NS/FS Clip Conn1 " connection design locks
Gusset clip angles for the gusset-to-column connection in a vertical-brace-to-beam-&-column framing situation can be designed per " ![]() |
" ![]() (shop bolts or shop welds to the gusset plate) ![]() |
" ![]() (field bolts to the column) ![]() |
User Defined Connections: Settings that are locked (
) in the user defined connection file will automatically be locked on the member edit window. You can, if you so choose, manually lock additional settings on the member edit window, and your changes will be retained, through multiple processes, so long as you do not change to a different connection then switch back to the original user defined connection.
Vertical Brace Edit: To change a setting, first set it to locked (
). Related settings that are unlocked (
) may be updated, and the "
Left/Right end limit state " calculations will be updated. Settings that are locked (
) will not be changed by connection design , even if doing so might prevent a connection failure.
user defined | vertical brace edit | top
Connection design locks :
Locks not called out or dimensioned on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ). |
NS/FS Clip Conn1
( vertical brace to a beam & column, gusset clips to the column )
Section size ( not depicted ): The the angle material to be used for the NS or FS gusset clip angle. For example, ' L4x3x5/16 '. The angle you enter must exist in the local shape file, or validation will not accept your entry. To enter an angle section size, you can type in the section size that you want, or you can press the "file cabinet" browse button (
) and double-click any section that is on the list of available angles in the local shape file . If you are in the "
NS Clip Conn1 " leaf, the section size entered here is the NS gusset clip angle for the gusset to column interface.
Long leg to ( not depicted ): Supported or Supporting . This applies when the " Section size " is an angle with unequal legs. If you want' Supporting ' field bolts the long leg of the angle to the column. ' Supported ' shop welds or shop bolts the long leg of the angle to the gusset plate.
Top of angle ( top ): The distance (parallel with the work line of the column) from the work point of the vertical brace to the top of the double clip angles that field bolt the gusset plate to the column. In the example above, only the near side clip angle is shown. This distance is vertical if the supporting column is non-sloping.
Length of angle ( length ): This is the length that the angle material will be cut to. It is the distance between the top edge of the clip angle and the bottom edge of the clip angle (see example ). If " Length of angle " is unlocked (
), changing the " Rows " or the " Row spacing " causes the " Length of angle " to be recalculated.
Connection to supported (gusset clip angle, NS or FS, leg welded or bolted to the gusset plate) :
When "
Connection specifications " > " Gusset to clip connection " is set to ' Welded ', you get a " Weld size " entry field, but no options for bolting:
Weld size ( weld ): The weld size used to shop weld the "
NS Clip Conn2 " or "
FS Clip Conn2 " clip angle to the gusset plate.
When " Gusset to clip connection " is set to ' Bolted ', you get the following " Connection to supported " options for shop bolting the brace to the gusset plate. " Connection to supported " settings can be different than the entries made to " Connection to supporting " fields.
Bolt diameter ( not depicted ): May be different than the " Bolt diameter " in the leg to supporting.
diameter of leg-to gusset shop bolts ![]()
Hole type ( not depicted ): The value entered here, for the leg to gusset, may be different than the " Hole type " in the leg to the supporting column.
Rows ( not depicted ) The value entered here, for the leg to gusset, may be a different number than the " Rows " in the leg to supporting.
Vertical to 1st hole ( not depicted ) If you enter a " Vertical to 1st hole " to the "
NS Clip Conn2 " leaf that is different than the " Vertical to 1st hole " in the "
FS Clip Conn2 " leaf, the program will emit the failure message described below.
End connection failure message: Locked vertical to 1st hole value on supported must match .
Vertical hole spacing ( not depicted ) It is permissible to have leg to gusset hole spacing that is different than the " Vertical hole spacing " in the leg to supporting.
Top vertical edge distance ( not depicted ) You are permitted to enter a leg-to-gusset top vertical edge distance that is different than the " Top vertical edge distance " in the leg to supporting.
Bottom vertical edge distance ( not depicted ) You are permitted to enter a leg-to-gusset bottom vertical edge distance that is different than the " Bottom vertical edge distance " in the leg to supporting.
Horizontal to 1st hole ( not depicted ): The distance (perpendicular to the length of the angle) from work point on the column to the center of the holes in the leg that bolts to the gusset plate (see example ). This distance is measured perpendicular to the work line of the column. For a perfectly vertical column, the " Horizontal to 1st hole " dimension is horizontal.
Connection to supporting (beam & column framing sit, NS or FS, gusset clip leg that field bolts to the column) :
Bolt diameter ( not depicted ): The diameter of field bolts in the clip angle leg to the column in a gusset to beam & column framing situation. You can either type a diameter (inches or mm), or you can select a bolt diameter from the combo box (
). The diameters that are listed in the combo box are populated from Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolt Settings > the " Available bolt diameters " list. The bolt diameter entered here together with the " Hole type " entered below sets the diameter of holes in the leg.
diameter of field bolts for the leg to the column ![]()
Hole type ( not depicted ): Standard round or Short slot or Oversized or Long slot . The hole type selected here, together with the " Bolt diameter " entered above, set the diameter of holes for shop bolting the leg of the gusset clip angle that frames to the column.
Rows: The number of bolt holes in the gusset clip angle leg to the supporting column. In the example above, the number of " Rows " is ' 5 '. If you change the number of " Rows " and " Length of angle " is unlocked (
), the length of the angle will be automatically recalculated.
Vertical to 1st hole ( vert to 1st ): The distance (parallel with the length of the angle or the work line of the supporting column) from the work point of the vertical brace to the center of the nearest hole nearest the "top" of the clip angle (see example ). This distance is vertical if the supporting column is non-sloping.
End connection failure message: Locked vertical to 1st hole value on supporting must match
Vertical hole spacing ( spacing ): The distance (center to center) between any two adjacent holes in the gusset clip angle's leg to the supporting column (see example ). Vertical hole spacing runs parallel with the work line of the column and the length of the clip angle (vertically if the column is non sloping). If the " Length of angle " is unlocked (
), then changing the " Vertical hole spacing " changes the angle length. Instead of entering a single vertical spacing distance, you can enter variable hole spacing. See the video and table below.
VIDEO ![]()
Variable hole spacing can be typed to locked " Vertical hole spacing " fields found in leaves named " Shear Tab "; "
Bent Plate " "
End Plate " and "
NS/FS Clip ."
Rows Spacing Result 5 3,5,3,3 4 spaces at 3", 5", 3" and 3" 5 3,5,2@3 4 spaces at 3", 5", 3" and 3" 5 3,5,3 4 spaces at 3", 5", 3" and 3"
( the last spacing -- 3 -- is repeated to fill the spaces that are required for the specified number of rows)5 3,5,3,3,2,3 End connection failure message (see below). End connection failure message: Variable row spacing specifies too many rows
Top vertical edge distance ( not depicted ): The distance (parallel with the length of the angle) from the "top" of the gusset clip angle to the center of nearest hole in the leg to the supporting column. If the column is perfectly vertical, the " Top vertical edge distance " is dimensioned vertically. See the example .
Bottom vertical edge distance ( ): The distance (parallel with the length of the angle) from the "bottom" of the gusset clip angle to the center of the nearest hole in the leg to the supporting column. See the example .
Horizontal to 1st hole ( horz to 1st ): The distance (perpendicular to the length of the angle) from the work point (center of gusset plate) to the column of holes in the clip angle leg that bolts to the supporting column. If " Horizontal to 1st hole " is the same in both the NS and FS gusset clip angles, the value entered to each is equivalent to half the center-to-center distance between the holes in the outstanding legs of those NS and FS angles. See the example .