For new users
A five-paragraph tour of SDS2
The 3D model
Detailing step by step (a general overview)
Connection Guide (survey of available connection types)
Ways to Generate Connections in Modeling ()
Piecemarking in SDS2
Connection design locks
The user interface
Making Entries to Windows in SDS2
Entering Dates, Distances, etc.
Graphics, Objects and Decorations (on toolbars, in Modeling , etc.)
Special Keys
The Command Diamond
Stick and solids forms ()
Also see: Mode Configuration , User and Site Options , Toolbar Configuration
Working in 3D
Global coordinates
Tools for working in 3D
Member & material coordinates
Determining left end and near side
Material neutral axis
Weak axis/strong axis bending/rolling
Screen axes
Other topics and listings
Drawing Editor
Import Model
Complete Listing
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