Hole Match ( Modeling )

Tool summary :

  • Matches the holes that are on the first ply of material that you select to subsequently selected other plies of material that previously did not have holes.
  • Matching holes is done so that the materials with matching holes can be bolted together.
  • Match Holes does not work when a hole is set to not matchable (" Matchable "). Also, the materials must be face-to-face and touching for hole matching to take place. Furthermore, you cannot match holes to a material that is part of a member that has its " Model completed " date set.
  • If you are matching a ' Standard round ' hole, each copy of that hole will be an exact replica of the original. If you are matching a ' Short slot ' or ' Long slot ' or ' Oversized ' or ' User slot 1 ' or ' User slot 2 ', the new hole will be a ' Standard round ' hole.
  • It is not necessary to match holes to the main material of a beam, column, brace, stair, legacy girt or purlin. Match holes takes place automatically during the Create Solids phase of Process and Create Solids .
  • See the quick instructions and the detailed instructions .

Also see :

page 1 | contents | model > hole > | model -- hole | 3D holes

   Quick instructions (also see the detailed instructions ) :

This example assumes that the box for " Add bolts when matching holes " in User Options is not checked. Also, the example shows hole matching by preselecting a material in Select Items Mode , then invoking Match Holes . In-tool selection takes place when you do not do step 1 or select items other than just one material in step 1.

1 . In Select Items Mode , left-click ( Select ) the material you want to add holes to. It changes to the User and Site Options > Modeling > " Primary selection color " (green in this example).
2 . Invoke Match Holes .  
3 . Select one or more materials with holes, then press the Enter key.
4 . You can optionally change like material.
5 . You can only see them in the top material in this example, but holes now also pass through the lower material.

page 1 | contents | model > hole > | model -- hole | 3D holes | top

   Detailed instructions (also see the quick instructions ) :

The following instructions assume that you are using a 3-button mouse. You must do either step 1b (preselection) or step 3 (in-tool selection) to do this operation.

1 . Before using this tool:

1a : Make sure that the material you want to add holes to and the one or more materials that you want to match holes from are all displayed in one of the three solid forms .

Select Items bindings (step 1b)

1b (optional) : With an appropriate selection filter selected, select the material you want to add holes to. When a material has been selected, it is displayed in the User and Site Options > Modeling > " Primary selection color ," which by default is green. To select a member main material, either hover and right-click ( Menu ) and choose " Select Other " on the context menu , or first set the selection filter to ' Material ' then left-click ( Select ) the main material.

2 . Invoke Match Holes using one of the following methods:

Method 1 : Click the Match Holes icon, which is pictured above. The icon can be taken from the group named ' Model -- Hole ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).

Method 2 : If " Modeling layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose Model > Holes > Match .

Method 3, 4 or 5 : Match Holes can also be configured to be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the lightning interface, this configuration is done using Customize Interface .

3 . Skip this step if you already selected a material in step 1b or if you invoked this tool from a mode.

Select One Item bindings

3a (if you didn't preselect) : Match Holes opens Select One Item mouse bindings so that you can left-click ( Select ) the one material you want to add holes to. This also happens when, for example, more than one material or a member is selected.

4 . The status line prompts, "Locate material for matching holes:" Select - Pan - Menu mouse bindings become active.


4a : Hold down the Shift key and left-click ( Select+ ) one or more materials you want you want matched to the selected material. As long as the materials have holes on them and are surface-to-surface with the selected material you are matching them to, you can select as many materials as you like. Alternative : Right-click ( Menu ) then choose the submaterial mark of the material you want on the context menu .

4b : When all the materials you want are selected (displayed in the " Secondary selection color "), press the Enter key (or right-click and choose " Return " on the context menu ). Go to step 5.

Note: When User and Site Options > Modeling > " Add bolts when matching holes " is checked, be sure to left-click ( Select + ) each layer of material with matching holes that you want the bolts to pass through.

5 . The Change Options window opens. On it are warning messages about the members affected by the changes you are making.

Alternative 1 : Make selections to this window (if applicable) to add the holes to materials in addition to those selected in step 3, then press the " Yes " button to continue to step 6 (or 8).

Alternative 2 : Press the " No " button to end the Match Holes operation and keep everything as it was before step 1.

6 . Skip this step and step 7 if it does not apply. If User and Site Options > Modeling > " Add bolts when matching holes " is checked, the status line prompts, "Add bolts to new holes?" and Yes-No mouse bindings become active.


Alternative 1 : Left-click ( Yes ) to add bolts through all matching holes.

Alternative 2 : Right-click ( No ) to not add bolts.

7 . Skip this step if step 6 did not apply. Match Holes inserts bolts through the holes in the selected material. Yes - No mouse bindings become active and the status line prompts, "Verify bolt direction."


Alternative 1 : Left-click ( Yes ) to place the bolts as you see them (head side up).

Alternative 2 : Right-click ( No ) to flip the bolts so that they go into the holes from the opposite side (e.g. nut side up). Match Holes then prompts you to verify their placement again. If you right-click ( No ) a second time, no bolts are placed.

8 . Holes are generated in the material you selected in step 1b (or 3a). If bolts are added, they only pass through materials you selected (step 4) that have matching holes in them.

Tip 1: If materials without holes are face-to-face with the layer of material to which you just added holes, you may want to repeat this operation to match holes onto those materials.

Tip 2: If you did not add bolts, you can at this point Mark for Processing the affected members. Process and Create Solids will automatically add bolts through matching holes.

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