Ways to Create System , Forced , Graphical & Custom Component Connections (topic)

System connections:

  • Most of the " Input connection type " connections that are applied on the Beam Edit ( ), Column Edit , Horizontal Brace , Vertical Brace or Joist Edit window are system connections .
  • Auto standard connections are system connections for beams, columns and joists that are applied based on framing conditions in the model. When the " Input connection type " on one of these member type's ends is set to 'Auto standard' and that same end has a particular framing condition, then connection design looks to Home > Project Settings > Job > Connection > Auto Standard Connections to discover the specified connection that needs to be applied to that particular framing condition. ( )
  • " Moment " connections can be applied on a Beam Edit window when a beam end's " Input connection type " is set to ' Clip angle ' or ' Bent plate ' or ' Shear ' or ' End plate ' or ' Splice plate ' or ' Fully welded moment '. Moment connections can also be defined at Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections and applied to the end of a beam by setting that beam end's " Input connection type " to ' User defined '.
  • Revising connection design locks ( ) is a way to tweak system connections and "lock in" user-specified values.
  • User defined connections are system connections that can be defined at Home > Project Settings > Job ( ) or saved on the window Beam Edit ( ), Column Edit ( ), Horizontal Brace Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Joist Edit or Connection Component Edit ( ).
  • Also see: Failed connections are system connections that failed the limit-state strength capacity testing that takes place during connection design .

System connections that have been modified:

Not system connections:

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