or member general information settings:

Main material Model complete ( read-only )
Marked for processing ( ) Model complete date
Marked for detailing Type: Auto or Legacy or Restrictive
Node-match job ( read-only ) Lift assignment ( read-only )

beam | column | horizontal brace | vertical brace | joist | girt (legacy) | purlin

Main material: or or . You can click on this " General settings " button to switch it from ' USER ' to ' SYSTEM ' or vice-versa. To make graphical main material regenerated as system main material, click this button so that it says ' SYSTEM ' then press " OK " on the member edit window (so that Create Solids is performed).

indicates the member's main material (its " Section size ") has been made graphical. You can make main material graphical by doing a Cut Layout , Exact Fit , Mitre , Cope , Notch , Cut on Plane , Chamfer or Edit Material on the material. Edit Hole on a system-generated hole in the main material also makes the main material graphical, but Add Hole does not. Create Solids does not alter graphical main material ( exception : Create Solids does match holes and generate bolts through matching holes). On the General Information window for member main material that is graphical, you will find that the material is tagged as " User modified main member material ."

indicates that the member's main material will be regenerated when, for example, you press "OK" to close the member edit window. This means, for example, if the main material has been cut into using Cut Layout , the cut will disappear after your press " OK " (that is, after Create Solids ). On the General Information window for member main material that is not graphical, you will find that the material is tagged as " System generated main member material ."

indicates mixed entries . You can set all members you are editing to ' USER ' or ' SYSTEM ' or keep them mixed.

Warning : USER MAIN MATERIAL -- User modifications could interfere with connection (in the Connection Design Calculations Report or Expanded Connection Design Calculations Report ).

Tip: Altering a member's main material using the " End preparations " options on that member's edit window does not make the main material ' USER ' (graphical). However, performing an equivalent operation on that same main material's edit window (the Rolled Section Material window) does make it graphical.

To change graphical main material to system material outside of the member edit window: Erase the material or Change User Main Material to System , then Process and Create Solids .

Please note: Add Material or Add Hole or Add Bolt do not change main material to graphical (' USER '). Materials, bolts and holes added to main material are preserved through Create Solids regardless of whether the " Main material " is set to ' USER ' or ' SYSTEM '. Also, if a material has connection holes to either ' USER ' or ' SYSTEM ' main material, Create Solids matches holes and generates bolts through matching holes

Status Display: Detailing and processing > Graphically altered members
Report Writer: Member.Conditions.MarkedAsGraphicallyAltered
Advanced Selection: m.MarkedAsGraphicallyAltered
Parametric module: m.MarkedAsGraphicallyAltered

beam | column | horizontal brace | girt (legacy) | purlin  | top

Marked for processing: or or . The term " Process " as it is used here means " Process and Create Solids ." Under most circumstances, this " General settings " button will read ' YES ' only when Create Solids still needs to be performed on the member. The Process part of Process and Create Solids is almost never required because process on the fly automatically performs the Process phases of Process and Create Solids whenever you open a member edit window.

VIDEO When a member is marked for solids creation, its " Marked for process " status indicator reads ' YES ' and is red. The member can only be displayed in stick form.

means this member will automatically be selected the next time you Process and Create Solids or Create Solids for Selected Members . A member is automatically marked for solids creation and potentially additional phases of processing when its settings have been revised and User and Site Options > Modeling > " Automatically process after modeling operation " is set to ' Process ' or ' Do nothing '. To make this read ' NO ' when " Automatically process after modeling operation " is ' Process and create solids ', all you have to do is press the " OK " button on the member edit window. On the other hand, If that option is ' Process ' or ' Do nothing ', you will have to Process and Create Solids to make this read ' NO ' the next time you open this window. Members that are marked for solids creation can only be displayed in stick form .

means the member has undergone all phases of Process and Create Solids and has not since that time been interactively or automatically marked for Process or Create Solids . To make this button to read ' YES ' without first closing this window, click this button.

indicates mixed entries . You can set all members you are editing to ' YES ' or keep them mixed.

Related Topics: When members are automatically marked for Process or marked for Create Solids , Reasons to mark members for processing .
Related Tools: Mark Members for Processing , Mark All Members in View for Processing
Status Display: Detailing and processing > Needs to be processed
Status Display: Detailing and processing > Needs solids created
Hide Items: Process required
Report Writer: Member.LeftEnd.MarkedforProcess

beam | column | horizontal brace | vertical brace | joist | girt (legacy) | purlin  | top

Marked for detailing: or or . You can click this " General settings " button to switch it from ' YES ' to ' NO ' or vice-versa.

means this member will automatically be selected for detailing the next time you Detail Members . All members whose details have not yet been generated or which have been altered in Modeling since the time that their details were generated are automatically marked for detailing.

means that the member has undergone Detail Members and has not been altered in Modeling since that time. or it means that the user has switched this button to ' NO ' to prevent an detail from being detailed again. Another way to make this read ' NO ' is to press the " Detail Member " button on the member edit window.

indicates mixed entries . You can set all members you are editing to ' YES ' or ' NO ' or keep them mixed.

Also see: Click here for an example of the " Detail Member " button from Beam Edit help.
Hide Items: Detail required
Status Display: Detailing and processing > Needs to be detailed
Report Writer: Member.Conditions.Markedfordetail
Advanced Selection: m.MarkedForDetail
Parametric module: m.MarkedForDetail

beam | column | horizontal brace | vertical brace | joist | girt (legacy) | purlin  | top

Node-match job: or ( read-only ). Since process on the fly takes place automatically whenever a member edit window is opened or changes are made to that window, this " General settings " button should always read for single-user situations. However, if you are in a multi-user environment, certain situations may cause this to read .

indicates that this beam, column, brace or etc. has been marked for the node matching phase of Process and Create Solids since the time that you first opened this window. For example, another user might have added a member that connects to this member, or that other user might have deleted a member that this member connects to. Closing this window than reopening it will probably make this line read ' NO ' instead of ' YES '.

indicates that the framing-situation information for this member is up to date. As stated above, this should always read ' NO ' if you are on a stand-alone computer running a single session of Modeling .

beam | column | horizontal brace | vertical brace | joist | girt (legacy) | purlin  | top

Model complete: or or ( read-only ).

indicates that a " Model complete date " has been set (below). This also means that the title of this window is XXX Review (where XXX = Beam or Column or etc.) if you are editing only one member. To change " Model complete " to read ' NO ', enter ' 0 ' to " Model complete date " so that it reads ' **NOT SET** ' then press " OK ."

means that a " Model complete date " has not been set.

indicates mixed entries . This also means that the title of this window is XXX Review since at least one of the members you are editing is set to ' YES '.

Model complete date: **NOT SET** or a month day year (see entering dates ). If you are editing a member (one beam, for example) with other members under the same mark, " Change all " does not affect the " Model complete date " status of any other beams under that mark. This option is disabled ( grayed out ) when " Marked for processing " says .

' **NOT SET** ' removes the designation of " Model complete " from this member (these members if you are editing multiple members), thus allowing the members to be physically altered. Type ' 0 ' to enter ' **NOT SET** ' -- see entering dates .

If a ' month day year ' is entered, the affected member is prevented from being altered during the solids creation phase of Process and Create Solids . If ' Restrictive ' is selected below (or if " Auto " is checked and restrictive is selected in setup) additional restrictions apply to the member, making it virtually impossible to alter the member in any way. If you Copy a model-complete member, the " Model complete date " on the new member is set per the choice made to User and Site Options > Site > Member status items to copy/repeat . On the context menu, " Edit Other " and " Select Other " can only be used to multi-edit those members under a piecemark that are not model complete members. Setting a " Model complete date " on a member also gets you an option to lock framing member ends after you press " OK ." " Copy " and " Save " buttons on member edit windows remain enabled when a member is model complete, and also when its ends are locked.

If event logging for " Operations " for " Members " is turned on ( ), the setting of a " Model complete date " is reported as " Model compete date set " in the " Log " of the affected member. The " Log " reports " Model complete date removed " when the " Model complete date " is changed to ' **NOT SET** '.

End connection failure messages:
Frames to a Model Complete member (beam)
Frames to a Model Complete member (column)
Frames to a Model Complete member (horizontal brace)
Frames to a Model Complete member (vertical brace)
Frames to a Model Complete member (joist)

Status Update: Model completed
Status Display: Approval and modeling > Model complete date
Search: Frames to Model Complete
Status Report by XXX: Model complete
Parametric member module: mem1.DateModelCompleted
Report Writer: Member.DateModelCompleted
Advanced Selection: m.DateModelCompleted
Parametric module: m.DateModelCompleted
Hide Items: Model complete

Type: Auto or Restrictive or Legacy . This " General settings " option applies after you have entered a " Model complete date " to a member.

" Auto " applies the choice made to " Auto model complete type " in Status Control setup. " Auto " applies the selected choice that is made here (' Restrictive ' or ' Legacy ').

' Restrictive ' "freezes" the model complete member, helping to ensure that its member piecemark and submaterial marks and solids model will not change. Process and Create Solids cannot change the member or generate connections to the restrictive-model-complete member. Materials , bolts , welds and holes cannot be added to, copied to, deleted from or changed on the member. The member cannot be erased, moved or deleted. All settings on the member's edit window become read-only ( disabled ), though the " Piecemark " field and " Status " " Properties " " Add View " " Delete View " " Detail Member " and " View detail " buttons remain operational. You can frame new members to a restrictive-model-complete member, but a connection that alters the member cannot be generated. You can make changes to the " Piecemark " field, including Freeze Piecemark . You can change status settings or member custom properties that do not affect piecemarking or detailing. You can do an Exact Fit or Cope on a member that frames to a restrictive-model-complete member, but not on the restrictive-model-complete member itself. Depending on the choice made at Home > Project Settings > Job > Member and Drawing Restrictions > " Prompt to lock ends on restrictive model complete members ," you may get an option to lock framing member ends when you close the member edit window on which you applied the model complete date. If you don't get the option to lock ends, the ends will be automatically locked.

' Legacy ' applies only a single restriction to the affected member. During its Create Solids phases, Process and Create Solids is restricted from regenerating any materials that comprise the affected member. This restriction preserves the solids model in whatever state was in when the " Model complete date " was set. The choice made at Home > Project Settings > Job > Member and Drawing Restrictions > " Prompt to lock ends on legacy model complete members " will apply.

Regardless of the choice made here: If you Copy a model-complete member, the " Model complete date " on the new member will, by default, be set per User and Site Options > Modeling > Member status items to copy/repeat and can be overridden as described here . If event logging for " Operations " for " Members " is turned on ( ), the setting of a " Model complete date " is reported as " Model compete date set " in the " Log " of the affected member. The " Log " reports " Model complete date removed " when the " Model complete date " is changed to ' **NOT SET** '.

Update Attributes: Model complete type
Setup: Home > Project Settings > Job > Member and Drawing Restrictions > " Auto model complete type "
Setup for Legacy: Prompt to lock ends on legacy model complete members
Setup for Restrictive: Prompt to lock ends on restrictive model complete members

beam | column | horizontal brace | vertical brace | joist | girt (legacy) | purlin  | top

Lift assignment ( read-only ): Not assigned or a crane placement name or blank .

' Not assigned ' is the read-only entry shown here if a lift has not been assigned to the member.

' A crane placement name ' is shown here if a particular crane placement with that " Placement name " has been assigned to lift the member.

' Blank ' (no entry shown here) indicates that you are editing multiple members which have different lift assignments.

Status Display: Shipping and erection status > Member lift assignment ( ).
To get a list of lifts assigned to a placement: Managed Lifts ( ).
One way to assign lifts: Assign Member Lifts ( )
Display Options: Cranes , Crane placements .

beam | column | horizontal brace | vertical brace | joist | girt (legacy) | purlin | top