Add Component Command
- Step-By-Step
- Available Component Combinations
- Related Tools
1 . Invoke Add Component using one (1) of the following methods:
Method 1: Click the Add Component icon, which is pictured above. The icon can be found on the Material page > Dynamic Components section. Proceed to step 2.
Method 2 : Pre-select a member to enable the Members contextual page and click the Add Component icon found in the Materials/Components section. Skip step 2.
Alternative : Invoke Add Component using the Find Tool by searching the command name and clicking the Add Component icon, which is pictured above. Proceed to step 2.
Learn more about alternative methods for launching commands.
2 . Select the one (1) member you want to add the custom component to.
Method 1 : Right-click and select OK from the shortcut menu.
Method 2 : Press the Enter key.
Alternative : You can press the Esc key or right-click and choose " Cancel " on the shortcut menu to cancel the command.
3 . The Component Type Selection window opens. On it you will find the following custom components, and perhaps some others, which you can select. If you preselected a member (step 1d), then the window only lists those custom components that apply to that member type.
3a : Double-click one of the custom components. Go to step 4, if applicable, or skip step 4 and go to step 5.
4 . Skip this step if you already selected a member in step 1b.
4a(if you didn't preselect) :Add Component prompts you to use Select One Item mouse bindings to left-click ( Select ) the one member you want to add the custom component to. This prompting also occurs if more than one member is selected or if a submaterial (rather than a member) is selected.
5 . For most custom components, a custom component window will open, allowing you to specify settings for materials, holes, welds, etc. For some custom components, you may be prompted to enter a reference point first, before the custom component window opens. Also, after you press " OK " to close the custom component window, you may be prompted to locate one or more reference points. It all depends on the custom component you selected in step 3 and the choices you made on the custom component window.
6 . What happens next depends on the choice made to User and Site Options > Modeling > " Automatically process after modeling operation ."
If " Automatically process ... " is set to ' Process and create solids ', each member affected by this operation automatically undergoes Process and Create Solids , resulting in materials, etc. being generated based on the settings that you specified on the custom component window that opened in step 5.
If " Automatically process ... " is set to ' Do nothing ' or ' Process ', the affected member(s) will all be shown in stick form. You will have to Process > Process and Create Solids to make them able to be displayed in a solid form .
- Customers' Classroom: SDS2 Components 101 (YouTube) (
- Component Plugin Defaults ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Plugin Defaults > )
- Copy Component (related tool)
- Move Component (related tool)
- Explode Component (to reduce the component to its constituent materials and welds)
- Component Selection Tool (to search for custom components of a selected type)