Material Exact Fit ( Modeling )

Tool summary :

  • Exactly cuts the 1st material you select to fit around the 2nd material(s) that you select.
  • Here are some examples:

  • Exact Fit likely employs more cuts than would result from your using Fit Cope .
  • Doing an Exact Fit on an HSS round (pipe) or on an HSS rectangular (tube) results in Detail Submaterial generating a unrolled surface template of the material in the submaterial detail. For an HSS round, you get an interior and exterior cut surface. You do not get an unrolled surface template for non-fit cutting operations such as Cut on Plane , Cut Layout , etc.
  • See (on this page), step-by-step instructions.

Also see :

page 1 | contents | model > material > | model -- material | fit operations

  Step-by-step instructions :

The following instructions assume that you are using a 3-button mouse and that you use mouse bindings similar to those shown in these illustrations.

Before using this tool:

Make sure that the one material you want to cut and the one or more materials you want to cut around are displayed in one of the three solid forms .

If you want to do preselection -- step 1 in this example -- you need to use of the ' Material ' selection filter in order to be able to click on connection materials and member main materials to select them. You don't need to mess with the selection filter if you do in-tool selection (that is, if you reverse steps 1 and 2).

Step 1 (preselection) is optional. If you are going to do step 1, you may want to set the selection filter to ' Material '. If you don't do step 1, in-tool selection is required -- see note 2 . Also, if you invoke Exact Fit from a mode, steps 1 and 2 are combined.

1 (optional) : Place the mouse pointer ( ) on the one material you want to cut, then left-click ( Select ). It changes to the User and Site Options > Modeling > " Primary selection color " (green).
2 . Invoke Exact Fit . If you didn't do step 1, see note 2 before going to step 3.
3 . The status line prompts, "Locate material to fit to." Select one or more materials, then press Enter . The materials display in the User and Site Options > Modeling > " Secondary selection color ."
4 . To " Clearance ," type in the distance between the edge of the cut and the material being cut around.
5 . Press the " OK " button to continue. The warning dialog shown here also provides " Options " for changing like materials if the model contains other pieces of material with the same submaterial piecemark .
6 . The material is now exact fit with the 1-inch clearance that was specified in step 4.

Tip: To select a member main material in step 1, hover the material and right-click ( Menu ) then choose " Select Other " on the context menu , or just click the material with the selection filter to ' Material '.

Note 1: To invoke Exact Fit , you can do the following:

Methods 1, 2 & 3 : Click the icon, or use a keyboard shortcut, or use the context menu. A Exact Fit icon can be added to your toolbar (classic) or ribbon (lightning). The icon, keyboard shortcut or context menu command can be found in the group named ' Model -- Material '. For lightning, Customize Interface is used to configure ribbons, keyboards, the context menu and modes.

Method 4 : If " Modeling layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose Model > Material > Exact Fit .

Method 5 : To invoke Exact Fit in Material Fit Mode , first place the mouse pointer ( ) on the material you want cut, then right-click ( Exact ).

Note 2: If you didn't do step 1 (preselection), Exact Fit activates Select One Item mouse bindings so that you can left-click ( Select ) the one material you want to exact fit. This prompting also occurs when more than one material or a member (rather than one material) was selected in step 1.

Select One Item bindings

Note 3: Pressing " Cancel " instead of " OK " in step 4 ends this operation.

Note 4: The member(s) on which the operation is performed are marked for detailing. Automatic detailing of exact fit HSS round or HSS rectangular material generates an unrolled surface template in the submaterial detail. For HSS round (pipe) material, you get an interior and exterior cut surface.

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