
For new users

A five-paragraph tour of SDS2
The 3D model
Detailing step by step (a general overview)
Connection Guide (survey of available connection types)
Ways to Generate Connections in Modeling ( )
Piecemarking in SDS2
Connection design locks

The user interface

Making Entries to Windows in SDS2
Entering Dates, Distances, etc.
Graphics, Objects and Decorations (on toolbars, in Modeling , etc.)
Special Keys
The Command Diamond
Stick and solids forms ( )
Also see: Mode Configuration , User and Site Options , Toolbar Configuration

Working in 3D

Global coordinates
Tools for working in 3D
Member & material coordinates
Determining left end and near side
Material neutral axis
Weak axis/strong axis bending/rolling
Screen axes

Other topics and listings

Drawing Editor
Import Model
Complete Listing

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