Add Column Deck Support - Beam ( Modeling ) (a custom component )

Tool summary :

  • Adds decking support material to a column. The material is positioned with reference to the top or bottom flange of a supported beam.
YouTube video: Column Deck Support .
  • The support material can be W, L, C, HSS/TS or WT. The material can be added to any face of the column and set to match the width of the face.
  • The component is a component of the beam that it is added to. The supports are detailed with a column to which the beam is connected.
  • The component includes templates that result in in the output of better detail drawings. These templates are applied whenever the " Detail using template " option is checked in the member's saved detailing settings .
  • The Add Column Deck Support tool can be found in the " Command group " called ' Component ' in Toolbar Configuration in Modeling or in the Ribbon Editor . It is available at no additional cost to SDS2 software users whose support accounts are current. For more information, contact your SDS2 sales representative.

Also see :

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   To add, edit or delete the Column Deck Support - Beam custom component :

  • You can click the Column Deck Support - Beam icon instead of doing steps 2 and 3 of the procedure that follows. The icon can be found in the command group ' Component ' for Toolbar Configuration (classic) or Ribbon Editor (lightning).
  • Preselection method of adding: 1 ) In Modeling , select a beam to add the component to. 2 ) Invoke Add Component . 3 ) On the custom component selection list, choose " Column Deck Support - Beam. " 4 ) The Column Deck Support Beam Edit window opens. Select beam ends with beam-to-column connections, select faces of those columns to attach deck supports to, and enter the material section size, position, welds, etc. that you want, then press " OK ." 5 ) If User and Site Options > Modeling > " Automatically process after modeling operation " is set to ' Process and create solids ', the stiffeners will be generated immediately. If not, the column deck supports will be generated the next time that the column undergoes Process and Create Solids .
  • If you use in-tool selection -- that is, select the beam after launching this tool or after selecting " Column Deck Support - Beam " as the component you want to add -- only beams will be selectable.
  • To edit a Column Deck Support - Beam component , you can double-click one of its materials (to open the Column Deck Support Beam Edit window), or you can open its Beam Edit window and change the settings in the section that is named [ Column Deck Support - Beam ]. The supports will be regenerated automatically when the editing is complete if the appropriate choice has been made to User and Site Options > Modeling > " Automatically process after modeling operations ." The Component Selection Tool can also be used to edit (and find) custom components. Note that the " Selection filter " must be set to ' Default ' or ' All ' or ' Custom Components '' in order for you to use the double-click method of editing.
  • To select a Column Deck Support - Beam custom component: Selecting any material or weld that is part of a custom component selects the entire component when the " Selection filter " is set to ' Default ' or ' All ' or ' Custom Components '.
  • To delete a Column Deck Support - Beam custom component: 1 ) Select the component. 2 ) Press the Delete key (or invoke the Delete tool). 3 ) Process and Create Solids .
  • Another way to delete a Column Deck Support - Beam custom component: 1 ) On the component's Beam Edit window, select " Column Deck Support - Beam " in the left panel (the navigation tree). 2 ) Right-click and choose " Delete " on the menu. The section named [ Column Deck Support - Beam ] disappears. 3 ) Press " OK " to close the window.
  • In the Model Tree , the custom component will be listed under the member as Column Deck Support - Beam when " View By " is set to ' Member piecemark ' or ' Member number '. The Column Deck Support - Beam component will be listed under its beam, after that beam's connection components ( Left End and Right End ), and before that beam's submaterials, welds and bolts.

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   Column Deck Support - Beam custom component settings :

 ------  Graphical ------

Graphical: or .

VIDEO With respect to " Graphical ," all custom components work much the same. This video demonstrates how it works on a Beam Stiffeners - Beam component.

A Column Deck Support - Beam component is automatically set to " Graphical " whenever you make graphical changes to any of the supports -- for example, when you Edit Material or apply the Cut on Plane tool. This stops the component from being changed during Process and Create Solids . Click here for more information.

Instead of allowing the component to be made " Graphical ," you may wish to Explode Component .

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 ------  General settings ------

Column Faces Selection: Face A and/or Face B and/or Face C and/or Face D .You must select at least one face to get deck supports.

face A  face C

' Face B ' is web near side of the column.

' Face A ' is the left flange when you are looking at face B.

' Face C ' is the right flange when you are looking at face B.

' Face D ' is web far side of the column; that is, the reverse of face B.

Match Face Settings: or .

If this box is checked ( ), the same " Section size ," " Grade ," position settings, and weld settings are applied to the column deck supports on every column face selected .

If the box is not checked ( ), options are provided on the Column Deck Support Beam Edit window to set each column face's deck supports independently of those on other column faces.

Member ends: Left or Right or Both . Each setting is available when there is a beam-to-column connection on that end.

' Left ' places column deck supports on the left end of the beam that you selected.

' Right ' places supports at the right end of the beam.

' Both ' creates a single custom component that places supports on both ends of the beam. Selecting that component selects all of its supports and welds on either end of the beam.

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 ------  General Face Settings ------

 ------  Face [A, B, C, or D] Settings ------

Face General Settings

Section size: The column deck support's main material (e.g., ' L2x2x1/8 '). Only materials listed in the local shape file can be specified here.

To enter a section size: You can type in the section size that you want, or you can press the "file cabinet" browse button ( ) and double-click any section that is on the list of available materials in the local shape file . Validation only lets you enter a material that is listed in the local shape file and that is either a wide flange, angle, channel, HSS/TS or W Tee.

Material grade: A36 or A572 or etc . The " Steel grade " of the W, L, C, HSS/TS or WT material that the support is made of.

Setup: If the grade of steel you want is not shown on the list box ( ), you can use Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades and add it to the Wide Flange , Angle , Channel , HSS/TS , or WT Grades list.

Long leg vertical: or . This applies if the " Section Size " if the support is an angle whose legs are of unequal length. Otherwise, this field will be disabled ( grayed out ).

Long leg vert.
Long leg vert.

If this box is checked ( ), the long leg of the angle is aligned vertically, parallel to the column.

If the box is not checked ( ), the long leg of the angle extends horizontally.

Face Position Settings

Beam ref[erence] location: Top of Beam or Bottom of Beam .

" Vertical offset " = ' 0 '

' Top of Beam '
' Bottom of Beam '

' Top of Beam ' positions the support with reference to the top flange of the beam.

' Bottom of Beam ' positions the support with reference to the bottom flange of the beam.

Vertical Offset (+/-): The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) by which the support is offset above (+) or below (+) the " Beam ref location ."

vo = " Vertical offset "

In this example, " Vertical offset " is set to a positive value, and
" Beam ref location " = ' 0 '

Horizontal Offset (+/-): The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) by which the support is offset horizontally. A positive (+) distance offsets the support to the right, relative to the face.

' 0 '
' 1 '

Match length to face width: or .

" Move Web Material "

Match length
Match length

If this box is checked ( ), the length of the support is -- depending on the column face it is placed at -- the flange width or the depth of the column. If " Move Web material to outside " is not checked, and assuming that the " Horizontal Offset " is ' 0 ', the width on a web face is the column depth minus the k distances on either end of the support.

If the box is not checked ( ), the length of the support is the " Length " that you enter. If the face is a web face, and if " Move Web material to outside " is checked, its length will match the face width regardless of the " Length " that you enter or the setting to " Match length to face width ."

Length: The length (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) of the column deck support. This applies if " Match length to face width " is not checked; otherwise, this field will be disabled ( grayed out ). If the face is a web face, and if " Move Web material to outside " is checked, the setting made here is ignored for that face. Instead, the length will match the face width.

Move Web material to outside: or . This applies when the column has flanges; that is, the column material is a WF, S, etc. If the column at an end is a Pipe or a HSS / TS, setting this option does nothing to that column's support material.

Move Web
Move Web

If this box is checked ( ), when the face is a column web, the deck support is moved to the edge of the column flanges. It also sets its length to match the face width.

If the box is not checked ( ), the support is placed at the web of the column.

Extend length (+/-): The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) by which the length that the material of a web face support is extended. This applies when " Move Web material to outside " is checked and when " Match length to face width " is unchecked.

el = " Extended length "

The distance that you enter is equally divided between each end of the support material.

Face Weld Settings

Add weld: or .

' Yes ' instructs Add Column Deck Support - Beam to shop weld the deck supports to the column.

' No ' instructs Add Column Deck Support - Beam to not add welds.

Weld type: Fillet or Square groove or Bevel groove or V groove or Flare bevel groove . This sets the " Weld type " on the Weld Edit window in Modeling as well as the " Weld type " for the weld symbol on the column detail.

symbol name   weld used for...
 fillet General welding of material.
square groove Butt joints.
 bevel groove General full penetration welding of material.
 V groove Butt joints of thicker material.
flare bevel groove For a radiused surface to flat surface.

Weld size: A distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) that indicates depth of preparation, size or strength of the weld. This sets the " Weld size " on the Weld Edit window in Modeling as well as the " Weld size " for the weld symbol on the column detail.

Tail text: blank or a text string . This sets the " Supplementary tail text " on the Weld Edit window in Modeling as well as the " Supplementary tail text " for the weld symbol on the column detail.

This weld symbol's tail text is TYP .

If this field is left ' blank ', a tail is not drawn on the weld symbol.

If a ' text string ' is entered, a tail with that text string as the tail text is drawn on the weld symbol.

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