reports/SDS2 folder

  • Report Writer files in the reports/SDS2 folder that is used by your current version of SDS2 are overwritten with each update of the SDS2 software version.
  • In the initial installation, the files in the reports/SDS2 folder exactly match those in the reports folder.
  • If you want to modify one of these reports, you should copy-and-rename it, or you can directly modify the copy in the reports folder -- that way your work will not be overwritten the next time you install a newer version of SDS2 software.

On this page :

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reports/SDS2 files :

Following is a list of files that are found in the reports/SDS2 folder. These files are Report Writer ' FreeFormat ' versions of standard SDS2 reports. Click a link to go to the SDS2 help file for the standard SDS2 report that the clicked-on report emulates.













































These emulate the report that they link to, but " Select " is by ' Piecemarks ':





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reports/SDS2/Checker folder :

7.2 MembersReadyForApproval_by_Selection is a report from members selected in Modeling that informs you whether the members are ready to be set for submission for approval. For the information to be generated, the " Detail checked date ," " Back checked date " and " Final check date " must be set in the " Detailer " custom properties that you get when an appropriate " Flavor " was set at Job creation time.

7.2_CheckedModel_by_Selection is a report from members selected in Modeling . It informs you whether the selected members have had the " Input date " and " Model check date " and name set in the " Detailer " custom properties that you get when an appropriate " Flavor " of custom properties that was set at Job creation time.

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reports/SDS2/Common folder :

The reports in this folder are common to all disciplines -- checkers, engineers, fabricators and erectors.

7.2_MemberQuickReview_by_Selection generates a report from one or multiple members selected in Modeling . It outputs the member number, member type, section size, grade, working point to working point, left and right elevation, plan rotation, actual depth of main material, flange width and flange gage.

7.2_ModelBOMDiffsBetween reports differences between the material in the Model and 2D Bill of Material of the selected member.

7.2_Outstanding_RFI_Report_by_Seletion reports any members selected in Modeling that have the " Outstanding RFI " custom property flag set. This flag may be set when an appropriate " Flavor " of custom properties that was set at Job creation time.

7.2_Pre_Revision_Member_Status_by_Selection reports the following settings for members selected in Modeling : shipping mark, detail sheet name, model checked status, detail complete, checking complete, submitted for approval, received from approval, released for fabrication, shipped to site, and erection status.

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reports/SDS2/EAD folder :







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reports/SDS2/Engineer folder :

7.2_MEMBER_LOAD_INFO_V1_1_by_Selection reports from members selected in Modeling the connection pass or fail condition, the system or user condition, the connection type information, the input loads and their maximums.

7.2_Member_Loads_w_Max_Loads_by_Selection is a variation of the 7.2_MEMBER_LOAD_INFO_V1_1_by_Selection report, with only the load information.

7.2_Members_Submitted_Date_Piecemark_by_Selection generates a report from members selected in Modeling , displaying the date and the piecemark of members that have the " Submitted for approval " status date set. (...No_Select) will cause the report to search all members on the project.

7.2_Model _MemberOnlyApprovalStatus_by_Piecemark or
7.2_Model _MemberOnlyApprovalStatus_by_Selection generates a report of only members that have an approval status set of " Rejected ," " Revise and resubmit " and " Approved as noted ." This will only report the approval status of the 3D member, not the sheet or detail status.

7.2_Model_Detail Sheet_ModelMember_ApprovalStatus_by_Selection or
7.2_Model_Detail Sheet_ModelMember_ApprovalStatus_by_Sheet reports the sheet name, and the sheet's " Approval status ," " Sent for approval " date and the " Received approval " date. Each member on the sheet will have it's member number, " Approval status ," " Submitted for approval " date and the " Received from approval " date reported from the 3D members status settings.

7.2_ModelMemberStatusAndSheetStatus_Not_Approved_only reports the sheet approval status that are not set as ' Approved ' and the model member approval status that are not set as ' Approved '.

7.2_SimpleModelStatus_members_sheet reports the sheet " Approval status " and model member " Approval status " of all selected sheets.

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reports/SDS2/Erector folder :

7.2Erected _SteelByDate_by_Selection generates a piecemark report by date of all the selected members from model with the " Erected " status date set.

7.2Erected _SteelByDate_No_Selection generates a piecemark report by date of all the members in the model with the " Erected " status date set.

7.2Erected_Not_erected_SteelWeight_by_Selection generates a report of tonnage of erected, not erected and total tonnage of the members selected from the model, with a total percentage of erected steel from the selection.

7.2Erected_Not_erected_SteelWeight_by_Selection reports the tonnage of erected, not erected and total tonnage of the members from all the members in the model, with a total percentage of erected steel.

7.2ErectedSteelWeightEntireProject_No_Selection reports the total tonnage of the all the members in the model, including shop bolts, but not field bolts.

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reports/SDS2/Fabricator folder :

7.2_ShipMark_Description_v01_by_Selection reports the shipping mark, quantity, main material section size, main material length and the total weight of the selected members.

7.2_WeightSelectedSteel_by_Selection generates the total weight of selected members, including the shop bolts.

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reports/SDS2/Misc folder :

bolt_pcmk lets you select members to get a bolt count by diameter, length, class (shop or field) and tension control (Yes or No). If the " Use hide " box is checked, you can only select members that have been detailed; if not, you can select any member in the model. Data is from the model.

bom provides similar information to a bill of material, but the data source is the model. You select members to get a report on the sequence, mark, quantity, description, length, unit weight and total weight of their submaterials.

MatchingMembersAcrossZoneSeq tells you the quantity by sequence and by zone of the members you select. If the " Use hide " box is checked (which it is by default), you can only select members that have been detailed; if not, you can select any member in the model. Data is from the model. You may find this to be a useful report when " Break major marks apart by " is set to ' Not Break ' by sequence or zone.

PiecemarksOnErectionView lists piecemarks, the number of members under each of those piecemarks, and the erection views (of those that you selected) on which the members occur.

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reports/SDS2/Other folder :

SheetListSelectByDetailSheetWrapped and
SheetListSelectByErectionSheetWrapped and
SheetListSelectByGatherSheetWrapped emulate the SDS2 Sheet List, Select by Sheet report, but wrap lines to prevent information from being truncated.

SubmaterialSectionSizeList lists submaterial marks of the selected members and reports their description, length, quantity and grade. Data is from the member bill of material.

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