Pick List Report (lift data from crane placements)
Licensing: Crane Reports require a license. Without that license, commands found in the ' Model -- Crane ' group are not available in SDS2. |
Tool summary :
- Outputs a report that provides data relevent to picking and setting individual lifts. You select the crane placement and the member lifts you want included in the report.
Also see :
- Crane placement (where lift data is stored)
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How to output a Pick List Report :
1 (optional) : Select the one crane placement that you want select lifts from for inclusion in this report. There's multiple ways to select a placement.
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Select Items bindings |
Method 1 : Move your mouse pointer (
) so that it hovers the crane placement that you want and so that it (the crane placement) is highlighted.. A balloon description (if that feature is turned on) will identify the crane placement's " Placement name ." Left-click ( Select ) to select the placement. Go to step 2.
Method 2 : Move your mouse pointer (
) so that it hovers the crane placement that you want. Right-click ( Menu ), choose " Select Other " on the context menu , select the crane placement's name. Go to step 2.
Method 3 : In the Model Tree , click the [+] for the " Cranes " category, then click the [+] next to the crane name, then select the name of the placement you want to select. When you select the placement in the Model Tree , it is selected in the model. Go to step 2.
2 . In Modeling , use any one (1) of the following methods to begin output of this report:
Method 1 : Home > Reports > System Reports > Cranes > Pick List Report .
Method 2 : If " Modeling layout style " or " Drawing Editor layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose Reports > Crane Reports > Pick List Report .
Method 3 : Click the Pick List Report icon. The icon can be taken from the group named ' Reports ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning). Ribbon configuration is done using Customize Interface .
3 . Skip this step if you already selected a crane placement in step 1.
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Select One Item bindings |
3a (if you didn't preselect) : Select One Item mouse bindings become active, and the status line prompts you to " Locate crane placement ." Left-click ( Select ) one crane placement .
4 . The Pick List Report window opens.
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Lifts in the crane placement you selected in step 1 or step 3 are listed. You must select at least one lift for the report to be output. Press " Select All " if you want the Pick List Report to include all of the lifts. |
Required : Select one or more lifts.
Alternative 1 : Select the export format that you want, then press the " Export " button. You can select ' text (.txt) ' or ' CSV (.csv) ' or ' PDF (.pdf) ' as the export format. A text file can be read by word processors and text editors. A CSV file can be read by spread sheet programs. A PDF file can be read by a web browser. Go to step 5.
Alternative 2 : Press the " View " button to output the report to the report viewer ( Output-Request Summary ). You can view the report on your computer screen, then optionally save it to a file. Go to step 5.
Alternative 3 : Press the " Close " button to close this window without outputting a report. Do not continue.
5 . After the Pick List Report is output to the destination you selected in the previous step, a new Pick List Report window opens. Follow the instructions for alternative 1 or 2 in step 4 to output another copy of this report to, for example, a different file type or different destination. Press the " Close " button when you are done outputting the report.
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Pick List Report
The crane whose crane placement you selected in step 1 or step 3 belongs to.
The " Placement name " of the crane placement you selected in step 1 or step 3 .
For a lift of one member ( member lift ), the " Description " is the member's member piecemark and member number .
For a group member lift ( member lift ), the " Description " is the member's " System piecemark " and group member number.
For an "Assembly" (multi-member member lift ), the " Description " is " member1 piecemark , [member1 number] - member2 piecemark , [member2 number] ..." where each member that is part of the "assembly" is listed.
For a user-defined lift ( load lift ), the " Description " is the lift's " Description ."
For a multi-lift ( multi-lift ), the " Description " is " member1 piecemark , [member1 number] - member2 piecemark , [member2 number] - ..." where each member that is part of the "multi-lift" is listed.
Weight: The weight of the item or items being lifted.
For a lift of one member ( member lift ), this is the actual weight of the member in the model. The weight includes the member main material plus all attached connection material and any bolts that fasten that connection material to the main material.
For a joist ( member lift ), a weight of ' 0 ' will be reported, since joist material is not modeled.
For a group member lift ( member lift ), this is the actual weight of all component members (submembers) of the group member.
For an "Assembly" ( member lift ), this is the combined weight of the members being lifted.
For a user-defined lift ( load lift ), this is the " Load weight " specified on the User-defined lift window.
For a multi-lift ( multi-lift ), this is the combined weight of the members being lifted.
Sequence: The sequence of the member.
For a lift of one member ( member lift ), this is the " Sequence " of the member.
For a user-defined lift ( load lift ), this will read ' N/A ', which stands for ' not applicable '.
CGx: A positive (+) or negative (-) distance , where +dx is toward the right in a plan view, and -dx is toward the left in a plan view.
For a lift of one member ( member lift ), this is the offset in the X global axis (left or right in a plan view) direction that the member's center of gravity is from that same member's " Grid " location.
For an "Assembly" ( member lift ) or a user-defined lift ( load lift ) or a multi-lift ( multi-lift ), this will read ' N/A ', which stands for ' not applicable '.
Example 23B1 [97]: The beam's work line runs horizontally in a plan view. 23B1 is non-sloping, but frames to a beam that is sloping. 23B1's " Web rotation " is ' Normal ' to the sloping beam. The Pick List Report at the top of this page shows the location of 23B1's left end work point is on " Grid " letter ' B ', which runs vertically. Since " CGx " is reported to be ' 150 ' inches and " CGy " is ' 0.2 ' inches and " CGz " is ' -6.1 ' inches, you could find 23B1's center of gravity by tracing a line 150 inches to the right of its left-end workpoint, along its work line, then moving up in the plan view 0.2 inches, then going down into the plan view to an elevation 6.1 inches below the beam's reported " Elevation " of ' 126.5 ' feet. Note that " CGy " is reported to be ' 0.2 ' due to this beam framing to a sloping beam with its " Web rotation " set to ' Normal '.
CGy: A positive (+) or negative (-) distance , where +dy is in the upward direction in a plan view, and -dy is downward in a plan view.
For a lift of one member ( member lift ), this is the offset in the Y global axis direction (left or right in a plan view) that the member's center of gravity is from that same member's " Grid " location.
For an "Assembly" ( member lift ) or a user-defined lift ( load lift ) or a multi-lift ( multi-lift ), this will read ' N/A '.
Example 72B1 [120]: The beam is non-sloping and oriented vertically in a plan view. The Pick List Report at the top of this page shows the location of 72B1's left end work point is on " Grid " number ' 3 ', which runs horizontally. Since " CGy " is reported to be ' 165 ' inches and " CGx " is ' 0 ' inches and " CGz " is ' -7.8 ' inches, you can find 72B1's center of gravity by tracing a line165 inches up from its left-end workpoint, along its work line , then going down 7.8 inches below its reported " Elevation " of ' 114.5 ' feet.
CGz: : A positive (+) or negative (-) distance , where +dz is out from the plan view, and -dz is into the plan view.
For a lift of one member ( member lift ), this is the offset in the Z global axis direction (into or out from a plan view) that the member's center of gravity is from that same member's " Elevation ."
For an "Assembly" ( member lift ) or a user-defined lift ( load lift ) or a multi-lift ( multi-lift ), this will read ' N/A '.
Example 66C1 [2]: The column is perfectly vertical. The Pick List Report at the top of this page shows the location of 66C1's left end work point to be on " Grid " intersection ' 2 & A ' at an " Elevation " of ' 99-2 '. Since " CGx " is ' 0.0 ' inches and " CGy " is ' 0.0 ' inches and " CGz " is ' 151.2 ' inches, you could find this column's center of gravity by going up 151.2 inches, along the column's work line , from its left-end elevation of 99 feet, 2 inches.
For a lift of one member ( member lift ), the " Type " reported will be ' Beam ' or ' Column ' or ' Vertical Brace ' or ' Horizontal Brace ' or ' Girt ' or ' Purlin ' or ' Joist ' or ' Miscellaneous '.
For a group member lift ( member lift ), the " Type " is ' Group Member '.
For an "Assembly" ( member lift ), the " Type " is ' Assembly '.
For a multi-lift ( multi-lift ), the " Type " is ' Multi-lift '.
For a user-defined lift ( load lift ), the " Type " is ' User defined '.
Pick Radius: The horizontal distance from the center of rotation of the crane to the load hook while the crane is loaded and the load hook is in vertical alignment with pick point " Location ."
Line: Main line or Whip line or Luffing or etc.
This is the line that is used for the lift.
Elevation: The " End elevation " of the member's left end .
Example 66C1 [2]: The Pick List Report at the top of this page shows the " Elevation " of the column whose member number is [2] to be 99-2. If you were to Edit that column, you would see, on its Column Edit window, that its bottom-end " End elevation " is 99-2. The bottom end of a column is its left end.
Example 72B1 [120]: The Pick List Report at the top of this page shows the " Elevation " of the beam whose member number is [120] to be 114.5 ft. If you were to Edit that beam, you would see, on its Beam Edit window, that its left-end " End elevation " is 114-6, which is equivalent to 114.5 ft.
For most members, this is the grid line nearest to a member's left end and perpendicular to the member's work line.
For a sloping or perfectly vertical member, this is the two grid lines that intersect at the member's left-end location.
In order to get " Grid " locations, you need to have "
Erection View Lines " turned on (checked) in Display Options .
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