The Edit Properties window ( Modeling & Home )

  • You can open the Edit Properties window only if the " Flavor " that was selected at the time your current Job was created was a modular flavor.
  • For legacy custom properties, the Custom Properties window -- not this window -- is the window that opens. The window is populated with custom properties for members or materials or bolts or holes or welds or your current Job -- click here .
VIDEO Some of the tools that can be used with custom properties, including Status Display , Advanced Selection , Run Report Writer Report . These and other tools can help you integrate custom properties into your work flow. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2018.)

VIDEO In this demonstration, cleaning spec information is applied to members. If the members don't have a cleaning spec entered, then the cleaning spec that is entered in job custom properties applies. The video demonstrates tools and options such as tables , " Report Writer Report ," " Add to member label configuration " and " Add to BOM ", all of which assist in the tracking and reporting of the cleaning spec metadata. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2018.)

Also see :

Data class Path in Report Writer  
current Job CurrentLocation.JobCustomProperties
member Member.CustomProperties
material MemberMaterial.Material.CustomProperties
hole MemberMaterial.Material.SubMaterial.
bolt MemberMaterial.Bolt.CustomProperties >
weld MemberMaterial.Weld.CustomProperties
  • Status Display can color code, mask or isolate members or materials for which custom properties have been entered:
Data class In Status Display , choose:
member Member status > Member custom property
material Material status > Material custom property
# Prints the entry to the member property named 'Painted'.
from member import MemberLocate, MemberProperties
from param import ClearSelection
mem = MemberLocate("Select a member")
mem_prop = MemberProperties(mem)

# Prints the entry to the material property named 'GALV'.
from mtrl_list import MtrlLocate, MtrlProperties
mtrl = MtrlLocate("Select a material", "Single")
mtrl_prop = MtrlProperties(mtrl)

# Prints entries to Job properties named 'Architect', 'EOR'.
from job import JobProperties
job_prop = JobProperties() # no argument, current Job
print("Architect: ", job_prop['Architect'])
print("Engineer: ", job_prop['EOR'])
# Enters "John Doe" to member property "modeled_by".
from member import MemberLocate, MemberPropertySet
from param import ClearSelection
mem1 = MemberLocate("Select a member")
MemberPropertySet(mem1, "modeled_by", "John Doe")
# "modeled_by" must be a member property for this to work

# Enters "True" (  ) to boolean material property "GALV".
from mtrl_list import MtrlLocate, MtrlPropertySet
mtrl = MtrlLocate("Select a material", "Single")
MtrlPropertySet(mtrl, "GALV", "True")
# "GALV" must be a material property for this to work

# Enters "Sparky Silvershoes" to Job property "EOR".
from job import JobPropertySet
JobPropertySet("EOR", "Sparky Silvershoes")
# "EOR" must be a Job property for this to work
  • Advanced Selection can be used to select members, materials, etc. with custom properties:
# Selects members with John Doe entered to "modeled_by".
m.CustomProperties["modeled_by"] == "John Doe"

# Selects members with 1 1/4 entered to "parametric_offset".
m.CustomProperties["parametric_offset"] == 1.25

# Selects materials checked (  ) for "GALV".
mt.CustomProperties["GALV"] == True

To open the Edit Properties window :

Edit Properties for your current Job (shows job custom properties):

In this example of the Edit Properties window, job custom properties are shown under an
" Architect " leaf due to the ' SDS2 Architect ' plugin being ' Active ' at Home > Project Settings > Job > Activate Custom Properties .

Opening Edit Properties for job custom properties:

Method 1 : Home > Project Settings > Job > Job Property Settings .

Edit Properties for members and group members (shows member custom properties):

The Edit Properties window in this example shows member properties which were added to it by activating the ' SDS2Detailer ' plugin at Home > Project Settings > Job > Activate Custom Properties .

VIDEO When you create a new member schema, the resulting custom property entry field immediately becomes accessible here, in Modeling , on the Edit Properties window. In this example, a new member custom property schema whose entry field prompt name is " Painted " is added to the " User Namespace " set of properties. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2018.)

VIDEO Multi-editing members of different types opens the Edit Properties window. In this video, multi-edit is used to simultaneously apply a custom property cleaning spec to beams and a column, and those members are then automatically color coded by Model > Status Display > Member status > Member custom property . (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2018.)

Opening Edit Properties to edit/review custom properties for members:

Method 1 : Edit multiple members (of the same type) or edit one member . Press the " Properties " button at the bottom of any of the following windows: Beam Edit , Column Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Joist Edit , Girt (Legacy) Edit , Purlin Edit , [Legacy] Miscellaneous Member Edit , Stair Edit .

Method 2 : This window opens directly when you do a multi-member edit with different types of members selected. For example, the window opens when you select a group of beams and columns, then right-click ( Menu ) and choose " Edit " on the context menu .

Method 3 : Use Model > Member > Properties to open this window for one or multiple members. The advantage of this method is that it opens this window directly, without your first having to open the member edit window.

Note 1: You cannot assign member custom properties when you first Model > Member > Add a member. The program automatically assigns default custom properties when a new member or group member is added. New custom properties and revised defaults for existing custom properties can be specified for members and group members by using the Edit Schema window that opens when you Home > Project Settings > Job > Custom Properties > Member Properties . Also, member custom property plugins can be turned on and off at Home > Project Settings > Job > Custom Properties > Activate Custom Properties .

Note 2: User and Site Options > Site > " Member/Group member custom property items to copy " lets you set whether or not custom property settings are copied by default when you copy members or group members.

Opening Edit Properties to edit/review member custom properties for group members:

Method 1 : In Modeling , open the Group Member Edit window, then press the " Properties " button on that window. This window -- Edit Properties -- opens.

Method 2 : Use Model > Group Member > Properties to open this window for one or multiple selected group members.

Note: The properties that you set using the above-listed methods for opening this window affect the group member only -- they do not affect submembers.

Edit Properties for materials (shows material custom properties):

This Edit Properties window shows material properties that were added to it by activating the ' SDS2Nuclear ' plugin at Home > Project Settings > Job > Activate Custom Properties .

Opening Edit Properties to edit/review material custom properties:

Method 1 : Do a multi-material edit or edit one material . Press the " Properties " button at the bottom of the General Information window, which can be opened from any of the material edit windows.

Method 2 : Use Model (classic) > Material > Properties to open this window ( Edit Properties ) for one or multiple selected materials.

Note 1: You cannot assign custom properties when you first Add a material. Default settings are assigned. New material custom properties and revised defaults for existing material custom properties can be specified using the Edit Schema window that opens when you Home > Project Settings > Job > Custom Properties > Material Properties . Also, material custom property plugins can be turned on and off at Home > Project Settings > Job > Custom Properties > Activate Custom Properties .

Note 2: User and Site Options > Site > " Material " lets you set whether or not you want material custom property settings to be copied when you copy material. If you choose not to copy the settings, the default material custom property values are used.

Edit Properties for bolts (shows bolt custom peroperties):

Opening the Edit Properties window to edit/review bolt custom properties:

Method 1 : Do a multi-bolt edit or edit one bolt . Press the " Properties " button on the Bolt Edit window.

Method 2 : Use Model > Bolt > Properties to open this window ( Edit Properties ) for one or multiple selected bolts.

Note: You cannot assign custom properties when you first Add a bolt. Default settings are assigned. New bolt custom properties and revised defaults for existing bolt custom properties can be specified using the Edit Schema window that opens when you Home > Project Settings > Job > Custom Properties > Bolt Properties .

Edit Properties for holes (shows hole custom properties):

Opening the Edit Properties window to edit/review hole custom properties:

Method 1 : Do a multi-hole edit or edit one hole . Press the " Properties " button on the Hole Edit window.

Method 2 : Use Model > Hole > Properties to open this window ( Edit Properties ) for one or multiple selected holes.

Note: You cannot assign custom properties when you first Add a hole. Default settings are assigned. New hole custom properties and revised defaults for existing hole custom properties can be specified using the Edit Schema window that opens when you Home > Project Settings > Job > Custom Properties > Hole Properties .

Edit Properties for welds (shows weld custom properties):

Opening the Edit Properties window to edit/review weld custom properties:

Method 1 : Do a multi-weld edit or edit one weld . Press the " Properties " button on the Edit Weld(s) window.

Method 2 : Use Model > Weld > Properties to open this window ( Edit Properties ) for one or multiple selected holes.

Note: You cannot assign custom properties when you first Add a weld. Default settings are assigned. New weld custom properties and revised defaults for existing weld custom properties can be specified using the Edit Schema window that opens when you Home > Project Settings > Job > Custom Properties > Weld Properties .

Custom Properties

Custom properties appear on this window under a " User Namespace " leaf if thay have been added by pressing " Add " on the Add/Edit Schema window. They can also appear under a leaf with a name such as " Detailer " or " Architect " or " XXX " due to the plugin that contains them having been activated at Home > Project Settings > Job > Custom Properties > Activate Custom Properties .

In this " User Namespace " leaf, a " Prompt " of " User comment 1 " or " User comment 2 " or " User comment 3 " was entered for each of the ' String ' " Type " custom property entry fields that is shown.

No custom properties appear on this window if they have not been added to a " User Namespace " leaf using the Add/Edit Schema window, or if their plugin has not been selected at Home > Project Settings > Job > Custom Properties > Activate Custom Properties .

An Edit Properties window that has no leaves containing custom propertties. Notice that the window still has leaves for " Log " and " Notes ."

This window is populated with custom properties under a leaf named " User Namespace " only if the relevent choice from among the following options at Home > Project Settings > Job was used to define one or more custom property schema entries.

Custom property setup options can be found at Home > Project Settings > Job > Custom Properties .

They open the same window -- Edit Schema -- but cause different lists of schema entries to be loaded on that window.

This window is populated with custom properties from a plugin if a plugin of the appropriate " Type " was activated at Home > Project Settings > Job > Custom Properties > Activate Custom Properties or by using the Merge Schema into Current Job utility.

For example, a leaf named " Detailer " might be available on this window if an appropriate choice was made at Home > Project Settings > Job > Activate Custom Properties .


VIDEO The narrator begins by stating that all options in Event Logging Setup were turned on at the time that the Job was created. The video then shows event records found under the " Log " for job custom properties and the " Log " for member custom properties. Legacy custom properties are featured, but the video also applies to modular custom properties. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2015.)

VIDEO This video shows the adding of a material (a bent plate pour stop), the performing of two Cope operations, then Add Holes and Match Holes (using the option to automatically add bolts). The " Logs " for the bent plate material and for one of the bolts are then reviewed to verify that these events were recorded. Legacy custom properties are featured, but the video also applies to modular custom properties. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2015.)

Classes of events that can be logged are Job events , member events , material events , bolt events , weld events , hole events .

Some special cases: Hole events such as the adding, deleting or editing of a hole are recorded to the material log. The deletion or undeletion of members is recorded to the Job log. More special cases are noted in the documentation for the Event Logging Setup window.

The Event Logging Setup window sets what information is logged. That is, it turns event logging on/off for your entire site for specific categories of recordable events.

Once an event has been logged, it stays logged until the event log is cleared using the Delete Event Logging utility. Turning event recording off using Event Logging Setup does not clear a log. To clear a log, you need to use the Delete Event Logging utility.

Events that are logged include the date of the event ( 2015-08-05 ), military time-GMT offset ( 14:08:55-0600 ), SDS2 software version ( 2015.05 ), log-in name of the person who made the change ( dave ), and the event ( Member processed ).

Logged events can be tracked in the report writer:

Data class Path in Report Writer  
current Job CurrentLocation.JobCustomProperties.Log
member Member.CustomProperties.Log
material MemberMaterial.Material.CustomProperties.Log
hole MemberMaterial.Material.SubMaterial.
bolt MemberMaterial.Bolt.CustomProperties.Log
weld MemberMaterial.Weld.CustomProperties.Log

Python scripts can be created to read the member , material or Job event log:

# Prints the event log of the member that the user selects.
from member import MemberLocate, MemberProperties
from param import ClearSelection
mem1 = MemberLocate("Select a member")
mem_log = MemberProperties(mem1)
# Prints the log of the material that the user selects.
from mtrl_list import MtrlLocate, MtrlProperties
mtrl = MtrlLocate("Select a material", "Single")
material_log = MtrlProperties(mtrl)
# Prints the event log of your current Job.
from job import JobProperties
job_log = JobProperties() # no argument, current Job


Type in any notes that you want applied to the item (Job, member, material, hole, bolt, weld) that you are editing.

Press the " Time Stamp " button to automatically stamp the date and time of a note.

Time stamp example:   2007-02-05 14:08:55-0600
  2007-02-05 = the date (year-month-day)
14:08:55 = military time (hour:minutes:seconds)
  -0600 = offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

Notes can be tracked in the report writer:

Data class Path in Report Writer  
current Job CurrentLocation.JobCustomProperties.Notes
member Member.CustomProperties.Notes
material MemberMaterial.Material.CustomProperties.Notes
hole > MemberMaterial.Material.SubMaterial.
bolt MemberMaterial.Bolt.CustomProperties.Notes
weld MemberMaterial.Weld.CustomProperties.Notes

Status Display can color code, mask or isolate members or materials for which notes have been entered:

Data class In Status Display , choose:
member Member status > Member notes
material Material status > Material notes

Python scripts can be created to read notes for the member , material or Job :

# Prints the user notes of the member that the user selects.
from member import MemberLocate, MemberProperties
from param import ClearSelection
mem = MemberLocate("Select a member")
mem_note = MemberProperties(mem)

# Prints the user notes of the material that the user selects.
from mtrl_list import MtrlLocate, MtrlProperties
mtrl = MtrlLocate("Select a material", "Single")
mtrl_note = MtrlProperties(mtrl)

# Prints the user notes of your current Job.
from job import JobProperties
job_note = JobProperties() # no argument, current Job

Python scripts can be created to write notes for the member or material or Job :

# Writes a "Note" for the member that the user selects.
from member import MemberLocate, MemberPropertySet
from param import ClearSelection
mem1 = MemberLocate("Select a member")
MemberPropertySet(mem1, "Notes", "Refer to RFI 32")

# Writes a "Note" for the material that the user selects.
from mtrl_list import MtrlLocate, MtrlPropertySet
mtrl = MtrlLocate("Select a material", "Single")
MtrlPropertySet(mtrl, "Notes", "ABM page-line 14-2")

# Writes a "Note" for the current Job.
from job import JobPropertySet
JobPropertySet("Notes", "Note RFIs 22, 32, 43.")

To close Edit Properties :

"Save" (or the Enter key) closes the Edit Properties window and saves the settings on it to your current Job .

"Cancel" closes this window without saving any changes that you have made.

"Reset" undoes all changes made to settings on this window since you first opened it. The window remains open.