Load Selection ( Modeling )

Tool summary :

  • Selects members in the model based on information that is stored in a selection file that you select.
  • For each member piecemark that is stored in the selection file , all members under that piecemark will be selected.
  • For each member number that is stored in the file, each member with the referenced number will be selected.
  • If the selection file references submaterial marks instead of members, all materials under a referenced submaterial mark will be selected.
  • Some files give you the option ( step 4 ) to select members or materials.
  • See the step-by-step instructions .

Also see :

VIDEO Selection is done in the model using a selection list created on a member piecemark selection dialog. Since " Use member mark for main material " is checked, main materials have the same piecemarks as members.

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   Step-by-step instructions :

1 . Before using this tool:

1a : In Modeling , Open ( Ctrl + o ) a view that shows the members or materials that you want to select. Be aware that if the selection file references items that are not in your current view, those items will not be selected.

1b (for materials) : If the selection file you intend to load is for materials, you need to display members which incorporate the desired materials in one of the three solids forms .

1c : Set the selection filter to a filter that will allow the selection that you want. Setting it to ' Default ' will allow you to select members or group members or material. Setting it to ' Beams ' will result in your being able to select only beams. Setting it to " Members " will result in your being able to select submembers of group members, but not group members themselves.

2 . Invoke Load Selection using any one (1) of the following methods:

Method 1 : Click the Load Selection icon, which is pictured above. The icon can be taken from the group named ' Selection ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).

Method 2 : If " Modeling layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose Edit > Load Selection .

Method 3, 4 or 5 : Load Selection can also be configured to be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the lightning interface, this configuration is done using Customize Interface .

3 . Open a selection file . Note that you can open a selection file from any location where such a file has been stored, not just from the lists folder in your current Job , which is the location that is shown by default.

 status update needed
 ready for CNC
 reports needed
 ready for detailing
 model is checked
The dialog for opening a selection file depends on your operating system. Consult the documentation in that operating system for help on how to open a file.

4 (if applicable) . If the first character in the selection file is something other than a bracket, you will get a dialog like the following, which allows you to select members or materials. Skip this step if it does not apply.

Do you want to select members or material?

Alternative 1 : Press " Members " if you want members that are in the selection file to be selected. If there are no member piecemarks or member numbers in the file, none will be selected.

Alternative 2 : Press " Group Members " if you want to select group members whose piecemarks are contained in the selection file.

Alternative 3 : Press " Material " if you want materials that are in the selection file to be selected. If there are no material marks in the file, none will be selected. Be aware that, if you elected to Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Member and Material Piecemarking > the " Main Member " tab > " Use member mark for member main material in model ," members piecemarks in the file will select member main materials in the model when you press " Material ."

Alternative 4 : Press " Cancel " to end this operation. Do not continue.

5 . A selection is made in the model based on the entries in the selection file that you selected in step 3 .

Entries in a Selection File
(click here for related help pertaining to dialogs)
Entry Resulting Selection in the Model
[94] Only member number 94 is selected (if it is in your current view) when you press " Members " in step 4 . This entry would select group member number 94 (if such a group member exists) if you were to press " Group Members " in step 4.
[94] B_77 Only member number 94 is selected when you press " Members " in step 4.
B_77 All members in your current view under the piecemark B_77 are selected when you press " Members " in step 4. If you were to press " Material " in step 4 and Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Member and Material Piecemarking > the " Main Member " tab > " Use member mark for member main material in model " is on (checked), then the member main material for all members under B_77 would be selected.
GM_83 All group members under the group member piecemark GM_83 are selected when you press " Group Members " in step 4.
[5] GM_83 Only group member number 5 is selected when you press " Group Members " in step 4.
a1 All materials in your current view that are under the submaterial mark a1 are selected when you press " Material " in step 4. Nothing is selected if you press " Members " or " Group Members " in step 4.
Exceptions: Of course, if you use unusual naming schemes for piecemarking -- for example, give members and submaterials the same marks -- then submaterial marks maintained in the selection file could select members or member marks could select submaterials. The examples above are based on a common naming scheme employed by peacemaking routines in SDS2.

Tip 1: The selection count decoration tells you how many items are selected.

Tip 2: Items that are selected are displayed in the " Primary selection color ."

Tip 3: You may now wish to perform an operation on the selected items. For example, you may want to edit multiple members of the same type or multiple materials of the same type .

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