Drawing Data ( Drawing Editor > d d )

Tool summary :

  • Opens a window for setting your current drawing's drawing status and more. Read-only information such as drawing size is also shown.
  • Click a hyperlink on the representation of the Drawing Data window shown below to get more detailed information about the window.

Also see :

  • Drawing Editor (where this window is found)
  • Undo ( Drawing Data changes can be undone after this window is closed)

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   To open the Drawing Data window :

To open this window while viewing any type of drawing in the Drawing Editor , use any one (1) of the following methods:

Method 1 : Click the Drawing Data icon. The icon can be taken from the group named ' File ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).

Method 2 : If " Drawing Editor layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose File > Drawing Data .

Method 3, 4 or 5 : Drawing Data can also be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the ' Lightning ' layout style, configuration of the interface is done using Customize Interface .

Method 6 : Open ( Ctrl + o ) and press the " New ... " button to create a new member detail or job standard detail or global standard detail. Note that for a member detail, this window gives you the option to create a " Shorten limit line ."

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------ General ------

Drawing description: Any text string of up to 22 characters. The entry made here appears on the callout on a member detail . It is also the " Description " in line 1 of the member bill of material. For a job/global standard detail, this description appears in a Job Standards Report or a Global Standards Report . This setting is not applicable to submaterial details, erection views, sheets and sheet outlines. In the example below, the " Drawing description " was changed from COLUMN to COLON.

Description in the Drawing Data window :
Description in the detail callout :
Description in the bill editor :

Also see: Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Default Member Descriptions sets the descriptions that are applied to members when they are Added in Modeling . Users can change the default entry in Modeling by editing a member > pressing " Status " > changing the " Member description " on the Member Status Review window. The description is shown on this window (the Drawing Data window) after the member is auto detailed .

Member Status Review: Member description
Status Display: Member status > Member description
Update Attributes: Member description

File description: Any text string (up to 20 characters) that, presumably, describes your current drawing. This description may be applied to job standard details and global standard details .

Tip: This description might, for example, describe the drawing or how it was created or what it is to be used for. The description is printed on a Job Standards Report and Global Standards Report .

Quantity: The count ( 1 or 2 or 3 ...) of members or pieces of submaterial with this piecemark. This quantity is also reported in the callout on a member detail . A setup option is available to allow the quantity to optionally be reported on the submaterial detail callout. Changing the quantity here updates the quantity on a member detail callout and in the bill editor. This does not affect the callout on a submaterial detail.

Quantity in the Drawing Data window :
Member quantity in the detail callout :
Member quantity in the bill editor :

Warning 1: Changing the " Quantity " on this window does not update the 3D model .

Warning 2: The " Quantity " reported here may not be up to date if the detail is not up to date. Process and Create Solids automatically marks members for detailing when their quantity changes. Submaterials are automatically marked for detailing when their quantity changes only if Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Member and Material Piecemarking > the " Submaterial " tab > " Show submaterial quantity on submaterial details " is on (checked).

Report Writer (member detail): PiecemarkDrawing.Quantity
Report Writer (submaterial): MaterialDrawing.Quantity
Advanced Selection (member detail): m.PiecemarkCount

Shorten limit line: or . This applies when you have pressed the " New ... " button to create a member detail . After the new detail is created, this field is disabled . A shorten limit line automatically appears on all automatically detailed member or submaterial details. Shorten limit lines are not Plotted , but only appear on screen.

If this box is checked ( ), a shorten limit line is added to the member detail that you are creating. If you then place section views to the right of this line while the drawing is Unshortened , those views will automatically line up when the drawing is again Shortened .

If the box is not checked ( ), a shorten limit line will not be a part of the member detail.

Report Writer: PiecemarkDrawing.ShortenPointLimitLine

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------ Scale ------

Drawing scale ( Base 10 or Base 12 ): The scale of your current drawing (base 12 or base 10). The drawing is not necessarily plotted at this scale since its printing scale may be changed on the sheet (using " Scale " on the Edit Sheet Item window). If you change the scale entered here, press " OK ," and then open this window again, you will find that the " Length " and " Height " reported under " Actual Drawing Size " has been updated.

Drawing Type Default Scale
member details The " Detail drawing scale " set in General Presentation .
submaterial details " Default submaterial detail scale " in General Presentation .
erection views  Default scale is 0.125 inch = 1 ft imperial, 0.1312 mm = 10 mm metric. " Display scale " can be set for individual erection views in Modeling .
 sheets & sheet outlines  Default scale is 12 = 1 ft imperial; 10 mm = 10 mm metric. This gives the sheets a 1:1 scale -- their actual size.

Note: Default scales are applied during auto detailing . The sizes of labels , piecemarks , section sizes , pointer arrowheads , dimension terminals ( ) and workpoint symbols are independent of the " Drawing scale " and set in Drawing Presentation or on their Drawing Editor edit windows.

(Base 12) indicates that ' Imperial ... ' dimensioning is being used. Enter the number of inches on your current drawing that you want to represent 1 foot in the shop or construction site.

(Base 10) means ' Metric ' dimensioning is being used. Enter the number of millimeters on your current drawing that you want to represent 10 mm on the actual materials.

Example 1: If you are using metric dimensioning, and you want drawings with a scale of 1:100, you would enter ' 0.1 ' here.

Example 2: If you use ' 0.125 ' as your base 12 (imperial) scale and want the exact equivalent to be used for metric drawings, you would enter ' 0.1042 ' here, since (.125 / 12) * 10 = 0.1042.

Report Writer (member detail): PiecemarkDrawing.DrawingScale
Report Writer (submaterial): MaterialDrawing.DrawingScale
Report Writer (erection view): ErectionView.DrawingScale

Report Writer (detail sheet): Detail Sheet.DrawingScale
Report Writer (gather sheet): GatherSheet.DrawingScale
Report Writer (erection sheet): ErectionSheet.DrawingScale

Detail from drawing scale: or . This applies, for example, if you have changed the " Drawing scale " or if you have changed a setup option that would otherwise change the " Drawing scale " during auto detailing. It only applies to member details and is not available (invisible) for other drawing types.

If this box is checked ( ), the currently entered " Drawing scale " will be the scale at which the member detail is regenerated the next time that you Detail Members .

If the box is not checked ( ), the next time that you Detail Members and set " Preserve existing drawing annotations " to ' None ', Detail Members will use the " Default member detail scale " or, if applicable, the " Default member detail scale by nominal size ."

Note: If you Detail Members and set " Preserve existing drawing annotations " to ' User-created ' or ' All ', Detail Members always uses the " Drawing scale " that is set above. The choice made to " Detail from drawing scale " is irrelevant.

Scale labels: or . This applies if you have changed the " Drawing scale ."

If this box is checked ( ), labels and dimension label text are scaled in proportion to the rest of the drawing. Piecemarks and section sizes remain the size that is set at Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentaton .

If the box is not checked ( ), labels and dimension label text on this drawing remain their original size. You might want to keep labels the same size while changing the scale of the rest of the drawing in order to maintain uniformity in the sizes of labels on different drawings that appear on the same sheet.

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------ Detail information ------

Material: The section size of the member or submaterial.

Changing the " Material " changes the " Description " of the member's main material in the bill of material and, consequently, also changes the main material's " Unit Weight " and " Total Weight ."

This also affects the sorting of members in the Sheet Loading Report . It does not affect the appearance or dimensioning of a member.

Member type: The type of member ( Beam or Column or etc.). This affects the sorting of members in the Sheet Loading Report . It does not affect the drawing.

Report Writer: PiecemarkDrawing.DetailTypeDescription

Material length: The length of the material (in the primary dimension distance " Units ") from the farthest point on its left end to the farthest point its right end as measured parallel with the workline of the material. This applies to member details and submaterial details. On member details, this is the total length of the member main material.

Example: For a beam with clip angles on both ends, this distance is measured from the ends of the beam, not from the faces of the clip angles.

Report Writer: Member.OverallLengthDimension (returns this length plus connection material)
Report Writer: Member.OverallWidthDimension (same principle, but returns member width)
Report Writer: Member.OverallDepthDimension (same principle, but returns member depth)

Detail rotation: The number of degrees of rotation ( -180 to 180 ) of the member on the drawing.

Defaults: Member details of beams that are detailed ' Horizontal ' have a " Detail rotation " of ' 0 ' since the beam is represented horizontally on a drawing. Columns that are detailed ' Vertical ' have a " Detail rotation " of ' 90 ' since the column is represented vertically on a drawing. Vertical braces that are detailed " In position " are assigned a " Detail rotation " that matches their slope and/or angle of skew.

Tip: To rotate a detail that has been placed on a sheet, double-click the detail, then change its " Angle of rotation ." Rotating a detail on a sheet does not affect the " Detail rotation " set here.

Extension dimensions: In earlier versions of SDS2 programs, the " Detail rotation " affected measurements obtained by extension dimensions -- but this is no longer true. Now the rotation of extension dimensions is determined by the " Rotation " of the work point whose " Workpoint ID " is assigned to the extension dimension.

Report Writer (member detail): PiecemarkDrawing.MemberRotation
Report Writer (submaterial): MaterialDrawing.MemberRotation
Report Writer (erection view): ErectionDrawing.MemberRotation

Report Writer (detail sheet): Detail Sheet.MemberRotation
Report Writer (gather sheet): GatherSheet.MemberRotation
Report Writer (erection sheet): ErectionSheet.MemberRotation

On sheet: read-only . This applies to drawings that have been added as sheet items to sheets or other drawings.

Drawing type Can be added as sheet items to:
member detail sheet outline or detail/erection/gather sheet
erection view sheet outline or erection view or detail/erection/gather sheet
submaterial detail member detail, erection view, sheet outline or detail/erection/gather sheet

If ' one or more names ' are shown here, they are the names of the sheets or other type of drawing that your current member detail , submaterial detail or erection view has been placed on.

If " None " appears here, your current drawing has not been added as a sheet item to sheets or other drawings.

Status Display: Detailing and processing > On sheet
Hide Items: On sheet
Report Writer (member detail): PiecemarkDrawing.DrawingSheetIndex
Report Writer (submaterial): MaterialDrawing.DrawingSheetIndex
Report Writer (erection view): ErectionView.DrawingSheetIndex

Version: read-only . This tells you the SDS2 program version in which your current drawing was created or last updated.

Note: The version listed here is probably the current version of this program. However, if you copied the drawing from another job using Utilities , an earlier version may be shown.

Member number: read-only .

If a ' number other than zero ' is entered here, then your current drawing is a member detail and that number represents the lowest member number of all the members that have been assigned the same piecemark.

If ' 0 ' (zero) is entered here, your current drawing is not a member detail.

Settings button:


An erection view is auto detailed with " Field welds " turned on and " Show field weld lengths " turned off. The " Settings " button on the Drawing Data window is then used to turn on " Show field weld lengths " for that erection view drawing. The erection view is auto detailed again.

VIDEO The " Settings " button on the Drawing Data window for a drawing can be used to set the Annotations and Dimensioning settings for that drawing.

opens auto detailing settings that are saved with the drawing

Field name
( on the Drawing Data window )
Drawing type Window that " Settings " opens
" Member annotations and dimensions settings: " Detail
Member Annotations and Dimensioning
" Group member annotations and dimensions settings: " Detail
(group member)
Group Member Annotations and Dimensioning
" Submaterial annotations and dimensions settings: " Submaterial Submaterial Annotaitions and Dimensioning
" Erection view detailing settings: " Erection View Detail Erection Views

For example, if your current drawing is a member detail, this field is named " Member annotations and dimensions settings. " If you press the " Settings " button, the Member Annotations and Dimensioning window opens. If you make changes to that window and press " OK " on that window, your changes will be saved with your current drawing. The next time you Detail Members and select that member detail, your " Settings " changes will be used to re-detail that drawing.

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------ Status dates ------

Most of these options require the entry of a date . To enter today's date, double-click; to enter ' **NOT SET** ', type ' 0 ' then press Tab .

Sheet revision: Read-only . This applies to detail sheets , gather sheets and erection sheets . It also applies to any member details or submaterials or erection views that are on those sheets. It tells you the revision (usually a letter or a number) if a sheet revision has been applied or incremented (for example, using Increment Sheet Revisions ). The sheet revision may also be shown on the sheet's revision chart . On a member detail, submaterial detail or erection view drawing, the revision reported shown here may also be shown in delta symbols that are associated with revision clouding .

A revision chart . The sheet revision that would be reported for this example would be B.
A delta symbol (triangle) identifying the sheet revision number. The sheet revision that would be reported for this example would be 1 .

Special label: $REV
Status Report by XXX: Revision level
Report Writer (member detail): PiecemarkDrawing.RevisionLevel
Report Writer (detail sheet): DetailSheet.RevisionLevel

Date of revision: Read-only . This tells you the date that the " Sheet revision " reported above was applied.

Status Report by XXX: Revision level
Report Writer (member detail): PiecemarkDrawing.LatestRevisionDate
Report Writer (detail sheet): DetailSheet.LatestRevisionDate

Last printed: read-only .

' **NOT SET** ' indicates that this drawing has not been output to a printer.

A ' month day year ' reported here indicates the date that this drawing was last output to a printer.

Status Report by XXX (member detail): Last printed
Report Writer (member detail): PiecemarkDrawing.PlottedDate
Report Writer (submaterial): MaterialDrawing.PlottedDate
Report Writer (erection view): ErectionView.PlottedDate

Report Writer (detail sheet): DetailSheet.PlottedDate
Report Writer (gather sheet): GatherSheet.PlottedDate
Report Writer (erection sheet): ErectionSheet.PlottedDate

Detail complete: **NOT SET** or a date (see entering dates ).

' **NOT SET** ' removes the status designation of "Detail complete" from your current member detail, submaterial detail, erection view or sheet, thus allowing you to auto detail the drawing again, or to Save changes to that drawing without having to override the detail complete date.

If a ' date ' is entered, the drawing is masked on the selection window that opens when you Detail Members or Detail Submaterial or Detail Erection Views . If you attempt to auto detail the affected drawing, automatic detailing gives you a warning message instead of regenerating the drawing; however, you can still Detail Current Piecemark but not save. When a user Opens a drawing with a " Detail complete " date, he or she is notified that the date has been set and given the option to clear the date. Users can Save changes made to a drawing designated as complete, but to do so they need to override the detail complete date. Search and Replace in Selected Drawings and Erase Sheet Items From All will not alter this drawing. For a member detail , if the quantity of members depicted on the detail goes to zero, the detail will not be removed from the sheet during the node matching phase of Process and Create Solids . For a submaterial detail that is detail complete or on a detail-complete sheet, the Release Submaterial Marks utility cannot release that submaterial's mark if its quantity goes to zero, nor will the mark be released automatically if " Reuse piecemarks " is checked.

Note: For a detail sheet or gather sheet or erection sheet, this option applies the detail complete flag to the sheet, not to drawings on the sheet. However, when you Exit the sheet or Open a different drawing, you'll get options (" Yes " or " No ") to apply the " Detail complete date " to the drawing items on the sheet.

Hide Items: Detail complete
Update Attributes (select " By Piecemark "): Detail complete date
Status Display: Approval and modeling > Detail complete date (for members)
Status Display: Material status > Material detail complete date
Status Report by XXX: Detail complete

Report Writer (member detail): PiecemarkDrawing.DetailCompleteDate
Report Writer (submaterial): MaterialDrawing.DetailCompleteDate
Report Writer (erection view): ErectionView.DetailCompleteDate

Report Writer (detail sheet): DetailSheet.DetailCompleteDate
Report Writer (gather sheet): GatherSheet.DetailCompleteDate
Report Writer (detail sheet): ErectionSheet.DetailCompleteDate

Sent for approval: **NOT SET** or the month day year (see entering dates ) that this drawing was submitted to be approved.

Update Attributes (select " By Piecemark "): Submitted for approval
Status Display: Approval and modeling > Submitted for approval
Status Report by XXX : Submitted for approval

Report Writer (member detail): PiecemarkDrawing.SentForApprovalDate
Report Writer (submaterial): PiecemarkDrawing.SentForApprovalDate
Report Writer (erection view): ErectionView.SentForApprovalDate

Report Writer (detail sheet): DetailSheet.SentForApprovalDate
Report Writer (gather sheet): GatherSheet.SentForApprovalDate
Report Writer (erection sheet): ErectionSheet.SentForApprovalDate

Received approval: **NOT SET** or the month day year (see entering dates ) when this drawing was returned to you after having been reviewed.

Update Attributes (select " By Piecemark "): Received from approval
Status Display: Approval and modeling > Received from approval
Status Report by XXX : Received from approval

Report Writer (member detail): PiecemarkDrawing.ReceivedApprovalDate
Report Writer (submaterial): MaterialDrawing.ReceivedApprovalDate
Report Writer (erection view): ErectionView.ReceivedApprovalDate

Report Writer (detail sheet): DetailSheet.ReceivedApprovalDate
Report Writer (gather sheet): GatherSheet.ReceivedApprovalDate
Report Writer (erection sheet): ErectionSheet.ReceivedApprovalDate .

Approval status: Approved or Rejected or Revise and resubmit or Approved as noted or Not reviewed .

Update Attributes (select " By Piecemark "): Approval status
Status Display: Approval and modeling > Approval status
Status Report by XXX : Approval status

Report Writer (member detail): PiecemarkDrawing.ApprovalStatus
Report Writer (submaterial): MaterialDrawing.ApprovalStatus
Report Writer (erection view): ErectionView.ApprovalStatus

Report Writer (detail sheet): DetailSheet.ApprovalStatus
Report Writer (gather sheet): GatherSheet.ApprovalStatus
Report Writer (erection sheet): ErectionSheet.ApprovalStatus

In shop: **NOT SET** or the month day year (see entering dates ) that this drawing (probably a member detail ) was sent to the shop (released for fabrication).

Update Attributes (select " By Piecemark "): Released for fabrication
Status Display: Fabrication status > Released
Status Report by XXX : Released for fabrication

Report Writer (member detail): PiecemarkDrawing.ReleasedForFabricationDate
Report Writer (submaterial): MaterialDrawing.ReleasedForFabricationDate
Report Writer (erection view): ErectionView.ReleasedForFabricationDate

Report Writer (detail sheet): DetailSheet.ReleasedForFabricationDate
Report Writer (gather sheet): GatherSheet.ReleasedForFabricationDate
Report Writer (erection sheet): ErectionSheet.ReleasedForFabricationDate

Fabricated: **NOT SET** or the month day year (see entering dates ) that fabrication of the member depicted on this drawing was completed.

Update Attributes (select " By Piecemark "): Fabrication completed
Status Display: Fabrication status > Completed
Status Report by XXX: Fabrication complete

Report Writer (member detail): PiecemarkDrawing.FabricationCompletedDate
Report Writer (submaterial): MaterialDrawing.FabricationCompletedDate
Report Writer (erection view): ErectionView.FabricationCompletedDate

Report Writer (detail sheet): DetailSheet.FabricationCompletedDate
Report Writer (gather sheet): GatherSheet.FabricationCompletedDate
Report Writer (erection sheet): ErectionSheet.FabricationCompletedDate

Actual ship date: **NOT SET** or the month day year (see entering dates ) that the member depicted on the drawing was shipped.

Update Attributes (select " By Piecemark "): Actual ship date
Status Display: Shipping and erection status > S hipping actual
Status Report by XXX: Actually shipped

Report Writer (member detail): PiecemarkDrawing.ShippedDate
Report Writer (submaterial): MaterialDrawing.ShippedDate
Report Writer (erection view): ErectionView.ShippedDate

Report Writer (detail sheet): DetailSheet.ShippedDate
Report Writer (gather sheet): GatherSheet.ShippedDate
Report Writer (erection sheet): ErectionSheet.ShippedDate

Erected: **NOT SET** or the month day year (see entering dates ) that the member depicted on this drawing was incorporated into the structure being built.

Update Attributes (select " By Piecemark "): Erected
Status Display: Shipping and eredtion status > Erected
Status Report by XXX: Erected

Report Writer (member detail): PiecemarkDrawing.ErectedDate
Report Writer (submaterial): MaterialDrawing.ErectedDate
Report Writer (erection view): ErectionView.ErectedDate

Report Writer (detail sheet): DetailSheet.ErectedDate
Report Writer (gather sheet): GatherSheet.ErectedDate
Report Writer (erection sheet): ErectionSheet.ErectedDate

Detail frozen: **NOT SET** or a month day year (see entering dates ). This applies to member details only. You can freeze a member detail only if it is up to date. If the member detail is marked for detailing and also set to ' **NOT SET** ', this option is disabled (grayed out).

If a ' month day year ' is entered, the member detail immediately goes into a read-only state. Also, the member piecemark cannot be renamed using Rename Project Items or Change Marks or Save Change Piecemarks or using Detail Sheet Autoloading . You can add graphics to comment layers while in the detail, but not to any other drawing layers -- and you cannot Shorten or Unshorten the detail. Detail Members will not re-detail this member; however, you can still Detail Current Piecemark but not save. Search and Replace in Selected Drawings and Erase Sheet Items From All will not alter this detail. You can set a member as " Marked for detailing " even if its detail is frozen.

If ' **NOT SET** ' is entered (type in ' 0 ' to do this), the detail immediately becomes editable. Detail Members can be used to update the detail. The piecemark of the detail can be changed.

"Detail frozen" versus "Detail complete": When you set a " Detail complete " date, a user can still override that date and change the member detail. Once a " Detail frozen " date has been set, only comment layers can be changed from within the member detail. The " Detail frozen " date must be cleared before non-comment layers can be change.

A special case: Setting the " Detail frozen " date on a member detail does not stop a sheet item that is placed on that detail from changing when the original drawing that sheet item is linked to is changed. Submaterial details and job standard details can be placed as sheet items on member details. To prevent a sheet item from changing on a member detail, you can Explode the sheet item and thus break its link to the original drawing.

Update Attributes (select " By Piecemark "): Detail frozen date
Status Display: Approval and modeling > Member detail frozen
Setup : Allow detail freeze date override

Also see: Setting a " Model completed " date on a member freezes the member's physical model.

Mark for MRP export: or . This applies to user-created member details. Member details can be created by users using the " New ... " button or Save As or Save Reuse . This option is invisible (not available) for member details that were created using Detail Members and for drawing types such as submaterials and erection views.

If this box is checked ( ), this interactively created member detail will be listed in the files named fabtrol_drawing_list.XSR and fabtrol_drawing_revision_list.XSR when you do a FabTrol Export by ' BOM ' or ' Model '.

If the box is not checked ( ), this member will not be included in the fabtrol_drawing_list.XSR and fabtrol_drawing_revision_list.XSR files that are generated when you do a Fabtrol Export .

Also see: Mark /Unmark for MRP export (a Change Option ).

Override Drawing Editor restriction options: or . This may apply if your current drawing is a member detail or a submaterial detail . This option is disabled (grayed out) for a particular user when permission to " Override drawing editor " is turned off in the Drawing Access .

Drawing Editor restrictions from Dimension Settings setup :
  Lock outline layer   and/or
Lock manual editing of dimension text

If this box is checked ( ), restrictions that may be applied (in Dimension Settings setup) to submaterials and details are temporarily overridden. When these restrictions are overridden you can, for example, move bolts and holes on an outline layer or manually edit " Label text " on the Edit Dimension window. If you close your current drawing and re-open it, the setup restrictions will again be in effect, which means that when you re-open this window you will find that this option is no longer checked.

If the box is not checked ( ), the restrictions to " Lock outline layer " and/or " Lock manual editing of dimension text " will be applied if they are turned on ( ) in Dimension Settings setup.

Also see: " 2D Override " lets you use event logging to track when and by whom and on what drawing " Override Drawing Editor restriction options " has been checked.

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------ Actual drawing size ------

Length: read-only . This tells you the horizontal distance (in the appropriate " Units ") that this drawing, if unrotated, will take up on a sheet. Ignore the distance reported here if you are on a blank drawing.

To change the distance shown here, change the " Drawing scale " (then press " OK " and open this window again) or add objects beyond the outer boundaries of the drawing (if it is not a sheet) or erase graphics from its periphery or Unshorten or Shorten the drawing.

Report Writer: PiecemarkDrawing.DrawingScaleLength

Height: read-only . This tells you the vertical distance (in the appropriate " Units ") that this drawing, if unrotated, will take up on a sheet. Ignore the distance reported here if you are on a blank drawing.

To change the distance shown here, change the " Drawing scale " (then press " OK " and open this window again) or add objects beyond the outer boundaries of the drawing (if it is not a sheet) or erase graphics from its periphery or Unshorten or Shorten the drawing.

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------ Operations ------

Freeze all dimension labels: or . This applies to extension dimensions (one-legged dimensions) as well as to two-legged dimensions.

If this box is checked ( ), the " Label text " of a dimension in your current drawing remains the same when you drag its leg. Also, extension dimensions remain the same when you drag them along with a group of selected objects. If you close your current drawing and Open it again, this box will be not checked.

If the box is not checked ( ), the " Label text " of a dimension is recalculated when you drag its leg. Also, extension dimensions are recalculated when you drag them along with a group of selected objects.

Note: This does not affect Move/Stretch or Copy Objects since those operations do not result in extension dimensions being recalculated.

Also see: " Disallow recalculation " is a similar option that is available on the Edit Dimension window for a single dimension. It is useful for Paste and Add Standard Detail operations.

Report Writer (member detail): PiecemarkDrawing.FreezeAllDimensionLabels
Report Writer (submaterial): MaterialDrawing.FreezeAllDimensionLabels
Report Writer (erection view): ErectionDrawing.FreezeAllDimensionLabels

Report Writer (detail sheet): Detail Sheet.FreezeAllDimensionLabels
Report Writer (gather sheet): GatherSheet.FreezeAllDimensionLabels
Report Writer (erection sheet): ErectionSheet.FreezeAllDimensionLabels

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   To close this window :


"OK" (or the Enter key) applies the changes made on the Drawing Data window (this window) to your current drawing. After you press " OK ," you can still Undo changes made using this window.

"Cancel" closes this window (the Drawing Data window) without saving or applying any changes made to it.

"Reset" undoes all changes made to this window since you first opened it. The window remains open.

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