plate) : The number (count) of rows of studs. This applies to embed plates only. A single distance or variable spacing can be entered as the " Row spacing " for these rows.
' 3 ' is the number of stud rows in this example. On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , an embed plate's stud pattern " Rows " count is this number when unlocked (
), editable when locked (
Columns (plate) : The number (count) of columns of studs. Stud columns run vertically. Stud column spacing runs horizontally. This applies to embed plates only.
' 3 ' is the number of stud columns in this example. On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , an embed plate's stud pattern " Columns " count is this number when unlocked (
), editable when locked (
Row spacing (plate) : A center-to-center distance or variable spacing (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ).
" Row spacing " ( center-to-center ) is the distance between adjacent " Rows " of studs. This distance is measured vertically in the typical situation where the embed plate's " Left elevation " and " Right elevation " are the same.
rsp = row spacing. For a typical embed plate, this is the vertical spacing between rows of studs. " Row spacing " ( variable ) can be entered to " Row spacing " in a number of different ways, as the examples in the following table show. The left-to-right spacing that you enter here equates to top-to-bottom stud row spacing on a vertically aligned embed plate. All embed plates except bearing embeds (" Input connection type " = ' Bearing ') are vertically aligned.
Variable Stud Row Spacing Rows Spacing Result 5 3,5,3,3 4 spaces at 3", 5", 3" and 3" 5 3,5,2@3 4 spaces at 3", 5", 3" and 3" 5 3,5,3 4 spaces at 3", 5", 3" and 3"
(Three spacings are entered, but four are required since the number of rows is 5. The last value -- 3 -- is repeated to fill the fourth space.)5 3,5,3,3,2,3 Too many spaces for the number of rows. Five rows have four spaces, but six spaces are specified. Only the first four spaces are used. The last two spaces are ignored. On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , an embed plate's stud pattern " Row spacing " is this value when unlocked (
), editable when locked (
Column spacing (plate) : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) between adjacent columns of studs. Stud columns run vertically, and the spacing between them is measured horizontally, parallel with the " Plate width " dimension. This applies to embed plates only.
csp = column spacing. On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , an embed plate's stud pattern " Column spacing " is this distance when unlocked (
), editable when locked (
Vertical edge distance (plate) : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the top edge of the embed plate to the first row of shear studs. This applies to embed plates only.
ved = vertical edge distance. On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , an embed plate's stud pattern " Vertical edge distance " is this distance when unlocked (
), editable when locked (
Horizontal pattern offset (plate) : 0 (zero) or a positive distance or a negative (-) distance entered in the primary dimension " Units " or other units . This applies to embed plates only.
Since the distance that was entered in each of these examples was positive, the center of the stud pattern is move away from the origin symbol .
use the origin symbol to determine if your entry needs to be positive or negative. ' 0 ' centers the stud pattern at the horizontal center of the embed plate, half way between the plate's vertical edges.
A ' positive distance ' offsets the center of the stud pattern that distance away from the true horizontal center of the embed plate. The stud pattern is moved away from the origin point.
A ' negative distance ' does the opposite of entering a positive offset. The stud pattern is moved toward the origin point.
On the Embed Plate Edit window in Modeling , an embed plate's stud pattern " Horizontal pattern offset " is this distance when unlocked (
), editable when locked (
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------ Stud Pattern ... ------
( for angle and channel embeds )
Stud material
Stud finish (angle & channel) : None or Blued Steel or Gray Oxide or Red Oxide or Yellow Zinc . This sets the surface finish for all of the studs in the stud pattern for angle or channel embeds.
Blued Steel | Gray Oxide |
Red Oxide | Yellow Zinc |
Effect on Modeling : The entry made here (in setup) is the entry that is automatically made to " Stud finish " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, in setup.
Stud grade (angle & channel) : See " Stud grade " for embed plates, angles and channels.
Stud dimensions
( for angle & channel embeds )
Length (angle & channel) : See stud dimension " Length " for embed plates, angles and channels.
Diameter (angle & channel) : See stud dimension " Diameter " for embed plates, angles and channels.
Stud head dimensions
( for angle & channel embeds )
Thickness (angle & channel) : See stud head " Thickness " for embed plates, angles and channels.
Diameter (angle & channel) : See stud head " Diameter " for embed plates, angles and channels.
( for angle & channel embeds )
Stud location (angle & channel) : Vertical leg / Web or Horizontal leg / Toe or Both legs / Toe and web or Corner, 45 degrees . This applies to angle and channel embeds when the " Number of stud patterns " is ' 1 ' or greater.
' Vertical leg / Web ' locates the studs on the vertical leg of an angle embed, the web of a channel embed.
' Horizontal leg / Toe ' locates the studs on the horizontal leg of an angle embed, the top toe of a channel embed.
' Both legs / Toe and web ' locates the studs on both legs of an angle embed. For a channel embed, it locates the pattern at the " Channel toe " location and the web of a channel embed.
' Corner, 45 degrees ' locates the studs on the interior corner of the angle embed when " Stud orientation " = ' Inside '. It locates them on the outside corner of the embed when " Stud orientation " = ' Outside '. On a channel embed, this applies only to the top corner of the channel.
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically made to " Stud location " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Stud orientation (angle & channel) : Inside or Outside . This applies to angle and channel embeds.
' Inside ' puts the studs to the inside of the angle or channel embed.
' Outside ' puts the studs to the outside of the angle or channel embed.
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically made to " Stud orientation " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Channel toe (channel) : Top or Bottom or Both . This applies to channel embeds only. Various types of channel embeds can be added to the model as described here .
![]() |
For web vertical channel embeds, top and bottom are easy to determine in the model. Click here , here , here , here and here to see some situations where a vertical channel embed (plate, channel or angle) can be applied. Click here and here for some examples of bearing embeds, which, if they were channels, would be web horizontal and toe down. |
' Top ' specifies that the " Stud location " and " Stud orientation " and " Gage " apply to the top channel toe.
' Bottom ' specifies that the " Stud location " and " Stud orientation " and " Gage " apply to the bottom channel toe.
' Both ' specifies that the " Stud location " and " Stud orientation " and " Gage " apply to both channel toes.
Column location method (angle & channel) : Left end or Right end or Both ends or Fixed edge distance or Fixed spacing .
' Left end ' puts the " Number of columns " of studs on the embed. The first stud is placed at the " Left end edge distance " from the left end of the embed and each additional stud is placed -- from left to right -- at the " Spacing " distance from each subsequently placed stud until the total number of studs is equal to the number of columns.
' Right end ' puts the " Number of columns " of studs on the embed. The first stud is placed at the " Right end edge distance " from the right end of the embed and each additional stud is placed -- from right to left -- at the " Spacing " distance from that first right-end stud until the total number of studs is equal to the number of columns.
' Both ends ' adds twice the " Number of columns " of studs to the embed. The left-end stud group begins at the " Left end edge distance " from the left end of the embed. The right-end stud group begins at the " Right end edge distance " from the right end of the embed. The left-end stud group is spaced per the " Spacing " distance from left to right beginning at the left-end stud. The right-end stud group is spaced per that same " Spacing " distance, but in the opposite direction, from the right-end stud.
' Fixed edge distance ' puts the outermost studs at the " Left end edge distance " and " Right end edge distance " from their respective ends. The studs that are interior to those outermost studs are spaced the " Spacing " distance from one another. The number of spaces for the interior studs is determined by dividing the distance between the outermost studs by the " Spacing " distance. The center line of the pattern is half-way between the left edge distance and the right edge distance. If the number of spaces for the interior studs is an even number, a stud is placed at the center line of the pattern. If the number of spaces is an odd number, the center of the middle space aligns with the center line of the pattern. Variable " Spacing " and " Number of columns " do not apply.
' Fixed spacing ' places the first stud at the " Left end edge distance " from the left end of the embed, then spaces each subsequently placed stud the " Spacing " distance from the previously placed stud. The last stud is placed so that it is to the left of (or exactly at) the " Right end edge distance ." Variable " Spacing " and " Number of columns " do not apply.
Effect on Modeling : The choice made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the choice that is automatically made to a stud pattern's " Column location method " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Number of columns: 1 or 2 or 3 or etc. (a counting number). This applies when the " Column location method " is ' Left end ' or ' Right end ' or ' Both ends '. This option is disabled ( grayed out ) when the " Column location method " is ' Fixed edge distance ' or ' Fixed spacing '.
If the " Column location method " is ' Left end ' or ' Right end ', this is the total number of studs that are placed along the length of the embed at the specified " Stud location ."
If the " Column location method " is ' Both ends ', this is half the total number of studs that are placed along the length of the embed at the specified " Stud location ."
Num_cols -1 < num_spaces: If variable " Spacing " is entered and the number of columns minus 1 are less than the number of variable spaces that are specified, the extra spaces are ignored.
Example for num_cols -1 < num_spaces: If you enter ' 2 ' for " Number of columns " (2 - 1 = 1 space) and ' 2-0,3-0,2-0 ' as the " Spacing ," you will get 2 studs spaced 2-0 ft apart. If you then change the " Number of columns " to ' 3 ', the 1st & 2nd studs are spaced 2-0, and the spacing for the 2nd and 3rd studs is 3-0. If you then change the " Number of columns " to ' 4 ', the 1st & 2nd DBAs are spaced 2-0, and the 2nd and 3rd DBAs are spaced 3-0, and the 3rd and 4th DBAs are spaced 2-0.
Num_cols -1 > num_spaces: If variable " Spacing " is entered and the number of columns minus 1 are more than the number of spaces, the last space is used for the extra columns.
Example for num_cols -1 > num_spaces: If you enter ' 5 ' (5-1 = 4 spaces) as the " Number of columns " and ' 2@2-0, 3-0 ' (3 spaces) as the variable " Spacing ," the result you get is the first two spaces at 2-0, the third space at 3-0, and the fourth space at 3-0.
Spacing (angle & channel) : A center-to-center distance or variable spacing (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ).
" Spacing " ( center-to-center ) is the distance between studs in the stud pattern when the " Column location method " is ' Left end ' ' Right end ' or ' Fixed spacing '. When the " Column location method " is ' Fixed edge distance ', a single distance entry specifies the center-to-center distance between interior holes in the pattern. For ' Both ends ', you get two hole patterns, and the distance entry is the center-to-center distance between holes that are in the same pattern.
" Spacing " ( variable ) can be applied when the " Column location method " is ' Left end ' or ' Right end ' or ' Both ends '. Variable spacing does not override the " Number of columns " Variable spacing does not apply to the ' Fixed spacing ' or ' Fixed edge distance ' column location methods.
Variable Spacing Spacing Result 2-0,3-0,2-0 3 spaces at 2 ft, 3 ft, and 2 ft 3@2-0 3 spaces at 2 ft Effect on Modeling : The distance or variable spacing entry made here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is automatically entered to an angle or channel embed's stud pattern " Spacing " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Left end edge distance (angle & channel) : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the left edge of the embed to the leftmost stud in the pattern when the " Column location method " is ' Left end ' or ' Both ends ' or ' Fixed edge distance ' or ' Fixed spacing '. If the " Column location method " is ' Right end ', no stud is placed closer to the left end than this distance.
Effect on Modeling : The distance entered here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the distance that is automatically entered to an angle or channel embed's stud pattern " Left end edge distance " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Right end edge distance (angle & channel) : The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the right edge of the embed to the rightmost stud in the pattern when the " Column location method " is ' Right end ' or ' Both ends ' or ' Fixed edge distance '. If the " Column location method " is ' Left end ' or ' Fixed spacing ', no stud is placed closer to the right end than this distance.
Effect on Modeling : The distance entered here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the distance that is automatically entered to an angle or channel embed's stud pattern " Right end edge distance " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
Gage (angle & channel) : A distance in the primary dimension " Units " or other units . This applies when the " Stud location " is ' Vertical leg/ Web ' or ' Horizontal leg / Toe ' or ' Both legs / Toe and web '. It applies to angle or channel embeds.
For a channel embed , the " Gage " is the distance from the top of the channel to the center of the stud when " Stud location " is set to ' Vertical leg/ Web ." When the " Stud location " is set to ' Horizontal leg / Toe ', this is the distance from the heel of the channel to the center of the stud.
For a angle embed , the " Gage " is the distance from the top of the angle to the center of the stud when " Stud location " is set to ' Vertical leg/ Web '. When the " Stud location " is set to ' Horizontal leg / Toe ', this is the distance from the back of the angle to the center of the stud.
Effect on Modeling : The distance entered here ( Concrete Setup > Embed Schedule ) is the distance that is automatically entered as a channel or angle embed's stud " Gage " (in Modeling ) when that option is unlocked (
) on the Embed Edit window if the " Embed schedule entry " on that window matches the schedule entry you are currently editing here, on the Embed Schedule .
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To close or reset the Embed Schedule :
"OK" (or the Enter key) closes the Embed Schedule and saves the settings on it to the Job Settings file in your current Job .
"Cancel" (or the Esc key or the
button) closes this window without saving any changes made to it.
"Reset" undoes all changes made to this window since you first opened it. The window remains open.
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