Dividing a Model into Sequences/Zones (topic)

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Applications of sequences/zones :

  • For large projects that are scheduled to be erected over a relatively lengthy period of time, organizations may find it useful to divide fabrication work into sequences.
  • That is, you may wish to divide the 3D model into sections based on the projected date which that section (sequence) is scheduled to be completed. In this way, workloads in the shop can be divided up over a period of time so that one portion of a structure (one sequence) is fabricated and shipped by a specific date, the next sequence is fabricated and shipped by a later date, and so on.
  • This section of the help manual tells you how to apply sequences to members.

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Step 1: Check out Job Settings and Fabricator Settings .

Immediately after creating a new Job , you should review the choices that have been made to the following Job Settings and Fabricator Settings . Change them to suit the way that you will be scheduling your workflow:

  • Enter a number at Home > Project Settings > Job > Zone and Sequence > " Maximum sequences ." This sets the total number of sequences that can be assigned and also limits the maximum number of zones to that same number. All sequences are automatically placed in zone 1 and can only be removed from zone 1 by assigning them to a different zone -- see Zone and Sequence .
  • If you want to divide the model into zones (which are combinations of sequences), then you can define which sequences fall into which zones using Job Setup > Zone and Sequence > " Edit Zone Number ."
  • The Sequence Names list, which is opened from Home > Project Settings > Job > Modeling > Zone and Sequence , can be used to give sequences names (up to 20 characters in length). Each sequence is a number by default.
  • In Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Member and Material Piecemarking , set " Break major marks apart by " to ' Zone ' if you want members which are otherwise identical to be assigned different member piecemarks if they fall in different zones. Set the same option to ' Sequence ' if you want members which are otherwise identical to be assigned different member piecemarks if they fall in different sequences.
  • Check the box forI Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Member and Material Piecemarking > " Break submaterial marks apart by sequence " if you want submaterials that are otherwise identical to be assigned different submaterial marks if they have different sequences. You can then, optionally, " Include the sequence in the submaterial mark ."
  • Check the box for Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Member and Material Piecemarking > " Break submaterial marks apart by zone " if you want submaterials that are otherwise identical to be assigned different submaterial marks if they have different sequences. You can then, optionally, " Include zone in submaterial mark ."

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Step 2: Assign members their proper sequences .

Please note that if you have selected ' Sequence ' or ' Zone ' for the setup option " Break member piecemarks apart by " that some members may be assigned new piecemarks as you change their sequences:

  • You can Model > Member > Add or double-click a member ( Member Edit ) or multi-edit members of the same type to enter the " Sequence " on member edit windows.
  • The default sequence assigned to newly added members when you first start up Modeling is the name entered to line 1 of Home > Project Settings > Job > Zone and Sequence > press Sequence Names .
  • You can use Set Sequence to assign a " Repeat sequence ," then use Repeat Sequence to instantly apply that sequence to members.
  • Sequence by Area lets you assign a sequence to members that you select by drawing an area box.
  • You can change the sequence of one/many members using Update Attributes (enter the sequence to the " Sequence " option under General Status Options ).

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Step 3: Review which members have been assigned which sequence .

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Step 4: Organize your work by sequence

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