Submaterial Piecemark List by Submaterial (data from member BOMs)

Tool summary :

  • Outputs a report that tells you how many materials you select are required to fabricate members that share the same member piecemark.
  • If a submaterial belongs to more than one member, the different member piecemarks are listed on separate, sequential lines.
  • Shown below is a page from a Submaterial Piecemark List by Submaterial .
    Each line of this report lists the quantity of submaterials required for the fabrication of all members associated with a particular member piecemark. Notice that a submaterial mark is listed more than once when that submaterial is used for more than one member piecemark.
  • See columns on the report and the step-by-step instructions .

Also see :

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  Columns on the report (also see the example ) :

Report writer links are based on the data source fields for the default Submaterial Piecemark List, Select By Submaterial used in the Report Writer , which you can Open in the reports/SDS2 folder.

Mark: The minor mark ( submaterial mark ) of the material described on this particular line.

The same mark is listed more than once when the material is used for different members.

Report Writer: MemberDrawing.BOMDetailMaterial.MinorMark

Material: The section size that conventionally describes the material in the " Description " column of a submaterial line on the member bill of material.

Section naming conventions : || wide flange || W tee || channel || angle || tube || S_shape || S tee || plate || flat bar ||

Report Writer: MemberDrawing.BOMDetailMaterial.Description

Length: The length of each of the pieces of material described on this line.

Report Writer: MemberDrawing.BOMDetailMaterial.LengthDimension

Quantity: The total number of pieces of this material needed to fabricate all members that have the piecemark listed under the "detail" column on this same line.

For example, if three members have the piecemark listed under the "detail" column on this same line, and each of those members require two pieces of this material, the quantity reported in this cell is 6.

Report Writer: PiecemarkDrawing.BOMDetailHeader.TotalQuantity

Detail: The piecemark ( member piecemark ) of a member that incorporates the submaterial described in this line. Member piecemarks longer than 13 characters are truncated to 12 characters and a "#" mark.

Multiple members may have this same member piecemark.

Report Writer: PiecemarkDrawing.BOMDetailHeader.Piecemark

Grade: The steel grade of the pieces of material described in this line.

Report Writer: MemberDrawing.BOMDetailMaterial.Grade

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  How to output a Submaterial Piecemark List by Submaterial :

The Submaterial Piecemark List by Submaterial is like a Submaterial Piecemark List , except that you select submaterials instead of members.

1 . Before output of this report:

1a : Since this type of report is compiled from the bills of material of member detail files, all members should be automatically detailed if you want complete submaterial information.

1b (optional) : You can Edit Bill to alter the information that will be compiled into this report for a particular member detail. However, do not auto detail the member after making these changes -- your alterations to the member's bill will be lost.

2 . Use any one (1) of the following methods to begin output of this report:

Method 1 : Home > Reports > System Reports > Material > " Submaterial Piecemark List, Select by Submaterial ."

Method 2 : If " Modeling layout style " or " Drawing Editor layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose Reports > Submaterial > Submaterial Piecemark List, by Submaterial

Method 3 : Click the Submaterial Piecemark List by Submaterial icon. The icon can be taken from the group named ' Reports ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning). Ribbon configuration is done using Customize Interface .

3 . A selection dialog opens. On it is a selection list of those submaterials that are listed in member bills of material.

The button under " Destination " can be used to temporarily redirect where the report will be output. In this example, that button is named " Screen " to reflect that the output is to the report viewer .

Alternative 1 : Select the submaterials you want included in the report, then press " OK " to output the report. Go to step 4.

Alternative 2 : Press " Cancel " to end this operation without generating the report. Do not continue.

4 . The Submaterial Piecemark List by Submaterial is output.

Note 1: If you output the report to the report viewer (" Screen "), you can now review the report on screen then optionally print it or output it to disk (see report viewer ).

Note 2: If any piecemarks on this report have been truncated to 12 characters plus a "#" mark, a warning dialog appears when this report is generated. The dialog lists the full length of those piecemarks which were truncated.

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