Preferred Angle Sizes

Angle section sizes in this screen are used for beam and joist angle seats (stiffened or unstiffened), bolted flange angle moment connections and offset beam-to-beam framing for connection design.
Editing the Preferred Angle Sizes list
To change an angle listing: Click to select the previous entry, then type an angle section size or press the "file cabinet" browse button ( ) to get a selection list of available angles.
To add a new angle: Click the first empty cell, then type in an angle section size or press the "file cabinet" browse button ( ) to get a selection list of available angles.
To delete an angle from the list: Double-click to select the entry, then press Backspace to clear the section size or click to select the section size and right-click and select " Delete selected row(s) ".

  • The position of these form buttons on the screen tells you what settings they apply to. Click here for more information.
  • You can Copy ( ) the settings on this screen , then Paste ( ) those settings to a different screen of the same type.
  • Save ( ) saves a file to a global folder ( ) that is used by your current version of SDS2. Give the file a name that will help other users identify its purpose. Load ( ) replaces the settings on this screen with the settings that are stored in the file that you select.
  • When editing multiple screens at the same time, Paste and Load replace mixed entries to a single field with a single entry. Copy and Save ignore fields with mixed entries, treating them as if they have no entry or do not exist.

OK (or the Enter key) closes this screen and applies the settings.

Cancel (or the Esc key) closes this screen without saving any changes.

Reset undoes all changes made to this screen since you first opened it. The screen remains open.